I[F] was fucked in the ass by my husband[M] on the kitchen counter

It was almost 10:30 am before I rose, showered, and descended to the kitchen wearing nothing but an ankle length bathrobe. I didn’t see, or hear my husband enter the kitchen, I think I just ‘sensed’ his presence; turning around from the counter where I was making tea, I found him standing before me, wearing nothing but a pair of boxer shorts and a knowing smile. Before I could even wish him a good morning, he stepped forward, lifted me by the hips and spinning me around as if I weighed nothing, plonked me down on the edge of the kitchen table. Before I could protest, a gentle push between my breasts left me spread-eagled across the kitchen counter, with legs spread and dangling over the edge, my robe parting below its waist-tie and putting my sex on full display before his gaze.

Moments later I felt the unmistakable touch of my husband’s tongue against my perineum. It was like a spark of electricity and as the full breadth of his tongue slid firmly and slowly forward along the full length of my womanhood, my groan of pleasure slowly culminating in a small yelp as he concluded with a flick to my clitoris. A second, third and one fourth and final pass saw me squeezing his head tightly between my thighs whilst voicing a piercing squeal of orgasmic delight; less than thirty seconds and I’d climaxed!

He must’ve squatted between my legs for at least twenty minutes, his lips and tongue laving unceasingly along, across and penetrating deep into my gash, whilst his fingers when not scratching up and down my inner thighs, or occasionally heading north to stroke across my belly to tweak and tease my bloated and aching nipples, danced around the edges, exploring every soft fold and valley of my pussy lips.

I lost count of the number of times that I orgasmed, though perhaps it was just the once? As before one climax subsided, the next was invariably already well underway and could be concluded as he discovered by his merest touch to my bum. His fingers, stroking and probing at my anal ring were tantalizing enough, but any attention by his probing and circling tongue was a pleasure that I’d never enjoyed before and the result was simply mindblowing!

This was exactly my situation when his oral attentions finally ended and I was no more than half-aware of his standing upright, casting off his boxer shorts, nor indeed those first brushes of his rigid cock sliding through the juice-soaked carpet of my matted pubic hair and across my dripping labia, until it too was slick. It was only when he gripped my calves and lifted my weak and flaccid legs high to drape across shoulders, that I fully comprehended his intention.

A moment later his hips thrust aggressively forward driving the head of his swollen cock through the tight rosebud of my anal ring and into my virgin bum. There was a sharp pain, followed by a burning sensation and I emitted a sharp, tight scream in response ; immediately after my temperature seemed to go through the roof, my whole torso glowing red at the intrusion of what felt like a tree-trunk threatening to spilt me in two and I could do nothing beyond lie there gasping for breath.

It wasn’t until the initial shock of his intrusion had begun to pass that I realised he’d not gone further, but neither had he withdrawn and the look on his face when I finally met his gaze was definitely one of the ‘oh shit, what have I done?’ variety. Whichever, the look of relief on my husband’s face when I smiled and whispered: “Don’t you dare stop now.” was a picture.

He immediately began to work his tumescent cock further into my tight and unyielding bum, it was a slow process and a complex mixture of both pleasure and pain, though the latter eased a little when I passed him the bottle of olive oil standing on the table beside my head. As he used half its contents to liberally lubricate us both, things got easier and the sting of the oil’s herb-infusion added yet another layer of delight to my tingling nerve-ends. I’ve no idea how long it took for the moment to finally arrive, but the gentle tap of his balls hitting my buttocks, seemed to dispel any final vestige of discomfort, whereafter it was pure pleasure and no matter how deeply he drove his stiff cock into my now yielding bowel, I begged for more.

Those few minutes were undoubtedly the most intense carnal experience of my entire life, with my hot husband pounding into me like a madman, whilst I screamed encouragement in language the like of which I’ve never used before and as I realized only afterwards, with one hand pulling and twisting on my own nipples, whilst the other uncaringly plunged deep into my pussy. He didn’t last long — hardly surprising! – but he didn’t need to and the consummation when it arrived was noisy and dissolute. He bellowed like a bull as he fired stream upon stream of semen deep into my bowels, whilst I screamed as yet another and the strongest orgasm of them all ripped through my belly. Nobody’s ever mentioned it, but I cannot believe that not one of the neighbours overheard?

As we lay entwined on that table, exhausted and gasping for breath, in a pool of sweat, semen and olive oil, I could’ve happily stayed there forever; sadly my reverie was short-lived, with him leaping up and declaring: “Christ it’s getting late. I have to get to work.”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ks8usb/if_was_fucked_in_the_ass_by_my_husbandm_on_the


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