My first forray into [public] [nudity] (very mild) [F29][shy]

I live in a house that is a few miles from our nearest villiage, its mostly down quiet country lanes so I generally walk rather than drive.

Anyway a few weeks back I’d been reading stories on here all morning and got myself a bit *ahem* hot. Anyway I needed to realised I had to pop to the shops, so figured I would put my laptop away and come back to certain tabs later…

As I’m walking I keep thinking about different stories and how I wish I was brave enough to act on some of those fantasies. My walk takes me down one lane (more of a farmers track tbh.) that I’ve hardly ever seen anyone else use… I stopped as an idea started forming in my head… no-one comes down here… I got that nervous sort of feeling just like before you talk to a big group of people, mixed with that stupid energy you get when you’re a little too horny for your own good…

My hands shaking I unbuttoned my coat and listed my jumper pretending I was flashing someone my bra… I let my jumper drop, glancing around expecting this to be the one time someone came up the track… I wasn’t done yet though, I tried to think of something else to do, coming up with a few ideas, then chickening out. I heared a car go past in the distance which made me jump out of my skin… after assuring myself none was coming, I decided if I was going to do something I had to do it now.

I hitched up my skirt and pulled down my leggings. (Only to realise you really need to take your wellies off before your leggings!) A bit of stumbling and some muddy socks later, I stood leggings in hand feeling pretty pleased with myself… untill it dawned on me; if it was less chilly I might have left the house dressed like this anway. Fuck it (As much as being turned on I was proving something to myself at this point) I hitched up my skirt again this time I decided I would go comando. As I pulled my panties off I almost waivered, standing in an awkward position, with them half down my thighs, torn about what to do.

What as I argued with myself it felt like an eternity passed. Two cars went past in the distance, each time completely terrifying me. Eventually I won myself over: ‘if someone comes along and I’ve taken these off no-one can tell. If they come along and you’re stood like this with them pulled half down… its pretty obvious’ I took them off and awkwardly stepped back into my wellies. Then after a moments thought put my underware into my shopping bag.

‘What if someone looks in and sees them?’

Ok thats stupid and pretty unlikely…but the thought of someone seeing them and putting two and two together was hell of a turn on…. buuut I wan’t quite ready for that, I put my hat in the bag to hide them.

I made my way to the villiage shop, all the while feeling like my skirt was shorter than a belt (its actually about knee length) Jumping evertime someone said as much as hullo in my direction. Still the feeling the cold between my legs, walking around with this big secret was such a turn on. I di my shopping, had an awkward chat with the cashier, and headed back as quickly as I could! When I got home my laptop was completely ignored as I headed straight for my shower! Unf!

Since then I’ve done it a few more times, each time I get undressed on the lane as its far more of a thrill than leaving the house already declad. Each time I still have an argument with myself, but I’m getting bolder.

So far I have done three things that I’m really proud of:

One time (just before christmas) I bought a complete change of clothes and got (almost) completely undressed before putting on the other set.

On a particularly frosty day I climbed over a five bar gate and ‘rested’ on the top of it with one leg on either side! My poor pussy has neer been so cold, but oh my god! That freezing almost unbearable feeling between my legs and cheeks! I could still feel it by the time I’d dome my shopping and got back home. (I maaaay have done this more than once after!)

The most recent, is the scariest thing I’ve done so far. After taking my panties off, I hung them in the hedgerow. That way I didn’t have the option to put them back on till I got back. There was also the thrill that they might be gone by the time I got back (although fortunately they were still there though!)

While this isn’t a bold or slutty as most of the stories here, it was a big step for me & I’m super proud of myself.



  1. Little steps at a time. You’ll discover where your limits are and then if you want you can continue to push them. Good luck and have fun.

  2. Bold or tame is relative. Be proud of leaving your comfort zone. Ultimately what’s going on in your head is the interesting part. I loved the part where you were arguing with yourself in the most incriminating pose possible: with the panties around your knees. lol

    I hope you will keep going and continue sharing your adventures. How about adding your bra to the hedgerow the next time?

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