My [F] “milk” accident with my first boyfriend [M]

My first boyfriend had tourettes. This made for some really entertaining times and also difficult. He mainly had tics. The amount of drinks and accidental elbows to the ribs I had during our time together was unbelievable.

This guy was my best friends cousin and I would spend alot of time with their family. They were my second family in effect. We would go everywhere together and my best friends mum and boyfriends mum were really close sisters.

So Thursday nights were Mexican nights. We would have tacos and chilli, watch films and play games together. It was great fun. My boyfriends dad had gotten Ace Ventura on DVD and we all really wanted to watch it. His mum and dad were separated but only lived a 5 minute walk away from each other, so my boyfriend suggested we talk a walk down to his dad’s to fetch the DVD. I agreed, happy to have some alone time with him. It felt like we were always in the family group and never on our own. We couldn’t even hug without somebody being there.

We started walking and he had his arm around my shoulders. I wasnt expecting to be outdoors that night so had only worn a pink vest top and jeans. He pulled me close and told me his dad wasn’t home but we only had 5 minutes so would get to have a “quick kiss”.

When we got there he realised that the electrics had tripped and there were no lights working. He put his phone light on and said he was going to quickly get the DVD and get back to his mums. He was taking a long time upstairs so I decided to go up and see if he was Okay. Well he caught me in the dark and started kissing me.

The next thing I know I’m on his dad’s bed and he is ontop of me with his cock in hand using my tits to rub the end of his dick with. He quickly exploded allover my top and we both realised how long we had been. I cleaned up the best I could, cum was difficult to get off my pink vest top and I had no idea what I was going to tell everyone. The best thing I came up with is “he spilt milk down my top”. Needless to say I wasn’t believed and that’s when his family found out we had be doing the dirty.


1 comment

  1. This is a fun confession!! Very sexy lol I love that you had cum on you around the family!

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