[F]ollowed Pandemic Guidelines, Fucked Her In The Forest With [M]asks On

Back in 2018, soon after I turned thirty-two, my long-term girlfriend and I broke up, and I moved out West to pursue my long-postponed creative dream of being an actor. Isn’t that a little late for those kinds of dreams? Haha, maybe. But for as long as I could remember, I’d always focused on my partner’s dreams: it was always all about what they wanted, and I never seemed to be able to give myself enough attention. So this time I made a concerted effort to stay single and focus on myself and my own needs and dreams.

Unfortunately, that meant that I wasn’t getting laid. Like, at all. I’d never been the hook-up kind of guy, or even much of a casual dater. I guess part of my problem was that I’d always had a lot of anxiety, so if I was going to be sleeping with someone, I really needed to know that I could trust them. So, over the course of two years I made out with two women. Just kissing. Only twice. In two years. That. Was. It.

Fast forward to August 2020, the pandemic has hit the world full force, my dreams and everyone else’s are on hold, and I’d moved back home to live with my family in their trailer to wait it out, or maybe even to figure out some entirely new direction for my life.

Unable to find even minimum wage work, and without even unpaid acting gigs available, I succumbed to the allure of the dating apps. I wasn’t expecting much, given that I really didn’t have much to offer–what with me being unemployed and living with my family in a crowded trailer, but a guy could dream, right?

I’d swipe right on cool, pretty girl after cool, pretty girl: girls who wrote things like, “I have my shit together, you should, too!” and “Homeowner” and “If you live with your parents, don’t even bother”.

After a few weeks of matching with literally not one single woman, on a whim, in a fit of baseless anger, I decided to scrap my honest profile (where I admitted to being unemployed and directionless) and channeled my creative energies into making a completely ridiculous one–portraying myself as a grizzled explorer from the 1800’s, hoping for a partner to split my spoils with fifty-fifty, and looking for a lady who knew how to gut a horse in winter and make it roomy for two.

It was supposed to be a joke–mostly a “fuck you” to the dating apps and a “fuck you” to the world that I felt like was fucking me over, but, to my surprise, I actually started matching with a few women who appreciated my ridiculous persona.

“How’s yer hunt goin?’” asked a pretty blonde girl named Rachel, who had a background in theater and liked adventures.
“Perrrrty good,” I replied. “You a true shot when’s if any gitchagoo’s come janglin’ about?”
There was a long pause, as I waited to see if she was willing to play this silly game with me. Willing to come along for the adventure.
“Any gitchagoo jangles within a mile a’ me, that gitchagoo ain’t janglin’ no more. *spitooeey*”
I smiled. Without talking much more, we decided to chat on the phone the next night, and when we did, somehow she wasn’t completely turned off by my lack of job, lack of direction, and crowded family living situation, despite definitely having her own shit very together.

“This is a crazy time. Sometimes you just need a reset.”

Over the next two weeks, we met up a lot, staying outside, and just enjoying being able to shoot the shit with someone cool and new and interesting. We decided not to hang out inside because of the pandemic. My brother, with whom I was living, worked in a nursing home. Rachel worked a job indoors with several coworkers and interacted with a bunch of strangers during the day. In a way it was nice, because we didn’t feel any pressure to rush into anything, but at the same time, the situation didn’t feel like something that could be maintained long-term.

One night Rachel asked if I was interested in watching a documentary, where we could talk about it over the phone while we both watched from our separate living spaces. The “documentary” turned out to be HUMP Fest, which is a porn film festival put on by Dan Savage. We laughed all the way through one short film where a man got pancake batter squeezed up his ass, then biked across the city wearing only an apron, and then shat the batter out into a frying pan for another couple who then ate the cooked asscakes. The festival also involved some really hot sex scenes with glow paint and black lights, and I could tell by Rachel’s pointed silence that she was as turned on as I was. I took this as a not so subtle cue from her that she wanted to get down and dirty.

Maybe I did need a reset. Maybe it had been two years and that was fucking long enough. Maybe I could try having a little of this sex stuff again.

She asked me point blank a couple days later if I was interested in her as more than a friend. If I’d be interested in doing things with her if it was safe for us to be in a room together.

I said, ‘Yes, definitely.”

She replied with “Cool cool cool cool”

After doing some pandemic sex safety research, where, among other things, I came across a New York City Health Agency pdf that warned residents not to have orgies during the pandemic, I saw that while sex with a new partner wasn’t encouraged, the safest why to do it would be to do it outside. I asked Rachel how she felt about banging it out in nature, in the woods, with masks on, so that we could be as safe as possible, but it could also be really fun and adventurous (she said she liked adventures) and kind of kinky, like HUMP Fest. She sent me a smiley emoji, I felt a shiver of excitement run through my cock, and we set the date for the next Saturday afternoon.

After I’d confirmed our plans, I realized this would be by far the most adventurous sex I’d ever had. With my previous girlfriends I’d only had sex in a bed, besides one night in a car where I was so nervous I lasted about one thrust before busting my load. Was I going to get out there and just freak the fuck out? Did I even know what the hell I was doing anymore? Did I know where the right holes were? What if I said something weird like, “I’m gonna stick my thick branch so far up your squirrel hole!” and she ran away down the trail, never to be seen again?


Trying to ignore the various sex worries lodged in the back of my mind, I hiked with Rachel deep into the sparsely populated pine forest, with the unseasonably warm October afternoon sun pouring through, heating the understory. Eventually, the trail wound out to the ocean, with a beautiful overlook of the placid, sparkling sea. We put our packs down, and I asked her if I could put my arm around her. She smiled and said that while she appreciated me asking, she didn’t need me to ask for her consent for every little thing. *Fuck*, I thought. *Already fucking this up.*

So I reached my arm around her tight body, grabbing her right arm with my hand, and started slowly sliding my hand up and down her bare forearm. At first I wasn’t sure why it felt so fucking good. So fucking….electric. And then I realized this was the first skin-to-skin contact I’d had with anyone in literally six months.

I was already starting to get hard, already starting to leak precum into my boxers, and, of course, already getting paranoid about that precum somehow leaking through my jeans. But it just felt so fucking good. As I kept rubbing her arm, she relaxed her body back into mine, and we just enjoyed the ocean, the sun, and the noises of the warm wind through the pines. Although we hadn’t seen anyone else yet, this was the major look-out-point for the trail, and we were lying down right in the middle of it, so I knew it was only a matter of time before this moment would be spoiled by another hiker.

So I murmured, “I know a more secluded place we could go,” and felt like a fucking badass, even though we had kind of already planned this out.
“For what?” she asked. Looking over at me very innocently.
*Huh?* I thought. *YOU KNOW WHAT! OUTDOOR ADVENTURE SEXY TIMES!* Caught off-guard, I sheepishly replied, “I could give you a massage, or…”
She seemed happy with that, and asked me to lead the way.

My skin screamed a little as we separated to grab our packs, but I tried to assure myself that it would only be a short separation. Right? Were we going to do this, or not? My cock was pulsing at this point, oozing what felt like a river of precum–a river that I felt was snaking its way down my boxers, down the leg of my jeans and would leave a trail of precum behind me like some kind of sexily wounded deer.

Birds were calling to each other through the trees, and all I could think about was that they were trying to have some outdoor sexy times, just like I was. My senses felt heightened as I became aware of the earthy dry dirt smell from the decomposing fallen trunks, the salty tang of the ocean, the fresh pine scent bursting from the trees all around us. I looked over at Rachel and she was just beaming back at me.

Finally, we came to a part of the trail where a large hill on one side obscured everything beyond it. We quickly walked off the trail, up and over the hill, and then a little ways down the sloping side into a cozy little gully, where I unrolled the blanket I’d brought to cover the dead red pine needles that littered the ground.

“That is a small blanket,” Rachel said flatly.
“I’m…sorry,” I said. *FUCK*.
“It’s okay.” And she laid down on the blanket, clearly waiting for me to do the same.
I exhaled, horny, and very nervous, and also very excited, and feeling very much like this was my first time all over again.

Her back was to me as I got down on the admittedly very tiny blanket, so I started by massaging it, slowly, through her shirt, feeling the back of her sports bra, already imagining sliding my hands underneath it, and feeling those luscious breasts.

She stayed quiet, but I could tell she was enjoying herself from the contented, long, slow, breaths she was taking. I savored the feeling of her as her back expanded towards me as she breathed in. I moved to her shoulders, to her neck, and then she turned to face me. I massaged her lovely little belly, and then started inching under her shirt, closer to her breasts. I looked up at her questioningly, and she just smiled and undid her sports bra. Feeling that same electric skin-on-skin feeling, I slid my fingers slowly across her ribs and up until I felt the beautiful, soft, warm, delicious feeling of her breasts and felt another jet of pre-cum ooze out of my now aching and trapped cock. Her nipples were firm, like two little periwinkles perched on top of uncharted territory, and I did my best to explore those precious lands that had just been so graciously unfurled for me. Finally, after thoroughly mapping and circumnavigating those lovely globes, I crept further up, and traced her lovely collarbone, her neck, her ears, and then back down again, lingering on her breasts again, and reaching around, caressing her back, alternately massaging and tickling as I moved my hands slowly lower….and lower….

“Mmmmmmm,” she sighed contentedly.

I made my way under the hem of her pants, and under her panties, and kept sliding my hand lower…..until I felt a beautifully warm sopping wetness that I hadn’t felt in years, and she sucked in a quick gasp of air, and I knew she was every bit as turned on as I was. She was so wet, all I could feel was wetness. Like her pussy was just a gooey semi-solid mysterious mass aching to be formed. Aching to be explored. I used my full hand to play that pussy up and down, feeling the folds, charting its many small tributaries and peninsulas, while I listened to Rachel’s breathing get harder and noticed her opening her legs ever wider.

“Do you have a condom,” she murmured.

Without answering, I slipped my soaked hand out of her lovely pussy puddle and retrieved what she required. I must have stripped myself, but I have no memory of it.
In my memory, I just became naked immediately–my clothes having been magically transported to the forest floor.

Rachel was also now completely naked, lying on the blanket in the mid-afternoon sun under the pines like some kind of goddess of nature: blonde hair shining in the sun, eyes crinkled, smiling at me, nipples hard like compass points, soft tits rising and falling with her breath, her legs deliciously spread, her pretty little pussy glistening and her labia already parted off to the sides, revealing her gooey love cave.

Just as I was about to fall down onto her, some pandemic anxiety returned, and I told her that we should put our masks on, hoping she’d find it kinky, or, at least, responsible.

Masks safely on, all of a sudden I was on top of her, and she thankfully guided me inside her sopping wet hole, because I’m sure it would’ve taken me a little while to line it up.

I was going to try to describe what it felt like in terms of some sort of fitting metaphor, like, it felt like fucking a cloud woven by a thousand loving angels, or, it felt like a hundred gentle sucking tongues wrapped around my cock—but in reality, what it was was already fucking amazing: it felt like I was fucking a beautiful girl, a girl I hadn’t even touched before that day, who I still hadn’t even kissed–it felt like I was fucking a beautiful girl in a beautiful forest, with the sparkling ocean in view below us, with the warm wind rushing through the trees and over our sweaty bare backs, with her whispers and her moans in my ear as I slowly worked my way deeper and deeper into her tight, sopping pussy that was so beautifully hugged around me. It felt like all the anxiety I’d been holding in for months was…just gone with that lovely breeze. Like this was all there was. Without my mask on to catch it, I’m sure I would have drooled all over her beautiful tits, because I was in ever-present ecstasy.

That’s what it felt like.

Once again, in a blink, some kind of magic had taken place, and Rachel was now on top of me riding, which was my favorite position, because I could watch her beautiful body work, and let her find the sweet spots where my cock could rub her just the right way. I saw that she had some pine needles stuck to her beautifully trimmed bush, and for some reason that was so fucking hot.

I let my hands wander around her beautiful body as she rocked: squeezed her plump ass, ran my hands up her muscled back, massaged her tits, used two fingers to rub her throbbing, juicy clit.

Again, I was stunned by the sheer beauty of the scene: of her lovely blonde hair, disheveled and blown by the wind, her smiling eyes, her lovely tits and tight body and ass rocking forward and back on my rock hard cock while flashes of the ocean waved hello to us from between the trees. *This is how people are supposed to fuck,* I thought. *This is how everyone should be fucking.*

A loud noise from Rachel snapped me back, and I felt her pussy tightening around my cock.

“Oh. Ohhhhhh. I’m-”

I knew.

“I’m cummmmmmmmmming.”

She jerked beautifully, spasmodically on my cock, and I could almost feel the waves of pleasure that were riding through her as she sucked in air and bucked and moaned like a wild animal.

After it passed through her, she stayed still for a few seconds, just breathing, until I flipped her over and started fucking her doggy-style, like the beast she’d shown herself to be. She pushed back into me enthusiastically as I rocked into her pussy, firm and steady, but not pounding. I reached a hand around her body to rub her clit while I continued to rock into her, and I felt her front sink into the ground in pleasure.

“Oh, please.” she murmured.

Her freely flowing pussy juices coated my cock, and my fingers rubbed her juices into her clit as she pushed back onto me with more urgency.


She squealed as she collapsed into prone-bone, trapping my hand underneath her, while I still strummed her throbbing clit as best I could and kept rocking into her with my hungry cock, savoring the warmth of her back on my belly. I could really feel her pussy cumming this time: grabbing, squeezing, pulling me deeper into her. I was so fucking close, I was fucking electric, ready to pour my electricity into this beautiful, sexy woman in this beautiful place. I could feel my hot cum getting ready to erupt. I was-

-Then I felt her stop, and I heard something that sounded like the jangling of keys.

“Oh shit!”

Icy fear shot through me as we both realized that it was the sound of tags on the collar of a rapidly approaching dog.

“Charlie Boy!” yelled a nearby woman.

I slid out out of her, almost cumming as my cock pulled past the last sweet folds of her soaked pussy, that’s how fucking close I was. Worst-case scenarios began running through my head: *I’m going to be arrested and charged as a sex offender, and have to go door-to-door for the rest of my life and tell people, and then try to tell them I’m not REALLY a sex offender, just TECHNICALLY, according to “the law”, while they would stand in their doorway frowning, their day very much ruined. Or, this was some ferocious dog-wolf hybrid that had been trained from birth to latch on to unsuspecting people’s genitals, and I’d just live my life as a Ken Doll forever after.* Snapping back to the present, I frantically tried to get a leg through my jeans without falling over and tumbling down the hill, and I watched as Rachel frantically tried to get at least one article of clothing on, too.

“CHARLIE BOY! What are you doing!?”

The collar noise was getting louder and louder, and we could hear the dog panting now. He must have smelled us. Our carefree sexy musk must have brought him to us like a smelly sex beacon. Or maybe he’d heard us. We weren’t being particularly quiet.

Louder now, and I’d just gotten one pant leg on. Rachel, thankfully, had managed to get her bottom on and was working on her top.

Just then, the corgi’s goofy head and poky ears popped up over the hill, and it looked at us, completely bewildered. After just a moment, Charlie Boy turned back, finally hearing his master, and ran back towards the trail, and away from our unsuspecting genitals.

“Such a silly Charlie Boy!”

We finished putting our clothes on and just sat in silence for several minutes.

When we finally realized they weren’t coming back, we both laid back down and started laughing and just gently caressed each other.

“I don’t want get naked again.” Rachel said.
“Totally understandable.”
“But I still want you to cum.”

I wasn’t going to argue with that.

With me on my back on the blanket and Rachel in front of me, she pulled my jeans down again and plucked off the condom, revealing a precum-soaked, throbbing, aching, desperate cock. Placing her legs on my thighs, Rachel started jerking me off with both hands, rocking her hips into me, and it felt just like she was riding me. It was fucking amazing.

“Does it feel-”

Using my ample precum as lube, she slid up and down my shaft, played with my head, reached the other hand to strum my balls.

“Are you going to-”

She worked me tenderly, slowly, but earnestly, and I could feel her pulling it out of me. My cock getting harder and harder and harder, my pre-cum leaking out and coating her already covered hands. I closed my eyes and just let the beautiful sensations overtake me, the relief of not getting caught, the naughtiness of what we were dong, this lovely woman, and this lovely place, letting allllll of the anxiety wash away under her beautiful touch-

“There you go…”
“Ohhhhhhh yesssssssssss…”
Sticky cum erupted out of my aching cock and kept erupting, quickly making a mess of Rachel’s already messy hands.
After a few seconds, Rachel stopped pulling, but-
“No, keep going!”
And she kept tugging on me while I continued to cum harder than I’ve ever fucking cum before.
“Oh. My. God. That was-”

We giggled, cleaned up, and then hiked back out of that beautiful forest. Everything just seemed to be radiating light and warmth. On our way out we saw an older couple making their way in, and I said, “It’s a lovely day for it!”
And they smiled, and Rachel giggled.


I changed a few things to protect the sexy.

Hope you liked it. I certainly did.

Feel free to send me a message if this did something for you! Was fun to go through it all again in my mind! (Things have been pretty slow since then).

I’m into dirty chatting, roleplaying snapping/skyping (no faces) with ladies, so shoot me a message if you’re up for any of that :)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kyqpyc/followed_pandemic_guidelines_fucked_her_in_the


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