One Rainy Night [MF] [ Fiction]

A fire crackles in the hearth as she stands in front of it. Her clothes are dripping wet and a puddle of water grows around her feet. She watches the flames intently as she warms herself.

Her long brown hair is slicked back soaking wet. It falls to the middle of her back like a wet throw blanket. droplets run down her cheeks as the flames sparkle in her caramel colored eyes. Her full lips are blue from the cold and beginning to chap as she keeps licking them before biting on the lower lip. Goosebumps cover her bare arms as she holds out her hands to the fire to bring life back to her frozen fingers. her blouse, a light pink with floral, clings to her curves selfishly. Her lace bra shows through the thin material as her erect nipples threaten to rip through both layers. Her full length skirt that would normally flow with the wind holds on to her legs tightly adding to her chills. She kicks off her sandals. Her bare feet standing in the puddle of water.

A clap of lightning forces light through the windows for a split second before plunging the room in darkness again leaving only the light of the fire. Seconds later, the walls shake as the sound of thunder overtakes the cottage momentarily drowning out the sound of the rain on the tin roof. Wind howls through the trees and it batters at the walls trying to force its way through.

I’m adding more wood to the fire when the kettle on the stove whistles from the boiling water. As the fire intensifies, her shivering slows. As I walk past her to the kitchen to pour a cup of tea, I’m greeted by the scent of her perfume. A mix of vanilla, fall rain, and wet cotton fills my senses. The smell forever ingrained in me.

I pour the water over the tea in the old porcelain cup and look over as she turns her back to the fire. Her eyes watch me intently as I cross the creaking wood floors with the cup between my two hands. She is saying a thousand thing with only her eyes as I close the distance. She still bites at her lip.

She looks down at the cup for a second as I hand it to her, her hands grasp it for warmth. I grab the blanket from the back of the couch and wrap it around her shoulders. For a moment I have her trapped between the blanket and me. I badly want to pull her into my arms. To warm her with my body, but instead I wrap the blanket tightly around her. My hands work up and down her arms through the blanket. Before she turns back to the fire and takes a sip of her tea. I badly want to wrap my arms around her waist. To tell her all the things that I’ve needed to say, but instead I keep my distance.

She hasn’t said a word since she walked through the door, but she didn’t have to. Maybe it was because I didn’t want to know or maybe it’s because I already knew. Either way, we stood their in silence.

Now that the fire was roaring and she is wrapped up tightly with her tea, I take off my coat and hang it up before pulling off my shoes and my wet socks. I pull off my soaked tee shirt. My skin shows signs of the cold like hers. Even my nipples are painfully hard. She turns and watches me intently as I hang it up to dry. Her eyes aren’t looking in my eyes this time. No, they look lower and I feel more naked than I should as she takes a long look at me. My jeans are difficult to pull off as they stick to my legs in defiance. But soon they are off and I stand there in only my boxers. I pull at them as they cling to me showing off to much of what they shouldn’t. I’m immediately embarrassed when I see she has watched the whole thing. I quickly grab another blanket to cover myself. Not so much because of the exposure to the cold, but from the feeling of being so exposed.


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