[FF] My husband stood me up…. (Long)

This happened in 2018, you know, before the madness!

I get to the bar early, this was a rare night out for parents of young children but my husband hadn’t arrived from work yet, my phone buzzes and it’s him

“Sorry hun, the trains delayed, I’m going to be atleast another hour”

Annoyed I decide to go into bar and get a drink myself, I order my favourite, a large baileys with ice, I pay and walk over the small table for two in the corner

Sitting there scrolling though my phone and generally observing the people coming in and out of the bar my eyes catch a businesswoman women walking in, she’s not dressed for a night out, she’s in a pencil shirt, a white blouse and a jacket to match her shirt, she looks a little flustered and orders a drink at the bar, as she was given the drink she then looked around to see there were no seats available so she leant against the bar and started drinking

I sat there scrolling though Facebook, head on my phone when I was alerted that someone was standing over me, I looked up and it was the businesswoman

“Hi, really sorry but do you mind if I sit here?” She asked, a very softly spoken well educated accent
“Yes of course” I said as I gestured towards the seat
“Are you on your own?” She asked
“Well at the moment, I’m supposed to be meeting my husband but the idiot is late” I explained

She smiled

“”What about you?” I asked
“Oh I’m in Cardiff for a few days on business, I’ve just had a shitty meeting so I needed a drink before I get back to my hotel” she explained
“Sorry about that” I said smiling

My phone buzzed, I picked it up and noticed the time, 7:50, he was already 50mins late

“Sorry luv, it looks as if we’re going to have to wait for another train, I might not even be there for another two hours”

I paused, I was really angry, it’s not his fault if the train has broken but this was my first night out in about a year and he’s fucked it up by arranging a meeting in London on the same day

“Don’t worry then, just go straight home when you get to the station, I’m still going to the cinema on my own” I texted back

I slammed my phone down on the table, I was pissed! I’d been looking forward to getting out for weeks, a few drinks, the cinema and then some food, I’d booked a babysitter until midnight and now it was wasted! Well fuck him, I’ll go and see Avengers and tell him what happens when I get home

“You ok?” She asked
“Yes I’m fine, just pissed off” I said as I laughed
“Don’t say you’ve been stood up?” She asked
“Yes, he’s stuck on a train platform but bollocks to him, I’m still having a few drinks and then going to the cinema on my own” I said laughing
“So another drink then?” She asked
“Don’t worry about me” I protested
“No please, I’ve just got an empty hotel room to go back to so I’m happy with the company”

I smiled, she got up, went to the bar and ordered drinks, back she came with a large Baileys and another wine for her

We sat there chatting for a while, she was telling me about her day, she worked for an IT company and she’d had a shit day, she was selling software into a misogynistic business and all the guy wanted to do was leer at her and make sexist comments, she had to flirt back in order to get the sale but hates herself for it, she joked that she hated men full stop, I asked her if that was same for her partner and she responded with the fact she was single and proud and she wasn’t interested in men anyway!

I noticed that we were out of drink so I asked her if she wanted another one, she said yes obviously and up to the bar I went, returning with another two drinks and continuing our conversation, my phone buzzed, it was a reminder that my cinema tickets were ready, the movie started in an hour

“What film were you seeing?” She asked

I also realised at that point that I didn’t know her name

“The new Avengers film, I was planning on geeking out and perving on Chris Hemsworth” I said laughing

“Ooh that does look good, although I’d be listing over Scarlett Johannson” she laughed

“Well I’ve got two tickets if you want to come with me?” I said, I mean why not, why should I waste my night and I was having a laugh

“You know what, that sounds amazing, but if it’s ok with you I need swing around to my hotel and get changed, I can’t stand being in this suit for one more minute” as she said that she touched my hand on the table and I experienced an electric feeling through my body, it felt really weird and I don’t know why but I felt turned on….why? I’m a married woman and she’s a female stranger!

We carried on our drinks and explained she was in the Clayton Hotel which was only just around the corner, we finished our drinks and headed out of the door, as the fresh air hit me I suddenly felt a bit tipsy, my legs wobbled a little and she realised it, grabbing my arm

“You ok?” She said
“Yeah sorry, the fresh air, the alcohol and the fact it’s the first time in months I’ve been out” I just laughed
“Well come on, ignore your fuckwit of a husband and let’s go to the cinema” she said laughing as she looped her arm inside mine..I felt that electricity again as we walked the 200 or so meters to the hotel

Inside we went

“I’ll wait here for you” I said
“No don’t worry, come on up, I’ve got an open bottle of wine in my room” she laughed
“Ok” I said as I followed her over to the lift, in we stepped and up the lift went to her floor, we walked down to her room and in we went, it was nothing special, just a normal hotel room, a large bed and a sofa against the wall, on the table was an open bottle of wine

“Drink?” she asked
“Oh go on then” I said as she poured two coffee mugs of wine
“I hope you don’t mind the mugs, the champagne flutes are in the dishwasher” she said laughing
I laughed and took the mug off her and sat on the sofa

She kicked off her heels and undid her jacket, dropping it on the chair as she walked past it

“Are you ok if I just grab a quick shower?” She asked
“No, that’s fine, we’ve still got 45mins and the cinema is only around the corner”

She undid her blouse and slipped it off her shoulders exposing a beautiful pair of rounded breasts, her dark hair trailing over her shoulder onto her pale skin, her lovely and expensive looking lace bra holding up those breasts…cow! I bet she hasn’t had kids

She then unzipped her skirt and and slipped it down over her hips, wow, her body was stunning, I’d say she was maybe mid 30’s but her body was flawless, she turned to me and smiled, standing there in just her knickers and bra she looked amazing, I’ve never considered myself attracted to women, I mean I used to watch porn with my husband and he liked girl on girl but it was never my thing, I like the sight of a big cock but wow, she was beautiful and I could feel my pussy getting wet, what the hell was I thinking????

She turned and walked into the bathroom and I sat there taking a sip of the wine to try and get my mind off the naked women in the bathroom, I was trying not to think of what she looked like naked, trying not to think about her soaping up her breasts, rubbing soapy water in between her legs….what the fuck!!! I tried to take my mind of her by looking around the room and hey up….what’s that?

On the bedside cabinet was a sex toy, it was a rabbit looking thing, I knew because I have one but I laughed as I saw it there, I wanted a closer look so I got up, walked over to the bed and picked it up, it was larger than mine and looked a lot better, for some reason, I have no idea why, I lifted it to my face and smelt it, taking in the smell of another woman’s pussy, it smelt amazing, I was wondering in my head what the hell eas going on, I’m in a strangers hotel room, a woman’s hotel room, she’s naked in the bathroom and I’m sitting on her bed holding her vibrator!

The bathroom door opened, and she came out with a towel wrapped around her waist, I panicked and just froze, holding the vibrator as she stopped and looked at me, my mouth dropped, I didn’t know what to stay

“So you found my travelling pal” she laughed
“Err yeah I saw it on the side and wanted a closer look”
“I take that everywhere with me, helps me relax at the end of a tough day”
“I can imagine” I said
“Have you got one?”
“Yes, it’s not as big as this one though” I answered
“This is great, it’s got lots of different speeds so if I want to cum closely I can, if I want to cum quickly…well you know” she said confidently

I looked at it and pushed the on button and jumped a little as as it started in my hand

“Touch it on your nose” she said “you can feel the vibrations”

I lifted it to my nose, not only testing the vibrations but also taking in the smell again, she leant on the bed and indicated she wanted me to pass it to her, as she lifted her arm her towel become loose, she ticked her arm, holding the towel but it wasn’t enough and it opened and fell to the edge of the bed, she stood there naked leaning over the bed, fuck me she looked amazing

I passed her the vibrating toy and she took it slowly off me, placing the tip of the phallus on her nipple which popped to attention

“Haha, it makes me want to use it now” she joked
“Haha, yeah I know what you mean” I answered, I have no idea why, I didn’t really know what min was saying or doing, God I didn’t know what I was saying

“Take your clothes off” she commanded
“What?” I asked slightly confused
“You heard me, take you clothes off, you knew this was going to happen when you came here”
“But I didn’t”
“You’re sitting on my bed, I’m naked on and holding a vibrator, I’m also willing to guarantee your pussy is wet, you want this”

I didn’t know what to say but I stood up and slowly started to take my clothes off, my shoes first, then my blouse and my trousers, as I did so she moved the vibrator down to her pussy and started to tease it with the toy, as my trousers dropped to the floor I paused to watch the beautiful sight in front of me

I reached back and released my bra and and let it drop to the floor, mesmerised by what I was watching I hooked my fingers into the waistband of my knickers and pulling them over my hips and letting them drop to the floor, what the hell was going on….what started with my husband standing me up and deciding to stay out had now turned into me being naked in a strange females hotel room

“Get on the bed” she said is a soft sexy voice, I climbed onto it, positioning myself sitting upright with my back on the headboard, my legs open

She climbed onto the bed moving towards me and positioning herself sitting infront of my open legs, she reached her one hand over to touch my pussy and even before they touched I felt the same electricity shooting through my body and then her fingers touched my inner thighs, whoosh! It was electric, I jumped a little, she smiled

I was a little embarrassed as I haven’t shaved my pussy since before I had kids so it was full on hair down there but her fingers seemed to tease the hair, twirling it in and out of her fingers, pulling every nerve ending, sending shivers through my body before her fingers brushed my pussy lips, shit! They opened immediately exposing my gushing wetness, this was the first person to touch my pussy other than me in a month, the first person other than my husband in over 10yrs, the first woman ever!!!!! And has her fingers lightly brushed my pussy up and down I didn’t want her to stop, I wanted her to devour me

She placed the head of the vibrator to my pussy lips and the wetness allowed it to slide in, just the first few cm’s but my pussy was begging for more, there was no need for any lube, any more teasing it was ready, I was ready, she slid it in a little more and I felt my lips spread as it entered me, god it felt amazing, she was keeping eye contact with me as she slipped the toy further inside me until it could go no further, at that point she leant forward and I tasted those luscious wet lips as we kissed, it wasn’t the first time I’d kissed a girl on the lips, there was that game of truth or dare I’m school all those years ago but this was different

Her lips peppered mine with soft luscious kisses, periodically biting my bottom lip, her tongue scoping inside mine before they started to entangle as she moved closer, her breasts pressing abound mine, I could have cum there and then but I did when she pressed the on button of the toy, rapturous vibrations rocked through my body as the toy vibrated inside me and the rabbit ears tickled my clit, I cum, and I cum hard, almost instantaneously….there was no fumbling around in the dark for 5mins after my husband had started snoring here, this hit me with a bang!!!!!

“Oooh I’ve never seen someone cum so quickly” she said
“Oh god, I’ve never cum so quickly” I gasped

But she wasn’t stopping, she withdrew the toy from my puss and started kissing around my body, my neck and then my breasts, my body was still feeling the post orgasmic electricity, I wanted to touch her but I didn’t know what to do, I didn’t want my naivety to spoil the moment so I reached for her breast and cupped it, my cold hands made her groan slightly, that sound made me wetter if it was possible, I started to hold her breast, feeling her hard nipple under my palm, I wanted to explore her

“Hold on, my turn” I said in my sexiest voice
“Have you ever been with a woman before”
She asked
“No never!” I confirmed
“Just do what feels natural” she added

I moved up and gently hovered over her, kissing her lips and then whilst I had two hands on her breasts, those amazing breasts I started to kiss down her perfect neck down to the top of her chest and met those amazing firm breasts, kissing around them and eventually taking each nipple into my mouth and sucking it, twirling my tongue around her erect nipples, I’ve never done this before, I don’t think I’ve really thought of it but it seemed natural

I was wrapping my hands around her breasts, doing to her……what’s her bloody name……what I would want done, and then I decided to be brave, I started to move down her body, kissing over her perfect abs, her perfect stomach, still a little damp from her shower and then down to her pubic bone, I was dropping little kisses everywhere, my hands were now on her legs, holding them as I traced kisses down her leg, past her pussy but taking in the beautiful smell as I passed until I got low enough to start making my way back up

I kissed and licked my way back up her leg until I reached her pussy, her bald perfect pussy, I kissed it, I didn’t have a bloody clue what I was doing but I kissed it, I kissed the outer lips, she shuddered sound guess it was correct, I kissed above her pussy and then directly on it, just about tasting a tiny drop of fluid, I kissed again and the lips opened slightly, glistening behind them, the next time I kissed them they opened more and she opened her legs, lifting her knees up, that movement parted her pussy lips infront of me, this time I kissed them but trailed my tongue up the lips, parting them more but more importantly tasting her wetness her hands grabbed my head, pulling me in to her…..let’s just take a step back here….3hrs ago I was waiting outside a bar for my husband and he stood me up…..now I’m in a hotel room licking a strangers pussy…..my first pussy…..and do you know what……I like it, I really like it!!!

Each time I licked I went deeper, each time tasting her more, each time hungrily eating her, licking from bottom to top, twisting my tongue around her clit, from her moans and groans I think I’m quite good at it, I loved my hand to the top of her pussy, my tongue probing the hole whilst I started to run her clit with my thumb, she was getting more vocal and pulling my head in closer, she said she was cumming so I worked harder, lapping away at her pussy, my tongue probing her pussy and clit before she she clamped her legs around my head, her body convulsing underneath me, her body was shaking as I carried on licking away until she eventually pushed my head away

I moved away, looking up at her face, her eyes closed, I moved up her body to lay next to her, as I did she grabbed my face and kissed me

“Now I can’t believe that’s the first time you’ve done that” she said with a huge smile on her face
“No, that wasn’t only the first time I’ve done it, it’s the first time I’ve even thought about it” I confirmed
“We’ll let me tell you now, you’re a natural” she said as she hugged me close

We lay there in silence

“So do you do this often? I mean pick up strange women in a bar and take them back to your hotel” I asked laughing
“Well yes actually! I divorced a few months ago, I liked women before my divorce but since then I’ve identified as a lesbian so I meet as many women as I can” she said quite confidently and without a single doubt

I was a little surprised with how candid she was with her answer

“I could ask you the same thing” she said
“Well that would have to be no, in fact quite the opposite, not only are you the first woman I’ve ever been with but I’ve only ever had three sexual partners”
“We’ll let me tell you how, you’re a natural” she laughed
“I’m happy to hear” I laughed back

My phone buzzed and I crawled over to the table next to chair where I’d left my phone, it was a text from my husband

“I’m home now so let me know if you want a lift home”

“Ok, can you pick me up at 11:30 outside the cinema”

“Ok” he replied

As I turned back to the bed, I couldn’t help but admire the goddess on the bed, lying there naked, I wanted more!

“Is that your husband?” She asked
“Yes, asking me what time I wanted picking up”
“You mean you won’t spend the night?” She said smiling
“No, that maybe a little too much, he’s picking me up at 11:30.and anyway I don’t even know your name”

She laughed “names are overrated” she said as she patted the bed indicating he wanted me back there

I walked over and got back into bed, leaning over and kissing her as I did, she wrapped her arms around me kissed me passionately as I collapsed on top of her body, we kissed for a longer time before she rolled me on to my back and then started kissing me all over, she spent time on my breasts, my nipples and my stomach before I felt her warm breath on my pussy….my god I was ready to cum again!!!

She kissed and nibbled the inside of my leg before kissing my pussy, and then exploring with her tongue, it felt unbelievable, nothing like when my husband does it after a while she stopped and moved her head away before shifting her body around and and kinda sitting on me with one leg under me, I didn’t really know what was going on and then she shifted again, this time I realised that she was moving out pussys together, she grabbed hold of my hand and pulled herself in closer as her fingers opened both of our pussys and started to grind into me…fucking hell this was intense!

She was grinding into me and each movement sent a sensation though my body I’d never experienced, it felt amazing, our pussys grinding against each other, our clits rubbing against each other, our juices mixing and helping our body’s slide, I’d never ever thought about lesbian sex but holy shit this amazing, I could feel the orgasm building in side me, she was breathing heavily, I was laying there watching this beautiful woman fucking me, her breasts bouncing as she loved, her beautiful face contorted in passion and pleasure

She picked up the pace and she was clearly herself getting closer to cumming, she reached down and started running both our clits, for me that was too much, and I started to lose control, the orgasm burst inside my body and and I started to shake, it felt as if I had no control over my limbs and she joined me as she let out a “fuuuuucccckkkk” collapsing down on-top of my body, directing her hot and steamy breath onto my neck as she tried to get her breathing under control…it was so fucking sexy as we both lay there in a post orgasmic bliss….this was so intense

We lay there naked on the bed, we must have both nodded off, comfortable lying there on the bed exhausted

I haven’t a clue how long I was there for but I was woken rudely by my phone ringing, jumping up I was initially disorientated but then realised where I was and what was happening, I looked at the time and realised it was 11:35….fuck!!! My husband!!!!

I grabbed my phone and answered it, trying not to sound flustered

“Hi luv” I said
“Hiya, I’m outside parked up around the corner”
“Oh great, I’ll be another few minutes I’m desperate for the loo and there’s a big queue”
“Yep, no probs, I’ll see you in a minute”

I quickly got dressed as the the woman lay there laughing at me

“Well done for thinking on your feet, are you sure you haven’t done this before?”
“God no!”

I finished dressing and whilst I needed to rush I also wanted to say thanks to this amazing woman that had opened my eyes and given me the night of my life

I leant over the bed and kissed her
“Thank you, I’ll never forget tonight” I said tenderly
“Yes it was fun, do you want me to let you know next time I’m in town?” She asked
“No, I think once is enough” I said as I kissed her again I moved to get of the bed and as I walked away and towards the door I looked back at her one last time

“Oh and my name” she said
“It’s Eve” and blew me a kiss as I left the room, what the fuck had happened tonight, would I tell me my husband about it? He’d have an absolute fit but also love it

Out for the hotel I went and down the road ensuringw that I came from an angle he couldn’t see, and then walked to the car, I opened the car and got in, leaning over and giving him a kiss

“Good night honey?” He asked
“Yes, not to plan but I made the most of it” I said as he pulled away, driving back home to my normal family life

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ktzrbi/ff_my_husband_stood_me_up_long


  1. Hot story could have been even hotter if you would have had the hubby come up and fuck both of you

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