My wife, her mom & sister are all my responsibility – Chapter 1

It all began when we started living together in one house. It was a traditional home with one large bathroom, a medium sized kitchen, a large living room and two bedrooms upstairs.

My mother in-law Laura & my sister-in-law Natalie slept together in the guest bedroom next door separated by a thin wall from the main bedroom where my wife & I were sleeping.

I’ve known my wife Danielle & her family since I was a child. we used to be neighbors & our family always believed that we’d end up together.

I did eventually marry her after completing my college degree & becoming a martial arts trainer & sports fitness expert.

My wife did her culinary arts course for her love of cooking & baking. She worked part-time making cakes from home for a local bakery.

shortly after our marriage, my father-in-law passed away due to cancer & It was really hard on my wife’s mom & little sister.

since her dad was the only one making money for the family, they were financially troubled & her little sister was only in college, pursuing her passion in arts.

so she wanted us to move in with my in-laws & become one family again.

my parents had passed away during the first year of college. so I didn’t really have anyone to call family, so I cherished the opportunity to be a part of a family again. so we sold my family house and moved in with my in-laws.

Selling my family home made me a large fortune, so money was one less thing we had to worry about. plus it gave me the opportunity to focus on my wife and work on our relationship instead of being distracted by work.

My mother-in-law was doing most of the work around the house, like cooking, cleaning and doing the laundry etc.. because she found herself feeling lonely after her husband passed away and she distracts herself with household chores but she’d actually like a grandchild because she loves being a mommy and it makes her happy when others are depending on her, it makes her feel productive and like an important member of the family.
This sense of duty and devotion did not stop at just doing mundane household activities as well later find out.

My mother-in-law liked having a man around the house, she always loved me, even when I was a child, she was like a mother to me, looking after me and encouraging me in everything that I did. she always knew that I would make a perfect husband one day and make her daughter very happy.

she often pokes fun at me and reminds me how she used to bathe me and I would ogle her body & get excited.

My sister-in-law on the other hand is what every young male dreams of. she has perfect big boobs, nice ass and athletic legs and she’s built like a model.

her pony tail and tall catwalk makes guys drool behind her.

My sister-in-law is always wrapping her hands around my arm, she loves how I care for her pregnant sister & she lost her mind in love with me. she’s always kissing, hugging & playing games with me, pushing her luck everyday & my wife tries her best to keep her little sister under control. but Natalie gets away with everything using her cute and playful charm. she’s a bit spoiled to say the least.

My wife is now 2 months pregnant. She’s been my girl since I can remember, she’s the best thing that ever happened to me. She always had this stunning knockout body, her big ass, boobs and thighs she definitely inherited from her mother and her looks. she has this pure, rosy red lips and cheeks with perfect skin. she uses a lot of lotions and oils on her body and hair.
she always knows how to make me smile, she likes long hugs and cuddles. she loves when I kiss her cute nose and soft but luscious lips. she’s like a Russian supermodel. but no, she’s not russian.
She always had these busty and sexy features, even when we were in highschool. I’m truly lucky that she’s my wife.

I hope the Introduction & first chapter gave you an idea of our story and it’s characters. because from now on we are going to start sharing out experiences with you.
If you haven’t read the introduction post, visit my profile. follow for more if you enjoyed reading this story.

To be continued…



  1. I love the setup and you seem to know how to write too. I hope you don’t make the protagonist superhuman. (Who has a gigantic dick, can please an endless amount of women every day and no woman can see him without wanting sex) If you keep it more realistic it will feel like it could be any one of us. I love well written storys that have good detailed descriptions, but keep it fairly realistic with the ups and downs you get in life.
    I look forward to your next chapter.

  2. I would have preferred a less exposition heavy intro, more organic by putting us in his shoes, like a day in the life, but will definitely read the actual story. Moving on to part 2!

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