[MF] The best makeup sex I ever had


I (32M) bring you a true story from across the Great Firewall of China. It’s not a crazy story in the sense that I’m not cheating on anyone, it’s not a taboo or fetish and it’s not more than two people having sex. However, the circumstances were rather unusual and I didn’t expect to have sex at all that day..

You see I have a rather tumultuous and toxic relationship with my girlfriend (30F). We both have quite a lot of resentment towards each other and it causes frequent fights which can get quite heated. In her own words (vaguely translated from Chinese), “you are unsatisfied with how I behave because I am unsatisfied with how you are!”… Put more plainly, she thinks I am too short, too poor and too ugly (basically the reverse of the ideal Chinese man “高富帅” that Chinese women hope to marry) to match her.

You might think, “why is she even with you if she thinks that?”, that’s a long story I won’t get into here. But why am I okay with somebody who regularly assaults my self-esteem like that? Well, I’m not *okay* with it exactly, hence the frequent fights, but I put up with it because, frankly, she’s *right.* Short (5ft7) and poor are objective facts I cannot deny. I’m not ugly, but I’m definitely not handsome either. Heck, I’m even a bit overweight (164lbs).

In contrast, she’s a genetic unicorn. She’s 30, but could easily pass for 25 or even 20. She’s one of those women other women hate because she is pretty and has near-perfect skin without any makeup, you know the “wake up beautiful” type. In addition, she is tall (5ft6) and slim (110 lbs) and somehow still packs a surprisingly big pair of all-natural tits with the biggest nips I’ve ever seen! At the slightest touch they go so erect it’s unbelievably hot to suck and lick on them. Oh and her bum, maybe a little small by Western ideals, but so cute and perky I can’t resist squeezing them at every opportunity! In short, if she were a few inches taller, she could easily be a model, and indeed, she has had offers to shoot commercials in China in the past.

*tl;dr, we fight a lot because she doesn’t treat me with sufficient respect, but I tolerate it because… well, she’s really, really hot…*

**What Happened**

A few nights ago, we had one of our worst fights yet. I poked the beast by stupidly talking about an ex. She spent the next 3 or 4 hrs ranting about all my insufficiencies before we drifted off to sleep around 4am, fight barely resolved.

In the morning, I got up at 8am as usual, tired and grumpy about the night before. Around 11am, she finally got up, also still angry. It didn’t take much to spark a resumption of the fight from the night before, except this time, it got a bit physical. Not violent mind you, but she’d try to pinch me hard enough to hurt. In response, I tried something I’ve only done once before…

The last time she got a bit physical during a fight, I restrained her harms with a big bear hug and smacked her bum playfully until she calmed down. I emphasize, *playfully*, with the goal of diffusing the tension, not to cause any pain. It worked on that occasion, so I decided to try it again.

Once more, given our weight disparity, it was easy to hold her arms down, push her over the arm of our sofa, and give her cute little tush a few gentle slaps. She was wearing a woolly dress which went down to her knees, so there was plenty of cushioning. After she stopped struggling (she wasn’t *really* struggling), I lifted her dress with the intention to smack her (gently) directly on top of her panties…

But she wasn’t wearing any… and her pussy opening was wet with her lady juice! I wasn’t expecting that! It wasn’t a fake argument we were having. We really were angry with each other and both said some pretty mean things, so sex was pretty far from my mind. Apparently that was not the case for her! And hey, I’m a red-blooded male, if I see a gorgeous woman dripping wet, I don’t need a second invitation.

I picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. We play-wrestled a little, with her pretending (emphasis on *pretend*) to resist whilst I ran my hands up her thighs, underneath her dress and over her bare tits. As we both became increasingly excited and aroused, I laid her flat on her stomach, lifted her dress completely over the top of her head and threw it aside. Now with her completely naked, I ripped off my clothes also and laid on top of her, reaffirming my dominance with my weight on her, not that she was even pretending to resist at this point as I turned her head sideways and kissed her hungrily, moving from her lips to her ears and neck, whilst I reached around and groped her tits and squeezed her big firm nipples. She moaned in appreciation.

I pushed myself upright, sat now on the back of her thighs, her lovely bum exposed to me. I gave them a good massage, pushing ever closer to the opening as she moaned louder. At this point, I’d normally use my fingers, but she is very hygiene-aware when it comes to her sexual health and I hadn’t washed my hands. In any event, lubrication was not an issue long ago, so I moved on to the main event, spread her cheeks and entered from behind.

Wowsers! I was so horny at this stage that it was a struggle not to explode right away! It was a mistake to start with my favourite position, which I believe people call the “flatiron”, so I suggested that she should take over with hers, the “cowgirl”. She eagerly took up my offer as I laid back, held her hands and watched her start to bounce and gyrate on top of me at an ever increasing intensity.

Now normally speaking, I like to be in charge, so girl-on-top positions aren’t particularly hot for me and I rarely cum in those positions, especially if I bend my knees (a particular quirk of my body is that I feel more sexual pleasure if I straighten my legs, anyone else?? lol). On this occasion however, it was like she wasn’t just making love to me, she was *fucking* me, hard. Quite uncharacteristically, she even talked dirty as she rode me. “操死你!操死你!”, she repeatedly yelled in-between screams of pleasure. *(literally translated as “I’m gonna fuck you to death”, but it’s not that violent in Chinese and the context).* Before long my body was writhing with waves of pleasure and I was fighting a losing battle to stop the inevitable. I hope I lasted five minutes… but probably not. lol But wow! It was mind-blowing, one of the best orgasms I’ve ever had.

Feeling a bit guilty that I came so quickly, we rested a few minutes before going at it again. Having just blown my load a little earlier, I was less sensitive now and could go much harder and for much longer. We started with missionary, before she took over with the cowgirl again, this time definitely achieving orgasm as she collapsed, panting and sweating on top of me. I rolled her on her stomach again and took my turn with the flatiron. Not so worried about going off too quickly again, I could go as hard and fast as my aerobic fitness would allow, and she loved it, screaming her appreciation as she came again, my cock rubbing hard against the G-spot, her juices flowing freely.

Panting hard and with my heart struggling to keep up, it was my turn to collapse on top of her in exhaustion (to be fair, it had been at least 20mins!). But I hadn’t cum again, nor had I gone soft. So, she had me lie on side, thrust her epic tits in my face to lick and suck and began to stroke my cock and balls, occasionally licking the latter. (She has a quirk of *not* sucking my cock after it has already penetrated her. I guess she doesn’t like the taste of her own juices). For a relative novice in the handjob/blowjob department, it didn’t take long before I was bent over in pleasure and exploded all over her hands!

Both of us satisfied, we just laid on the bed and stared at the ceiling for a good few minutes before continuing with the day.

**The Aftermath**

It was surreal. One minute we were fighting so bad that she was searching for rail tickets back home to Beijing (she’d been staying with me in Shenzhen), the next minute we were fucking like animals. Even afterwards, I wasn’t entirely sure that the fight was over. Thankfully, it was. We ended up having a lovely afternoon and she even cooked me a delicious beef stew for dinner. Turns out all the reasoned arguments, impassioned persuasion and angry yelling was nowhere near as effective as just fucking our disputes away! lol

I was also left reflecting on how and why physical restraint worked to calm her down, and apparently, turn her on. The first time I did it a few weeks ago, it was almost accidental, and we didn’t have sex afterwards. This time, it worked way better than I could have imagined! Outwardly she is a very confident and almost aggressive person, even to the point that she likes to be in charge when having sex, so it was a bit surprising that she didn’t thrash out in rage when I tried to restrain her and it was like she melted in my arms after a while. Women are weird and wonderful creatures indeed.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kyjg87/mf_the_best_makeup_sex_i_ever_had


  1. I liked this! And I had never heard of the flatiron position- had to google it. It sounds nice!

  2. Bro we are on the same boat. It was like reading something I would post. My gf is a petite Asian with big tits. We fight all the time and I hate her so much at times it’s toxic but man her pussy is tight and pressing her massive tits is the best feeling. Would you care if we shared pictures of our gfs ?. Not kidding.

  3. Well, I live in beijing. Also hiking across the Great Firewall to see this…

    I also mentally translated all your chinese-translated english back into chinese for the authenticity. What a trip.

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