Best friends sister. Part 2 [MF]

Mark joins us on the couch. His sister’s leg is still against mine, but there’s just a little bit of space between the two of them. Since coming back from the bathroom, his vibe has definitely changed. He seems preoccupied with his phone before he turns to face us. I’m not sure if his sister realises what’s going on, but knowing Mark, I can tell what the glint in his eye means.

He turns to me. “So how have your holidays really been. Have you met anyone and had any fun?”

His sister perks up as he says that. I can tell she wants to know what’s going on in my personal life.

“Honestly” I say, pausing to take a sip of my drink, “I’ve been mostly keeping to myself.”

“Mostly” Mark trails off.

“Yeah” I say, trying not to divulge too much.

“I know what that means” he says like a smartass. I see a pang of jealousy shoot through his sister. She tries her best to hide it, but even at the hint that I might have seen someone, she doesn’t seem happy. “Keeping quiet? And yet you asked me a million and one questions before.”

“I’m an open book, Mark, you know that” I say reassuringly.

“Then give us a story” he says grinning stupidly.

I look over at him, trying to see if he wants me to go there. He seemed reluctant before, but he’s pushing me now to say the things I didn’t think he was comfortable with.

“Well” I said. “Someone got in touch with me, and asked me to join them and their husband.” I can see how wide-eyed his sister is now, as she is starting to realise the life that I live.

“And?” Mark says, probing further.

“And I joined them” I said, as Mark chuckled to himself. “But, well, the husband didn’t really get to join in.”

“He was on the sidelines, then” Mark said, barely able to contain himself.

“He was all tied up” I said, smirking back. “At his request of course.”

I could feel the energy of his sister completely change. Her hand was on my leg, resting on the skin just below my shorts. She was so delicate. So innocent, in that moment. The young woman, so confident before, so willing to tease me and show herself off to me, had completely melted into me, her hand softly caressing my leg. Mark was enjoying my story to much to focus on what his sister was doing. The depravity I shared with him, had always been something he enjoyed.

“So, have you known this couple for a while” his sister sweetly asked, looking up at me.

“Someone passed there details on to me” I said, not really thinking much of it.

“You like that kind of stuff then? The physical stuff that is” she said, slightly flustered. As the words slipped out of her mouth, it dawned on me how young she really is. She may be an adult, but right now to me she was just my best friend’s younger sibling. Talking to me as if I hold some elusive secret, something only bestowed by the passing of time, of experience beyond her years.

“Yeah, the physical part is great. But I love getting lost in someone, in people. In whatever situation takes my fancy that night. There’s something about the intimacy shared, as you find the rhythm with each new person, feeling the electricity and chemistry. Sometimes you have to work for it, and other times, other times it just flows. I can’t explain it, it just is. But when you reach that moment, where you’re meeting the other person, understanding the contours of their body, the parts of themselves they’re willing to share with you, and their energy which tells you what they so deeply crave. It’s in that moment, that you can truly connect. Their taste, their touch, their moans, all so intoxicating, all so uniquely them. And getting to share that is a privilege.”

“Oh” she says, a little dumbfounded. “That wasn’t what I was expecting.” We all sit in silence for several seconds. Each of us seemingly lost in our own thoughts. His sister is the first to break the silence “excuse me, I’ll be back in a second” she says as she slowly exits the room.

Just as she’s out of earshot, Mark looks at me. “Mate. Trust you to be a romantic at heart, hey.”

I cock my head to the side, and look at him properly. “Me? You want to tell me what you were doing on that phone before?” I say smirking at him.

“Nothing” he says with some annoyance.

“Bullshit” I reply.

“I’m definitely not seeing that girl from last night again” he said, overly sarcastically.

“Course. You wouldn’t keep us up too late, would you” I said cheekily.

“Never” he replies back. “But dude, you should have seen her. Haven’t had head like that in a long time” he says as he seems to get lost in his thoughts.

“Now who’s a romantic?” I quip back.

“I had to stop myself from blowing my load in her mouth. Didn’t help that she was my type too” he said clearly lost in his memories of last night.

I knew exactly what he meant. He liked petite girls with fat asses, and wide hips. The one’s who spent their days in the gym, secretly hoping they’d meet a guy like Mark. Someone who’d lose control as he’d feel their ass bounce against him, as he’d grunt and give them all they could take. Even in the scene, Mark had a strong reputation. He’d light up, always the same glint in his eye, whenever he’d come across one of these girls. From the first moment he saw them, it’d be a foregone conclusion. He was picky though, so I knew him wanting this girl again, meant she had something about her.

He was in a trance like state, this girl so obviously all he could think about. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that his cock was hardening as his pants shifted, and I realised he was probably thinking about her before he went to the bathroom. When he reentered the room, I knew his energy changed, and I saw now what he was going to ask me. I wasn’t sure where I landed on it, yet.

As his attention shifted back into the room, he said “she’s one of the few girls on my level” he said, almost proudly.

I took a sip of my drink as he continued. “She was absolutely soaking, as soon as we got back, and her little pussy gripped my cock so tightly. It was insane.” He paused for dramatic effect, but I didn’t fill the silence, knowing he was about to tell me what he really wanted to. “And, you know how I mentioned my sister saw me in the hall, as I went to get another condom. Well, I was too shocked by that to head to the bathroom, so I ended up just going back in without actually getting a condom. I know that’s not like me” he said, I thought about interjecting, but didn’t bother, as he kept going.

“But this time when I got back in, I didn’t care. Her pussy was so wet, and she loved it as I rubbed my hard cock up and down her wet little cunt. Neither of us said anything, but I could tell she knew what was happening. She started begging, with her eyes first, and then whining to me, she sounded slightly frustrated as I made her wait for what I knew she wanted so badly.”

Hearing this got me so turned on. All I could think about was earlier today. He must have thought I was lost in his story, but really it was his sister. I wasn’t thinking about him, fucking this club girl until she couldn’t take it anymore, I was thinking about his little sister. That young woman who reverberated around my mind all day.

“Anyway, as I started fucking her, her tight little cunt gripped my cock. She lost herself in the moment, pulled my hand up to her mouth, and started sloppily sucking on my fingers. She was completely engrossed, lost in ecstasy, as she came for the first time. Wanting more, I flipped her onto all fours, and started fucking her from behind. Her ass was ridiculous dude, and she was loud before, but she completely lost it, basically screaming now. I told her my sister was in the other room. But she said ‘good. She can hear how much of a slut I am for you.’ At this, I just completely lost it. Grabbed her hips and fucked her as hard as I could, pounding against her cervix again and again. I put my thumb against her tight little asshole, and pressed against it as I fucked her. She couldn’t contain herself, and just came again, moaning in ecstasy.”

It was a fucking hot retelling of his adventure, and I could see how impacted he was by it. He never really hid his desire, and that was something we shared.

“As that happened, I couldn’t hold anymore, and I came all over her. Pulling out to make a mess on her back” he continued.

I smirked at that “all on her back, hey?”

“Ok, well some of it probably went inside her, but can you blame me. She loved it.”

“So you creampied her” I said, knowing what he really meant.

“Yeah. She begged for it” he said to me. I knew Mark wouldn’t pass up on the opportunity to cum in someone, as long as they were down of course. But he always likes to pretend to not want to. I guess the pregnancy scares don’t bother him, as much as he says they do. I think he secretly, or not so secretly, loves it.

“Anyway,” he says. “After last night’s adventure, I just know she’d be down if we played our cards right.”

Damn. He’s not even directly asking, even though I know what he means.

“Down?” I say, playing dumb.

“You really need me to say it” he quips back.

I just stare back at him in silence.

“She’d be down for a threesome” he says, knowing that I forced it out of him.

I just exhaled and looked away for a second. “You know we said we wouldn’t do that again, not after last time” I reply.

“That was just a blip” he said to me “in what was otherwise a long history of great nights.”

We had made our dynamic work, by following a set of two basic rules. 1) Me and him never do anything with each other. No matter what the girl(s) ask. 2) No feelings. If anyone is overly romantic, then it’s a no go. Even with those rules, every now and then, little things could pop up. But honestly, it had been pretty smooth, considering how many people we had shared.

I looked at him. “Last time you got salty at me, even though no rules were broken” I said, still a little annoyed having to think back to this.

“Yeah, I know. I just miss seeing people pushed to their limits” he said earnestly. “I just don’t do much group stuff anymore.”

I knew he was jealous that I was still engaging in the scene, and having my way with couples and other groups. But I also knew that I needed that independence. That I needed to have some stuff just for myself.

“So, you going to join in” he said hopefully.

“I am a little tired from such a long day, but maybe later” I say trying to spare his feelings. As I say that, we both look up. His sister’s just come back to the room. She’s changed again. This time into a long jumper and yoga pants. It’s too warm for her to be wearing a jumper, I think to myself. I can’t help but think if she’s hiding any secrets under there. As she sits down next to us, she’s sits right in the middle, not touching either of us.

She seems a little nervous, lighter even. Even through Mark’s story, I couldn’t stop thinking about her. I can’t help but wander what she’s thinking, so I move my leg slightly, as my skin touches her yoga pants. I hold it there for a second, letting her know I want her against me. She seems to relax, and then obliges, shuffling her body next to mine. Even though our skin’s not touching, I exhale deeply, enjoying having her against me.

Mark’s completely focused on his phone, and I know he’s distracted, organising his adventure tonight. I know I shouldn’t do this, but at this point I can’t help it. Mark told me such an elaborate story, and his sister’s been teasing me all day. I can’t wait to take what I want.

I put my hand on my leg, deliberately allowing some of my fingers to rest on hers. She edges her body closer to mine, wanting more of my touch. I can’t help but think how bad this is, but I’m not going to stop. More of my hand goes onto her, as she also moves her hand down, subtly placing it against mine. I know she wants more. I guide my hand onto her thigh. She’s tiny, and my hand basically covers most of her thigh. Her hand softly pushes on mine, pleading with me to go higher. Mark is still engrossed in his phone, but even still I don’t know when he’ll look up.

Running my hand up her leg, enjoying touching her when I’m not meant to. I feel her hips slightly shift in the couch, as I edge up higher on her thigh. She’s obviously loving it. As I ascend higher, I can feel the heat emanating from her. I stop just before I get to the top of her legs. I can tell how sensitive she probably is here, and as she bites her lips and glances at me on the side. She wants me to take her all for myself. To forget about my best friend, and steal her as mine.

Mark’s basically on another planet at the moment. As I see him press send on a message, I know he’s going to look up soon. So, I take my hand off his sister. She looks at me indignantly, as she crosses her legs, basically rubbing them together. I can tell she’s trying to relieve the tension and heat she’s feeling, as her legs are wrap tightly together.

The doorbell rings, and Mark get’s up excitedly. He’s bringing her here, the girl from last night. I should have guessed as much. As he walks to the door, and his back’s to us, his sister places her hand on my leg. I look directly at her, and shake my head slightly, as I take her hand and place it back on her. Mark opens the door immediately, and I’m glad I stopped us from getting caught.

As he embraces the girl from last night, I realise he undersold her. She’s skinny, but her curves are ridiculous. She’s wearing a gorgeous black dress, which hugs her tightly. She’s not wearing a bra, and as I look down her, I can’t see any outline of her panties. She really is something else. She’s wearing her hair down, light brown hair mixed with lighter shades from the summer sun. Even as she just stands there, I can feel sex just radiating off her. Her boobs are gorgeous, and frankly, far bigger than Mark described, there’s nothing petite about them. As I scan down, her upper body moves in, she’s so slight, but her hips are perfection, curving in a way that I know Mark, and frankly I, can’t resist.

She comes and greets me and his sister. She wraps me up tightly, and gives me a little kiss on the cheek. I don’t know what he’s told her, but fuck she feels good against me. As she gives his sister a hug, I share a look with him. I raise my eyebrows slightly, and he just smirks, knowing that she’s even more than he said. If this was any other day, I wouldn’t be able to resist, but his sister’s next to me and I know what I really want.

The girl in the black dress goes back to him, and he puts his arm around her. “We’re going upstairs” he says, turning before we can respond.

I just remember my bag’s in his room, and I don’t want to be stuck here whilst he’s with her. “Bring my bag down” I say to him. He just smirks back. I don’t know what kind of game he’s playing.

It’s just me and his sister now. She’s still flirty, but seems a little dejected.

She glances up at me. “I saw the way you looked at her” she says pausing. “And the look you shared with him.”

I just hold her gaze not responding.

“He asked you to join them, didn’t he. He always has all the fun, and I’m just left by myself.”

Again I don’t respond for several seconds.

“You can go, if that’s what you want to do” she says sounding slightly annoyed.

“I’m here, with you” I say back.

“She’s gorgeous. I wouldn’t blame you.”

We sit in silence for a little while. He still hasn’t brought my bag down, and somehow I don’t think he’s going to.

I try to comfort her. “You have to hear him a lot, don’t you.”

“Yeah. This one’s a real moaner too. I barely slept last night” she says, but I can tell there’s more to this. “Anyway, if you’re not going up there, I can go get your bag for you.”

“I’ll join you” I reply.

We head upstairs, and my bag has been left just outside Mark’s door. I know what he’s done. He’s left it out here so I have to hear them, but can’t use it as an excuse to come in. Suddenly, I realise what has to happen, and I’m not going to feel guilty about it at all.

As we get close to his door, it’s obvious they’re already going at it. I can hear the girl in the black dress slurping all over his cock, a mixture of wetness, gagging and her moans. His little sister is right next to me, both of us having to listen, whilst I pick up my bag. We’re so close to each other, standing face to face, we’re almost touching.

I whisper to her “you have to put up with this a lot don’t you.” She looks up at me, her eyes daring me to go on. “You have to hear all these girls get what they want, whilst you lay in your room frustrated don’t you.”

She slowly and sensually exhales, her chest falling and then rising as she breathes deeply. “Yes. It’s not fair.”

“You just want to be one of those girls” I say, pausing to see her reaction. She just eyes me again, not wanting to admit this to me. “You just want to be taken and used like that, don’t you”

I can see her overwhelmed with emotions. She’s obviously turned on, but her cheeks also flush, as she’s probably embarrassed. Glancing away for a second, she then looks up at me “Yes. It’s not fair. I want to be used.”

I move closer, bending down to whisper into her ear. I can see the little hairs on her neck stand up, as I breathe on her, the warm air hitting her skin, before continuing. “You just want to give yourself, to be used like that don’t you.”

She pauses, unsure if she can tell me this. The silence between our whispers, quelled with the gagging coming from behind the door.

“You can tell me” I whisper reassuringly. “There’s nothing wrong with admitting that.”

She quips back. “There’s everything wrong with that. Getting denied what you want, time and time again, whilst you have to hear other people get it.”

“I know. It’s wrong. But that’s what makes it so good. Trust your body, it doesn’t lie.”

“God” she says, as she just realises what we’ve been saying. “Are any of the other girls you know like this?”

“Everyone’s different. Right now all I can think about is you.”

I see her melt. At that moment, the space between us collapses, as my lips make first contact, sitting softly on her neck, as I kiss her. One of her hands lands on my bicep, as the other wraps around me. One of my hands makes its way onto her hips, as the other caresses the other side of her face. On the first kiss, she loses herself in me, letting herself moan and close her eyes, lost in my touch. I can still hear them on the other side of the door, but my full focus is on his sister.

She’s so soft against me, and I need more of her. I brush her hair back, and spend some more time on her neck, kissing and sucking deeper. Her perfect porcelain skin is going to be tarnished. She can cover it with makeup, her hair, lie; I don’t care. I’m going to leave something on her skin. Starting as a gorgeous redness, and then deepening darker and darker. Each time she looks at it, she will know her body is all mine. A reminder of me, etched into her.

“H…Harder” she whispers. I know how badly she wants it.

“You want me to mark you, don’t you. Leave a bruise on you” I grunt under my breath.

“Yes. Yes, sir” she whispers.

“Yes, sir, what?” I reply.

“Yes, sir. Please mark me, and show the world I’m all yours. Your little slut” she whispers as I start sucking and biting now. I can feel the warmth of her skin against me, as blood rushes under my touch, and a bruise starts to form.

“Please. Please, don’t stop” she moans.

I’m happy with my handiwork, as I see a gorgeous bruise starting to form on the side of her neck. Knowing I don’t want to be cut short, I take her into her room, closing the door softly. It’s been a very long time since I’ve wanted someone like this. I can feel myself building toward the precipice of losing control, of completely letting go.

“Come here” I say to her. as she comes right up to me. “I want you to know, we can stop at anytime. Tell me if you don’t want to do something.” She nods back. I take my hand onto the bottom of her jumper, and pull it up, exposing her. She squats slightly, and takes off her yoga pants, as I have a great view of her tits. God, I’ve never seen anything like this. She’s so untouched, and pure, and perky. I can’t believe what I’m seeing. Even in her bra, she’s so perfect.

“On your knees” I command her.

She obliges quickly, and I reward her by grabbing her hand, and placing it on my shorts. My cock is absolutely throbbing, bulging through my shorts. She runs her hand up my shaft, and I can see the excitement building in her.

“Hold still” I say to her, as I take my pants and underwear off. My cock jumping out, released from my shorts. I’m completely hard, my cock almost hitting her face, as she edges closer.

“Tell me how bad you want to suck me off” I say.

I can see her whole body tremble, as she starts touching her boobs over her bra without thinking. “Please…” she begs.

I don’t respond just looking down at her.

“Please, I want to suck you off so badly” she pleads.

“I know” I say assuredly. “You’ve had a lot of lonely nights dreaming about this.”

“God, yes” she moans, as she starts playing with her nipples under her bra. “I’ve heard the stories about you too” she says, as she looks down. She’s really tugging and twisting at her nipples now. “And” she pauses, as I can see how sensitive her nipples are. One of her hands start making its way down her body. “And, when I hear him, I think of you.”

Earlier today all makes sense now, but I almost can’t believe what I’m hearing. Her hand touches her little folds, above her panties, as she starts rubbing slowly. “Every time. Every time” she pauses again. “Every time I hear one of them cum, I pretend it’s me. That’s it’s you and me in there.”

I can feel the precum oozing out of my cock, as I’m in disbelief. My best friend’s sister, has been thinking about me like this. I didn’t even realise she knew so much about me, let alone had these thoughts.

She slips her hand under her panties, and I can hear her wetness growing, as she keeps touching herself more intensely. I look down at her, gesturing toward my cock and nodding.

The first part of her to touch my cock is her lips. She’s lost in the taste of my precum, whilst her tongue moves around the head of my throbbing cock. She’s moaning, and slurping on my cock, just taking a bit of me in. I can hear how wet her little pussy is, as she brings herself closer and closer to the point of no return.

As her lips hit my cock, I can’t help but let my eyes roll back into my head, and close my eyes, as it just feels so good. I place my hand in her hair, guiding her head as she sucks me deeper. She has a small mouth, and can’t take much of me, but she’s so wet against me, her full lips absolutely amazing against my cock.

As she comes up for air, she’s so close. She can’t stop moaning, as her hand rapidly moves around her clit.

“You want to cum so badly, don’t you” I tease her.

“Yes, sir” she says.

“5” I start counting. She realises what’s happening, and picks up the pace, as she closes her eyes, nearing her climax.

“4…” I count down. I know what I want, and she’s going to give it to me.

I push my cock against her lips, and she takes it in her mouth. She’s surprised and looks up at me with her eyes open, as I start thrusting deep into her mouth, and against her throat. She’s good and takes it as well as she can, as she slobbers all over my thick cock. “3…” she keeps going, I can see her cheeks getting red. God the sound of my cock hitting her throat is so hot. “2…” she can’t take it anymore and pulls back for air. “1…” I say as she can’t hold on any longer. She grabs my leg for support, as she cums, even more intensely than earlier in the day. Her wet little pussy reaching its climax, and her gorgeous moans, the hottest thing I’ve heard in a very long time.

Her body convulses, as her orgasm lasts for the next 20 seconds. As she catches her breath, she looks up at me, smiling. “Want to know a secret” she says coyly.

“What?” I said.

“Well” she says pausing. “I’ve never done that before.”

I’m a little surprised she hasn’t throat fucked someone before, but okay, I’ll play along.

“I guess throat fucking is pretty intense” I reply.

She looks away from me, slightly, quite embarrassed.

“Oh, did you mean something else” she looked at me, not wanting to divulge her secret. “Are you trying to tell me you’ve never done that before. Never sucked a cock before?”

She looks at me, trying to see if I’d judge her for it. “Yes, that’s exactly what I mean.”

I’m a bit flabbergasted, to be honest. This confident, sexual, gorgeous young woman has never done that before. I understand that people wait until the right time, but she was so confident in herself. So willing to put herself out there. Ah, it clicks, but I’m still a little unsure.

“So, have you done anything else?”

“I wanted to wait until I was an adult” she says, and I can see she’s being honest, although I’m still finding it hard to believe. “And I just haven’t met the right person.”

“That’s why you thought of me, isn’t it” I said to her.

She nods back to me.

“So, you’re a virgin?” I ask, just getting her to admit it properly.

“Yes. I’m a virgin” she replies with a hint of embarrassment. “Happy?”

Wow. I can’t believe this. What am I going to do here. The innocence I felt from her before, was obviously from this. She was so much looking forward to meeting me, because I could give her something she’d never gotten. The magnitude of the situation dawned on me.

I take her in for a second. I just marked a virgin. What was I thinking? But honestly, it just made it hotter for me. Knowing that no one had ever enjoyed all that is her. I’m sure a lot of people have wanted to, I mean, she’s stunning. I can feel myself starting to lose control, but I have to check in with her first.

“We don’t have to do anything” I said to her. I realised she may be feeling a lot of pressure, and didn’t want that to influence her choice.

“No. No” she said. “I want you. I want you so badly. I mean look at your cock, oh my god.”

“No one’s ever put their hands on you have they?” I ask, almost certain I already know the answer.

She moves backwards back slowly and sits on the bed. At first she looks down and then up at me again, as she slowly undoes her bra, and let’s her natural tits out. Wow. Her tits are so full, perkily standing against gravity and her pink nipples are hard. God. I think about how she’s completely untouched. I’m the first person to see her in all her beauty. I can’t even describe how that feels. She bites her lip, makes eye contact with me and then slowly shakes her head “No one’s ever seen me topless.”

I can’t even express how much I want her in this moment. I put my hand on her chest, and guide her back, so she’s laying down facing up to me. I grab each of her arms, and put them above her head, and then pin her hands together, holding her firmly down with one of my hands. She looks up at me, and I can see how much she needs to be taken. “Tell me if there’s anything you can’t handle” I say, checking in with her one more time.

My other hand starts exploring her body, as my throbbing cock nears her little entrance. She’s so soft, so delicate. Her little pussy is absolutely soaking, she needs this.

“Use me” she whispers, as I continue running my hand all over her. I’m doing my best to hold myself together, but I know I’m about to lose control. I start being a little rougher against her, grabbing at her breast, and running my hand down her body, and around her legs, showing her the intensity I’m about to release.

“Please…” her voice trails off.

She gasps, as the tip of my thick cock stretches her untouched pussy. Her moans sound so innocent. I can feel the muscles in her vagina try to accomodate my throbbing cock, I can barely fit inside of her. She’s so tight and her juices are all over the tip of my cock. Even just slowly thrusting the head of my cock in and out of her little hole, makes her entire body writhe. Her moans get louder and more intense, as I hear the frustration of having to wait so long to get what she needs so badly come through her voice. Her voice gets higher and starts trembling whilst she tries her best to maintain eye contact with her deep green eyes.

I’m barely deeper than the tip of my cock, and she’s losing control. Her little pink pussy lips grip my cock, as I decide I need more of her. I let her arms free, and run my hand down to her neck, as I push myself deeper into her. She grabs my hand, and tries to pull it down, as I start choking her and fucking her deeper. It’s the best little pussy I’ve ever felt against me.

Her moans get louder now. I can’t hear her brother any more, hopefully they’re too busy to realise what’s happening, but I know I can’t stop now. Her fingers dig into my back, beckoning me into herself, trying to get me to go deeper. I grunt as I feel myself starting to lose control. Without thinking, I enter her more, she can barely take me, as I push up against her limit. Her moans are a mixture of pleasure and pain. I know she’d never have imagined this, or did she. Her fingernails dig deeper into me. It’s a mixture of warmth and pain on my back, she’s marking me too, but I can’t stop fucking her.

My throbbing cock is pounding against her limit, and she’s absolutely lost control now, yelling out in pleasure.

“PLEASE…PLEASE” she yells. I just soften my gaze slightly, gauging if it’s too much for her. “Fuck me” she moans.

“Fuck you feel so good. You’re all mine” I grunt.

“God, fuck, I’m all yours” she let out between moans.

“You’re my little whore, aren’t you” I say.

She hesitates for a second. “Yes I am.”

“Tell me what you are” I say back.

“I’m your little whore” she says, as she closes her eyes, unable to handle what she’s feeling.

I put my hands on her shoulders holding her completely still, as I start fucking her harder. She can barely contain herself. Her next orgasm is so close, as I pound her pussy. She’s completely yelling. I know they must be able to hear us now, but it just makes me want her more. Her tight little hole convulses all over my cock, as she reaches her second orgasm.

Before she can properly recover, I hold one hand just above her little pussy, and enter her with two of my fingers. I’m slamming my fingers against her g-spot, watching her trying to squirm out from under me, as she loses herself in ecstasy, her legs writhing on the floor as she approaches a whole body orgasm. I’m hit with a stream of warmth as her juices flow all over me, as her little pussy squirts in delight.

After a brief pause, I flip her onto all fours, facing her away from me. I spank her ass, and position her hips up towards me, as I get ready to keep taking her. My cock is absolutely throbbing, and I can feel myself about to explode in her, as I enter her little cunt. I start fucking her faster.

“I need you to cum in me” she moans sweetly.

I spank her again, as I start hitting against her limit.

“Please, please cum in me” she begs.

Even though I really know I shouldn’t, I’m not able to hold back, as I’m almost past the point of no return. Fuck.

“Please, daddy, fill me up” she whines.

“Ahh fuck” I grunt as I spurt hot cum all up in her little pussy. I thrust deep into her, feeling my hot cum spray against her cervix. It’s easily the biggest load I’ve ever cum. I pull out and see my creamy white cum slowly drip out of her pussy.

“Ah” she says, “there’s something you should know.”

I’m pretty sure I already know what she’s about to say. “What is it?” I ask her.

“Well, as I am, I mean was, a virgin” she says as she pauses “I, uh, I’m not on birth control”

“Of course you fucking aren’t” I say chuckling to myself.

“I’ll sort it out, don’t worry” she says.

“I’m happy to drive you” I say. I don’t feel too tipsy anymore, and definitely need this sorted.

“Ok, just give me a minute” she says.

I quickly chuck my clothes back on and head out to grab my bag from the hall. As I pick my bag up, I turn and there’s Mark and the girl he’s with, just getting out of the bathroom. He looks at me, and I can tell he knows exactly what just happened.

“Hope you’re not too exhausted, we’re just getting started” he says. Somehow I don’t think I have a choice, if I still want him as my best friend. I guess his sister’s going to have to wait after all.



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