The Dungeon (BDSM)

Saturday I pretty much came up with every excuse in the book why I shouldn’t go to Sir’s birthday party at the Mark in Nashville. First I was running late, which looking back I think I subconsciously created problems to be late. Then I was starting to get sick and feeling ran down, so I spoke to Sir and told him since I was already running late maybe I should just stay at his house and let him go on without me. Sir was not having it, he said he didn’t care how long I took. He was walking up in there with me, and you know I’m glad he pushed me.

I finally made it to Sir’s house and every light in the house was off. I walked up the steps with some of my stuff and went in to wake him up from his nap. I felt my way around and finally reached the bed and was easing myself in and he jumped up and grabbed me, what a surprise. I told him we needed to hurry, that we where going to be late and he said he didn’t care. He threw me down and said he wanted me right then and he was going to have me. After we got done with an amazing round of I would say making love, but it was more like getting pounded, we jumped in the shower.

I start getting cleaned up all over again, he calls his friend and tells her we are going to be late. After I get ready we are finally walking out the door, with a couple stops on the way. During this time I decide to drink a couple wine coolers to help me relax, for some reason I was just so stressed about going to the dungeon for the first time. We finally get to the Mark and my nervous just start going crazy. He tells me to always be touching him and to stay close and everything will be fine.

We walk in and I’m looking around, it looks pretty normal nothing that would make me nervous at all. He chatted with a few people he knew and introduced me to them. He turns to me and says are you ready to go for a tour and I take a deep breath and say sure. He gives me that look and I immediately say yes Sir, and he tells me good girl. He holds the door open for me and I walk through.

The first thing I really notice is the doctor’s office chair and then another similar one with stirrups for your feet. A thousand thoughts are running through my mind and he also tells me a little about what could happen on these tables. Then I see a cross in the back and he explains what they do there. So many things are happening and so many very interesting people using these props or whatever they are called. I see a woman in a cage butt ass naked and she doesn’t even notice us. One of Sirs friends and I talk and she says that it could be sub space, but she wasn’t sure. She looked like someone had drugged her ass, but drugs and alcohol are not permitted in or on the property.

Then I notice a bunch of people with candles and Sir explains they are doing wax play. He points to a couch and we stay there letting me get comfortable for a while. Then we all go back to the other room and have cake and ice cream. While there, the woman from the cage is brought in and she is wrapped in a blanket and her Dom is being so kind and loving to her. Sir and I both agree that is what we want, the trust and caring. During this time many people come up and speak to us.

Sir told me before we ever left his house he wasn’t going to leave me at all, but he needed to use the restroom and I wasn’t worried about anything. He told his friend to watch me and make sure I was ok, she asked how close he wanted her to watch me and he said really close. So until Sir came back, she was about 2 inches from my tits. I was having a hard time with this, due to my space issues. He finally returned and we all laughed and then she eased up, she said she didn’t mind the view, I got embarrassed.

Sir asks if I’m ready to go back in and I say yes, Sir. While we had been socializing many people had come in. When we went back into the main room so much going on that my mind couldn’t register it at first. There was a couple on a swinging table fucking, a girl doing cup play, a couple in the corner getting a spanking of some kind, the couple Sir introduced me to playing some kind of cat and mouse game, another couple fucking in the back, a group of people biting each other and a woman hooked to the cross being flogged. I was at a loss for words and then his friend got bound down on a well something with wrap and everyone started giving her spankings. I felt a little odd watching all this but it was also very exciting and sexual.

Sir took me over to one of the hospital tables and a friend of his brought his bag of tricks. After sitting there discussing what each one did and how it felt Sir looks at me and asks if I want to try. I regretfully declined, if there is anything I wish I would have done, it would have been that. Sir starts to kiss me and I look at him and tell him he can and he can also touch my butt. My pda issues where not as bad as they would normally be, it just seemed to me that no one was going to care if a girl was kissing in here. Pda just wasn’t an issue for the first time in my life, I could have had Sir pull my dress up and took me right there. I was that comfortable, I didn’t tell him of course. I still need to take things slow for now.

We went and sat back down on the couch and I so wanted Sir to push my buttons, but he listened to me and was completely okay with just hanging out. I looked over and his friend was being cut and I almost jump out of my skin, he said they liked that and I was like well I won’t judge anyone. Who knows in 6 months it might just be me wanting that done. After they get done playing, they come over to Sir and I and ask if we would like to spank her. This girl was standing butt naked in front of us and I was having pda issues for her. I declined to spank her, but said that I would take a rain check for next year. Sir proceeded to beat her ass and as far as I know she liked it, it freaking turned me on big time.

We then left and went back home where I couldn’t wait to have Sir’s dick inside me. We fucked for what seemed like forever and I just want to say it may have been Sir’s bday party, but I got to enjoy it just as much if not more than he did. I can’t wait to go back and maybe him and I play will a little this time, who knows.
