[F] My first time following my Dom’s orders at work

After I met my Dom, he quickly had me doing naughty things in my room, under his direction. He would reward me when I succeeded in doing challenging things. Much more often, he’d punish me when I screwed up. He made me discover things, he made me more confident. It was a fun start. Over the course of those adventures, I had asked him about his past experiences and he had told me that a while back, he had directed a sub of his at work. That had gotten me so turned on. I couldn’t dare imagine doing stuff at work. But he made it sound possible. He made it sound desirable. I wanted him to show me what was possible. Would I dare do all he suggested? I told him I was intrigued and really turned on. His only response was “well slut, when is a good day for you?”.i still can’t believe how excited I was! I couldn’t wait and I told him that the next Tuesday would be good for me.

When I woke up, I had a message waiting. We had agreed the day before on what I would wear. Here is how it went:

*“Good morning. Today you are going to need a little slut survival kit. This should contain: Your plug, a marker pen, scissors, a plastic bag of some sort (incase the plug gets removed), and of course some lube.*

*You should start your day as usual by wearing your blue dress and some panties or a thong that you are not too fond of. Act as you normally would and await further instructions.*

*It should go without saying but no touching yourself at any point until I explicitly order you to.”*

When I woke up and read it, I felt a little scared, but really excited. I got up, got ready. I wore a blue dress that ended above the knee in the lab that day. I didn’t have any chemical work so I wasn’t violating any PPE rules. And of course, I prepared my little bag. By 8 I was off to work. Meetings until 9:50, wasn’t great fun. But at 10 AM sharp, I got a message:

*“9 AM, still no “Good Morning Sir”. I’m starting to believe you got scared.”*

All of a sudden it hit me that I had screwed up. He didn’t say a thing but I felt I was going to pay for it. After exchanging pleasantries and telling him how I dressed in details, he told me to go about my day but to tell him when I needed to go to the bathroom.

It must have been as much the excitement as the real need to, but 30 minutes later I told him I was about to go. The instruction was simple: While I was there I was to edge myself and immediately get back to work. I was thrilled. He followed up by asking if I had ever masturbated at work. Honestly, at that point, I had never. But it had crossed my mind more than once and I felt incredibly naughty to be about to do it.

After doing what I had to and cleaning up, I slid a finger between my legs, and another, and with them I masturbated. I felt so much like a slut. My pleasure rose so fast. I edged and stopped. It was so frustrating but I did as I was told and promptly returned to my desk.

Once I got there, he made it obvious I screwed up again. I didn’t thank him for that moment of pleasure. It had totally slipped my mind. He asked me if I knew what was coming and of course I did. I was going to get punished. I had never done this at work and I was terrified of what he might make me do. Thankfully, he didn’t make me linger. I had, whenever convenient but without using the bathroom or any room that has a locked door, to remove my underwear.

I was nervous. I realized that I was also soaking wet. I couldn’t believe how turned on I was. My desk faces someone else’s so I had to come up with a way to remove my panties discreetly. I acted like I was fidgeting and slowly let them slide down my legs before picking them up. At this point, I was really pleased with myself. I don’t think I could have done any better. i held a conversation with a colleague while stripping myself of my panties.

As I told him when he asked, I felt exposed and excited. He asked about my plans for lunch. I was having lunch with a colleague. He suggested we go out and have a sandwich on a bench. This is something I regularly did with that co-worker (pre-COVID). However, before I went out with her, he required me to go to the bathroom and this time, to take my survival kit with me. I have to say, those last 20 minutes of work before getting up were not productive at all!

When I got into the bathroom, his order was very simple. Just one word: “Strip!”. He then asked me to slide a finger between my thighs and taste it. I was close to dripping. He asked me if I was a real slut. If I liked it. I couldn’t lie, I had to tell him. I felt like a real slut. And I really loved it! So he made me take out the marker from my bag and write “SLUT” in block letters across my tummy. That felt so humiliating but thrilling at the same time. I put my dress back on. but I wasn’t allowed to put my panties on. And when I thought I was done, he made me edge, but to tell him as I did and to hold it and whisper “I’m a slut” every 3 seconds. In my work bathroom stall. I had never been so humiliated before. But I couldn’t help realize how wet I was, how I was struggling not to orgasm. And after edging me for what seemed like an eternity, but in the end was only about twenty seconds, he ordered me to stop and wished me “Bon Appétit”. On the way out he did add something.

“*One last thing*” he added. As of now, whenever I sat, my knees had to be at least 30 cm apart. What was he having me do?! I was worried. I had a relatively short dress on and no underwear. But why wasn’t even protesting the least bit? I was definitely properly labelled.

Lunch was nice, but I couldn’t help look at every passer by. Some looked at us, but probably innocently. Except for one. I’m sure he saw. He looked at me intensely. He smiled. I’m sure he could see my exposed cunt. The thrill was unbelievable. Like nothing I had ever felt. I was such a bad girl. And I loved it.

When I got back to work, I did get a bit of time to actually do something productive. I did have to tell him when I needed another bathroom break and when the time came, I did. He asked if my thighs were still dry. If only he knew. I could feel them slip against each other. Not rub, slip. Lubricated by my juices.

Once in the stall, he made me take the lube out and like he did a few days previously, he had me prepare my ass with a finger. I wasn’t a fan of anal, I never had great experiences. But he taught me to take my time. He ordered me to take my time and my plug, for the first time, just slide in. And I loved it. So here I was, at work, reproducing that. Lubricating my backdoor, relaxing. I was allowed to masturbate as I did to make it easier. He also allowed me to take my dress off, which I did. I would have stained it with my juices and lube for sure had I not. And with the help of the lube, and masturbation, my jewelled butt plug slid right inside me as it had before. I felt full. It was so nice. I also felt really filthy. Plugging myself at work, naked in a bathroom stall. Me, a well educated student from a conservative, South Asian family. I was so far away from what I had been told all my life. But it felt so good, so right. And so, so liberating.

To punish my previous mistakes, he made me get out of the stall and take a picture of the writing on my body. I was to post it online some time later. The lighting was bad, so I made a few. I didn’t like them but he liked one. He told me how good and slutty I looked on it and it did help me gain confidence in myself. And he was right. Which woman shouldn’t feel confident, when taking a picture of her body with “SLUT” written over it, a buttplug up her ass, half naked in her office bathroom? I just hadn’t realized it before. It did feel good when it became clear I had nothing to be ashamed of. I felt slutty, and much more confident in myself than I had when I walked in this morning.

As it was almost time to go, before leaving the bathroom he offered me a choice. Keep the panties off, and be rewarded. Put them on to go home and be punished. I was pretty confident my plug would stay in place and opted for the more daring option.

I did go back to finish some work before leaving. The plug felt unusual but really good as I was walking. It was a bit more disturbing sitting down, but not uncomfortable. More like my head repeating on and on “Slut, you have something in your ass that shouldn’t be there. And it feels pretty good”. That is the point I started to question my dislike of anal and took the decision I’d want to explore it more… but at home ideally to begin with.

As I walked to my car, he offered me to stop or continue once home. The end would have been an orgasm. In my car, in the work parking lot. Or at home after some more fun. I chose at home. Not that I didn’t dare orgasm in my car. I would have in a heartbeat. But I wanted this to go on! I mean, who wouldn’t have wanted to have more fun?

So I drove home, with my dress and without panties. My soaking pussy was dripping on my driver’s seat and my butt was plugged. I had spent one of the best days of my life at work, and I was driving home to a sure orgasm. I couldn’t have felt any better.

Once I got home, Sir made me stick my dildo to a wall with its suction cup and film myself fucking it until I came. I filmed it for him. It was one of the best experiences I’ve had and the furthest into exhibition I had ever gone at that point. It was the perfect ending to a perfect day.

Thank you Sir. I’m so grateful for what you made me do that day. Of what you still make me do. For the fact that I get to live my fantasies by sharing myself with the world. By showing them that picture I took in my work bathroom. I hope there will be many more fun times like this. I beg you, please do this to me again. I want to be your good slut. Even though we both know I’ll screw up and you’ll get to punish me. Time and time again.

Spoiler alert! He did ;) but that’s a story for another day.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kuibeb/f_my_first_time_following_my_doms_orders_at_work


  1. Loved this story. You described the tension and enjoyment of waiting for those orders extremely well. Public risk is an incredible turnon, I’m glad your Dom incorporated that into your day. I wonder what your co-workers would have thought if they heard ” I’m a slut, I’m a slut.. ” from the next bathroom stall.

    Your photos are beautiful. I bet at least one of your fellow labrats is crushing.

    I’ve had similar fun with my long distance sub, the extended play is incredible. It was nice to see you profess your gratitude at the end of your story. I’ll be waiting for more stories about how your relationship develops.

  2. HOT story !!
    Loved the lunchtime spread knees and the walking guy looking up your dress at your dripping cunt, and, of course, your orgasm at home.

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