Demon Queened – Chapters 1, part 2 [Fiction] [Gender Bender] [F/F] [Succubus] [Fallen Angel] [Oral]

“My queen? Are you alright?” I asked. I was careful to keep my head bowed, and my eyesight focused on the bed instead of the queen herself. Looking directly at Devilla was a good way to get slapped, and that was when she was just a princess. I didn’t want to imagine what she’d do to me for looking at her now that she was queen.

Or rather, I really wanted to imagine it, and in depth too, but probably not until I was off work. Getting my panties soaked in arousal while on the job was a big no-no for me. Professionalism was important, after all.

My question got a nod from Devilla, but nothing else. Usually she’d spout some nonsense about how great she was, and then maybe threaten to throw me in the dungeon for doubting her. The fact that she just nodded, instead, was actually a little concerning. Whatever happened at the coronation must have taken a lot out of her.

I wished I could offer her some sympathy, but I knew full well that it would just end up being thrown in my face. Again I wouldn’t really mind that, but it would all be over for me if the queen realized I liked that sort of treatment. There was no telling how she’d react if she found out a commoner was getting off to her.

After nodding, the princess went absolutely silent. Standing next to her, my head was still bowed but my eyes were no longer downcast. Actually I was looking right at her, but I was willing to bet she couldn’t tell. Since my eyes were pure black, it was nearly impossible to guess where my pupils were actually focused. Not that it was without risk. Thoughts of the princess feeling my gaze flitted through my mind, as I waited for her to command or dismiss me, and I couldn’t help but shiver in delight at the thought of what she might do. Oops. I hoped she’d mistake it for fear.

The silence dragged on. The princess didn’t seem to care about my shivering and at this point I was more or less staring at her, though I was careful to keep my head bowed so that it looked like I was studying the bed, instead. I was starting to wonder how long I’d be forced to stand there, in silence, when the princess’s frown suddenly morphed into an evil grin. I wasn’t sure what was going through her mind, but I could only hope that whatever plan she’d just concocted wouldn’t involve too many victims. Just me would be fine, though.

I expected her to give me an order after grinning like that, but she didn’t. Instead, she started to frown again, apparently lost in thought. Had she hit a snag? It didn’t seem to last long, because soon she was grinning again.

Grinning, and looking right at me.

“Hey you,” she said. “How would you like to be my personal maid?”

My head snapped up from its bowed position, and I stared at her in shock. I knew that I was asking for trouble, doing that, but I didn’t really care. She’d either slap me for my insubordination, or take back the offer. Maybe both, which would be something of a double win.

She did neither. She just looked at me expectantly, as if she were honestly waiting for me to reply. But how exactly was I supposed to respond to this? In the first place, wasn’t such a position supposed to be filled by members of the upper echelons? Like, the daughter of a general, or at least the granddaughter of a very wealthy merchant. I was just the daughter of a prostitute. Making connections with my family wouldn’t do anything for her!

Wait. Maybe she didn’t know that my family was poor? That seemed likely, actually, considering she didn’t even know my name. She probably just assumed I was someone of some use. Then if I told her the truth, maybe I could get out of it?

I bowed my head, again, and then snuck a glance at Devilla’s face. She was staring at me, still, with a soft smile on her lips. It looked almost gentle, but I wasn’t fooled. She was definitely plotting to hurt me if I didn’t do what she asked.

Well, unfortunately for her, I actually enjoyed that kinda thing.

“I’m just the daughter of a prostitute, my queen,” I explained, keeping my voice soft and respectful. “I’m not worthy of such a position.”

I figured that would be enough to get me out of it. As much as I loved being abused, I didn’t think I’d be able to maintain my composure if I had to deal with it full time. Besides, while it was a joy to be punished, it was even better getting to dish out punishments to the naughty women who came to see me on my off days, during which I worked at my mother’s brothel. While they didn’t pay nearly as much as I got just from working as a maid to the princess, the lust they gave off was as much a part of my diet as the physical food I bought with my pay.

To my surprise, however, Devilla gave me a broad smile and said, “That is of no concern to me. In fact, knowing you come from a common background makes me want you even more.”

Well crap. I wasn’t sure why she wanted someone of common birth, but I didn’t think she had anything good planned. It wasn’t like I could say no, though, when the queen herself was asking me to be her personal maid. My last hope was to get the queen to change her mind. For that, I only had one weapon at my disposal: honesty. Or partial honesty, at least.

“If I worked here full time, I wouldn’t be able to eat,” I told her, speaking slowly, as if explaining myself to a child. I knew that I was being insubordinate, but I’d pretty much accepted that I was going to be punished for this. As long as I didn’t actually get fired, everything was fine. “I’m a succubus, you know. I need to have plenty of sex to survive. That’s why I work as a prostitute on my off days.”

“I see,” Devilla murmured, much to my surprise. From the face she was making, you’d think she was actually considering what I had to say. I had mostly expected her to get mad at me for not agreeing off the bat, and to pull the offer back as “punishment.”

“Then, in that case… Would sex with me be acceptable? We could do it whenever you got hungry.”

“I…” Sleep with her? I didn’t want to sleep with her! For one thing, as far as I knew, the demon queen had absolutely no experience in sex whatsoever. Up until now, she’d always complained that there was nobody worthy of her attention. I didn’t know why she’d suddenly decided a maid was worthy, but she was probably going to be bad in bed. And I couldn’t imagine her being open to tips on the subject, either.

“I’m *really* not worthy,” I said. “You’d definitely be better asking one of the other maids. I can introduce you to a good one? Rackeel’s mother is a wealthy merchant, so I’m sure she’d be a better fit for you.”

“No!” For some reason, Devilla sounded a touch frantic in her response, and it was hard not to raise an eyebrow at it. “I mean… I want you.”

“I’m flattered, your majesty,” I lied, trying not to gnash my teeth in frustration. “Can I think about it? My shift is almost over, and I’m growing quite hungry…”

“In that case, why don’t I feed you myself?” Devilla suggested, tossing off her comforter and standing “Unless that’s a problem, of course?”

Dammit! Why had I said I was hungry? I could have kicked myself. There was no taking it back, though. I couldn’t just tell the queen that I thought she’d be bad in bed, either, so I reluctantly gave her a little curtsy and moved to undress her.

The dress she wore was buttoned in the back. Most demon clothing is built with an eye toward easy removal, especially among us succubi, but this outfit was for the coronation so it prioritized looks over function. That’s why the buttons weren’t just in the back, but were somewhat tiny, and difficult to undo. It took me almost three minutes just to get them all off.

Once that was done, though, it was a simple matter of tugging the top off Devilla’s shoulders, and then pushing the rest down to the floor. Within half a second of the final button being undone, I had a naked queen standing before me.

It wasn’t my first time seeing her naked, of course. I’d helped Devilla undress plenty of times. It was a little different, though, knowing she was naked for *me.* I’d never appreciated just how fat her ass was, for example. It looked like a single slap would cause it to jiggle beautifully, and I had to physically grab hold of my wrist to hold it back.

The front wasn’t half bad either. She had a slender waist, small enough that I could reach around it with a single arm. Her pussy was clean shaven, but you could see a touch of white stubble right above her tight slit. Her breasts were big melons, the sort that would sit heavy on your palm, and her nipples were quite pronounced. They were stiff, too, and judging from how warm the room was I didn’t think it was from the cold. Looking again at her slit I could see a faint glistening, liquid reflecting the room’s torchlight.

“Does my form displease you?” Devilla asked. She sounded somewhat hesitant. “I… I will understand if you do not wish to sleep with me,” she added. She sounded almost nervous. It was… Cute? I’d never thought of the queen as cute before.

“You look gorgeous,” I told her, honestly. “I just can’t believe I’m about to fuck a queen…”

Ah. Maybe I shouldn’t be using such rough language in front of the queen? She was smiling, though, so maybe it was fine? In fact, she was coming toward me for some reason.

“Now it is *my* turn to undress *you*,” she declared, reaching out to gently take my hands with hers.

“I couldn’t ask you to do that,” I protested, trying to pull my hands back. Her grip was light, so it should have been simple. It should have been, but it was like my fingers were caught in an iron vice. I knew the queen was strong, but seriously?

“Please…” Devilla said. “I want to pull my own weight tonight.”

“I… If you wish, my queen,” I replied. I wasn’t entirely sure what to say, honestly. It was just plain weird that the queen was showing consideration for me.

My response made Devilla smile, for some reason, and she immediately circled around me. Was she looking for buttons? She wasn’t going to find any. My dress was backless, for one thing, and not nearly as fancy as her’s besides.

None of that seemed to be a setback for Devilla, though. Since my dress was largely held on by a loop around my neck, she took a hold of it and pulled it gently over my head. That alone was enough to let my dress fall to the floor. I wasn’t wearing a bra beneath, either; just a pair of black panties, which I expected her to go after next. Instead the queen slipped her arms around my chest and grabbed a hold of my breasts.

“Eek!” I squeaked, almost jumping in surprise. My breasts weren’t big like the queen’s – they were maybe just barely a b-cup, more than enough to fill someone’s palms but pretty lacking when compared to the queen’s double Ds. The trade off to that was that my tits were *ridiculously* sensitive. Just having my nipples rub against the fabric of my dress was often enough to make me squirm. Having my breasts groped, like the queen was doing, was enough to make my knees go weak. And then her thumbs moved, ever so gently brushing against my nipples before moving to trace about the inner edge of my areola.

“Does it feel good?” the queen whispered, leaning in to press her breasts against my back. Her lips were less than an inch from my ear, and I could feel her warm breath against my skin. Without warning, she leaned in to ever so gently bite my earlobe, pinching and tugging with her teeth. The little bit of pain, mixed with the pleasure of her fingers, caused an embarrassing noise to slip from between my lips.

The queen laughed, releasing me and stepping back. I turned as well, wanting to be face to face with her so that she couldn’t pull off another surprise attack. The moment I turned to her, though, she casually grabbed me by the waist and lifted me into the air, throwing me down atop her rather large bed. When I tried to sit up, she placed a hand gently on my shoulder. I said gently, but the strength she put in it was inhuman, and she was able to pin me down without any apparent effort.

“Forgive me if I’m a little rusty,” the queen said, crawling into bed atop me. Her thighs squeezed themselves flush against mine, and her face was right above mine. She was leaning down toward me, and I realized with a start that she intended to kiss me.

Her lips, when they reached me, were soft and sweet. Her hair smelled like the flowers that sometimes – rarely – came across the market. As surprising as it was to be kissed by her, it wasn’t at all a bad experience. I was actually starting to relax and lean into it, when my defenses were breached by an unexpected attack. Her tongue had entered my mouth. It teased against the roof of my mouth, sliding across my teeth and teasing itself against my own tongue for a moment, before pulling back.

Then she separated from me, a big grin on her face. I thought she intended to get off me, at first, but instead she pivoted a hundred and eighty degrees. That put her pussy directly above my lips, hanging wet and tantalizing above me. It also put her directly above my own slit.

“Uh – my queen? Are you doing what I think you’re doing?” I asked, hardly able to believe it. Devilla was a talented enough kisser, to my surprise, but going down on someone was an entirely different matter. The taste, and the smell, were both pleasant to me but personal tastes varied wildly and it *could* be a bit overwhelming for a newcomer.

“I am,” Devilla declared. She sounded faintly smug. “Is that a problem?”

“N-no… Not a problem,” I responded, careful with my words. “I’m honored to be your first, actually, but are you really sure you want it to be me? I could just eat *you* out, if you want. That’s more than enough to feed me.” Actually, I didn’t even need sex to feed, just lust. There was plenty of that wafting off the queen. It was so thick in the air I could almost taste it.

“Nonsense,” the queen protested, giving a faint shake of her head. I couldn’t actually see it, from my current angle, but I could feel her hair shifting against my thigh. “I want you to feel good, after all.”

That last part caught me fully off guard. I could only stare at her in shock. And while I was staring silently at her, she made her move. Lowering her head to kiss my slit, she nipped ever so faintly against my inner thigh, before licking the spot and then biting it again. Using one hand to support herself on the bed, she used the other to begin rubbing up and down my thigh. Each rub seemed to take her hand a little closer to my center. I was already wet, but the anticipation of her finally touching me was moving me toward drenched.

*Where the hell did Queen Devilla learn this?* I wondered, too shocked to make my own move. I knew full well she was a virgin, and even succubi didn’t have natural talent like *this.* While I was wondering about that, though, Devilla’s hand grew ever closer to its final destination. Not just her hand, either: her kisses and nips were also climbing up my thigh, and I couldn’t tell whether her hand or lips would reach me first.

It turned out to be a tie. Her fingers touched my outer labia at the same time as her lips reached the other side. From there, both closed in on my inner folds, her teeth ever-so-barely pinching at them, while her fingers moved further in, rubbing at the very edge of my opening. I was sopping wet by that point, more than capable of taking a finger or two, and Devilla moved immediately to slide her forefinger right in. My walls squeezed down on the slender intruder, as if trying to prevent her access, but between her strength and my wetness it was a useless fight. She squirmed her way inside me, right up to the hilt.

Then she moved her thumb. Having expected an attack from her lips, I was completely unprepared for her to make contact with my clit. The way her short trimmed nail gently teased its way into the narrow space between my clitoris and its hood, though, I’d never have thought that this was her first time having sex. She swiftly, expertly, coaxed my clitoris entirely out from under its hood. Then, to my surprise, she pulled her thumb away.

“My q-” I started to ask what she was planning, but froze when her lips sealed themselves around my freshly exposed clit. Sucking softly at the oh-so-sensitive flesh, she made a point of bringing her teeth close enough to bite, even going so far as to let my clit touch her teeth. I shivered a little, thinking she might just nip me, again, and I wasn’t sure if it was fear or anticipation. Regardless, the bite never came. Instead, her tongue darted out to touch my clit, then retracted again. She did this several times, and each touch made me feel like lightning was shooting through my core. There was a heat building in my center, and it was threatening to overwhelm me if she kept it up.

Then her lips parted from my flesh and her thumb took their place, the flat of it teasing my button in a slow circle before ever so barely pressing in. The contact, and the pressure, was enough to elicit a soft moan from my lips. When she removed her thumb completely, though, that turned into a whimper. I was getting close to the edge by that point, so hot that I felt my insides might melt, and I didn’t understand why she was stopping. Was she messing with me? Was this entire thing some twisted form of punishment? What crime had I committed to be so denied? I wanted to ask, to beg her for more, but I couldn’t. Devilla was the queen, after all, and I was just a maid. If this was what she wanted to do to me, there was no stopping it.

I had to bite my lip to stop from whining as Devilla’s finger pulled out of me. I was almost sure this entire thing was just some cruel prank, by that point, but there was nothing I could do about it. The only thing that confused me was the lust I still felt emanating from Devilla. It hadn’t gone down at all; in fact, it was getting stronger by the second.

With Devilla’s own pussy filling my field of vision, I couldn’t see what the queen was up to. I couldn’t see, but I could still feel her hair sliding across my thigh as she moved her head. That was the only warning I had, before her lips sealed themselves upon my sex, and her tongue pushed its way into my opening.

The movement of Devilla’s tongue was hesitant, at first, in a way her other movement’s hadn’t been. She seemed to gain confidence quickly, though, and soon she was taking long languid licks, pushing her tongue in deep. While her fingers had elicited electrifying pleasure from my body, her tongue had its own appeal. It was warm, and soft, and its gentle attention caused the heat inside my body to swell. I was close to cumming, moving faster and faster toward the edge, and all she had to do was keep it up.

It seemed like Devilla wouldn’t be content with just that, though. She drew her tongue back from my pussy and moved again to kiss my clit. Her tongue pressed against it, a long lick that moved up to the hood and then even further, brushing against my sweat-slicked blonde landing strip. Then she lowered her head again, sucking lightly at my clit. I was so preoccupied, I didn’t even notice when her fingers moved to penetrate me once more. Not until she shoved *two* of them inside me.

The sudden entrance, combined with the long kiss to my clit, was enough to send me tumbling over the edge. The world went white as my head slammed back against the bed. I was only distantly aware of my body, and the fact that it was letting out a seemingly endless scream.

When I came back to my senses, Devilla was no longer on top of me. She was sitting on the bed with a smug smile on her lips, and a twinkle of amusement in her eyes. It was only then that I realized I’d completely neglected to return the favor. And now I had missed my chance…

“I-I’m sorry my queen,” I said, starting to sit up.

“For what?” Devilla asked, lifting an eyebrow. She sounded honestly confused.

“For not pleasuring you back?” I reminded her. I expected punishment to follow, once I brought it to her attention, but what I’d done was honestly inexcusable. Failing to bring someone pleasure was a serious thing.

To my surprise, however, the queen shook her head. “That is fine,” she said. “If anything, I should be apologizing to you for pushing myself on you so suddenly. In the end, I never even asked you your name…”

“…It’s Abigail, my queen.” I tried to get up, so that I could at least give some sort of bow, but the queen placed a hand on my thigh to stop me.

“Abigail,” she said, looking at me straight in the eyes. “Would you do me the honor of becoming my personal maid?

For a moment, I wasn’t sure what to say. I’d figured it was a done deal. I’d already submitted to her in bed, more or less, so I expected her to just override any complaints. Instead Queen Devilla was asking me. Just what had gotten into her?

“…If… If you’ll have me.” Maybe it was the delightful sex. Maybe it was the fact that she’d given me a choice. Either way, I honestly felt like there was only one answer I could give her.

It was a definite yes.


Long after Abigail had left for the night, I laid in bed, staring at the ceiling. I’d just had sex for the first time in my life. The first time in *this* life, at least – I’d done it plenty back when I’d been Jacob. It was a little different, without a dick, but I thought I’d done at least a passable job of it. It seemed like it had been enough to make Abigail say yes to my offer, at least.

With that, I had secured a teacher for myself. Someone who could train me in how to cook, clean, and sew. I hoped we could get along… but I wasn’t really expecting it. In fact, I was rather sure she hated me.

After all, regardless of what pleasure I had or hadn’t brought her, Abigail had not touched me even once.

**Author’s Note:** If you’re reading this, it hopefully means that you’ve finished all of chapter 1. I hope you enjoyed? I don’t want to spam, and chapter 2 is about as long, so I’ll post it later. <3
