I did it, I wrote my first book. The Executive Assistant – The Sexual Awakening. Thank you to all the women and men who gave me feedback on what they loved and wanted more of.


Sneak Peak of Chapter 1

## Chapter 1 – The Sexual Awakening

Elizabeth liked being the new executive assistant to Mr. Copeland, an up-and-coming business director for the financial firm, Redfield Investments. She worked hard to earn this position, especially after interning for two years in Tennessee, and earning her bachelor’s degree in business administrations. She didn’t really feel appreciated for her hard work and didn’t see herself going anywhere in that place, which was the reason she wanted to leave.

So how did Elizabeth end up laying across Mr. Copeland’s lap, with her bare ass in the air?

It started with a desire of this small-town girl, to work and live near a major city. So, when the company announced that they decided to open another location, just outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, she immediately applied for the Executive Assistant position.

At first, Elizabeth was a little intimidated by Mr. Copeland, because when he talked to her, he looked her straight in the eyes. She would try hard, to look back into those gorgeous green eyes, but whenever she did, she’d lose focus, and not hear a word he said. She was also afraid that her eyes would betray her and reveal her attraction to him.

The longer they worked together, the more she wanted to be around him. He was a smart, tall, fit, man, standing 6’2”, light skinned, with short brown hair. He always came to work with a nice haircut, cleaned shaven face, trimmed mustache, and what smelled like Armani Code cologne, she loved walking behind him to smell it.

Whenever they would walk towards the conference room for a meeting, she would purposely walk behind him, with the files in her hands, just to look at those broad shoulders, under that suit jacket, hints of his bicep, whenever his arms would swing, and his ass, perfectly fitted in those pants. She could feel her hands sweating, and fingers itching to touch those glutes, so she made sure to squeeze the files extra tight, just so her hands wouldn’t go for his butt.

Elizabeth was just 5’5, with shoulder length hair, hazel eyes, and she occasionally wore reading glasses, so you could tell why she felt small, standing in front of him. Ever since Mr. Copeland complimented her on the smell of her perfume, Pleasures Eau de Parfum, she always made sure to wear it for him.

One time she was walking a little too close behind him, closed her eyes to smell his cologne, and didn’t realize that he immediately turned around, until she bumped into his chest, and felt him grab her hips. Her eyes opened to the sight of his eyes looking down at her. He let go off her hips, smiled, as she apologized, with a blushing face. His hands were so powerful and they felt like they belonged on her hips.

Other times, when Mr. Copeland would ask her for files, she would hand them to him, and feel their fingers touch. She didn’t know if it was him doing that on purpose, or her doing that on purpose, but that brief skin to skin contact, made her heart race and breathing stop. God his office smelled good, she thought. It was like his smell was a part of him, that was floating in the air, and that part of him, was now inside her. Whenever she thought about that, she had to make frequent trips to bathroom to dry herself off.

Elizabeth had her own office, which was about 10 feet from Mr. Copeland. She always kept a notepad next to her computer because Mr. Copeland had a habit of walking in, for things that he needed, which she would quickly jot down. Today he was standing in front of her desk, telling her about a PowerPoint that he needed her to put together, and to include last week’s accounts. She started to write this down, while periodically looking up, to gaze at the bulge in his pants. She was wondering if he wore boxers, brief, or nothing at all. She could see the outline of his shaft, and the head of his cock perfectly. The taste of an eraser, that she didn’t even know went in her mouth, woke her from this gaze.

Elizabeth quickly looked down, a little embarrassed, hoping he didn’t see her staring, and feeling her face blush again. She made sure she wrote down everything he said, before saying, “I’ll have that to you as soon as I can.” Mr. Copeland always made sure to look her in the eye, with every compliment he gave her, “Good job on the power point”, “Thank you for finishing that so early”, “Thanks for staying late”, “Your perfume smells lovely.” She worked so hard for this position, and she didn’t want to disappoint him, so she made sure everything he needed was done.

Mr. Copeland didn’t really talk to the other employees in the office, just his account managers and Elizabeth. If he ever needed any employee related questions, he went through her. Things were going well for her, but her weekends were getting increasingly lonely, and her toys were no longer as fun as they used to be.

On Monday Night, Elizabeth was working late, trying to finish the PowerPoint, while Mr. Copeland stayed late to prep for the important 9am business meeting. At 7pm, he called her into his office and asked her to she show him the PowerPoint. Mr. Copeland was sitting at his desk, very impressed by the slides, until he said, “Where’s the financial information on the Zimmerman account?”

Her heart sank, when she realized she totally forgot to call them, get that information, and put it in the slide. She looked at her notes, then realized she forgot to write it down, as pictures of his bulge flashed in her head. He looked so disappointed, as he said, “We can’t do the meeting tomorrow without that information.”

She was so angry at herself, that she didn’t even realize her left hand had touched his right shoulder, and the words that came out of her mouth were, “I’m so sorry I let you down, you should punish me for that.” Then a cold shock ran down her spine when she had realized what she just said. She had no idea how to recover from that comment and just looked at him, waiting for a response.

He paused for a second, looked her straight in the eyes, with those gorgeous green eyes, grinned, and said, “I should punish you for that Mrs. Elizabeth,” then paused for a second, as if reading her body language from that response. She felt her knees suddenly get weak, and slightly bend, while swallowing extra saliva that formed in her mouth. Still looking into her eyes, he pushed his seat back and said, “I want you to lay across my lap,” and without hesitation, she laid across his lap, looking down at his expensive shoes.

She could feel him looking down at her back, as she laid there, waiting for something to happen. His legs felt strong, and held most of her weight, as her fingertips touched the floor. She felt him roll up her skirt, and exposing her panties, as she felt the cold office air on her ass cheeks. She wished she wore sexy underwear, then felt him pull her panties down to her knees, exposing her bare ass. She was trembling, but she didn’t know if it was from the complete exposure, the complete control she gave him, or the fact that she wanted this to happen.

“You did a bad thing Mrs. Elizabeth, that account is worth a couple million dollars.”

The only thing she could say was, “I’m sorry sir, I want to be punished for it”.

“I’ve been watching you, staring at me, smelling me, touching me. My hands have been wondering if you would give them the opportunity to touch you back.”

She felt him reach out his right hand, and placed his fingertips above her right ass, then slowly slid it across the outside of her right ass cheek. She felt him go back above her right ass, spread out his fingers and slide them down her entire right ass cheek. A bolt of energy hit her clit, when she felt his pinky, graze her pussy lips, before traveling up and across her entire left ass cheek. Her ass felt sensitive to his touch, and the brief pinky interaction with her pussy lips, made her pussy throb for more. She could feel her legs separate, giving him access to more, as she felt herself getting wetter.

Mr. Copeland reached his right hand out again, this time putting his right palm, just above her right ass, and using his entire hand, to glide down her entire right ass check, making sure that more than one finger slid up and down her pussy lips, a few times. He seemed to love teasing those pussy lips, before pausing, and slightly penetrating his middle finger between her pussy lips, then using his ring finger and index finger, to squeeze her pussy lips around his middle finger, before sliding them back up, and over her entire left ass cheek. She held her breath the entire travel up her pussy lips and over her left ass cheek, then let out an exhale moan.

She felt him pause for a second, so she turned her head, and watched him admiring this beautiful ass on his lap, then slowly putting his middle finger in his mouth, closing his eyes, and tasting her. His nostrils flared, as if he tasted something so good, his other senses wanted to join in as well.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/kumzj9/i_did_it_i_wrote_my_first_book_the_executive