My Best Friend Part 29 (fiction, plot, love, cons, friends)

God do I hate this medication. Always leaves a horrible taste in my mouth. I’ll be glad to be where we’re headed so I can at least brush my teeth or at the very least use some mouth wash. But at least the medication does its job and knocks me out or just drugs me to where I don’t care not too sure which it is.

I just recently got off a plane and have been driven to a location thanks to Jeanette’s sister’s hook up. I had to take my medicine to keep me calm on the flight over here.

Normally I’m not claustrophobic or afraid of flying. You can put me in a crowded mall, stadium, or anywhere where it is completely packed with people and you wouldn’t get a twitch out of me. You put me on an airplane that is nearly empty or half full and I could care less. Hell I’ll even sleep to our destination. But you put in me in a super packed airplane and bad things happen, it’s just safer to medicate me and knock me out for the general public. Only problem with the stuff is it leaves a horrible taste in my mouth that I have never to pin point what to compare it to. As long as it works and keeps me from being a menace on a packed airline the more power to it.

I just sighed wiping the thought out of my head and just simply turned my attention to the sun setting. No matter how many times I see the sun set the colors that follow making the sky go from day to night I have always thought were relaxing and soothing. Always thought that when I was little and now that I’m 18 that thought hasn’t changed.

Before I could continue thinking about how much I like sunsets and the colors, the taxi van stopped at a huge place and the driver turned to face us in a heavy accent said, “Here we are boss. That’ll be 7 U.S. Dollars.”

All of us check ourselves for our money holding devices. Me, my buddy Ray, and Moira’s current squeeze searched for our wallets. The girls, Amanda, Jeanette, and Moira looked through their purses. Fortunately I seemed to be the winner in pulling my wallet out first, I pulled out a $10 handing the currency to the driver and simply stating “Keep the change.” He only replied in some multi syllable in what I imagine is the language he grew up learning first before adding English to his tongue. I imagined it was ‘thank you’ or ‘you’re so kind’ or something along those lines.

We filed out of the van and Ray and I grabbed all the luggage from the van representing our accumulated luggage. I grunted as I grabbed the three duffle bags and two suitcases while Ray grabbed the remanding three duffle bags and two huge suitcases representing our five’s luggage. Just as I was beginning to walk towards the building the remaining part of group represented in two more van full pulled up. I watched as Sara, the twins, three other girls I barely know, and four other boys filed out of the vans grabbing their luggage before walking towards us.

I heard Sara speak as she approached us with her luggage draped over her shoulder, “Is this the place?”

I shrugged and grunted under the weight, “Only way to find out is walk in.”

She smiled at me, “Alright.”

Ray just looked at me, winked at me and spoke, “Did you hit that?”

Ray is my closest friend and has been since we were in kindergarten. Ray and I pretty much grew up together along with Amanda and Jeanette. Last I saw Ray up until this point was him telling me he was moving with his parents just after our middle school ended before I went off for my Europe trip. Ray moved to Miami with his parents, even though he moved we still stayed in touch calling each other at least every weekend checking up on each other. Naturally I kept him up to date on everything that has been happening with me, and naturally at first he called ‘bullshit’ on me. Over time he keeps telling me I’m luckiest man ever to walk the earth. Just recently Ray was planning on moving back to our town just before his senior year. Naturally it made me happy, but high school changed us both. I became the introvert jock and he became what Moira has told me looks like a tanned god.

Funny he left a skinny pasty white kid and came back a buff tanned god. What people don’t know about my closest friend is that he is a genius with computers and makes most teenagers using a computer looks a infant trying to figure out how to walk. Of course soon as he moved back he instantly gained the attention of my cousin Moira.

I laughed at Ray’s remark and just simply nodded.

Ray laughed his normal throaty laugh and replied, “You lucky son of a…” with that he grunted picking his share of the luggage and followed the group of people entering the place. I smiled at my friend and followed suit.
I entered the building and didn’t make it far before I dropped my jaw and the luggage at the sight before me. The place was effing huge. The entry way opened towards the main common room. At the entry room if you look left or right was the hallways that led to the rooms. I left the baggage right where it was and walked down into the common room. I saw off onto the right was a kitchen any cook would demand to have in his personal house even I had to admit it looked gorgeous. The tops of everything looked to be some type of stone work. All the appliances in the kitchen looked like it was barely a year old, maybe two at the most. I walked over to the fridge and opened it…completely bare. I opened all the cabinets and found all the pots, pans, and your normal cookware. I made a mental note that we will have to go grocery shopping after we get settled in.

I walked into the common room or living room. It was massive. Fuck you could fit maybe one and three quarters of my own living room place into this room and my place isn’t small. I looked around and saw all the decor of the room. I saw all the furniture that looked like it had wicker worked into the arms of the sofas and chairs. There was a fairly big screen TV hanging from the wall. The fan hanging from the domed ceiling looked like it should belong on a helicopter prop or something. There was a foosball table in the corner of the room with a billiards table just before the opening to the back yard.

The backyard scenery was magnificent. You walk out onto a patio that was converted into a dining area so one could enjoy the open air to eat. The edges have drop downs that could cover the area very easily for those buggy nights. Once past the patio you see a nice pool area and spa where the spa is connected to the pool and the only separating the two is brick standing out of the water by mere inches. The pool continues what looks like into the horizon and drops off. I walked to that point and saw that the pool didn’t actually go entire to the end but just short. Beyond that was just hill going down and looked like it was a good quarter mile before our next neighbor down.

I turned around and was greeted to the four mirror room openings to the back yard. It seemed each room had access to the background and from the looks of it it had eight rooms four on each side surrounding the back yard. I walked around looking at room thinking this place is massive.

Some time back Jeanette’s sister, Jenna, offered us a chance to stay at a production house’s holding that she has a standing contract with for nearly free. There was some catches to the offer. First catch was that the place had been installed cameras where all footage was backed up to a server that the production house had access to. Second the property was on a place where it was a fenced community…a fenced nudist community. Seems the production house lets their stars use the place at their discretion and if there is enough sex happening they slap it onto a DVD and sell it to the public. If there are no takers the offer the place up to the public looking to use. Only thing is the offer is we had to basically sign away all rights stating if we have sex on the property and are caught on camera they are allowed to use it in future sells. The other part of our agreement was that once we got settled in we would have to stay naked the entire time.

I thought the offer was too good to be true until I saw that little clause. The other part of the deal in order for it to be nearly free is we had to fill the place of eight rooms and everyone had to sign the documents stating that if they have sex they were allowed to use the footage. So as soon as I told the girls if they find enough girls and guys to agree those I will too. Stupid me. When will I ever learn if I let them they will set their minds to accomplishing what they set out to do?

They took that as a challenge and went to work find people who would fill the rooms. They already knew Amanda, Jeanette, and I would take up one room. But the rest they needed one girl and one guy to fill the remaining rooms.
They knew that they needed girls and guys to basically be single currently. Ones who were sexually open and didn’t care if other people saw them naked. Mainly they needed ones that would agree to the terms the production house set out.

First they recruited my cousin Moira.

Then they found Paula. Paula was our age. She stood about 5’2”, blonde hair with black under tones. She weighed about 110lbs soaking wet. She was gifted with a C cup bosom and had the curves to match. I don’t know much about the girl. All I know it took some time to convince the girl to agree.

Then they recruited Sara.

Then they got the twins Abby and Geri to agree. More like they were jumping up and down at the chance.

Then they got Maggie to agree. Maggie was this little quiet thing that everyone basically passed over and didn’t give a second glance. Maggie was about 5’5”, 120lbs, black hair, and green eyes. Anything beyond a basic description of the girl I couldn’t give you. I wouldn’t know what she looked naked or her measurements. How they got her to agree was beyond me.

Then once they got all the girls together to decide which guys should go. They decided not only should the guys be single but ones that were cute and each girl threw in names to see who would agree to those terms. Knowing what my girls normally do, which is doing stuff that goes WAY out of my comfort zone on a constant basis, I’m sure there were more qualifications that the guys must have but I’m sure those three things the guys must meet.

Once Moira got wind that my best friend Ray was moving back to down, she begged me to get him to agree. Once I called him and told him what was going on all he did was laugh his ass off and agreed after he caught his breath. Then once I let the girls know that Ray had agreed, Moira demanded that he was her bunk mate for the trip. I’m sure she made some rude gesture or told the girls she would beat them up but basically she made her claim to him. I watched the scene and nearly was rolling on the floor as the girls just eyed Moira hesitantly before they agreed that Ray was Moira’s itch curer.

One guy down only needed five more guys.

Only problem with their search in finding guys that met their criteria was going to talk to them. You would think five sexually attractive girls would be able to speak to guys they thought were cute…nope. They fumbled worse than guys trying to ask out their crush. Sometimes I wondered how I got Amanda seeing these girls try to talk these guys they were attracted to, and then watch the guys equally clam up. If it weren’t comical it was painful to watch. Jeanette took pity on the mumbling buffoons and made me go talk to each guy for them.
Great! Now not only were both sides equally trying to find their words because their genitals took up too much blood to form a cognitive thought I was put in the awkward position to do all the work for them.

Naturally after a little bit of complaining and laughing I agreed and talked to each guy for the girls. After a few issues in shyness on both parties, some asking what they do once they are alone with them…yes I actually got asked that. And after some misses saying they would be busy during that time frame or were secretly dating someone else or dating someone from the other school, we found our five guys that the girls thought were cute and the guys thought the girls were cute but they also agreed to the terms set by the production house.

The first guy to accept was Richard Eltsa and agreed to be Paula’s bunk mate. Richard went to the other school and played the starting pitcher for their baseball team. Naturally a great guy, super nice, and even though our schools are rivals but at the end of the day all of us showed pride for our town. Besides he pitched faster than our current pitcher. Richard stood about 6’0″, weighed maybe 170lbs maybe more, brown hair, and brown eyes.

The next guy to accept was Damon Alexander and agreed to be Maggie’s bunk mate. Damon went to our school and didn’t play any sports or associated with any club. If you met Damon and then went off you’d pretty much forget him five minutes after you met him. The kid blended into the shadows of the school pretty easily. He didn’t stand out too much nor did he do anything to draw attention to himself either. But for some odd reason Maggie grew an unnatural attraction to him. I guessed because if you look at her and then walk away you would forget about her within minutes as well. I think because they both could easily disappear from a crowd or something it was beyond me. All I remember about this 5’8″, 160lbs, black hair, blue eyed kid was when I talked to him about what was going on he pretty much jumped out of his skin thinking I was gonna beat him up or something. Then he acted like I was playing some cruel joke on him or I was gonna duct tape him in his boxers to the flag pole as some school gag. But he changed his tone once he realized I wasn’t joking and seemed relieved once I told him I don’t care about that kind of stuff. After he got passed that he agreed and got really excited about Maggie wanting him. Maybe they had a crush for one another that they were too afraid to say to another. Oh well maybe this vacation will allow him to profess that or her profess her crush of him, whatever it wasn’t my call to tell them that.

The next guy to agree was Justin Rebmith and was seated to be Abby’s bunk mate. Justin went to the other school and competed in gymnastics like Abby. Seeing how they competed in the same district the rivalry didn’t mean anything to them. Justin stood about 6’4″, weighed maybe 180lbs maybe more, had blonde hair cropped extremely short to his head, with deep blue eyes.

Unlike Abby, Geri got Kris Puteroes. Kris went to our school and competed in track…hurdles to be more exact. Kris was about 5’11” pr 6′ even, weighed maybe 160lbs, long brown hair which he kept in a tight ponytail, and green eyes. Have to admit the boy was quick the couple of times I’ve seen him compete but beyond that he pretty much stayed quiet in class.

Don’t know what the twins saw in either boy but their differences did show from time to time. And in this aspect their choices in men were a little different. They did frequent our bed from time to time but I don’t think they were attracted to me more like they were interested in getting some sexual experience.

And lastly but not least…Sara. Sara’s bunk mate turned out to be Will Snodgrasi. Will was this super geeky kid at our school you could tell he would either become a big success in some way or be the guy that cracked under the pressure living in an institution…that or run a comic book store. Don’t get me wrong the kid was nice as can be, aside from your typical Mr. Nice Guy syndrome, was ridiculously funny but most of jokes referenced comics or sci fi. How this 5’9″, 150lbs, scrawny, shaggy brown haired, green eyed kid caught Sara’s attention was beyond me. Maybe it was his humor that caught Sara’s attention; it’s the only thing I could figure out.
So with all the rooms filled or at least filled to the best of the girls capability allowed them. I was both amazed and cursing because I knew once we got there they had something planned. I don’t know what it was but I knew it was going to push me out of my comfort zone. Come to think of it everything since Jeanette joined our bed has been out of Amanda and my comfort zone and as much as I hate to admit it all of it has been extremely fun. Still who knows how far either of us could be pushed before we go to our breaking point and all of this ends. And with that everything could end, Jeanette pushed out of our bed, my relationship with Amanda gone, our friendship destroyed, just everything around me crumbling.

Yes I know I worry too much which keeps me from enjoying the now.

Guess with everyone in agreement about the deal I sat down and read the agreements carefully to see what we had to do. Seems that the contract or agreement is pretty flexible. We were allowed to stay there free of charge if at least one girl signs that any and all footage of her to be reused at their digression. As long as all parties involved are over 16 the facilities were available to them, if the female that signs away the footage to them must put down their date of birth so it can be used once the girl is 18 year old and all personal information for legal reasons. There was sections where girls and guys had to sign allowing all footage to be released otherwise at the end of the contract they sign basically stating they deny all rights of the footage to be used in which blocks of blur are put over their face. If no one signs their rights away for the footage then the party wishing to use the facilities will be charged what the production house deems reasonable.

The contract or agreement was pretty reasonable even by my standards. We could pretty much say screw you and sign saying we don’t want you using the footage but we would be charged to use the place. Seeing how Jenna was pulling strings I image that’s why the agreement was pretty reasonable if only ONE girl signs her rights away. I sat down with everyone explaining what the agreements states so they understood what was happening.
I wasn’t surprised that every guy signed their rights away and filled out the information. What guy doesn’t have the fantasy to be filmed? I have and have to admit it is really fun and a turn on. What did surprise me is that every girl signed their rights away as well. Aside from Jeanette and Amanda I guessed the rest of them had to same fantasy. That or Jeanette had some insider information that I wasn’t privy to. Needless to say everyone, including me, signed their rights away. Guess we were afraid of being charged or the idea that we could be in an adult video a turn on or something along those lines.
Fast forward to now. I am looking at all the sliding glass doors and trying to figure out which one of the girls have sectioned off for us. I sighed and told myself, “When in doubt check’em all.”

My third try I finally found the room where Amanda and Jeanette were. I heard the girls saying, “Holy hell this bathroom is AMAZING.” I didn’t look at the bed or the room I just passed it entirely to see what the girls were talking about. I walked into the bathroom and even I was amazed and thought ‘WOW’. The bathroom had expensive tile down on the floor in a deep clay color and looked up to see the ceiling and walls were tiled the opposite color of the floor. I guess the color scheme made sense seeing how we were part of the Caribbean. I walked over to where the girls were looking and was amazed at the shower. The shower was in the corner of the room and had two little steps down that looked like it went down about two feet so it was part shower part bath. And the area of it was big enough to fit me, Amanda, Jeanette, and maybe two other people comfortably if you sat down. In the exact center of the shower were four spouts on each side and if you looked up was a shower head. I looked around to find the knob to turn the water on and finally found it at the entrance. Granted the design I thought was completely stupid but at the same time it was impressive.

I got out of the small room that was the shower/bath and stepped back into the bathroom to see the rest of the decorations. If I were more in touch in my artistic side I would think the bathroom was breath taking by itself without the huge shower section. But I just shook my head and went back to the room and looked around it to take it in.

The room was pretty fair wasn’t that big I thought. It had a bed, probably big queen or small king. It had a cabinet with drawers, a flat screen TV on top. It had end tables on either side of the bed with lamps on them. It had a couple of chairs on either side of a small circular table. And it had a relatively bigger than normal closet. It had a fairly big ceiling fan above the bed. And it had a thermostat control in the corner next to the door leading out to the hallway. I looked around and thought to myself that they probably sacrificed some of the size of this room to make up that bathroom. It would make sense.

I wonder if the rest of the rooms were like this. I guess I could ask vague questions to see what the other rooms are like without showing what we have. Don’t want jealous people or people using our bathroom only. I told my thoughts to the girls and they laughed. Jeanette laughed and said, “Why do you think I bolted and claimed this room for us first?”

I looked at her and cocked my head to one side with a scowl, “I thought we already agreed we’d get the bigger room already?”

Jeanette laughed, “We did. I just wanted them to know which one was theirs. The rest they could fight for for all I care.”

Amanda looked at her, “Been here before?”

Jeanette smiled, “Nope. But my sister told me this bathroom was marvelous so I had to make sure we had the right one before anyone else made claim to it.”

Amanda just simply put, “Ah.”

I looked at her, “So we are the only ones with a bathroom like that?”

Jeanette shrugged, “I guess. I’m just going by what my sister told me. And I’m glad she did.”
Guess that answers that question.

Amanda spoke, “I want to try the shower.” She looked at us both, “Care to join me.”

Jeanette smiled. And I desperately wanted to say yes because it was an offer to have sex in the shower. But I smiled and simply stated, “I think we should go grocery shopping first if we want food in the place for snacks or breakfast in the morning.”

Amanda looked at me, “There’s nothing here?”

Jeanette sighed, “If Jay’s right we better do it now before we do anything especially if we want anything beyond water.”

I laughed and nodded my appreciation at Jeanette. Then turned my attention to Amanda, “How about a rain check on that shower.”

Amanda smiled with renewed vigor, “Always.”


“Did you see the look on their faces when we loaded all the groceries into those vans?” Sara said laughing.

“It didn’t help with you looking at them straight faced saying “Sad part is that will probably last 3 days’,” Ray said laughing in unison.

“It didn’t help the extra alcohol we bought,” Maggie said looking at all the food and liquids laying in the kitchen area waiting to be put away.

Moira chimed in, “Right. Like you didn’t want to try alcohol seeing how this island’s drinking age is 16.”

Damon threw in his two cents, “Seeing how most of the islands its 18 and this one is 16 is kind of unusual.” He said that statement more like he was talking to himself and not the rest of the crew.

Maggie said, “But did we have to buy so much of it?”

Jeanette started putting stuff away, “Well we didn’t know what we all liked so why not try different things.”

Maggie just sighed in defeat and started helping Jeanette put stuff away.

Will looked over trying not to laugh, “I’m just happy it didn’t cost that much. All of us throwing in it cost us about $35 a piece.”

Sara walked up and lightly smacked Will in the arm, “How about you help put all this stuff away.”

Will and the rest of us went to work putting stuff away. You’d be surprised how quickly we put stuff away in the formidable kitchen. Pretty quickly and just in time for Ray to pop open his first beer. He took his first long pull on his beer and didn’t stop until half the beer disappeared. Then put the beer down and sighed that satisfying sigh we all do when we get any liquid in us after being a while since we got any liquid.
With Ray’s first action all of us grabbed the alcohol that we wanted to try. Amanda and Jeanette tried some red wine. The twins some fruity wine coolers. Sara and Will mixed their hard liquor with some soda. Everyone else grabbed a beer ranging from the stout to malt. I grabbed a wheat ale. Ray didn’t wait for us to get our alcohol he was already onto his next thought and we watched as he walked outside.
Moira called to him, “Where are you going?”
He turned his head to us with a smile, “Trying out the spa.”

Moira cheered up, “Ooo. Let me go get my bathing suit on.”

We all heard him laugh as his pants dropped when he was half way there. He yelled back not really looking at us, “Why? If we’re on a nudist colony we might as well start being nude now.” With that we watched as his shirt and boxers hit the ground steps away from the spa.

I looked around as the girls stared and sort of drooling as Ray flashed his bare ass to everyone before stepping into the spa with his beer in hand. I almost wanted to laugh. Then I heard him yell towards us, “Who here as the balls to start tonight with me instead of tomorrow. Hey Jay get your ass out here and show them what you’re working with.”

Everyone looked at me. If I have never been embarrassed ever in my life before I think this would be considered one of those moments. I felt my checks get hot and my heart beat a little bit faster. If you know anything about a guy code once you get called out either you do it or you don’t as you hand in your man card. If any guy was in my position the choice would be easy…I stripped down right there and walked my bare ass towards the spa.

Ray created a following by calling me out. Everyone pretty much stripped down to what god gave them. Some took a little bit longer to get enough courage to strip down. Some others, ahem… Jeanette and Amanda, was right behind me within steps showing off everything.
Ray did have a point we were staying in a place that was part of a nudist colony and we did sign the agreement that we would remain nude while in the nudist colony confines. And we did promise after our first night we would remain nude while on the premises of the colony fenced area. I kind of forgot that like everyone else. I imagine everyone else forgot that detail as it hit them that they did sign it like everyone else.

We sat in the spa sitting around talking about various things from how nice the place looks, the view, joking around. Most of us took a special moment thanking Jeanette and her sister for graciously gifting us with this much needed vacation. Even I was relaxed after two beers and sometime in the spa.

After a little while, and for some of us, mostly the girls, got really drunk while the guys either were buzzed or semi drunk. Or in my case between sober and buzzed. I had alternated from beer to sports drink to beer back to sports drink. Weird thing was Jeanette was on top of getting me my drinks. I didn’t have to get up and out of the spa to replenish my drink only thing was when it was time to replenish Jeanette would ask and I would say either sports drink or beer.

Ray thought my actions were a little weird at first until he noticed I stayed nearly sober while the girls got more and more drunk. Especially Moira, she was drunk to the point where if she drank any more she would be what my dad once said after a night at the bar…a porcelain ranger. Ray convinced her to slow down by whispering something into her ear. Whatever it was he told her she pretty much stopped and begun sobering up by drinking water.

Then the first one to break everything we were doing was Richard. He stretched and drawled, “Well folks I’m gonna hit the hay. Good night.”

Paula quickly said something, “I guess I should go to bed too.” And she followed in Richard’s steps as he picked up his clothes before heading to bed.

Amanda spoke next, “I guess they’re right I’m a little jet lagged from the flight over here.”

Jeanette slurred with her, “Yeah we should get some shut eye.”

The two of them got up and stumbled towards our room via the sliding glass door.

I sighed and kept an eye on the stumbling beauties making sure they didn’t trip and hurt themselves trying to get to the room. I watched carefully until the sliding glass door opened, closed, and the light went on. I looked at Ray, “See you in the morning bud.”

Ray laughed, “Yeah yeah. Go get your rest.”
I looked at my cousin, “Try not drink too much.”
She hiccuped but slurred, “Oh I’m done for tonight.”

I laughed and looked at Ray, “Take care of her.” He laughed and shooed me away telling me to tend to my drunken emotion holders.

I walked over to where my clothes were laying and picked up my girls clothes in the process before walking towards our bedroom.



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