how not to be a victim (an original poem by me)

I’m strolling in the dark again

My footsteps echo loudly

I really shouldn’t be out when

Everyone is sleeping soundly

Warm breaths betray the life in me

Swirling smoke in chilly air

Shadows, thick and inky black,

Envelope me in greedy stares

You have a subtle handsomeness,

Heavy muscles and tattoos

Strong arms cross against your chest

A violent grace in every move

I almost didn’t see you

Almost didn’t see the light

Reflecting off the buckle

Of the jeans you wear too tight

“Little girls should be at home

Not roaming parks at midnight.”

Your voice’s booming rumble

Is a warning in its own right

As if it sounds from miles away

My own shy voice replies:

“You may be right, but what if I’m

A monster in disguise?”

My sole attempt at bravery

Makes Mr. Muscles laugh

I’m not laughing; we both know

That what I am is trapped

A sickly sweet and wicked smile

Is painted on your face

My instincts scream; I start to run

Behind me you give chase

I almost feel embarrassed when

Onto my knees I fall

A giant takes my breath away

A cry for help I never call

My vision swims; my body shakes

I think you must have drugged me

Your face lights up in victory

Then everything goes fuzzy

I finally wake to see my fate

This place cold and unfamiliar

My hands are tied, my mouth is gagged

We must be inside your cellar

You’re proudly standing over me

Your body sleek, powerful and tall

You lay rough hands against my face

And I’ve never felt so small

I tempted fate and now I wait

To see what you have in store

Your eyes seem to devour me

Your thoughts unsettled and impure

I feel a bit of disappointment

When you turn and walk away

Your last remark slinks through the dark

“Rest up kitten, then we’ll play.”

There’s something to be said for this

A game of cat and mouse

I have no plans to stay like this

Besides, I like your house

It takes a bit of work to loose

The knots you used to bind me

And once I’m free I turn to leave

Without a glance behind me

Up the stairs, down the hall

Through the door that’s on the right,

Its where I know your room is

From the glimpse I got last night

You probably don’t remember

Since you were fast asleep

Dreaming of sadistic things

As I crept on silent feet

I’ve been watching you do what you do

For 20 days and nights now

I wonder if you thought it strange

When I didn’t try to fight you

I might decide to let you free

If your screams don’t get too loud

My perfect trap you didn’t see

If you were me you would be proud

If you recall, before it all,

I tried to warn you baby

A monster hides inside of me

And looks can be deceiving

-evelyn reid
