Mothership Wilderness Chapter 13 [MF] [inc] [cheat]

*I’ve written this story through chapter 16. All chapters are available on my website. You can find the link in my Reddit profile if you’re interested. Or if can’t find the link there, you can search for “RawlyRawls subscribestar” on google to find my site. If you prefer to wait, I’ll post about a chapter a month here. All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!*

*Previous Chapters:*

[Chapters 1 and 2](

[Chapter 3](

[Chapter 4](

[Chapter 5](

[Chapter 6](

[Chapter 7](

[Chapter 8](

[Chapter 9](

[Chapter 10](

[Chapter 11](

[Chapter 12](

Sitting on the bed she shared with her husband, Mary cooed softly as her daughter gently sucked at her breast. With her right hand, Mary stroked Pricilla’s lovely blond hair. With her left hand, she rhythmically squeezed her own boob. Mary listened with joy to the sound of suction and steady gulping. She was filling Pricilla up. Mother and daughter hadn’t been connected like that in over two decades.

The men were off fixing something. Humility was in her lab. And Jacob was on a date with Penny. It was a perfect moment alone for the two women. A few minutes later, the alarm told her that someone was at the door. Mary sighed. “Errand? Can you please send away whomever is at the door?”

“I’m sorry, Member Winthrop. I cannot. It is Maureen Henderson and she is on the verge of making a scene.” Errand explained that it had turned Maureen away at the door to the holopark.

“Very well.” Mary gently pulled Pricilla’s pretty face off her boob with one last little smack. “Sorry, sweetie. I have to handle this.”

“It’s okay, Mom.” Pricilla wiped her chin with the back of her sleeve. The warm sweetness of her mother’s milk spread into her stomach. She sat up, dressed in her uniform, and watched her mother tuck away her breasts. They looked massive. Pricilla wondered if the pregnancy had done that to her mother, or if it was something else? She hefted her own boobs through the uniform. They were no longer small, and they continued to ache at her touch. As her mom stood, Pricilla released her own boobs and stood with her. The room spun a bit around her.

“Errand, warn Jacob that we will be interrupting him soon.” Mary walked toward the door. “And let the good doctor into my room.”

“As you wish,” Errand into the Wilderness said.

The door slid open and there stood Maureen Henderson, her hands on her hips, looking quite put out.

“Hello, Maureen.” Mary just finished zipping up her uniform as Maureen came into view. “What can I do for you?”

“You may not, under any circumstances, lock me away from my family or crew.” Maureen knew she was hot under the collar, but the situation deserved it. “So help me, if this ever happens again, I’m getting the robot and tearing down doors.”

“Now, now.” Mary reached to put a placating hand on Maureen’s shoulder, but the woman jumped back. “What seems to be the problem?” Mary stalled to give her son time to wrap things up nice and tidy before they arrived.

“My daughter is in the holopark with your son and I can’t get in.” Maureen narrowed her eyes and looked from mother to daughter. Her gaze lingered on Pricilla. While the mother looked calm and composed, the daughter looked spacy and … what? Strung out? Where these religious zealots the kind of hypocrites that would do drugs? Pricilla’s pupils were dilated in an odd way, and her smile was dreamy. Well, Maureen would figure out that mystery later. First, she would see to her daughter. “Open the damn door.”

“There’s no need for language.” Mary clucked her tongue in disproval. “Errand, please unlock the door to the holopark.”

“It is done, Member Winthrop.” The computer sounded very happy to oblige.

“All you had to do was ask. I’m sure the two teenagers were just having some fun. The holopark is very safe you know.” Mary said the last few words to an empty doorway. Maureen had turned and sprinted away. Mary turned back to her daughter as the door slid closed. “Now then, Pricilla. Are you full, or would you like a little more while we have a few moments alone?”

“Oh, I can have more?” Pricilla sat down on the bed, her mouth watering. “Right now?”

“As much as time permits, sweetie.” Mary walked back across the room, removing her breasts from confinement as she went.


A waiter stopped by Jacob’s table with a bowl of hot, steaming towels. “Errand into the Wilderness would like you to know that you will be having company shortly,” the waiter said. “She advises that you clean up the young miss.”

“What?” Jacob was very close to dropping to the parquet floor and mounting Penny as the dancers twirled around them. “Oh … Oh, okay.” The waiter’s sobering words brought him back to himself. He tucked his dick away in his underwear. “Computer, pause program.” All activity stopped around them, and Penny’s gown and Jacob’s tux disappeared. He was happy to see that with them, the cum on her clothes vanished too, her uniform was clean. “Here, let me help you up.”

“Uh, thanks.” Penny, her mind still reeling from pleasure, took the hand offered and let him pull her to her feet. Her muscles had never been so relaxed, and she realized that something was missing. It was … anxiety. For the first time in years, she wasn’t worried about … well … anything. She let the skinny young man dressed only in underwear clean off her face and hair with those wonderfully steamy towels. “This is … nice,” she whispered. He had sprayed his stuff all over her, yes, but it seemed he was tidying up after himself like a gentleman.

“There, now. Good as new.” Jacob looked her over. Satisfied, he collected his uniform from its spot by the door and pulled it on. “Want to do this again, sometime?”

“I will … if I … can get that kiss.” Penny watched the squirming bulge between his legs disappear behind the baggy uniform. She felt so bad for him that he’d been afflicted with the deformity. But she would be his girlfriend regardless. It was almost like *Beauty and the Beast*.

“Okay, sure.” Jacob smiled. It was endearing that she still wanted that first kiss after blowing him like a crazed woman. “But it’ll have to wait for our next date. We have to get going.” He walked over, took her hand, and led her out of the holopark.

“Oh, good. I can’t wait.” Penny was surprised when they ran into her mother not a hundred feet away from the holopark.

“What did he do to you?” Maureen was breathless with a look of concern on her face.

“Nothing, Mom.” Penny squeezed his hand and let go. “Jacob was a real gentleman. We attended a ball, and ate as people danced around us in the most fantastic antique clothes. It was *lovely*.” She put an extra emphasis on this last word, hoping Jacob would understand that she thought it all lovely.

“Well, okay then. Come along. Let’s get you back to our ship.” Maureen took her daughter’s hand and led her away from Jacob down the corridor. There was a faint pungent, earthy smell about her that Maureen couldn’t place. She breathed in deeply. Despite the situation her shoulders relaxed. She smelled quite nice.


It was mostly women at lunch that day. The older men were all busy fixing a glitch in the EV array. Jacob had wanted to tag along, but they’d told him that at eighteen he wasn’t yet ready for such work. Of course, Jacob suspected that they just didn’t want him around. His feelings were hurt, but not that hurt. As he looked around the table at the beautiful women sitting with him in the mess hall, he thought maybe it was better this way.

Penny hardly touched her food, she stared at Jacob. Every time she saw him, he was better looking. She was in awe that he’d trusted her enough to show her his strange penis. And then to let her try to swallow his stuff … She shivered at the thought. She was still unsure what exactly had happened to her when he’d exploded in her mouth. The feeling had completely overwhelmed her. Whatever it was, she wanted more of it.

“Penny, dear, you’re not eating.” Maureen watched her daughter with a frown on her face. This was Maureen’s fault for dragging her daughter all about the galaxy. Goodness knows, they’d tried to get back to civilization over and over, but they’d been lost for so long. If Penny had had a normal dating life, she wouldn’t have fallen head over heels for the first strange boy that came along. “Try to eat something.” Maureen ignored Mary, Humility, and Pricilla, who were talking about modifications to the replicators.

“Oh, sure.” Pricilla absently took a spoonful of her protein and moved it to her mouth.

Heather’s gaze moved from Jacob to Penny and back again. She didn’t like the way they looked at each other. If she wasn’t careful, Jacob would forget all about her. “Hey, Jake, how about we play some baseball this evening.” She tried to keep her voice light and friendly.

“Um, yeah, sounds good.” Jacob looked over at the beautiful, Christian wife. Their baseball and sex dates in the holopark were always amazing. He smiled.

“Um … um …” Penny had been expecting him to ask her out again, but he hadn’t yet. Surely, he’d rather go on a date with her than play baseball with that woman. Heather seemed practically old enough to be his mother. “And maybe … um … after baseball, we could go on another date? I mean, I’d like to if you’re interested. Or I could play baseball with you two.”

“You know how to play?” Jacob liked the sound of that.

“Well … not yet … but …” Penny twirled her finger in her red hair. She felt like such a dummy around Jacob.

“Well, baseball sorta takes a while to learn. I’m not sure you’ll want to get thrown into a game right away. But we can go out after baseball.” Jacob nodded enthusiastically. Penny looked cute when she was shy. “Like around nine?”

“Yes, that sounds great.” Penny imagined all the romantic ways she might finally get her first kiss. Maybe under a waterfall, or on top of one of the mile-high buildings, or in one of the undersea tunnels. They would be holding hands, looking at the sights. Of course, they would both be dressed beautifully. They would lean in closer and closer and Jacob would whisper in her ear –

“If you’re going on another date, I’ll chaperone.” Maureen crossed her arms. Again, her boobs somehow got in the way. They ached on her chest. She’d have to have that checked out in their own sickbay when it was up and running again.

“Mom!” Penny turned to her mother, mortified. “I’m eighteen. I don’t need a chaperone.” She’d ruin everything if she was there. No first kiss for sure.

“I’m going to have to put my foot down. No chaperone, no date.” Maureen was prepared to die on this hill.

Penny geared up to let her mom have it, but her momentum was derailed when a voice spoke up.

“That’s a good idea,” Mary said from the other side of the table. “We don’t want them getting in any sort of trouble. I’ll chaperone, too. Sound good, Maureen?” She glanced at Jacob and gave him a knowing smile. He nodded back. She was so in sync with her son. What a wonderful feeling.

“Hmmmmm.” Penny sank in her chair. She couldn’t argue with Jacob’s mother. Her mom had really ruined things.

“Thank you, Mary. That sounds good.” Maureen frowned at her daughter. She wasn’t used to outbursts from Penny.

Heather scowled at the whole table. Giving Jacob time with his family was one thing. She knew that he had a special relationship with his mother and sister. But having to share him with this teenager? Heather didn’t like it one bit.


After the baseball game, Heather sat on the bench a few feet from Jacob. She was sweaty, dusty, and peeved. Jacob hadn’t even tried to kiss her yet. “So, how did your date with Penny go?” She watched Jacob’s innocent smile broaden. He hadn’t seemed to notice the ice in her voice.

“It went well.” He told her about the date and how it had ended after the blowjob.

“Well, that sounds fun.” Heather didn’t have a lot practice being sexy, but if there was ever a time for it, that was the moment. She dropped down to the floor of the dugout and slowly crawled toward Jacob on her hands and knees. “Was she good at oral sex?”

“Well, no.” Jacob frowned. “But she tried really hard.” He watched this magnificent woman move toward him, her diamond ring dull with dust as her hands made their way to his pants, pulling down his zipper.

“I try really hard, too. Don’t I?” Heather could see his bulge grow bigger and bigger, wriggling inside his pants. Time to free it. She pulled down his pants and underwear, looking up lovingly into his eyes past the pulsing, engorged head of his penis.

“Yeah, you do.” Jacob knew he didn’t have a lot of time until his date, but figured he had a least a few more minutes.

“And I’m better than her?” Heather licked the copious precum from the head and shuddered. Her head swam as the pleasure hit her. She opened wide and bobbed her mouth on him. She gagged a bit, but she was determined to get more of him down her throat than she usually did.

“I mean, you’re different. She hasn’t ever done it before. It’s like … ugh … when we first started … ugh …” Jacob found it hard to concentrate. She was taking him so deep. “Wow … that’s … really good.” He leaned his head back and let her work.

“Mmmmppphhhhhh.” Despite all her best efforts, Heather could down no more than half of him. The cock was playful and danced with her movements as always, but she found that made matters worse. She gagged over and over. Maybe there would be something in the ship’s library about how to please a husband with her mouth. She’d learned everything on the fly with Jacob, but it’s possible the church had some manuals on healthy marital sex. Her hands moved down and cupped those heavy balls. She could feel them beating in her palms. “Gggggfffffffff?” She wanted to ask him if he liked what she was doing, but couldn’t bring herself to pull her mouth off his cock.

Jacob slumped on the bench. After a while, he groaned out his climax. As he did, he looked down at this dedicated wife. Her dark eyes rolled up until he could see only the whites, and she fell over sideways after gulping down most of his seed. On the dusty floor, she convulsed and made the most stupid sounds. Jacob smiled down at her. After a few minutes, he stood and tucked himself back in his pants. It was time to get ready for his date.

“Will you … will you … please … not date Penny?” She worked hard to bring her brain into focus enough to get out those words. She pushed herself to a sitting position, aware that cum was on her chin and staining the front of her baseball jersey.

“Gosh, Mrs. Eweje.” Jacob hadn’t expected this. He frowned down at her and thought things over. “Will you leave your husband?”

Heather stared up at him blankly. Part of her wanted to blurt out yes, but she stayed silent.

After a while, Jacob nodded. “Well, if you’re going to be with Max, it’s only fair that I get to date Penny. Right?” He waited a few seconds. When she didn’t respond, Jacob bent down, gave her a kiss on the cheek, and strolled toward the exit. “I have to get ready for my date.” He turned back to her at the door. “Oh, and we’re going to need the holopark, so …” He didn’t want to tell her to leave, but his date was only fifteen minutes away. He smiled at her and left.

Heather watched him go. Well, if he was going to see that unchristian girl again, then Heather was going to have sex with her husband. She stood on unsteady feet and brushed the dust off her. It had been a while since she and Max had been intimate, but she was going to seduce her husband that night. And they were going to have the best sex ever.


At Penny’s request, the holopark was set to a great undersea tunnel. They dined at one of the best restaurants on Earth, as sea life swam mere feet away on the other side of the tidalglass walls. Soft and slow music filled the room, said to be modeled on the call of that erstwhile mammal, the whale. Penny and Jacob sat at a small table, talking by candlelight. Mary and Maureen sat a few tables away, watching the young couple.

“They seem to be having a lovely time. Do you think we were ever so young?” Mary sipped her water and smiled at her companion.

“It feels like I met my husband, John, about a million years and forty parsecs ago.” Maureen had to admit, the date had gone very well. Jacob seemed to be quite the gentleman. She was starting to let her worries slide away. She sipped at her wine. It was delicious, but as part of the holopark, it would not get her drunk.

“I know what you mean. But we do not always see the good Lord’s plan at the start of the journey.” Mary thought about the baby growing inside her. She was sure God had put Isaac in her path just so that it would all lead to Jacob and his irresistible manhood.

“Um … yeah.” Maureen tensed a little at the religious talk.

“Pardon me, Member Mary Winthrop.” The computer’s voice cut in over the music. “The Henderson’s robot has lodged itself in the airlock between our ships and refuses to move. I am concerned that should one of our ships experience pressure anomalies there could be trouble with –”

“I understand, Errand. We need a functioning airlock.” Mary stood and looked down at Maureen. “Shall we see what’s amiss with your robot?”

“Okay, Penny. Come along. Date’s over.” Maureen stood, too.

“But, Mom!” Penny looked over at her mother, exasperated. Lately, Maureen had made it a mission to ruin Penny’s social life. “I’m not ready to leave.”

“Come now, Mrs. Henderson.” Mary thought about patting Maureen on the shoulder, saw her body posture, and thought better of it. “We won’t be gone long. And they’re enjoying themselves. What’s the harm in letting them linger under the sea a little while longer? We do remember what it’s like to be young, do we not?”

“Um … well …” Maureen tapped her foot. How long could it take to coax the robot out of the airlock? “Okay, then. You can stay. But if I’m not back in an hour, I want you to come help with the robot. Deal?”

“One hour?” Penny cocked her head. It was better than nothing.

“One hour, it’s settled.” Mary gently herded Maureen to the door, winking at her son on her way by his table. “Show the young lady a good time, Jake.”

“Will do, Mom.” Jacob winked back at her.

About twenty minutes later, Penny found that she’d been maneuvered to her back on the floor. Her gown was up at her waist, her panties around her right ankle, and her legs spread wide in the air. Jacob had nibbled on her neck and ear, but she still hadn’t had a proper kiss. “Um … are you going to … oh, my.” Penny looked down between her legs at Jacob’s writhing beast that seemed to be seeking out her hole. She’d taken her own virginity with a hair brush a while ago, and that had hurt. She doubted that fat, long penis would even be able to fit its head in her. “Maybe we should wait … my mom will be back any … oooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh.” She arched her back suddenly, conking her head on the floor. With a plop, the head was in. “So … full …” she said through gritted teeth. Improbably, the thing sunk into her inch by inch, until she could feel it squirming in her belly. “I’m going to … ooooohhhhhhhhhhh.” She came on that giant thing before he’d even pumped her once.

“You’re … really tight … Penny.” Jacob moved his hips and got into a good rhythm. He leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on her lips as she came out of her orgasm.

“Feels … really … uuugggghhmmmmm.” Penny’s voice was cut off by a wonderfully considerate and gentle kiss. It was so unlike the savagery of his hips. It was almost like Jacob was of two minds. She let his tongue play with hers, and soon she was eagerly kissing him back. This was so different from anything she’d imagined. Well, she had gotten the undersea tunnel right. But she hadn’t expected her first kiss to follow on the heels of penetration. As their tongues played, the great dick inside her roughly teased her insides as if it meant to kiss her, too. It hit the perfect spot, Penny tensed, and she came again. Her brain nearly broke under the weight of all that pleasure. He was, quite literally, driving her crazy.

A few decks away, in Heather’s quarters, she opened her legs to her husband. She couldn’t help but feel an empty pit in her stomach when she looked down at Max’s thing, meekly wobbling between his legs. Was that it? Was that really all Max had? Was he even hard? It had been so long since she’d seen a penis that wasn’t Jacob’s that she’d lost all perspective. “Come, kiss me, Max.” She tried to push her body to feel for him, but she knew she was quite dry down there.

In the holopark, Jacob and Penny had been humping for quite some time. For several minutes, she’d tried to speak to him between kisses. To tell him how much she liked it. How amazing her first time was. But after her ninth or tenth orgasm, her brain and mouth became disconnected. Now she was just babbling nonsense and screaming as each tidal wave of ecstasy crested. She looked up at the ocean above, completely unseeing.

Heather counted the slats in the vent in the corner of the ceiling as her husband moved on top of her. When he’d found out how dry he was, he had insisted on using lube. Heather didn’t think he’d need it, but didn’t argue. He was so small, she doubted there would be much friction. After a time, he jerked his body on top of her. As he came, Heather sighed. This was not the best sex ever, as she had hoped. It barely qualified as sex.

On the floor of the restaurant, Jacob howled. “Do … you … want … it?” His hips gave great big, shuddering lunges.

“Yeeeesssssssssssss.” It was only after Penny had given her blessing to Jacob that she realized he was asking if she wanted his sperm inside her. Of course, that’s why he’d been trembling the last couple minutes. He was going to shoot it inside her. But she couldn’t take back what she said. Instead, she held on tight to his butt and pushed him in harder. She heard his cry of pleasure, and then felt the white-hot splash deep in her womb. The world spun away from her and her mind floated through rapturous nebulae. Someone, somewhere, was making the most idiotic sounds. It took her forever to realize it was her own voice.


Maureen finally got the robot out. It turns out it wasn’t so much stuck as locked in. She checked the time. It had been over an hour. She was getting a bad feeling again.

“Well done.” Mary sounded quite happy the crisis was over. “My, that robot is large, isn’t it?” She turned toward Maureen, but all she saw was the woman’s round backside running down the hall. She turned back to the robot, as it made its way back into its own ship. “Well. I suppose we’ll see you later, big fellow.”

Maureen careened down the halls. Was this all a trick? What would she find when she got to the holopark? Why hadn’t Penny come to get her after an hour? She skidded to a stop about a hundred yards from the holopark door. There was her daughter, holding hands with Jacob. They were walking toward her with big smiles on their faces.

“Hello, Mrs. Henderson.” Jacob waved with his free hand. “I’m sorry we cut it close to an hour. We were just having a great time together.”

Penny giggled, and tried to walk like she hadn’t been riding a horse all day. “Hi, Mom. How’d it go with the robot.”

“It went fine.” Maureen sighed in relief. Nothing had happened after all with the teenagers. “Everything’s fine.”

*I’ve written this story through chapter 16. All chapters are available on my website. You can find the link in my Reddit profile if you’re interested. Or if can’t find the link there, you can search for “RawlyRawls subscribestar” on google to find my site. If you prefer to wait, I’ll post about a chapter a month here. All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!*


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