Captive [M+F; BD; roleplay]

She tried the cuffs, it was hopeless. Nicolette was here until she was rescued or released, escape was not an option. She was used to directing, being in charge and she was adapting to this new reality, to endure, to triumph. She was a CEO and finessing a strategy was what she did. Adapt.

They had come to her before, soon after her abduction, after they had imprisoned her. She had dozed on the cot, belongings gone, tethered. “We have you for who-knows-how-long. The leader ordered her face-up in the table. The other two stripped her roughly. Their rough hands lingered, tweaked cheeks, patted buttocks, hands pinioned above her, rag-doll. Pushed and pulled, powerless. Her body betrayed her, moisture apparent to their touch, smeared, nipple arousal despite the hot cell.

Man either side, they lifted her. Wrists cinched above her head to the table legs. Her feet hung over the end at the knee, when the cord cinched to the table legs her legs drew apart, her body an X. She wasn’t afraid, she was strong and resourceful, and they knew she was valuable unharmed. And she knew that, she drew power from it. And part of her fluttered with the manhandling, the force and the leader, passive but observant and directing. On her back, breasts flat and wide, crotch exposed she warmed, neck was free, she gazed out.

The leader circuited her, inspecting, squeezing, stroking. He tasted his finger, slick with her moisture, her body’s disloyalty visible. He stood next to her leg, she could first sense heat and then pressure from the erection in his trousers.

“Bring the trolley” and her composure evaporated seeing the trolley drawn up beside her head as the veil was withdrawn. Fuck, there were implements, some monstrous, some shiny, she clenched her tummy, get a better look but gave up and lay back. “Begin” the leader ordered, she already missed the firm presence on her leg. “What’s wrong with me?” she thought.

The two men returned stripped down, lean, semi aroused, bodies shiny in a fragrant oil, musty in her senses. Their hands tested her bonds before one firmly traced around her labia, massaging her upper thighs. The other lowered his head to her breast, grasping the other and gently twisting the nipple.

Down below she heard the squelch and a lubed finger circled and then gently entered her rosebud. He reached to the trolley and showed her the stainless-steel vibrating butt-plug, the remote in is slick fingers.

The nipple tugging was intensifying, and her crotch craved the sensation, the ache. More squelch and the cool plug slipped deeply into her ass. The remote was tested, and she shivered.

She noted both men oozed pre-come from rampant erections onto the concrete floor as they ministered to her. Him below drew over a stool and disappeared from her view as she felt his breath on her now-needy vulva, wet. He lowered his mouth over her, drawing his tongue from her taint, plug below, upward outside her labia, skirting the visible clitoris nestled in the upper folds. She bucked to get him on her, he pressed the remote in return, deep vibrations detracting from the clitoral stimulation. “Soon…” inserting his tongue at the base of Nicolette’s vagina opening, his nose deliciously nudging around the hood as he licked around the opening, left-side, right-side, same stimulation to her clitoris. Whenever she approached the climb, her ass buzzed resulting in a screaming need. She resisted pleading. Every sense was becoming needy, urgent, her moans now a stream and involuntary. Over and over. The two men withdrew.

The leader returned, removed the stool, and began to disrobe. His bulk was sculpted, and his thick phallus hung low, full scrotum heavy. She couldn’t look away. He lay his hand on her breast, saliva smeared. “You want this?” he visible hardened, engorging before her, because of her. She limply nodded; the arousal almost too sensitive. He turned on the butt-plug, low rumble beneath and she welcomed the residual shivering her sensitive vulva. He had become huge and her first uncertainty emerged. Could she do this? Was she nuts?

His hands pulled her thighs down the table, her arms tight above her, her arse closer to the edge. He slicked his head on her exposed dripping labia, probed her entrance. And push, she winced the cock went in, first an inch, then out, then two, then out. The rhythm sucked in and pushed deep in her belly. Three, and out, five, and out, seven, and out then all the way. She felt a tickle all around her abdomen, fullness triggered then the rhythm had him stroke out. His moans matched hers. The out stroke left her empty, the in-stroke, impossibly full, labia sawing back and forth.

She took her cues from his groans, in and out, in and out. He had taken to stopping at the depth of the in-stroke, grinding her clit with his fingers between her pubic bone and his hard abs.

She bore down, failing to stifle the first little orgasm, legs pulling the ties. The leader doubled the pace, she riding the climax up, the pace almost too swift for the man’s scale. She yelped again, the pace didn’t slow, and roared as another came before the last subsided. She squeezed her eyes shut as she hit another, pace unabated. Delicious elongated time. “Yes, now” she said, her first words. The leader pulled out and stepped to her.

She panted, the leader cradling her head in his massive arms, her bonds removed by the other men, body cleansed with warm flannels and water from a basin. Legs sheathed with light cotton pants, matching robe across her shoulders. They lifted her to the cot, rubbing the cord marks. No longer tethered.

She lay, smiling as the lights were turned up. A pretty lady in a lab coat entered “Everything OK? Anything I can get?”

“Next time I need another two hours. That was very good.”

“I’ll mark your file, ma’am, shouldn’t be a problem”

When Nicolette left the facility, she looked at the small bruise in her wrist. Going to need some concealer on that for the board room tomorrow.

