I 21[F] cheated on my boyfriend 21[M] of 5 years on NYE and got caught a week later

I just wanna start off by saying I regret how our relationship ended and he didn’t deserve this at all, both of us were completely loyal before this. I flashed a few guys at my job but my BF knew about and encouraged it cause he though it was funny

We started dating when we were 15 and lost our virginities to each other and I didn’t think everything could spiral out of control so quick but it did

A few days before New Year’s Eve my boyfriend actually tested positive for covid, so he couldn’t go to the party we were supposed to go to. I didn’t want to go without him, but he encourage me to go and just have fun with my friends. I already had a dress picked out, so I wore that it was a short tight green dress that showed a lot of my boobs.

This is a short video showing my dress from that night, I’m on the left

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I went out and partied with my friends a lot during our entire relationship, my bf and I had great trust in each other. I am used to ignoring guys, telling them IK not single, using my friends to get me out of situations all that stuff. A guy we’ll call Jim I went to high school with was actually at the party, I had not seen him since high school. Jim is a tall black guy, decent looking and around 6’3. He clearly started hitting the gym after high school because he was absolutely ripped now after being scrawny in high school.

Jim was actually being a great friend the entire night, basically just getting rid of any unwanted attention I was getting from guys. It was great, and I was having a great time with my friends. At midnight things changed quick, once the ball dropped Jim quickly grabbed me and kissed me. I was completely caught off guard but just kinda went with it. A quick kiss was quickly turning into making out, and Jim grabbed my hand and placed it right on his dick while we were making out and holy shit he was huge. My bf was the first and only guy I had been with, he was average about 5 inches and we had great sex.

I was just completely stunned and shocked by what I had my hand on. I was in disbelief. He stopped kissing me and whispered in my ear

“I’ve wanted to fuck the shit out of you since high school”

Things were moving way to quick for me, I just told him No and that I can’t and that he knows I have a bf. He quickly responded by saying

“I know that, you say you can’t but you want to, I can see you’re dripping wet down the side of your leg”

I looked down and realized what he said was true, I was so wet it was running down my leg. He then just grabbed my hand and walked me to a spare room. I didn’t even resist he had me.

We spent the next hour just having the most wild and amazing sex of my life in that room. The size of his dick was just ridiculous but amazing, he was pulling my hair, slapping me, choking me, just dominating me. I was in literal heaven. I had about 6-7 orgasms in that hour alone. We tried so many different sex positions, I was doing WHATEVER he wanted he controlled me.

We finally stopped and while we were both gathering our clothes up, my 3 friends walked in while we were both naked and they knew exactly what went down. Later that night we all talked it over and they said they wouldn’t say anything, but that I should never speak to Jim again.

The next morning Jim texted me, I ignored him the entire day and then he ended up calling me later. I told him I was going to block his number and I never wanted to see him again, I should have hung up there but I didn’t. He just kept flirting, telling me how much I wanted him. He convinced me to let him come over and that there was no way we’d be caught because my bf was locked inside with covid. He came over and we had amazing and wild sex once again, even better than the first time.

That one time thing turned into a daily occurrence and went on for a week. Then one day my bf got a negative covid test and decided to surprise me by visiting unannounced. He walked in on me having sex with Jim. He just stood there and said we’re done, I’ll drop your shit off tomorrow and that was that.

Like I said I feel terrible and regret what I did, I just feel like it would be a good story here

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kxkoza/i_21f_cheated_on_my_boyfriend_21m_of_5_years_on


  1. You were wrong in what you did. But…. I also had a 5year relationship at that age and when I look back i was happy it ended. Single life in that age is amazing.
    Go out into this world and be true to your slutty self.

  2. Appreciate you sharing your story even though you recognize it as a mistake. What do you want to do now that you’re single for the first time since high school?

  3. Great story. Thanks for sharing. Hot!

    Sorry that your bf had to find it that way. But things happen. Enjoy the single life , have fun travel. Clearly, you are itching to explore more before the right ones comes along.

  4. That guy prob has ptsd after that. Anyway, go the non-exclusive route and be urself until you hit that 27-28 range and want to settle down and leave the matrix. And this is coming from a guy in his mid 20s.

  5. There’s a story in here you should read. Someone else who had a very similar experience to you. You may be kindred spirits.

  6. As being the man who had this happen to me while i was out of state working, it sucks to see this happened to another man who was probably smiling on his way over to see you. To each their own I suppose

  7. Who cant resist a BBC? I cant blame you but poor guy must have a shock after seeing your BBC buddy

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