[MF] 3 days In Savannah

I was 36(m) when this happened. Pre covid. Only my 2nd story. Be kind.

I was surprised at the amount of upvotes I got on my first story here:

[MF] More than I M (37) sexpected at a massage from gonewildstories

I REFUSE to the do the “skip to the good parts thing” Context is what makes it hot! I use a lot of spacing anyway THIS ONE MAY BE LONG….. SORRY FOR YELLING.

A little more about me. I have always struggled with confidence due to being bullied when I was young, being a 6’1 11 year old wasn’t easy. I only let you know that because…… Actually, I don’t know why I let you know that. Maybe to understand just how excited I get when these things happen.

While I had some experiences (perhaps 4-5 people before the age of 30)The renaissance that I underwent in my early 30s was not just about girls and sex it was a total life overhaul, mind body and soul. Dedication to improving every aspect of my life as well as getting very into fitness. I’m 6’4, muscular. Broad shoulders and big arms… I DO NOT think that I have a handsome enough face for women to look at my picture and be like oh he’s hot. Being 6’4 never really did much for me and honestly was the reason I was bullied. I have a big dick at 8 inches and unsure of girth but I have received plenty of positive feedback.

So I dated a girl for about 10-11 months. She sucked. I could write pages about how much she sucked and I did in an earlier draft ha ha. I was so unhappy; my fitness was falling off. I was drinking daily and otherwise numbing myself with whatever just to go home every night to her. We move in together and things implode, we break up. I’m pretty down on dating and life.

I happened to be between projects at work during a slow period. I told her that she had one month to gtfo of the apt that she was not on the lease for (and easily could have been). I went and stayed with friends that had an extra room. One month comes and goes and she is not fucking leaving because bad reasons. Her father did send me the rent though… So I was not THAT worried.

I’d never been to LA and have been wanting to see it so why not. I have points/status with an airline so it was quite easy to just go on a whim. I got to LA for about a week, staying in different hotels and exploring different neighborhoods, eating out seeing sites as well as connecting with some friends that live there. I am one of those people who can entertain myself alone for a while. At this time I am not really flirting with girls while out or going on dating sites to swipe because I just wasn’t into it. I simply did not have a desire to do so. I did have a female friend who had just moved out there a few months before although she went there all the time before. (No not her… story is about her friend).

She took me to this very cool industry party thing and she introduced me to Savannah and it was a brief interaction. I felt instant attraction. Later that night when my friend and I were at another bar, she randomly said, yknow Savannah thought you were hot. I said I thought the same is she single? No she’s not. “Actually all the girls there were super into you” because apparently I “come off as a real man instead of the LA guys” Whatever that means. I was like wait… why did we leave WTF?? should I move here? It Did not matter; I was so happy to hear that I was literally beaming. (And no my friend did not want me and wasn’t trying to make me feel better I assure you).

Fast forward 2 months to my birthday and my friend RANDOMLY sends a group text with a photo of her and Savannah from BOTH of their numbers! “Hey threwAway we just wanted to wish you a happy birthday! My friend is as the kids say a G. So Savannah and I start texting a bit, nothing sexual really just like what we are doing and food etc. Another month and she’s coming to my city for work for a whole week! We make a plan to hang out.

So I plan a little night taking her to a few spots for drinks and maybe light apps. I honestly did not want to assume anything. IN FACT! I have found that in my life when I expect to get laid I will not and If I just assume that I am not going to get laid, I will. It is probably about attitude and girls have crazy intuition regarding such matters.

We have a great time. The conversation flows, we talk about our lives and it turns out that at the time we met she also was on the outs with her BF and went through a similar breakup at the same time as me. I was kind of in awe of her… She was a badass in her business and life. She has endured hardship and overcome it and is just generally impressive. I have so much respect for her. At the last bar which is pretty hip we make out a little FINALLY and she looks up at me and says. “Hey… let’s go back to your place and see what happens.” No girl has ever been THAT forward. Going back to someone’s place was never stated outright like that but more couched in something like another drink or some smoking etc. I am not sure that I have ever asked for the check and ordered an uber that fast in my life. Oddly, we talked in the car and did not make out furiously. I think she felt self-conscious because of the driver. It was a short trip anyway.

Savannah is a short brunette with straight hair that goes to her shoulder. She liked to wear leather and lots of black. It is difficult to describe her and she can also chameleon her look. I can’t figure out a celebrity that she looks like. She is not tall maybe 5’4 (I don’t know everyone is short to me) She is very fit, lovely ass. Lacking a bit in the chest department for my usual taste BUT I am super attracted to her. As I have grown older, “types” have gone out the window. I know I talked about type in my last story but the truth is as you get older you tend to be more interested in what you have not experienced.

We get to my apt and I show her some of my concert posters and art attempting to set a mood. She immediately says “let’s go to the bedroom.” Therein, she walks up to me and begins to unbutton my shirt. Thankfully by this time I have gotten all my fitness back and then some so I am feeling confident. We slowly undress each other pausing to make out or tenderly kiss each others’ necks. I plant some little kisses along her clavicle while she pecks a few on my chest. I nibble her ear a little while she dances her painted fingernails through my chest hair. She is just down to her thong and says…. Take your pants off. While I am struggling to take off my jeans whilst still standing up, she sits on the bed seductively looking at me. I am just in my boxer briefs now and there’s no hiding my excitement. She reaches up and feels me through my boxer briefs and then tells me… take them off. I oblige and her eyes get a little wide and I hear her inhale just slightly sharper than normal. (Note she did tell that me I was the largest that she had been with but not until pillow talk later). She gives it a kiss on the head starts to gently take me into her mouth gradually picking up the pace. Now I have to be honest I know you want me to say it was the greatest blowjob of my life but I am honest to the point of recklessness. It was not the greatest. Not bad by any means; I guess in retrospect the size made it a little difficult for her. I laid her back and slowly pulled her thong down. Her pussy was clean shaven, perfect and glistening. She had I guess what is described as an “inny”. I hover my mouth over her so she can feel my breath and then of course I move away and start kissing her knee and make my way up just so to the inner thigh and of course skip over her pussy and make my way back down the other leg. She shuts her eyes and whimpers “you’re so mean.” Finally I gently begin to use my mouth on her teasing her clit. 95% of the time, and particularly with a new partner It is good to start off gentle and increase pressure gradually. She has a medium orgasm and pulls me up. She looks me in the eye and asks whether I am clean because I know where this is going. I happened to have been to the doctor a week before for my physical and had the voicemail message from my doctor on my phone and showed her the text of the voice message on my iphone where my doctor said “STD Panel clear and HIV negative (because HIV is actually a separate test) everything looks good try to keep caffeine intake down” I had not slept with anyone else since this test. She had not been with anyone in months and had also been to the doctor recently. We make out and I slowly slip into her. She is very wet and I don’t have to work it in much. Once I am all the way in, our foreheads touch and we both inhale deeply. I really enjoy pulling it almost all of the way out and then back in. Without my asking she does one of my favorite things in the world which is sliding her legs down and locking our feet (I don’t know what it is called). She lets out some very sexy moans and through panting breathes tell me that I am so deep. At this point it is a literal miracle that I have lasted this long as I have not ejaculated in a week and have not had sex in months. She is so tight in that position and I build her up to another orgasm. I pull out and just unleased all over her back. It goes pretty far up her back. I just squeezer her hips while I shoot shot after shot. Once I finally calm down she says…”Wow You really came a lot seems like you needed it.

I’ll cut it off here, but over the next 3ish days. We had sex a total of 19 times not including bringing each other to orgasm with our mouths a few times. When I asked her if she was sore on day 2 her response was “yea? You’ve got to fight through that shit.” Seems like as a good a place as any to end. I went on a bit of a streak after that but stories for another day. Let me know what you liked, did not like or whatever. I have some more stories!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kretxe/mf_3_days_in_savannah

1 comment

  1. Very nice! Love that you got to slip in her bare.

    In my limited experience, getting out of dead end relationships and jobs have been the best decisions in my life. And i also agree that not expecting any action to happen seems to result in it more often than not!

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