[MF] former coworker wants me to have sex with her…with some interesting conditions [UPDATE 1]

[Here’s the first post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ktkdnj/mf_former_coworker_wants_me_to_have_sex_with/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)

For the sake of having names I’ll call my old coworker Cass and her husband Nick.

A couple (agonizing) days after the zoom call Cass texted me. I’m just gonna transcribe the convo:

Cass: Okay so you think you’re still interested in our proposition? We didn’t mean to put you on the spot. Totally cool if you’re not into it.

Me: I’m still interested. Pretty intriguing proposition. Definitely was not expecting that

Cass: Haha I guess we just figured we had to go for it. Just glad you don’t think we’re degenerates

Me: I never said that. Do prim and proper people flash their friends on zoom?

Cass: Lol okayy. Thought that might’ve helped convince you ?

Me: It might’ve.

Cass: Well if so I’m glad.

Cass: You ready to go over some details?

Me: Sure yeah. Very interested to see how this works

Cass: Okay so

Cass: This is something new for us.

Cass: We’d like to invite you over soon for a “trial run” basically and just see how we feel about it after and go from there.

Me: Okay

Cass: Nick will be in the room the whole time. You and him don’t have to have any physical contact but he’ll make sure the rules are followed. You think you’re okay with that?

Me: I think I can be. What are the rules?

Cass: Nick will let you know. Since I’m the one doing stuff he gets to control/monitor the situation.

Me: Okay

Cass: Soo you’re still interested? Really not trying to push you into anything here. If anything makes you uncomfortable say so.

Me: Yeah. I mean it’s strange obviously but it sounds pretty fun. Still sorta in shock about it but def not complaining! I guess I’ll say up front I don’t think I’m interested in doing anything physical with another guy but him just being in the room is different. I’d like to give it a shot and see how it goes.

Cass: Okay! I think we’re on the same page. Yeah if at any time something’s not your thing just say so.

Cass: Any questions before you talk to Nick?

Me: No don’t think so

Cass: Okay. So from now on we’d like you to talk to Nick primarily when discussing this. All the rules and details will go through him after he and I agree on them. You can still talk to me of course but our conversations should be rated PG. Sound good?

Me: Sounds good.

Cass: Cool. I’ll give him your number.

Cass: I’m looking forward to you coming over ?

Me: Yeah me too.

Couple minutes pass and Nick texts me, we exchange greetings, and then:

Nick: We’ll talk details in a bit but I have some questions first

Nick: You’re interested in fucking Cass?

Me: If that’s what the two of you want…


Nick: You think she’s hot?

Me: Well yeah

Nick: What’s her best feature?

Me: I mean she’s got pretty good features all around

Nick: More specific

Cass texts me in the middle of this:

Cass: Haha don’t mind him it strokes his ego when people tell him his wife’s hot ?

Cass: Be honest though. We like to hear this stuff. ?

Me: ?

Back to Nick:

Nick: More specific

Me: I guess if I have to pick she has a really nice ass.

(author’s note: she really does. I’ve heard other women complement her on it.)

Nick: God’s gift to earth that ass. You’ve checked it out before then?

Me: Yep

Nick: She ever catch you checking her out?

Me: Probably

Nick: Trick question. She has.

Me: Whoops

Nick: Can’t believe you’d just check out a married woman like that smh

Me: She wasn’t married at the time??‍♂️ What can I say that ass speaks for itself

In the middle of this:

Cass: LOL

Nick: Nice. You ever think about fucking her before?

Me: Yes

Nick: You ever jerk off thinking about her?

Me: What do you think

Nick: Answer the question

Me: Yeah

Cass: ??

Nick: You want to fuck her Saturday?

Me: Sure

Nick: Alright, here’s how it works

Nick: You show up to our place at 10pm exactly. I let you in, you do your thing, then you leave. For this trial session, these are the rules while you’re here:

Nick: 1. You won’t speak once you’re in the apartment

Nick: 2. You won’t remove any of her clothes

Nick: 3. You can touch her anywhere below the waist but will not reposition her

Nick: 4. You must use a condom

Nick: 5. No oral. No excessive roughness. No anal.

Nick: Think you can remember those? They’re a little strict but that can potentially change if this goes well.

Me: I’ll remember.

Me: Thanks for..picking me I guess

Nick: Cass’s choice. I just want to see her enjoy herself.

Me: I will see what I can do.

Me: How does the sex without removing clothes work

Nick: You’ll find out when you get here.

Nick: [address details]

Nick: See you Saturday.

Cass: See you Saturday! ???

These conversations made me way more interested in this whole thing (though let’s be honest I would’ve done it anyway). I can’t get over how much they seem to be into it and each other. Idk it’s like flirting with two people but they’re this cohesive unit. Like I’ve never been turned on while texting a guy but I for sure was then. And I have this weird feeling of like gratefulness for them including me in it. That and I’m hugely turned on by it and get to fuck a hot chick (I’m serious about the ass, it’s wonderful). If I had doubts these messages helped because they’ve clearly put a lot of thought into it and as far as I can tell this isn’t some “save our shaky relationship” move.

Anyway it’s cool to see people are interested, this got an absurd amount of attention. I’ll be sure to update again. For those of you paying attention today is Saturday so I’ll catch y’all later.?

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ku68ug/mf_former_coworker_wants_me_to_have_sex_with


  1. I enjoyed this story, please keep us up to date. I have a friend I have known for a while and he’s asked if I would fuck his wife although its more his fantasy than hers. I believe, so it’s tuff to believe if it will ever happen but who knows following your story here may help give the edge to pursue what he wants which is just mind boggling.

  2. I can’t pretend I don’t enjoy reading about this, but have you asked yourself how they will feel if they know you’re posting about it? I could see them reacting badly to that.

  3. It feels like this is primarily his fantasy, *but* I also get the sense that Cass is more into *you* than she is the bigger fantasy of it. It’s a strange situation to be sure, but by being chill about all of it is going to likely get you a lot of great sex, so that sounds like a pretty good option.

  4. hmm.. seems a little too strange with the rules. I feel there is an undercurrent of anger there. Like if you break one of the rules he flips.

    sorry to be a downer.

  5. Hmm, while i very much do enjoy the stories, this whole thing with all the frankly nonsense rules bugs me. Some of them are obviously reasonable, but a lot of them seem very off. This whole thing screams like this is their last attempt at saving their marriage, while cass proposed it and Nick absolutely doesn’t want that to ever happen, thus making these rules.

  6. Cass is not naked, no oral……. no way!! If I wanted that many conditions on getting laid I would have stayed married. ????

  7. So do you still have all your organs? Didn’t wake up in a bathtub with ice did you?

  8. It sounds almost too good to be true. On a dark note, this set up sounds like a plot line for a new episode of Dexter. Nick will eventually meet Dexter but first Nick meets you.

  9. This is very interesting. I, like others, am very into it. I like how you are playing along with the onerous rules. Myself? I may have pushed back against the regimented controled fashion he is using on your ability to play with her how you would want to and lost the opportunity.

  10. Honestly, it sounds like sex with zero foreplay.

    Nothing above the waist removes kissing, breast fondling, blowjobs.

    Like, do they expect you to just instantly be hard from the sight of her body?

  11. That’s hilarious I used to work with a poly couple and their names were Cassie and nick

  12. I need another update man. This is great! Definitely keep them coming, or cumming if you will… okay I’ll see myself out.

  13. You rock!! Also, YOU GOT THIS!!!! Thanks for the update. Can’t wait for the next installment.

  14. Oi… I’m kind of excited for you, and kind of feel bad for you.

    On one hand, it Is really nice to be trapped for the honor of railing someone else’s person.

    On the other hand, playing bull for a couple with crazy ass rules like that is MISERABLE. Been there, done it, would 100% pass the next time around.

  15. Nice update. Hopeful for a follow up soon. Finding myself more interested in reading these inexperience events than reading ones about relationships that’s been fully established.

  16. OP must be dead. If this happened to me I’d want to be telling everyone I could. Which would only be unknown people on the internet because I’d never tell anyone I actually knew

  17. Mind commenting, when you post an update, so that i get a notification?

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