The Queen and Her Shadow – An oral sex scene that won’t make it into the story it’s from

**A Quick Note (or three) From the Author**

1. I know this isn’t a perfect stand alone, I was just pleased with how this came out, and wanted to share it, just because.
2. I suppose I should give an trigger warning? But, a very, very light one. The scene hardly contains ‘rape’ through it does contain ‘encouragement’, so, just to be on the safe side, here’s that.
3. I don’t know if this is properly tagged! If it’s not, please tell me what the proper tags would be? Otherwise, I’ll remain as clueless as I am now.
4. Critique is welcome, if you feel so inclined. Or not. I’m not phased. :)

Alease’s eyes flickered closed, and she fell asleep. The evening wind howled, but within the thick walls of the castle, one could scarcely hear even the loudest of shrieks through the stones if the door was closed.

Alease half-woke, sensing eyes upon her, but stayed lying where she was. Although her back was to the door, she felt sure it had remained shut, and never creaked open, so she clearly wasn’t being attacked. It could only be Shadow.

As if to confirm her suspicion, she saw darkness engulf her bed. A familiar pair of lips brushed her cheek, breathing staggered, and shifted slightly to hover above her ear.

“I hope you don’t mind me enjoying Tabea’s absence, but you do look so lovely…”

She smiled slightly, shifting, but not squirming. “Hmm,” Alease agreed.

Shadow drifted gradually down her body, kissing her, and tugging the blanket further off her as he did. When he reached her breast, he drifted off course, going further onto them, and kissing right up to her pretty pink areolas. He flicked his tongue this was and that, not lifting his lips for a second, and she gasped softly, grabbing her pillow beneath her head in her fists. Shadow chuckled, returning to course.

When he reached her belly, he stroked her, and she followed his fingers, lying on her back. He began moving back up, pausing near her belly button, to kiss playfully all around it, and bite at it, making her giggle, before moving on. He slipped between her breasts this time, leaving their fun for later, and coming up to her neck. He pulled her head back tenderly, and sucking at her neck.

“Careful!” she laughed, pushing him away a little. “You’ll give me hickeys again. And I’m the virgin queen, remember?”

Shadow laughed. “If you insist.” He shot up to her lips, locking her into a kiss, and forcing his tongue deep into her surprised mouth. She slipped her arms around her neck, and he flared his magic, so that nowhere around them was anything more than a jet-black cloud.

In fact, Alease wasn’t even sure what she was kissing anymore. Was it a man? A puff of smoke? Something else? Whatever it was, it felt incredible, forcing her tongue this was and that, and occasionally making her choke on it as it slid further down her throat, and pulled at her uvula.

As Shadow pulled back, Alease took a lungful of air, panting, and pulled her hair out of her face, laughing. Shadow stayed still for just a second too long, so she wiggled her hips, and he took the message, returning to his kissing. He started on the bottom, on the left side this time, and snaked his way back to her breasts, which he kissed, and nibbled, and plucked, all the while her fingers danced through his hair.

She kicked the remaining covers off, and he brushed her pubic hair with his hand. “I love the coordination…” He mused. He looked back up at her.

“Let me suck it,” she enticed. “I’m ready.”

“Hmm…” he murmured. “Not yet.”

“Not yet?” she asked. Shadow didn’t explain himself, merely siding further down her legs to her feet, and starting to kiss them. Her feet twitched as he tickled her with his tongue, and he hid a deadly devious smile. He switched feet, and continued lapping his tongue mercilessly between her toes.

“You see,” Shadow said, slowly kissing up her legs, pausing regularly to wrap around one her knees, or kiss more deeply on her thighs, “the past… hmm… the past three times…” he reached her privates, and kissed up the left of them. “that we’ve…” He went to the right of them. “done this…” he looked her dead in the eyes, and she felt a wave of his incredible control wash over her, freezing her to her bed as he went to fetch a pillow, and slide it under her, “you’ve let me cum in your mouth, but not let yourself cum in mine.”

“But you know that’s because it embarrasses me,” Alease begged, trying her best to squirm against his control, but finding only that his shadow was stronger than she remembered. “Remember, last time I… I let myself go too much!”

His gaze never wavered, but for a split second, his piercing blue eyes seemed to stair into her soul. “What if I like it when you… let yourself go, a little too much?”

Alease tried to squeal to stop him, but his shadow intruded her mouth and submerged her voice, ‘til all she could do was moan as he licked closer and closer to the opening of her vagina. He slid his tongue over her labia, without entering just yet, and noisily lapped up the wetness dripping from it. He sucked her clitoris into his mouth, rolling it around on his pallet, before tugging it a little between his lips as he pulled back. He bit his lip, laughing.

“There’s nothing you can do, My Queen,” he smiled, watching her desperate eyes plead with him to let her regain composure.

“Mmmnnn!” she implored.

He shifted up to look at her face to face, and, gently kissing away the magic from her mouth, replied. “Aw, what’s wrong, Queen Alease?”

“Please,” Alease implored tugging at the other magical restraints, but to no avail, “don’t humiliate me like this. You know I can’t control myself, even a little, when you’re kissing me like that. My heart thuds out of my chest, my head rushes beyond compare, like I’ve been running a million miles, and then, I know what happens then; my eyes squeeze close, and as I moan, and cry, trying my damnedest to process what’s going on, even a little, my thoughts cut off, and it’s like fireworks explode all over my brain. Please, I don’t know that I can handle that.”

Shadow kissed her again, returning the magic to her mouth, and telling her quite concisely that there was no way he was stopping. “No one knows your little vulnerabilities that you show me. No one sees it, or hears about it. I promise, you’re safe.” He began shifting his way back down to her thighs again, but stopped at her breasts, resting relaxedly above her chest. “Do you remember when we agreed I’d get to control what happened in here, all alone?”

“Hmm,” Alease nodded, realising the direction he was going immediately.

“Well, I think we should punish you for your little… interruption. Don’t you?”

Alease writhed to see a flash of that smile again, knowing exactly what it meant, but to no avail, trapped steadily in his grasp.

He got up, wondering around the room, looking for something particular, and, finding a few clothes pegs which had been left on the sill, returned to over her with a few in his hand, a game he had played before, gently ‘punishing’ her, though never to really hurt her, only to give her yet another pleasing sensation to try to deal with, and, holding her nipple tightly, put two pegs on it, in opposite directions.

Alease squealed, trying desperately to seem scared, but more clearly delighted, and stayed perfectly still while he did the other as well.

“Now, then, where were we?” Shadow smiled. “Ah, yes.” He returned to her labia, stroking around it with his forefingers, before sliding his middle finger into her. She peeped, wriggling her legs, and he set his other hand onto her pelvis to soothe her. When she calmed down, he began to slide his finger in and out, his own breathing quickening with the enjoyment of it. He paused, slipping his index finger in to join it. Slipping it this to and fro until he found a comfortable spot, he bent over her, and began licking about the lips of her vagina again. He caught a hold of the one side of her labia, and pulled it into his mouth, sucking it, before going back to twitching his tongue on her clitoris. He stayed like that for nearly half an hour, patently toying with her, until she could take it no longer.

Her pulse quickened, and she tossed her head against the pillow, trying repeatedly to grasp her surroundings properly. She squeezed her eyes close, and, moaning desperately, she squirted into his mouth in delight. He softly sipped it, letting her mind settle, before withdrawing.

“See? That wasn’t so bad.” Shadow withdrew his magic from her mouth, and gradually from her arms as well.

Alease nodded. “That was incredible.” She sat up, and rested her hands onto Shadow’s chest. She leant in for a kiss. “Now, may I return the favour?”

Shadow smirked. “Go ahead.”

She slid her hands up his jacket, tossing him onto the bed where she had been. He straightened the pillows behind him, making himself comfortable, and adding the other, too. Alease unbuttoned his jacket, and he guided her head down to his nipple. “Bite it. Devour me, My Queen.”

Alease laughed heartily, moving up to his neck.

“Oh, leave a few hickeys. Do it!” he insisted.

She did as he instructed, sucking firmly on him, stroking his skin with her tongue, eyes on fire. She pulled off, leaving a bright red mark.

“Oh, I’ve had plenty of warm up, Alease, Queen. I can’t wait any longer! Please!”

She smiled. “Of course, my precious Shadow.” With a wiggle of her voluptuous rear, she slipped down to his trousers, and deftly unbuttoned them. Out popped his eager manhood, and she tugged the whole pair of trousers down. “Hmm, now let’s see…” she grinned. She licked his testicles, running zig-zags with her tongue, before rolling her head around that of his member. She breathed deeply, licking it gently. But she knew that wouldn’t last for long. A black smoke engulfed her, and forced her down. She gagged, but he kept guiding her to continue. Finally, he held her in place, thrusting upwards into her mouth. She slid all the way down his shaft, and he held her at the base.

His hand around the base of her head was unmistakable; he was going to cum. She braced herself, knowing she would hate to spill even a drop of it, and, as he moaned long and deeply, she felt his sticky, hot semen pump into her mouth.

She withdrew just enough to handle it all, loosing none of it. Exhausted as he was, she crawled up next to him, and lay her head on his chest.


1 comment

  1. Honestly no critiques, except here to say I’m upset I don’t get to read more :) well done!

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