[inc] [mast] My daughter’s OnlyFans (Part I)

“Tell me what all bothers you” the priest started

The story began last summer. in a small town in coastal Florida. My AC broke down, and nobody in a 50 mile radius could come and inspect it for at least a week. In triple digit heat and the worst humidity in years, I did what little I could to seek relief. I closed all my blinds, and I went online looking for a fan, that it may provide however brief relief to my curse

The kind of fan I landed on was not what I expected. For, you see, father, and reader, I landed on a website called OnlyFans. They do not sell fans, but amateur pornography. And, in the middle of a pandemic, with people losing their jobs, it was many women’s last hope. I admit I was intrigued, and I joined. I started following a few girls, five bucks here, five bucks there. I bought a real fan on Amazon, and then, with a gentle breeze cooling my body off I ventured to relieve other urges, and cool off a different type of desire

“This is a very minor transgression, you know. A few Hail Mary and genuine repentance…”
“No, please father, let me finish” I interrupted. “There is a lot more to this story. Please let me finish”
Father Martin sat quiet, awaiting for the rest of my confession

After browsing around a bit, I stumbled upon a girl who was prettier than all others. Her dark blonde hair, her tiny petite body, her small tits, everything about her body just screamed perfection to me. I knew I wanted to see more of her, and no price would be too high. She gave it all way for $10 a month. I was sold. I would have been sold for ten times as much, I must confess

I paid. I opened her profile, and I started bro wsing. And, father, that’s when I realized what I had done. I had purchased my daughter’s OnlyFans. How does a man come back from that? I had already seen everything. I had seen her tits. I had seen her.. her vagina, father. And on the last page, there was her face. There is no doubt. That was my daughter I had jerked off to

Why was she doing that? You know. I could have given her money. I didn’t know she was unemployed. I thought her job was going alright. I wasn’t always the most available of fathers, to say the least, but I thought I was doing better. And there, there she was, my girl, Alice, starving and selling her body online for food money. I couldn’t let it stand. I had to come clean and help her.

I called her, asked her about work. She told me it was alright, that she was working from home, being safe. So, I broke down, and I told her everything. Asked her why not come to me for help. “I don’t do it for the money, really. I mean, the money is nice, and it helps, for sure. But I am not broke. That’s not why I do it”
“But then… why?”
“Remember when you left me? When I was a little girl and you left? That’s why. You broke something inside of me. Something I can never fix. Something years of therapy haven’t even put a dent in. You made me feel worthless, unloved, unlovable, unworthy. These men, paying for me, paying to see me, they make me feel worthy, precious. It feels like I matter, like I am not yesterday’s news one just throws away on a whim”
“But I came back. I returned. I am here now. Why all this? If you need me, I will be here for you. Always”
“Because mom passed away. You returned out of guilt. Because you couldn’t pawn me off anymore. Because sending a card at Christmas wasn’t good enough. You returned because you had to. And maybe you have some affection for me now, but you returned out of guilt. Fear. Not love. And it broke me. And it breaks me. Daddy issues they call it. I yearn your love so much that any man will do. And these men, they love me in their own dirty fucked up way. They give me moments of validation, little jolts of acceptance. The validation and the acceptance you never did”
And then she continued after a pause. “Well, not until you masturbated to my OnlyFans, I guess. I think that counts as validation, uh?”

I felt so dirty about it. How could she laugh about it? It was the worst thing I had ever done. I had cum in a tissue looking at my daughter’s body, fantasies of fucking her in my head. But I didn’t know. I didn’t know.

“Please don’t say that” I retorted
“Why? It’s true. This is the first time you chose me for me, you chose me as the person that I am. With no obligation, no guilt, you just saw me and chose me. It’s a first. Yes, it’s fucked up. But it’s also … beautiful in its own way” she answered

“Yes. In a way it is. You finally wanted me. Finally, I am good enough for my dad. Even if it’s just to rub one out and he didn’t even realize it was me. Will you… do it again? Like ever?”
“I couldn’t. I can’t. How can you even ask me. How?”

“Please dad, do it again. Right now. On the phone” she said, her voice ever so slightly more soft, more hoarse. “What was it?” she continued, not giving me any pause. “Was it my titties? That they would fit in your hands ever so perfectly? Was it the tattoo of a rose on my thigh? What was it dad? Was it how my legs spread so wide and clench so tight?”

“Why are you doing this?” I asked, as my own breath skipped a beat or two. It’s like she had read my mind. It’s like everything I wanted of her, she knew
“Because I am touching myself for you. And it would feel so much better to know we’re doing it together. It would almost feel like the real thing, you know. Fuck dad, do it” she whimpered

I caved, father. I did it. I did what she asked. Not one more word was exchanged. It was only moans, broken breaths, and the rhythmic sounds of hips thrusting. She was loud, father. Louder than in the videos even. I tried to keep up, to make her feel my arousal, but nothing could match her loud moans, her whimpers. The entire town must know what she was doing. What nobody else knew, she was doing it on the phone with her own father

She came first. She called my name. I came right after. We didn’t even say goodbye. We hung up.

“Well”, the priest continued, “this is definitely a lot, and it’s a very big sin you did. But are you repentant?”
“Father”, I said, “there’s more” and I set out to continue the rest of the story

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/kvbllv/inc_mast_my_daughters_onlyfans_part_i


  1. I like that it COULD BE true. I know that somewhere, tonight maybe, some father is wanking to his daughter’s pictures – maybe on an onlyfan page, maybe on her phone, or his, or on Snapchat !

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