New Life, Old Flame (2/2) [MF] [long]

[Part 1 here.](

As I was driving over to Jack’s house, I regretted my vomit joke, mostly because now I couldn’t get the idea of throwing up out of my head. I want this, I reminded myself, and if it turns out I don’t, I can always walk away. Deep breaths and an open window helped to calm me down somewhat. I parked on his driveway and exhaled slowly before getting out of the car. When my hand reached for the doorbell, it still trembled. The door opened mere instants later.


He smiled sheepishly, a mirror to my own uncertainty. His hair and beard seemed to shine with their own glow atop his plaid flannel shirt as he looked me up and down. He smelled faintly of wood smoke.

“Now I kinda feel like you’re out of my league.”

“Oh, I don’t know, Jack. You clean up nicely.”

“It’s been a while since I had any reason to.”

His eyes flitted away from me, but came right back, along with his smile.

“Come in, come in. I hope you still like game and a single malt.”

He turned around and went ahead of me. I caught up to him and put my hand lightly on his ass.

“My tastes haven’t changed that much.”


Once we sat down to the dinner he had prepared, both of us quickly relaxed. The food was delicious and the wine probably helped, but it was the ease with which our conversation flowed that made the years seem to slip away. As I washed down the last of my meat with the last of my wine, I was happier than I had been since we left the city.

“What happened to us, Jack?”

He stood up and took our empty plates.

“You couldn’t imagine staying here. I couldn’t imagine leaving.”

It wasn’t a rebuke, but it still hit me. He went to the kitchen, taking our good mood with him.

“Goddammit”, I muttered, then shook my head. I was a grown woman, responsible for my own happiness. And I knew what I wanted.

When he walked back into the room, my little black dress lay discarded in the corner. His mouth fell open and the tray he was carrying shifted a bit, the two bowls and two empty glasses sliding to the side and clinking against one another. He caught himself just in time, straightening and putting the tray on the table. I smiled at him, my pose as casual as I could manage while my heartbeat in my throat; my legs crossed and an arm on the backrest. He tried to smile back, but his eyes kept dropping to my breasts, my nipples slightly stretching the sheer fabric. With a nervous cough, he sat down.

“So, uhm, do you still want ice cream?”

“Is that really your question?”

“Well, if it melts it’s just not-”


He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Then he fixed me with a hard look from his green eyes.

“You and your husband, you just, you sleep around?”

I deflated under his stare and his stammered question.

“Maybe this wasn’t the best idea.” I went to pick up my dress.

“Does he even know?”

“Excuse me?”

“Does your husband know why you’re here?”

Now it was my turn to glare. I wanted to scream and curse at him. Fucking small-minded hamlet. Instead I threw my dress back down and walked over to him, my heels clicking sharply on the wooden floor. Standing in front him, legs apart, hands on my hips, he leaned back, eyeing me over. His gaze lingered on the barely-there panties, my pussy no doubt quite visible to him.

“Up here, Jack.” His head shot up, as if caught. I leaned closer to him. “Yes, he knows. No, we don’t just fuck around. We love and trust each other. That is the only way our arrangement could ever work; love, trust, and a stupid amount of talking. Is it perfect? Of course not. But we’re happy. And that’s a fucking lot. I thought you, we, this … I thought it would be fun, for both of us. But I guess I was wrong. I don’t need your fucking judgement.”

I turned around. He grabbed my wrist.

“Sorry. Don’t go.” He stood up, towering above me. I couldn’t think of a biting retort before he continued. “I didn’t mean to judge. Just didn’t want you to do something you’d regret. I …” He trailed off as he released my wrist and looked me over. “I find it hard to imagine why anyone would want to share a woman like you.”

“That’s kinda sexist, but kinda sweet.”

There was a moment of silence. We looked at each other, awkward smiles on both our lips. I wasn’t sure what I wanted now. He took the glasses off the tray and walked to the liquor cabinet in the corner where he grabbed a bottle.

“Come, let’s go outside.”

I hesitated for a moment. Did he just expect me to follow him like this?


A warm breeze caressed my skin as I stepped onto the deck and slipped out of my shoes, right next to where he had left his. On bare feet I went down the steps towards the roaring flames lighting up the night sky and sat down next to Jack, on a bench just far enough from the blazing heat.

“You did not just build this fire.”

He chuckled and handed me a glass. The smokey smell of the scotch soothed the last of my nerves.

“Built it before you arrived. Only had to poke it up now. Do you like it?”

His uncertainty was endearing, but that wasn’t why I came here. I leaned against him, one hand on his leg, and took a sip. Warmth flowed down my throat.

“I love it.”

He put his own glass down and placed an arm around me. The flannel was soft on my skin. When he kissed me, it was with a tentative tenderness. I moaned softly into his mouth. He pulled back, threw back the rest of his whiskey and tossed the glass to the side. I grinned at him as I scooted back a little.

“I’m not wasting a single malt like that. You could stand to lose some clothes. Go on, strip for me.”

He raised an eyebrow, but started undoing the buttons on his shirt. I swirled little mouthfuls of whiskey around on my tongue as he dropped his shirt on the ground and took off his tank top. He wasn’t really toned, but his bulk was mainly muscle, that was very clear. I drank him in, a big smile on my face, as he continued. When he stood in front of me in nothing but his tight boxers, the outline of his half hard cock clearly visible, I did drain my glass and tossed it aside. He pulled me to my feet and kissed me again. This time there was no hesitation. He pressed me against him, his hands squeezing my ass. I could feel his erection between us, hot and hard, as my hands wandered lower and lower on his back. My mouth left his and went to his hairy chest. I kissed my way to his nipple and took it in my mouth. He let out a loud groan when I pressed it between my teeth, just hard enough to hurt. Fully erect now, there was a wet spot where his cock seemed about to burst through his boxers. I practically tore them off, his cock getting pulled along, only to slap back against his stomach with a resounding smack. On my knees I looked from his purple head to face. His chest was heaving, his eyes bright. I licked along his shaft, slowly. When my lips enveloped the head of his cock and I tasted his precum, he twitched, a low rumble deep in his throat.

“Oh, babe”, he managed.

He clearly wasn’t going to last long. I gripped him at the base of his cock and withdrew my mouth, trying to postpone his orgasm at least a little bit. But he placed a hand on the back of my head, so big that it encompassed it almost entirely, and pushed me forward. My mouth opened instinctively and in a single motion he was so deep my lips touched my fingers. I moaned as he held me there. Unexpected as this was from him, my pussy quivered at the sudden loss of control. He eased up slightly, then pushed back inside. I let go of his cock and grabbed his ass as my nose touched his stomach while his cock hit my throat. He spasmed and bellowed and came. My mouth overflowed with his seed. I leaned back, his softening cock slipping from between my lips, and looked at him, my mouth agape. He smiled at me, but it quickly slipped.

“Sorry,” he started, but I held up a finger to silence him.

I swallowed and got to my feet.

“Don’t ruin it, Jack. I’m a big girl. If I don’t like something, you’ll notice. And I definitely liked that.”

His smile returned. Taking hold of my chin, he brought his face close to mine.

“Then lose the bra.” His voice was low and sent a shudder down my spine.

My hands practically flew to the clasp on my back, stopping for a brief moment when he kissed me, his tongue invading my mouth with clear intent. My knees went weak as I fumbled with my bra until it finally relented and fell to the ground. He stepped behind me and cupped my breasts. I exposed my neck to his lips, his beard adding a rough edge to his kisses. His hands kneaded my breasts forcefully and I leaned back against him, every squeeze sending another spark straight to my pussy. He held them in the palms of his hands, my nipples firm between thumb and forefinger.

“This what you want, babe?”

“I’m not your babe anymore”, I panted, hoping he would understand.

In response his grip on my nipples tightened and I gasped.

“Then what?” he asked, pulling my breasts forward. “What are you?”

“I- Ah! I’m your wet little cunt!” I yelled at the darkness around us.

He pressed me against him, still rolling my nipples between his fingers. I could feel him growing as I ground my ass against his crotch.

“On the bench on your knees.”

With a cheek pressed against the smooth, warm wood and my ass in the air, I suddenly felt an enormous amount of love. Love for Jack, so kind and careful yet filled with lust. And love for Peter, that amazing man who always tried to make me happy, even to the detriment of his own happiness. Someday soon I would have to-


His hand hitting my ass quieted both the night and my thoughts. Another smack on my other cheek elicited a deep groan.

“Thought you’d like that”, he said. And then, softer, “God, you’re beautiful.”

Before I could respond he slid my panties from my hips and left them halfway down my thighs.

“God”, he said again, almost reverently. Then, without warning, he slapped my ass again and again. I grunted every time his hand connected with my flesh, my pussy contracting in time with the blows.

He gently caressed me. I could feel his eyes on me as I lay there, exposed and panting, both my face and my ass hot in the cool night air. He started kissing the tender flesh, his lips cool on my burning skin, surrounded by his coarse beard. The multitude of sensations nearly overwhelmed me. When his tongue lightly traced the outside of my labia, I could feel the first waves of my orgasm rising. My hands clenched around the edges of the bench. The tip of his tongue touched my asshole and his thumb stroked my pussy, gathering my juices before circling my clit. A low moan rose in my throat, climbing as his tongue and his thumb steadily circled my sensitive spots, until he sent me over the edge. He continued unabated while the waves crashed over me. When I came to my senses, a puddle of drool had formed where the corner of my mouth touched the bench. His hands traveled the length of my back, caressing me, soothing me, until I lifted my head and smiled at him. My eyes flitted from his face to his half hard cock and back.

“Thank you.”

He held out his hand and pulled me to my feet on top of the bench. Then he kissed me, my taste on his lips and in his beard, his hands heavy on my ass. I had to bend my head down only slightly, pressed up against him. The flames danced and flickered on our gleaming flesh.

“How do you want me?” I whispered.

The only warning I got were a twinkle in his eye and a slight raising of the corners of his mouth, before he grabbed me just below my ass and hoisted me in the air. I let out a yelp, my arms tight around his neck. Taking a single step towards the fire, the blaze hot on my skin, his cock nudged my labia. I started to moan when he began to lower me at a snail’s pace. His grip was unyielding as he penetrated me, stretching me inch by inch. My breath ran out even before his purple head was inside. I lay my head against his shoulder, panting, as I continued my excruciatingly slow descent onto him.

“Tell me what you want.” There wasn’t a hint of exertion in his voice, only lust.

“Please,” I managed, “please fuck me.”

He stopped, his cock halfway inside my throbbing pussy.

“You can do better.” I could hear the mirth in his voice.

I raised my head and looked into his eyes.

“Fuck your wet little cunt!” I growled.

With a single thrust he entered me completely. We both moaned, our eyes still locked. For the briefest of moments, there under the starry night sky, with everything silent but for the crackling of the fire, we were connected, conjoined, our hearts beating as one in our chests and in our loins. Then he kissed me, his tongue forcing its way into my mouth, and placed his hands higher, taking hold of my cheeks, his fingertips almost touching. He began to fuck me, lifting and lowering me, as if I weighed nothing. His fingers dug into my flesh, spreading and kneading my ass. I felt like a toy as he bounced me up and down, being used by him to stroke his cock. He broke the kiss and licked his way along my neck before gently biting on my earlobe.

“You are such a wet little cunt.”

“Ah, yes! Fuck me! Use me!”

His teeth grazed my neck as he continued to pound me.

“I’m going to fuck you ‘till I come, ‘till I fill up that hungry pussy.”

I threw my head back and roared, my orgasm sweeping over me suddenly and powerfully. My pussy pulsed around his cock as my hips bucked and I continued to scream, waves of pleasure crashing onto me with every thrust. Just as they began to recede, he groaned and pulled me completely down onto him. I could feel him coming inside of me, his shaft trashing against the tender walls of my pussy. I buried my face against his neck and held on as he kept filling me up and every throb sparked a new wave pleasure that quickly became unbearable. He fell to his knees, spent. My ass hit the grass with a soft thud. I kept my legs on either side of him, my hands on his knees. He was panting hard and after a minute or so I got up to get us some more scotch, and to let him catch his breath. A trickle of cum ran along the inside of my leg. I walked around him and leaned on his broad back as I held the glass up to him. I kissed in between his shoulder blades. He took a thoughtful sip, then clasped my hand laying on his shoulder.

“You know,” he said, “maybe I should go to the city.”


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