Shivering in my seat, I start to feel impatient and annoyed. I had a long day and all I wanted to do was go home and curl up in blankets with a glass of wine. Instead I was stuck in a chilly car waiting for him to get done picking something up in the gas station. He told me to wait here, and that it would be just one second. 20 minutes later and I’m frozen through and ready for a night of pouting. I tilt my head back and closing my eyes, trying to relieve some of the tension from my neck. Finally, I hear the door open and shut as he slides into the seat next to me.
“Took you long enough” I let out with a touch more snark than I intend. When I do not receive the smart ass reply I expect, I turn to face you only to be startled by the face of a stranger. As I open my mouth to scream, a cloth is shoved inside and a strip of tape is placed across my lips to prevent me spitting out the makeshift gag.
Before I can fully react the passenger door opens and I am pulled backwards into the dark parking lot before I am unceremoniously shoved into the back seat of our car. Another man is climbing into the back seat from the opposite side, and the man who pulled me from the front follows me into the back seat so I am pressed between them. Mind you I’m not some small thing, so there is no way to avoid being pressed against both these strangers.
I squirm and kick against the men but they just laugh tauntingly. The man on my left grabs my hands and holds them in front of me, while the man on my right grabs the tape from the front seat and wraps it around my wrists. I start to panic now, but I’m not done fighting. I kick wildly with my legs and feel pride when I make sharp contact with the man’s jaw as he tries to add another layer of tape.
My pride swiftly turns to fear as he looks at me with hatred and encircles my throat with his hands. “Fucking slut” he growls in my reddening face as he tightens his grip on my neck even further. The small amount of air I was getting is now cut off, and I really began to panic. I am so focused on my lack of air I don’t see his buddy to my left pass him a soaking rag. He releases my throat to grab it and finally I inhale as deeply as possible through my nose, just as the rag is shoved into my face. The world fades around me.
Groggily I try to roll over, ready to tell my husband about the horrible dream I had. Instead of being met with the cool embrace of our sheets I am met with cold hard stone under me, and I find myself unable to turn. Opening my eyes all I see is black. I go to wave my hands in front of my face, only to realize they are both held tightly above my head. I force myself to take a deep breath and take stock in my situation. My feet are also secured tightly, spread eagle. If I weren’t freaking out I might have chuckled at the cliche. At least I still had my clothes on. I can now feel that I have a blindfold on, and I feel earplugs filling my ears. The cloth and tape have been removed from my mouth. But in its place I find what feels like a pacifier, but it is buckled behind my head. I am almost grateful for something to nervously grind my teeth into.
I jump as much as my bonds would allow when I feel a hand caress my cheek. I triy to speak through my gag but only garbled mumbles come out. The hands move from my cheeks to my neck, and then more sets of hands are on me. Roughly handling my chest, arms and legs. I pull against my bonds but I can only move mere inches. All my struggles cease when I feel a sharp cold point between my breasts. Holding my breath I feel the blade trailing along my skin, digging in. Then I feel the blade cutting through my clothing as my shirt and pants are removed. Shaking, I feel cold air along my exposed skin raising goosebumps.
Laughter and chatter overtakes my senses as my earplugs are removed, “Look at that fat whore shaking with excitement” are the first clear words I hear, and they are not directed towards me, but about me. Next the gag is removed from my mouth and I stretch my jaw, but remain silent, still unsure. I can still hear myself being discussed as if Im not there. They talk to one another about what a fat pig I am, how much I must want to get fucked by their cocks, they even comment on how much more useful I am as their fuckpig than in the life I had before. I count five different voices in the discussion. All harsh and crude, but loud, we must be somewhere they don’t have to fear being heard.
Finally they seem to remember that I am a person and speak to me. “What do you think whore. Are you ready to be fucked senseless” I continue to ignore them, not wanting them to notice my fear or the full body blush I have felt building as they spoke about me. I gasp as a strong hand strikes me across the face. “Answer me cunt” is harshly whispered in my ear, and I spit in the direction the voice comes from. I hear four sets of laughter and one growl. I tense myself waiting for another slap. Instead My panties and bra are ripped from my body and two fingers are shoved up inside me. I want to crawl away and die when I realize just how easily they slid in.
“Thats ok toy, we don’t need you to speak. We can see how much you want this” he taunts me as he wipes my wetness down my thigh. Slipping his fingers back in he begins pumping me slowly while circling over my clit with his thumb. I bite my lip and refuse to moan under the pressure, but I cannot stop my hips from fighting the bonds to fuck his hand back. I can feel my body burning red with lust and humiliation, and the jeers of those watching are pushing me further into my body. Causing me to feel his hands movements even more, and I begin to feel unwanted stirrings. As my impending orgasm threatens to further embarrass me I try to focus on anything else. Counting backwards from a thousand works for a bit, but I cannot shake the overwhelming need for release. Just as I decide to give in his hands pull away and I let a frustrated groan out.
“See, she wants to be used like a fucking dog, don’t you bitch?” I shout the word “No!” into the air denying my feelings, but the men are no longer laughing. The air fills with anger, and I hear something swish through the air before I feel a sting across my nipples. I cry out, and then the laughter begins again, but cruel this time, not jovial.
Suddenly, I am being hit with many implements all at once. I feel flogger across my tits, a crop assaulting my pussy lips, bare hands hitting me anywhere they can reach, a whip cracks through the air at random leaving welts all along my body, and the worst pain screams from a cane railing my thighs. It takes several series of hits before I can identify each object, and doing that is the only thing that stops me from going insane under the pain. Soon I am writhing as much as I can and screaming, begging for them to stop their assault. Just when I think I will certainly pass out from the pain it all stops.
As quickly as the pain stops new sensations are flooding me. Hands all over my body, rubbing where the welts have risen up, soothing and hurting at the same time. I am released from my binds but still bound by sets of hands. I am placed onto all fours and my wrists and ankles are rebound to the floor. I open my mouth to beg for mercy but before I can speak, a thick cock head is at my lips pushing its way in. I try to resist but when I do my nipples are pinched and pulled down until I’m afraid they will be ripped off. I begin to suck the waiting cock wanting the pain to end, and thankfully it does. Next I feel another man crawling underneath me and placing the tip of his cock head against my pussy lips, barely parting them. The man underneath me warns, “You better not let a drop of his cum touch me fuck pig” as he thrusts himself into me all at once. Keeping time with the man fucking my face my pussy is getting mercilessly pounded.
I shake with the sensations as my torso is pushed further forward until yet another dick is pressing against my asshole. I try to move forward away from the would be invader, but I have nowhere to go. The fingers digging into my hips keep me in place and my head is being held in place as my face is fucked. From the side I hear, “there is nowhere to run stupid slut, and we will use you in every hole, that’s all you’re good for anyway.” I am pulled backwards onto his throbbing cock, tearing me in two. For the next several minutes I become the rope in a cruel tug of war game between the man in my ass and the one in my mouth all the while the man underneath me is pumping away at my pussy. The two men waiting their turn take the time to pinch and smack me where and how they chose. I have become a mass of sensation. I can feel my orgasm building despite how disgusting I feel.
It goes on like this for hours, they keep trading places and switching roles, but the name calling never stops. I have long since given up on my body not betraying me and give into the pleasure. Feeling it more, the more I am mocked. I have my last orgasm of the night as two of the men shoot their cum onto my already covered body. I hear them starting to get dressed and wait to be released.
“Please, please let me go, I won’t tell anyone I swear” I shout at them as their footsteps begin to fade. “No, no you won’t” is whispered into the darkness in front of me right before I hear a door slam and the footsteps fade away into nothingness. I strain for several minutes to release myself before I hang my head and begin to cry….