The Quiet Neighbor: Boundaries

The day after was expectedly awkward. Your best friend and roommate Alexia, had held your head to her swollen labia, while she pushed two loads of cum onto your tongue, then while eating your cinnamon buns commented and how good and moist they were went pale and blushed at the same time. Victor, the delivery guy, was just quiet, and couldn’t meet anyone’s eyes. However before he left for work wanted to know if we needed anything for dinner from the store like he would be coming back tonight. Dom came out after he left.

He had the liquor store polo and khaki pants on that he had to wear for work. Alexia was off for the weekend. You had closing shifts all weekend and had been hoping to avoid any in depth discussion. “Sarah,..” your skin crawled at his whine, the guy who had been holding your throat last night with alternating strokes during a double penetration had been bold and confident taking what he wanted, this boy was afraid, “we need to talk about..”

“You all using me like a fuck doll?” His eyes went wide, the desired effect, Alexia just kept her head down, you take three fingers and a piece of cinnamon bun, pushing into your mouth and sucking the icing off with a loud “Pop!”. You laugh and your nipples get a bit harder just thinking about. “What about it?”

“Yes.” He said, looking at his girlfriend for help “Rah, we don’t want things to be weird.” You ust smiled, making eye contact with Alexia, scratching the area by the bruising on your neck she looks at the blue, green finger prints. Her eyes looking down again “Is Victor moving in?” You asked.

They looked at each other, “It would lower our rent, if it’s ok with you.” You looked like we’re considering it, you didn’t care, but it was fun having them on eggshells. “Will we do it again?” You tried to be nonchalant, but your aching cleft was moistened. Alexia looked at you. Her face was flush, last night you had made her have a huge orgasm, her legs collapsed and had been shuttering while the boys took turns on you, your head resting on her bosom, while she brushed your hair with her fingers.

“We don’t know, it might have been a one time thing.” She look away you stretched the pajama T-shirt your were wearing doing an amazing play over your bare breasts, and showing an ample abdomen, and just the top of your panties. “OK” you smile and go throw away your paper towel you had been eating the cinnamon bun off of, with a completely unnecessary bend over at the waist, and sauntered to the living room, to watch some tv. They had a fairly heated conversation about too much looking but based on the parts of the conversation you heard it was not clear who was looking too much or at what.

The house you and your friends rented was old, but lovely, out of the way so when you did get loud it was rare for a complaint, but it was also quiet, which meant that when the trailer door was rolled up to load furniture you heard it, two men talking and laughing like old friends even though you were sure they had only met last night. You peaked through the window next to the tv and saw the back of the trailer and the neighbor loading parts of the bed, the mattress, and lastly the walnut chair into the trailer.

The women finally came outside, no makeup, in what looked like dancers workout clothes, loos fitting and roomy her toned body hinted beneath the clothes. They all chatted and you turned down the tv to try and hear. “You should do something about the fence.” The women said with a bit laughter, then leaned and kissed and hugged the Neighbor a bit too long. When they released he looked at your house and In a deep voice that sounded like verbal masturbation, “I think that would be a great idea. You both should come back and visit again soon and let me know when you need another chair.”

They loaded up and drove off the Neighbor waving them off then returning inside and closing all of his blinds again, then the sounds of his work beginning renewed. The sound of his work blending with Alexia cleaning the kitchen, doing laundry, mopping, changing the sheets on their bed, taking out the trash, her constant working was kind of driving you mad, not sure on how long you could take her stewing on the looming awkward situation of your friendship. The boys can deal but Alexia had been your friend for ever, and a little rough sex wouldn’t change that.

You caught up to her in your room, she was getting your laundry together, “Does this mean you are my bitch now?” She looked up shocked the ruined shirt from the night before in her hand. She looked shocked, “What.” She needed to be shocked out of this. “After last night your my bitch now, dishes floors, I bet you will even wash the toilet for me if I asked.” She hated cleaning the bathroom, it was normally Dom’s job. “Ummmmm” she looked at the bathroom and you laughed. It was so funny but she was so concerned with how you might feel that she started to cry.

“We are fine Lexi” you cooed as you pulled her next to you onto your bed. Giving her hug, she cradled your shirt in her arms, “But what we did to you…?” You smiled getting a little turned on at the aches and pains. “Was fucking amazing, and surprising, but was so hot and I loved it.” Your stroke her hair, her dark hair and darker green eyes glistening from tears. “Really?”, another comforting hug. “Ohhhh honey, yes yes yes. I didn’t know my little Lexi who used to cry at the leaves falling off of trees had that in you.” She looked up pouting. “They looked cold.” She leaned against you, for bit longer.

“Your sure you liked it?” With a little bit of a light of hope in her eyes. You turn to her, taker her face in your hands. “Yes.” Her eyes brighten “ThankgodIwasso worried, youhadsomanyredmarks, andattimesitsoundedlike we were hurting you.” She rattled off the stream in a second. “You guys did hurt me, and I loved it but no permanent damage.”, she gets a serious look. “What was it like, being fucked like that.”, you feel confused for a second, “you and Dom have never done anal?”

“Yes but I have never had both at the same time.”, you try your best to explain the feeling of having two cocks inside you, filling you, throbbing. Your panties wet again. “And did you like what I did?” She asked, “you know it’s not the first time we played.” You state, Alexia scoffs, “Fingering and kissing is one thing, I made you drink cum from me.” A brief flash back, a flush sweaty Lexi hands in your hair panting, a musky cum filled pussy held to your face, Victor standing behind you, hard cock ramming into you sweat splashing onto your back. Dom standing above you his slackening penis still dripping cum and Lexi’s fluids onto your hair and face. You sigh “Yes” and pull her back onto the bed with you. You crawl on top Alexia bites her lip. “So are we going to do it again?” You gently press the mound under your wet panties against hers, the seam of he cut off sweats grinding. She moans, “Did you like getting choked?” Her hands gently touch the bruises. “Yes, I did, have you ever?” Gasping you reposition rubbing more of your drenched clefts together soaked cloth spreading, wet sounds building. “No it scared me, can I?” She pulls your torn shirt from under her body. “Please.” you whimper.

She wraps the cloth around your neck as pull her shorts and underwear off, you kick yours aside, she gently tightens, “Like that.” You go back to grinding, smiling at he polite attempt, “Harder, I will tell you when to stop.” She pulls tighter and tighter gently working up to you getting you to see stars, making it hard to breath, your clit isolated in your mind the wet flesh sliding over hers, the blood pounding in your ears. Your release, the muscles clenching as you are rocked by and orgasm. You slump next to Alexia, she holds you, wetness growing between your intermingled legs. “You really like some fucked up stuff Sarah.” You kiss for a few minutes. “But I think I like it too. The power I felt; it’s kinda scary.” You “mmmmm” in response. You two took a nap and with the help of one of Alexia’s turtle neck shirts you went to work at 430 working the closing shift. A long night with your body hurting the way it was. However everyone commented how much you were glowing, even around the mask, your smile and good mood was literally lighting the place up. You got great tips, complements and even Butch the head bartender was a little happier by the end of the night.

On Sunday you even heard him whistle as he was doing the final close out and wash down. But in three years of working nights the most he had done is ask for the music to be turned down so he could “Hear himself fucking count.” You went home, and had an in-depth conversation about limits, boundaries, rules and stayed up riding Victor a little longer than you had meant to. Not having to be until the evening you slept in, and awoke to the sound of machinery removing the fence and bushes from your neighbors property.
