Train ride and the consequence.

( 41 F) Two years ago i was traveling to… I Will not tell you where. In Europe, its all you need to know.

I was suppose to be on airplane but fog on airport made me use the train. My afternoon flight become an overnight train trip.

I figured , i am there by morning, Job done, right on time for afternoon flight back

Luck would have it , that day was a big football game and couch and first clas seats where all sold out. I had to go second class. The train was packed with people. Mostly fans returning from the game. An hour into the trip, a fight broke out. Train stoped at a station. Police come in. Riot police. Soon the train was emptied and only few of us come back in. All of the sudden, I had the whole coupé for my self. All 6 seats.

We where stationary for next hour. I spent my time watching out of window as police officers rounded up what they called huligans.
At one point tree boys come in. They looked normal, clean. Not like some of the crowd outside.
One of them politely asked if they can join me. Apparently, they got separated from their group. Rest of them was suppose to wait for busses to be feried out and they did not want that.

Minutes later, police officer come in. Before he could do anything, I said that it is ok, I know the boys and I will see them safely to destination. To my surprise, he accepted it. Apparently they had their hands full with the other groups.

Next hour we spend in casual conversation. Boys did behave and I even enjoyed their company. Police ruffled them before and they where really happy to be inside , safe, worm an relaxed.
At one point , train moved. Clark stoped by , informed us that there will be no more stops or delays and that train will be on destination with a small delay. Do to the police action, we where almost alone in that part of the train. He saluted us with ” til morning” and winked at boys.
That made me uncomfortable. Them to.

Now it’s time to describe myself. At that time I was 41. Divorced after a long marriage. No kids. Long black hair. 176 cm. Did my best all my life to keep me under 70 kg. I am a good looking woman. Not a supermodel tho.. Well kept , as one of my girlfriends called me once. Brown scirt with matching jacket. Honestly, I looked more as a teacher than what I really was. But that I will keep for my self.

So we finally moved. We engaged in small chat again. When I asked them of their age one of them , quickly said eighteen. Other two smiled. By that time we exchanged few jokes so that fited in. But I still , to this day think that they where not over sixteen.
They looked almost identical. Short hair. In colours of their team. And well mannered. they where not brothers but as if they tried to look like ones. That was what made me stand for them in the first place. Manners and some inocent smiles.

At one point one of them poped out of his rucksack a pack of beers. I was offered. First I refused , than , as I was thirsty, I opend one. Later in the evening one more. Two beers are not much , but for me, and them also, looked as they where.
Some time around midnight, I went to toilet. They , driven by beer went before me. I looked around. Train was empty. That part at least. Idea of moving to next box crossed my mind, but I didn’t. Boys where ok. Time was passing quicker with them around.

Conversation died as night progressed. About two after midnight drowsiness settled. I went in and out of sleep as time passed. Boys where gentleman enough to move on side so that I could lift my legs on opposite seat. Next to window even.

And than it happend.

As I was sleeping, I tilted on side. As I always sleep. And lowered my right leg down. I know that now. My dres was aside as well. It must have been quite a site for semi drunk boys. Bare legs, maby even something more. Mature , friendly , also semy drunk lady in front of them.

They did behave well. As I woke up at som point, I realized what was going on. I quickly composed my self. Even said I am sorry. The blushed. And jokes strated going on again. There was not going to be more sleeping that night.

Soon jokes become dirty. One, than a nother. And a nother. A told few of them myself. I believe that is what gave them courage. Beer was on menu again.
While telling a joke, one of them put a hand on my knee. I did not move it. Laughing I put my hands on my face. I felt hands of a boy on opposite side on my other knee.

Time frose. They probably asumed my laughter was compliance.

Minutes. Do I tell them to remove them?

I was rubbing my face with the palms of my hands. Than, stil with my face covered I leaned forvard. Albows on knees.

Hands did not move.


One hand moved. Right hand of the boy next to me. Moved a bit up.

And a bit more.

And more.

And in. Now he’s little finger was on my panties.

” What are you doing? ” I asked.

” Noting” he said.

I felt one more hand. On my back. I stil had my head in my hands. Their hands however, moved. Slowly.

I stud up.

Movement of the train made me grip the metal bar above the opposite seats.

They must have asumed i did that deliberately. Now I had them all around me. All six hands on mu legs and hips.

To this day I do not know why I did not stop them.

Was I drunk?


I don’t think so. Not to that point. Not lost enough aidher. Tree years have passed since my divorce. I was sex deprived. And even before I was monogamous. I ever had sex with two man. And first one was student days crash. Husband was second. We did not have children and that made us fall apart.
As my mind was racing , with all of that. One of them puled down my panties.

” Now I’ve done it” . I said to my self.

One hand moved my left leg. Also one of the boys stud up. Gently removed my jacket. One hand than a nother.

Other two boys had their hands on my private parts. Fingers went in.

Part of me wanted to scream. Other part whanted them to continue.

Shame kicked in. I covered mu face again. With the boy behind me holding my brests.

Train tilted. Since I was no longer holding the bar we lost balance and we fel back in the seet.

Now I was sitting on one of them. The boy in front was now on he’s knees. I was wide open.

He entered me. Not the fingers this time.

Time stud still again. I felt the worm liquid inside me.

They moved me. I was on seat again. In middle one. Boys on side. One in front.

New one.

He was quick to.

The third one.

Also quick. All the time I am fully clothed. Panties down of course. They did lift my top to play with my brests, but small as they are, they did not interested them much.

Once they tried to move my hands. But I held them firmly on my face.

After the third one, I expected it to end.

It did not.

The went on a nother round. This one lasted for eternity.

I did enjoy it. I really did. At same time I was terrified. Ashamed to madness. Stil satisfied also. All that was in my head.

Shame and the pleasure.
At one point it all stoped.


I slowly moved my numbed hands. I was alone in coupé.

Legs spreaded.


Down was breaking outside.I slowly stud up.

Splashing sound.

Looking down a saw a puddle. Moments ago that was inside me. Insane amount.

I craied. Not much tho. Soon a strange feeling of satisfaction settled in.
I composed my self. Cleaned my self. Moved to next coupé.
Boys where nowhere to be found. And I didn’t even know their names.Nicknames only. I felt ashamed again. I was basically raped by strangers. Not really raped but it was almost that in my head.
Train arrived in station. Voyage was over.
Nine months later, I become a mother.
At least I know which club he should be fan of.

There. True story. There boys. There hours of blind sex. One boy as consequence.

Not that I am sorry.
