Adventures of Star Stunner – Ch 3 (Big Tits, Bubble Butt, Redhead, Lonely Wife, Hardcore, DubCon, Tentacle, Creampie, Anal, Public, Superhero, Alien)

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**Chapter Start**

In the darkness of the void around Earth, an area seemed to shimmer and warp. In a moment it was as if a dark knife cut out of the void and slowly materialized into the prow of a deadly-looking red and black ship. Inside the craft was a mountain of a creature. Years of evolution and fierce traisl had forged a creature of immense size with an incredible capacity to cause destruction. It was the perfect reaver, born and raised on the principle of bringing untold devastation to people unlucky enough to be in front of it. After untold years, the ship angled down towards the Earth, on a fateful voyage to usher the planet into a new age. Unfortunately for its inhabitants the change would be one of great and dreadful things.


Cindy stirred slowly as the light of the morning started to shine through her window. The redhead moved her fingers slowly through her radiant, wavy hair. Her body felt alive with energy, likely another gift imparted upon her by the alien visitors. In the evening, her legs had been sore after much extended use by the lucky Chug N Go operator. But now here, with the warmth of the sun started to wash over her naked body, the lovely, buxom girl found no ache. Surprising to her, Cindy actually felt a bit of a stirring hunger lying beneath her skin. It was almost as if an animal had been awakened inside of her body after last night.

‘Maybe it’s just because it has been so long since I had a cock inside of me,’

Cindy thought as her fingers slowly rubbed along her inner thighs. Of course, something else stirred in her body as well; a want to further test out her skills. One afternoon wasn’t nearly enough to gain competency and mastery over the gifts that had been implanted within her.

‘Still. I can fly!’

She had almost forgotten about the monumental detail. And yet there it was, underneath her skin. Such knowledge had already changed her. But she knew that the discovery would have far reaching results across the city, across the state, perhaps even further.

‘The sky’s the limit!’ She thought with a quiet giggle. ‘Perhaps I will rise even higher…’

After a few more moments of basking under the sunny light, the naked girl with prodigious breasts walked from her bed into her restroom. The hot spray of clear water felt even hotter than usual. As her hands rubbed over her bubble-but and then back over her breasts, Cindy felt as though she was more sensitive than usual. It wasn’t that she minded it, a little more friskiness sounded like fun. When the shower was over, she dressed quickly to go on another early run. The black sports bra barely kept her breasts concealed and the elastic band in her purple short-shorts was immediately straining around her full,luscious ass-cheeks. Soon enough she set off on her run as a new day dawned. Unbeknownst to Cindy however as she set out, TV sets, smartphones and radios starting booming with warnings and loud reports about an alien ship landing in the state capitol.


After Cindy had been jogging for about half an hour, she started to realize something was wrong. Her ears had picked up the roar of blaring sirens when she got closer towards the edge of her usual route. She’d only heard the sirens once or twice before. Right now the raucous tone of them seemed far more prevalent, even after factoring in her new heightened senses. Worry trickled into the back of her neck as she paused before an intersection.

‘Something iswrong. But with that many sirens the police will surely handle it,’ She thought as she turned towards what she suspected was the direction that the loud noises were coming from. Her foot involuntarily tapped repetitively onto the sidewalk. When the movement started to unbalance her slightly due to her powers Cindy fought to balance herself. Her breasts and butt jiggled as she got proper balance. Once more, shining emerald eyes turned towards the sounds. There was a problem out there, she knew it.

‘The least I should do is check it out,’ She told herself as she removed the alien device at her side. Disguised as a phone it was the perfect morphing device, capable of supporting her in so many forms and fashions. For the moment she quickly raced over to a small store plaza. She half-ran half stumbled into the first shop she saw.

“Hey Miss. Are you okay?”

“Yes I’m fine.” Cindy kept her eyes searching quickly for a restroom. She kept moving as fast as she was able so that the shopkeeper didn’t see her face for long.

“Oh… okay.” The shopkeeper said when he saw her reaching the bathroom door. The older gentleman’s eyes couldn’t help but angle down to look at the excellently filled out posterior of the bodacious redhead. The shop was actually a parts store for car repairs and other home repairs. It was rare to see a ‘Diamond’ come rushing into his store like this. Cindy completely missed his ogling as she had to turn slightly into the door when her considerable boobs hindered her path. She let out a growl of annoyance before she was inside of the bathroom. Moving fast, she set down the alien device and then looked around. A smile cut through her cute features when she saw a window.

I hope he didn’t get a good look. Cindy thought as the device started to morph again. In due time her Golden domino mask appeared on top of the backless red leotard. Her fingers quickly shrugged off her short fitting workout clothes before donning the tight-fitting backless piece. Her breasts seemed to push out the red material and there was a bit of annoyance as she started to wedge her feet into the 6-inch stiletto boots.

‘I may have to talk to the aliens about fashion sense. If they ever come back…’ Cindy thought before the boots seemed to meld and morph to allow her feet an easier entry. Once the boots were on, she bucked a black belt around her waist, placed on long golden gloves that reached her elbow and finally donned her signature mask. After taking a moment to gaze upon herself in the mirror, the housewife allowed herself a smile.

‘Well, I never thought of myself as being a superhero. But I do look absolutely stunning in this hehe,’ Cindy thought before she quickly grabbed the alien device and then exited the restroom through the window. After taking a quick few steps Cindy took one calming breath and then stretched out her right arm towards the sky before propelling herself off the ground and into the blue space above. She took off from her own city like a bright red and gold star and began racing off towards the sounds of disturbance.


The creature known as the Grusilax was enjoying himself. His maw of multiple rows of sharp, skinny teeth was on constant display as he laughed and roared. Since his arrival, he had already destroyed a number of vehicles, killed at least thirty people and generally wreaked havoc in the state capitol. A police cordon was being hastily set up while the National Guard units and local Army and Air Force assets were being scrambled. For the moment as peace, reined the terrorizing alien from the stars seemed content to just take up a seat in State Capitol Building. He had not been seen for about a half hour which allowed Humvees loaded up with soldiers and trucks loaded up with equipment to arrive. The National Guard commander informed his men that the armor was still on its way but that they needed to have the area secure before then. With a megaphone, the brash, seasoned commander ordered the creature to come out of the building. For at least three minutes there was nothing but silence. Then there was a slow rumbling laughter that echoed out of the column decorated entrance of the Capitol Building.

Then… slowly the creature emerged… Its head was vaguely humanoid, but the forehead of the beast came to a tapered point almost like a shark’s noise. The alien beast’s skin that was visible under a chest piece and greaves of sci-fi looking green metal was a stark gray with splotches of white with black rows set across its back, arms, and legs. The creature smiles its mouth full of sharp deadly teeth.

“Will you surrender?” The commander asked quickly, his voice tempered like cold iron.

The beast from beyond the Sun simply looked at the man and then proceeded to walk forward towards the National Guard’s position. The commander ordered his men to fire. High powered sniper shots were triggered; their roars echoing off concrete and the metallic exterior of the vehicles strewn through the area. The bullets never hit the creature, however. A shimmering blue bubble seemed to appear around him, protecting him as he continued forward. The commander saw that the creature was picking up its speed.

“Fire, FIRE!” He shouted across the radio channel. Unfortunately, nothing could bring the beast down. It stormed onward and when it was close enough the twenty black armored tentacles of its back slashed out towards those unlucky enough to be first in line. The tentacles slammed and cracked across ballistic helmets and hardened body armor. The result was the same, fracturing breaks appeared on all the things that were supposed to keep the humans protected. After he first blow the return strike was far more devastating. Necks were cracked, eyes were pierced, and throats were chocked. In the span of a minute all the man and women that had surrounded the commander lay dead around him. The grizzled veteran himself fell to the ground a bloody mess, the result of four puncture wounds to his heart and chest when the alien had fallen upon him. The creature rose up the megaphone and turned towards the police cordon and the news vans setup behind it. While the new agencies had arrived at the scene initially to hopefully bring evidence of a peaceful meeting between humanity and the first ambassador from the stars the cameras now only recorded a scene of absolute horror that had the suits in DC scrambling to figure out just what in the hell was happening and how they could stop it. The megaphone was maneuvered right up against the creatures grinning mouth.

“I am called the Grusilax. I have come here to challenge your claim over Earth. You have already sent many challengers and I have bested them all. You have one hour to submit to my claim. Or I shall burn this city to the ground with all of its pitiful inhabitants with it.” The police looked at each other with fear spreading through their ranks. The cameraman just continued to record while the news anchors looked on dumbfounded by what they had just heard. What could they do? What could anyone on Earth do against such power?” before the monstrous creature stood before a large assembly of humans who all stood looking at the incredible creature. Their looks were a mix of confusion, terror, anger, and fear. The monstrous being grinned at the crowd.

“Haha I had hoped that there would be a challenge to be found here. It appears that I was….” The Grusilax didn’t have a chance to finish his words. Before that had occurred a red and gold blur had sailed into the area and delivered a hammering blow to the creature’s face. The Grusilax was hurled back twenty feet to come to a crashing half on the grassy landscape beneath him. He was already slowly rising up as the figure slowed their speed; albeit awkwardly and came to a halt in front of the fallen National Guard soldiers.

“Your destruction is at an end. I am the Star Stunner!” Cindy declared proudly, her breasts pushed up and straining the red leotard while her hands remained on the perfect curves of her hips.

“You will leave Earth… Now. You’ve done nothing but kill and destroy…Uh… If you don’t leave, I will destroy you.” Cindy said as her hair moved with a slight breeze through the dust and smoke covered scene. The Grusilax slowly rose back up and gave a hearty laugh.

“You? You’re the champion of this place. This will be more fun than I ever thought. Haarrgghh!” The creature yelled as he started storming in. Cameras flashed as the mysterious red and gold wearing girl with a nice bubble butt and even larger breasts dodged out of the way of the creature’s charge. The alien invader snarled as his tentacles whipped forth. It was intent to obliterate this strange nuisance the same way it had taken on the soldiers. But the girl kept flying around and away from him.

Cindy couldn’t believe it, but she was actually having fun. But she couldn’t just evade his strikes the entire day. He had to pay for the people he had killed and the damage he had done. So, she decided it was time to go on the offense. I have super strength after all. Moving quickly, the bodacious redhead flew back in after the Grusilax tried to attack her again. She aimed a blow right at his stomach. This time however she didn’t have the same speed and momentum as her first attack. Her fist hit the black and gray creature, but it seemed to hardly faze him. Even the Grusilax seemed a bit confused but he didn’t let it stop him for long. With a growl he slammed his head into Cindy’s.

The emergent hero’s vison went black and then came back with a whirl that made her feel sick to her stomach. She stumbled back and tricked over broken pavement below her.

“Nuaaghh!” Cindy growled out and then yelped in surprise as the Grusilax pounced onto her. His powerful hands struck her again and again. The Star Stunner absorbed the punishment, but it still hurt severely, and Cindy was unable to find and opening to counterattack. Each time she threw a punch it was if it had the strength of an ant trying to stop a train. The Grusilax turned back all of her attacks while his own strikes took on an even more brutal nature. Picking her up off the ground he spun and then hurled her into a wall. The Star Stunner had no time to recover as the creature was on top of her again, always attacking, never relenting, or showing mercy. Her suit started to tear as it was rent to pieces by the animal ferocity of the space invader.

As the Grusilax started to see the true extent of her gifts he pulled back and laughed as he stood over the hero who had been left with little true means to deal with a threat such as him.

“You are pitiful earthling. The best challenge you can offer me is what it will feel like to have a human girls pussy wrapped around my cock Haha!” He roared out before a clawed hand tore into her red shiny leotard once again. This time he angled the swipe down and to the right and the material gave way, exposing Cindy’s pussy to not only the Grusilax but the crowd of reporters and cameramen as well. The brutality of the creature’s assault had spread terror through the hearts and minds of the humans exposed to it. Now after the sudden surprise appearance of what appeared to be a superheroine who still couldn’t stop the creature and was now being stripped free of her suit everyone seemed to be paralyzed by what they were seeing.

The Grusilax wasted little time once Cindy’s sex was exposed. The beautiful busty redhead was left with scraps and tattered remains of her costume save for her Golden Domino mask. She was still slightly dazed until the Grusilax slapped her head and started to rub his giant alien cock against her pussy. Even stranger than his massive cock she saw that there were six other tentacles spread out from the base of his mammoth groin. Cindy tried to struggle, to slip from the Grusilax but he had her securely held and when his cock pushed inside of her wet pussy it anchored the beast even more firmly to the buxom beauty. She cried out as his cock penetrated her tight pussy and sent her lips rising to form a ‘O’ shape as she cried out. The pain was instant as his cock was much larger than her husbands and even the member of the Chug N Go operator she had fucked more recently. The first few inches of the arm length cock were pushed deeper and deeper inside of her before the Grusilax started to pull back and drive inside of her body again.

Cindy was pressed against the wall while her hands struggled to push against the massive space beast. But with no strength beyond her own human muscles, she couldn’t even begin to scratch the Grusilax’s iron like hide. Soon enough her fists weren’t able to focus on smacking the Grusilax aside because of her bodies heightened sensitivity. Each hammering thrust of the Grusilax’s hips felt as if her pussy was being shattered by thunder. Her mouth was constantly open and filled with loud moans and screams as she was plowed right up against the wall. The creature’s tentacles were as attentive as his cock with two rubbing all over her clit while others worked to keep her outer lips stretched wide around his cock as he penetrated her again and again. Despite herself Cindy could feel the warmth of her sexual juices burning down from her pussy to coat her inner legs and the bottom curve of her bouncing ass as she was fucked so vigorously. It felt good, really good…. It was better than her husband ever was and a league away from the sex that she had enjoyed last night.

Suddenly Cindy’s first release was upon her. Her arms involuntarily reached out to clutch onto the Grusilax’s powerful shoulders since they were the closest thing to hold onto as she came. The trickle of her juices searing her skin became a river as she started to spasm. Her legs bucked as her pussy squeezed down hard around his cock. The Grusilax made the barest of growls before he started to cum as well. This sent the volume of Cindy’s pleasure laden moans to an all-new level. Pressed hard against the wall by the alien rapist she was suddenly and violently filled with his thick viscous cum as he held her firmly against the wall. Cindy’s breasts slowly rose and fell as she struggled to regain her breathing after the hard fucking.

The look in her eyes turned to shock and fear as she looked into his own dark eyes. “If you think I’m already done with you than you better think again human haha!” The Grusilax started to shift her body from the wall. His tentacles attached to his cock grabbed onto her legs while others set to supporting her stomach. The last two wrapped around his cock and started to jerk the alien’s own member off while the twenty tendrils set on his back started to slink out and move towards Cindy. She didn’t realize what was happening till it was too late. Suddenly the entire assembly of tentacles was on top of her. They were as relentless as the Grusilax’ hips had been. Two tentacles were almost immediately pushing inside of her pussy while two more started to stuff themselves in her ass and another pair pushed inside of her mouth.

“What we are seeing her Bob, is just unbelievable! The alien is raping a helpless woman who appeared to fly in and try to stop him. In all my years for the Global Developing News Corp I have never seen anything so riveting.” One newscaster told his viewers as the camera focused on Cindy being lifted up from the creature’s main body while its back tentacles started to feast on every hole and area of flesh it could find.

Cindy couldn’t believe what was happening. The shock coursing through her was only beaten by the terror and the blazing pleasure. Her husband had never used her ass and once the pain seemed to wear out the tentacles sodomizing her worked only to inflame the pleasure burning inside of her.

“Haha yeah fuck her ass. Looks like she really likes it!” Cindy heard someone shout out from the crowd. She felt a stab of embarrassment course through her that she was being fucked like a sex toy in view of everyone, but the fact that someone was actually cheering the alien on stabbed deeper than the Grusilax’s cock had ever ventured. Her cheeks puffed out around the tentacles using her mouth as another fuck hole. They tasted vaguely of cock to Cindy and when added with the attention given to her pussy and ass and basically her entire body it only served to drive her closer to perilous new heights of aggressive sexual pleasure and torment. Despite her enhanced endurance after she had cum twenty times under the ravenous hunger of the Grusilax Cindy fell unconscious.

When the energy left the pitiful human who had tried to stop him the Grusilax let out a bellowing laugh. He slung dragged Cindy along by her red cum covered hair and headed away from the crowds and the news people back towards his ship. He had done what the job required and now it was time to move on. As he made it to the ramp of his ship he smiled as he turned back to them.

“Don’t worry humans. This is just the beginning. I’m sure I will see you all again before this is over hahaha.” He chortled as he went into his ship. Within a minute the craft was rocketing up and away from the State Capitol. As the Grusilax took his ship clear of the atmosphere his sensor lit up with new readings. The creature smiled his sharp toothy grin as his employer’s ships all started to revert back to normal space. Earth was in for quite the week due to the invasion of a dark alien mastermind. And with the only apparent human capable of being any sort of threat knocked out and secured aboard his ship the Grusilax had to grin at the odds that the planet’s inhabitants would survive the day… now that his employer had arrived.



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