Step Sister Corruption Part 60 – Day 16 Sexual Wellness (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)

We sat in class waiting for the professor to come and class to start.

Still I was a little miffed as to why we would need to attend a class about sexual wellness but I’m not the one who created the curriculum and sure they had a good reason.

I looked over at the time to notice we had roughly 12 minutes before the class was supposed to start.

We had originally come early because of our NEW items that Summer and I decided to have Kel wear might hinder or make Kel slower in getting to class.

But she surprised me as we walked from the parking lot to the classroom in relative good time. Even though this is my second time walking on this campus.

The building was easy to find and the room was easy to find as well.

Like the auditorium in which we attended for the orientation this classroom was elevated to where we could see the podium where the teacher will speak can be viewed easily. Just smaller than the auditorium.

When we got here there were only a few students sitting around being quiet and playing on their laptops.

Another reason why we got here early so we could sit next to each other or as close to each other as possible. When we got in the room we easily found seats at a single long desk with 4 seats. So Kel sat on one side of me and Summer sat on the other leaving a free seat at the end. We purposely sat at the table next to the wall so Kel could be safe against the wall without anyone seeing her ‘ahem’ unique items hidden on her.

I looked over at Kel to see her eyes were completely unfocused and was beginning to make light sucking sounds on the item lodged in her mouth.

I leaned over to whisper to Summer, “Think we took it too far?”

Summer leaned forward to look at Kel and smiled before whispering back, “Na she’ll be fine.”

Within a couple of minutes more people started filing into the room.

A familiar face walked into the room with other students….Karinna.

She instantly found us and smiled at us and waved.

Summer whispered under her breath, “This bitch!” before she waved kindly at Karinna.

Karinna walked over to us with her infectious smile, “Mind if I sit here with you three?”

Summer looked at me before looking at Karinna, “Knock yourself out.”

Karinna smiled at Summer, “Thanks.”

She leaned over to look at Kel who was completely focused on something else. Karinna gave Kel a blank stare as Kel failed to recognize her.

She leaned over at me, “Is it ok Gabe?”

I smiled and nodded.

She beamed at my approval and sat down next to us.

Summer elbowed me as Karinna’s back was turned so she could put her bag down and failed to notice Summer abusing me as she sat down.

I looked at her rubbing my side and mouthed ‘What the fuck?’

She looked at me but then looked forward as the teacher walked in.

Looks like I’m going to have to speak to Summer about Karinna after class and find out what her problem is.

That will be fun.

Weird that Summer and I aren’t in a real relationship yet she gets jealous like we ARE in a relationship.

Damned if I do damned if I don’t.

When I looked at the teacher I had to refrain from having my jaw hitting the table.

The person who walked in and started writing on the board made me rethink this class and definitely wanted to attend to see if she could teach me anything new.

The creature in question stood roughly 5′ nothing though with her high heels maybe added another 2 or 3 inches. She maybe weighed in the neighborhood of 100 to 105lbs max. She had long curly blonde hair that went to nearly rear level. She had fair skin. And even in her attire I could tell she had the right curves. When she looked at us I noticed her intoxicating hazel eyes behind her thin rimmed glasses.

Though she was definitely older than me probably reaching my mother’s age give or take a year she was definitely my type.

Summer looked at me and saw my goo goo eyes and lightly slapped my leg causing me to flinch. I looked over at her and she mouthed at me ‘I can’t take you anywhere horn dog’.

I mouthed at her ‘you like it’. She just rolled her eyes at me and went back to paying attention to the class. I noticed that Summer had a small smirk on her face.

What the hell? She was ok with me drooling over the teacher but not over Karinna?

Yeah I was definitely going to talk to her after class when Karinna wasn’t around.

For all I know Summer saw Karinna as a threat to her status as her regular man meal. Or she felt inferior to Karinna’s bigger form though not knowing Karinna’s performance I doubt Karinna could hold a candle to Summer’s abilities.

I was just guessing at those reasons.

I turned my attention back to the creature in front of me. I turned on my x-ray vision and tried to imagine her exact measurements.

The teacher wrote on the board ‘Sexual Wellness’ and underneath it ‘Dr. Riley Braxter’.

As she wrote I got nice view of her ass which I noticed barely moved as she wrote up on the board which told me she kept in shape.

With that on the board she put down the marker and turned to face us and began speaking, “Welcome class to Sexual Wellness as I’ve put in the board my name is Dr. Riley Braxter.

As I’m sure most of you taking this class think that you all are probably well versed in sex and probably sexually actively.

I’m not here to call you out if you are or are not sexually active.

The purpose of this class is to help you with college life and keep you in school.

While in my class we will learn about sex in ALL it’s forms.

Let me give a brief history of myself before we go over the syllabus which should be sitting in your edu email so you would be so kind to access your college email you will find a link to this course in your email.”

Guess it’s a good thing I brought my laptop and carried Kelly’s laptop while she did her slut walk to class.

I pulled out Kelly’s laptop and opened it for her.

I looked at her who was still zoned out and was still lightly sucking on the dildo in her mouth.

I lightly shook her and she blinked looking at me with her hazed eyes. I mouthed ‘check your college email’.

She blinked a few times before she started typing.

I pulled out my own laptop.

I had to login to my personal email because I forgot to setup my college email. So I followed all the steps and was able to setup and login to my college account.

I quickly found the email from Dr. Riley Braxter labeled Sexual Wellness. Along with emails from each professor and e-mails labeled with the course name in the subject line of the email.

I opened the email for this class and clicked on the link provided.

I missed most of Dr. Braxter’s introduction but caught the last part of clicking on the link for introduction test.

Really a test? On the first day?

Looks like it’s a questionnaire.

Dr. Braxter spoke, “If you all can fill out the questionnaire while I step out to get something for each of you.”


I clicked on the questionnaire and started filling it out.

I put in my name then entered the course name and which days I was attending.

Then I clicked the following options.

Sex? Male

Age? 18. Only a few more weeks until I’m 19.

Am I sexually actively? Yes.

How many partners have I slept with? Under 10.

Am I a father? No.

At least I hope I’m not a father.

Are you attracted to the opposite sex? Yes.

That was a stupid question.

Are you attracted to the same sex? No.

Not only no but fuck no.

If sexual active have you ever contracted a STD? No.

Thank God I hadn’t. Though with my current sexual activity I should go get myself checked.

Check Mark with sexual acts you have done:

I selected masturbation, cunnlinglus, missionary, doggy style, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, piledriver.

On and on the questions went.

Most were select this or that. Some were multiple options. Likes dislikes. Short answers.

20 minutes later I clicked submit thinking I had probably shared too much and that the questionnaire was a little too invasive.

Plus a lot of the questions made me re-think some stuff about myself.

But I was honest.

I just hope Kelly didn’t mention in her questionnaire that we were fucking. Wouldn’t look good.

While I was filling out the questionnaire Dr. Braxter had returned back into the class and walked around the room setting a box in front of each of us.

I may or may not have leered at the good doctor’s cleavage.

The box she set in front of me was blue and the girl’s were pink.

I looked around and saw that similar boxes were set in front of the other students in similar fashion. Blue for the guys. Pink for the girls.

It was then I noticed that the room was roughly 70/30 ratio. More girls than guys. 8 guys including me and 20 girls.

Plus me looking around got a chance to look at Braxter’s nice ass.

Dr. Braxter spoke, “In front of you you will find a box of goodies. Some you can find on the market some you can’t.

These items will be part of your main focus in the class. You are required to use whichever product you want as part of your project portion of your school work.

You can work in groups or by yourselves. Your choice. If you decide to work in groups please notify me via e-mail so I can approve it and notate it.

All your homework assignments and projects will be either emailed to me or submitted in the system laid out in the syllabus.

Today we will call this a short day. Go home look over the syllabus. Get familiar with the products.

I highly suggest you make plans for all the projects.

And by Wednesday I look forward to your introductions after I read all the questionnaires you all filled out. If you haven’t filled it out please do so before the end of the day.”

With that Dr. Braxter left the class leaving us dumbfounded how short and sweet that was.

The good doctor had spoken for roughly 40 minutes and handed out everything in 10.

We had just spent roughly an hour in a class that was supposed to go for two and a half hours.

