My unexpected tinder flower [MF]. Not short.

This story starts about a year ago. I had just come out of a year long relationship that had lacked any type of excitement. It wasn’t bad in any way but it just wasn’t going anywhere. As any normal and recently single 31 year old would do I fired up the dating apps. Bumble, Hinge and Tinder became the most used apps on my phone as I browsed aimlessly. Lots of boiler plate conversations with very little substance… you know the ones.

In my endless pursuit to swipe through every single female in my area I came across Daisy on tinder. She had a very nondescript profile. A few not revealing pictures and no bio whatsoever. The type of profile that quite honestly seems fake. None of the photos screamed sex or hinted at any type of flirtatious demeanor but none the less I found myself swiping right on her cute and unassuming self. We matched.

Daisy was to the point. She messaged first, wasn’t much fluff to the conversation, to be honest it wasn’t very interesting. She asked why I was on tinder, “I’m single” was all that came to mind the fucking Casanova I am… In all my cunning an brilliance I asked why she was swiping away, “Hormones.” In all my stupidity and befuddlement I asked for a further explanation. Daisy explained her sex drive as one typically reserved for teenage boys. She worked a lot and didn’t really have any interest in actually dating but she was looking to fuck… a lot. Now this was an unexpected turn. Very quickly our conversation turned into scheduling a time to meet for a drink in what I can only equate to the direct and planeness that someone schedules an interview or doctors appointment. 3 days away.

The next few days were spent with just minor back and forth as we scheduled to meet at a local brewery in the evening for a single beverage. The night came and we sat and talked and although the relationship was intended to be a sexual one the conversation flowed freely over one beer. She was much cuter in person and her pictures hadn’t done her justice. Coming in around 5’2” with a petite build but wide hips and an ass to match built from ample time in the gym. She had olive complexion with dark brown hair and a twinkle of mischievous in her eyes which was accentuated by the constant upturned smirk she near constantly sported. My intrigue grew. We had been at the bar an hour, maybe longer and hadn’t discussed sex at all…. isn’t this why we’re here I thought, hormones. She pointed out that she wasn’t sure this would work between us as she found me interesting and she didn’t want that. She didn’t want to like the person, just have sex and be done.

We left the bar and began walking aimlessly. Up and down the main drag, through alleys, no destination in mind. Here she started to describe what she wanted. No dates, no dinners, nothing. An evening of sex whenever we felt inclined. Zero emotional attachment. Daisy asked about what I was into and described that she wanted to be open and submissive and physically owned. I could only describe some past experiences that I thought would help me as a potential candidate as I was told I was the 3rd of 4 to be “interviewed” that week. We stopped in a parking lot briefly and kissed before Daisy said she had to get home before work tomorrow. It was about 10pm and her sleep and work performance mattered to her far more than spending more time with me that evening. That much was clear. Another “date” was on her agenda the following evening and perhaps we would talk again, it was unclear, I was baffled but impressed by her honesty and forthrightness about everything.

The next day I didn’t hear from her. I shouldn’t take it as a surprise I thought; work was the most important to her and she had another candidate right afterward. Mindlessly I spent the evening after work lounging and swiping and doing whatever else it is people do when they don’t have anything in particular they’re supposed to do.

Daisy – 10:15pm, “What’re you up to right now?”

Me – <shocked> “Absolutely nothing” how’s that for honesty

Daisy – “I can come by tonight, what’s your address”

Brief moment of panic. Address sent. Here we go.

The house was clean… enough and 10 minutes later Daisy was at my door still in her work attire. I on the other hand was in gym shorts and a shirt I would never leave the house in which in retrospect looked ridiculous I’m sure. She walked in full of confidence while I waited for her to set the tone for the evening. We sat on the couch and talked briefly about the day, her “date”. She wasn’t intrigued as the poor guy was uptight and nervous and she admitted to thinking about how freely our conversation flowed the evening prior. Seconds later she was on top of me. Grinding as we made out. This lasted 45 minutes or so with her straddling me as I pulled her into my crotch by her large but firm ass. My shorts rode up as she ground into me, the friction and her light panting left me straining against my briefs. She looked down at the size of my bulge and the tattoo now exposed on my thigh commenting on how full of surprises I was before we resumed our horizontal dance.

Almost as abruptly as her text earlier she realized how late it was and how she should get going so she didn’t ruin her productivity at work the next day. Begrudgingly I walked her toward the front door keeping my crotch pressed tightly into her ass that I had so quickly become infatuated with. As she bent to grab her shoes I grabbed her hips pulling her back into my crotch and holding her there. The slacks that she had worn were khaki colored and lacked rear pockets. They clung tightly to her skin and left just a few small pieces of fabric between our skin. Daisy ground back into me slightly and arched her back while standing herself back up slightly, the moment was there to be seized.

As she reached a more normal standing position I took the opportunity to quickly spin her around and push her roughly against the wall. At the same moment I positioned my hand firmly on her throat while the other worked feverishly to unbutton her slacks. She gasped when I had spun her into the wall and nearly growled as I seized her throat. I slid my hand down the front of her slacks and began rubbing her over of the hot and damp surface of her panties. Daisy grasped the forearm of the hand that still held her throat. She moaned and gasped and shook against me as she quickly arrived at her first orgasm. I didn’t relent and kept up the pace as she rebounded and had her second a mere 30 seconds later. I let her down slowly as she laughed at the beaming pride on my face. “No ones touched me in 3 weeks. Don’t flatter yourself” was the gist of her follow-up statement.

Daisy was now hornier yet still in the mind that she should be heading home for the evening. As she straightened herself back up she couldn’t hide the fire in her eyes. “Are you going to fuck me or am I going home?” It was my turn to smirk as I gently pushed her shoes towards her as I gestured her to leave. After all, she did want someone to take control of the situation and I was more than willing to steer us whichever way I felt. Her momentary excitement left her face just as quickly as she started putting her shoes back on. Once on she stood and turned to say goodbye and I again seized on her petite size and willingness to be dominated. This time forcing her face down onto the front entry table as my palm roughly smacked her ass. She yelped then moaned as I worked her pants down over her ass biting it as I went. Briefly I alternated being smacking her now exposed flesh and rubbing the still covered portion emitting the heat between her legs.

I spun her around one more time as she fell to her knees. Her face just inches from the now ridiculous looking bulge in my gym shorts. The night had just begun.

Daisy is a redditor and although not her real name I do hope she reads this and recognizes the fun we had. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think of her fondly.



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