Blackmail 03 – Package (F, blackmail, fiction)

I sat in my living room sipping on coffee watching the news to keep myself kept up with what was going on in our country but found it completely in a dismal like normal.

Typical politicians doing complete nonsense bickering amongst themselves over silly power. Just once I want to watch the news and have a politician actually make sense.

When will I ever learn?

I decided to change the channel to something that made sense to me….cartoons.

More specifically anime.


A girl can’t watch anime?

Well fuck you!

I never really grew up.

If only my students knew when they were talking about anime in class I knew exactly what they were talking about and secretly I wanted to tell them how much of a nerd I was.

I sat there lounging on my sofa sipping on coffee watching something I loved.

It was a perfect day.

I graded all my students assignments last night and went over all the material that I planned on doing next week for my classes with the proper documentation ready to be printed when I get to work.

My secret admirer had been quiet for the last few days ever since I told them to fuck off. The last thing they replied was they would be in touch…..whatever that meant.

I wasn’t on the schedule to strip this weekend oddly enough but I’m not going to look a goofy house in the mouth.

And I don’t have a client scheduled for my call girl job until next Friday.

Typically I don’t get many caller’s for my call girl job because I’m not a cheap bitch. Though I have an extensive client list who I charge $10,000 for the vanilla stuff and the price goes up from there.

My weekend was completely mine.

I lightly thought to myself that I should go to the gym and maybe get a workout in before my scheduled naked yoga. Though right now I was doing kegel exercises on my device while I was drinking coffee.


I need a way to keep my pussy tight and kegel exercises do help keep one’s pussy tight which I pride myself on.

Also helps keep my pussy sensitive.

While I sat there thinking of what I was going to do with my free weekend which I was already starting to plan out. My door bell rang.

I looked at the door and thought *great just what I needed *.

I put my coffee mug down, paused my recorded anime, and got up to see who the fuck was at the door.

Or at least I was going to do but I realized that I wasn’t exactly ready to greet anyone in just my thong.

I growled as the door bell rang again and I yelled out, “Hold on.”

I rushed to my bedroom and put on the only thing that would help my situation….a fluffy fleece robe that I stole from one of the hotels where I met from a client during one of my call girl nights. Which client I don’t remember but the insignia of the hotel was firmly embroidered on.

There now I was semi presentable.

The door bell rang again and I yelled out, “I’m comin I’m comin.”

I lightly chuckled to myself as I walked towards the door wondering how many times I’ve yelled that during one of my many many romps in the adult industry or during one of my call girl dates.

I got to the door and opened it wanting to yell at the visitor for disturbing my anime time.

I was but the person was semi cute.

The person standing in front of me was an average looking guy. Maybe a little pudgy but something I can easily look over.

He was a few hairs taller than my short 5’4” frame but not by much. If I had to guess he was 5’6” at the highest. He had semi short black hair except with a short curl in the front giving off a certain superhero vibe. Nice hazel eyes. He seemed a little pudgy but not by much if I had to guess he was maybe in the 170lb range.

The person looked semi young. Maybe in his mid to late twenties like me.

He was wear a courier outfit with his name tag embroidered saying “Mike” along with his company name above it reading “James’s Bike Courier’s”.

I looked to the side and clearly saw a bike.

Looks like I got a bike courier visiting me.

Something you don’t see very often.

I looked at Mike and spoke, “Yes.”

Mike looked at his clipboard and spoke, “Are you Mrs. Stucky?”

I wanted to correct him by saying Ms. meaning I wasn’t married nor dating someone. Though if I was desperate I would easily go for this man but I’m not so I won’t.

Though he did hit a lot of my checks when looking for a guy. Wasn’t too tall but taller than me. Not too overweight but not skinny. His hair color or eye color didn’t bother me. I wasn’t too picky about hair color or eye color.

Too bad he didn’t have too much money so that was an instant turn off. Though I made a shit ton of money with all my various side jobs and side contracts. Not enough to be stupid rich but well off.

The only thing that made me want to pull this guy in was his dick size. If I knew he was swinging a bat between his legs then I’d instantly give him a show.

Knowing my luck he probably had a wee bitty dingy.

Consequences of going into porn. If a guy didn’t have a big dick and good stamina then it’s hard for me to be pleased.

I looked at Mike and gave him a small smile and nodded.

He smiled back at me and I could tell he was checking me out and eyeing my visible tattoos probably wondering exactly how many more tattoos I had.

He then riffled through his side bag and pulled out a decent sized box and said, “Please sign here ma’am.” As he handed me the clipboard.

I signed where my name was displayed and handed the clipboard to Mike. Mike in turn handed me the box as I was kind of confused who would send me a delivered personal box.

I still took the box and watched Mike leave just so I could get a look at his ass before I closed the door.

I took the box and walked over to my sofa where my coffee was sitting. I sat down trying to think of who would could send me a personal box.

I opened it to be greeted by a personal note when I opened the box.

I opened the letter and read:

*Mary Tasty or rather Bella Stucky,*

*I know who you are and have easily found you. Though you feel threatened by my knowledge my intent for now is I want to play. Whether you play or not is up to you. If you want to remain a teacher of young minds that is. Enjoy your next task I hope you enjoy what I have in store for you.*

*Your secret admirer*

I instantly thought that this asshole whoever he is sure won’t stop with whatever he/she has planned.

I looked at the still sealed box kind of fascinated that whatever was in the box was a nice wooden box.

Might as well see what’s in the box.

I opened it and instantly gasped.


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