Meeting Caitlyn For Lunch (Part 2) (MF) (Wholesome)

This is part 2 of my series “Meeting Caitlyn For Lunch”. Any and all suggestions or critiques are appreciated! Thank you! Part 1 is also linked below!

[Part 1](

# Meeting Caitlyn For Lunch (Part 2)

As Caitlyn gently tugged me through her front door, a familiar scent hit me. “They’re chocolate chip cookies, I baked them before you picked me up earlier, I know they’re your favorite.” There was a plate of cookies sitting on the kitchen counter, obviously freshly baked. “Why would she bake cookies for me, did she plan on bringing me inside the entire time?” I thought to myself.

She got started on the coffee, it was an older drip-style coffee maker, so it was going to take a few minutes for it to finish. “While we’re waiting, do you want to get a grand tour of the place?” Caitlyn asked hesitantly. I accepted, the entire time we’ve been friends I’ve never been inside her house, we usually hung out in public places.

The house is simple, it has the ground floor and a basement. The ground floor has the usual kitchen, living room, dining room, and bathroom. She led me through each of the rooms, but they were all pretty self-explanatory. Once we circled back to the kitchen, she opened a door that led downstairs.

The basement was confined compared to the upstairs which had a very open floor plan, it was just a hallway with doors branching to other rooms. On the left, there were two doors, closest to the stairs was her parents’ room, she lived with them while she was home on winter break. Furthest down the hallway on the left was a guest bedroom, which was partially used for storage while they had no guests. The first door on the right, closest to the stairs was a bathroom, it was mainly used by Caitlyn as the master bedroom had an attached bathroom. The last was Caitlyn’s room, it was at the end of the hallway on the right, directly across from the guest bedroom.

As soon as you walk into her room a smell of the tropics and fruit engulf you, I’m usually not a fan of that, but in this case, it was just wonderful. The walls were a light blue with some white shelves scattered on a few of them. Her bed was neatly made with a black and white duvet, and there was a TV on the wall directly across from it. Tucked into a corner was a small desk with a window above, she had some books and a laptop spread across it. I noticed there were some clothes thrown haphazardly on the floor, probably the discard pile from deciding what to wear to lunch.

“Sorry for the mess.” she quickly said while beginning to pick up the clothes, there were a few shirts, a pair of leggings, and what seemed to be a pair of panties. She piled the clothes in her arms to carry them back to her closet, something dropped from her arms and I got a glance at them. They looked to be a pair of tiny, black boyshorts made from a silky material, there was no way they covered much of her when she was wearing them.

As soon as she dropped them, she quickly bent over to pick them up, her butt lifted in the air straining her tight jeans as she went down. Her face grew red from embarrassment as she stood back up, and she quickly stuffed everything back into her closet. My mind wandered while her back was to me, I was thinking about how she would look in that pair of panties, how tightly they would hug her hips, and how much of her ass they would leave exposed. What was wrong with me? I have never thought of Caitlyn this way, so why was I doing this now? She startled me out of my trance,

“Oh, I completely forgot, do you mind taking off your shoes? My parents hate people wearing shoes in the house.”. “Of course, sorry about that.” I said while kneeling over to unlace my boots. “You can sit on my bed if you want, it’ll be more comfortable than kneeling on the floor over there.” she said with a light laugh in her voice.

I sat on the corner of the bed and she took a seat next to me as she slipped off her shoes, they were black sneakers which revealed a pair of light blue socks that closely matched the color of her bedroom walls. I saw her hook her fingers into the sides of her socks and she quickly peeled them off, I was staring intently while finishing taking off my boots. They looked soft, there were no blemishes, her toes were unpainted but perfectly pedicured. She got back up and walked back to her closet, her bare feet lightly padding along the carpet, not making a sound. I saw her hands wrap around her body and grip the sides of the sweatshirt she was wearing, it lifted as she started pulling, it was taking her shirt with it. Her soft skin started showing as she continued to pull, she had cute little back dimples that were right above her jeans. Half of her back was exposed now, she must know that nothing is covering her, yet she kept going. Her shirt reached the bottom of her bra, I couldn’t see much but I caught a quick glimpse, it was white, lacy, and it looked very thin. I was speechless, there were unspeakable things I wanted to do to her, and after what? After seeing the bottom half of her back and the bottom strap of her bra? I felt myself start to blush as she turned around, she looked me directly in the eye, grinned, and winked, she knew exactly what she was doing.

“Our coffee is probably ready; we should get to it before it gets cold.” She said while walking to her bedroom door. I quickly followed behind her, and she closed the bedroom door before leading me back to the stairs. Walking a few feet behind her my mind wandered once again, as we climbed the stairs, my eyes were level with her butt, jeans hugging her swaying hips and small cheeks, I could only imagine what she would look like wearing that pair of panties I saw earlier, would they even hide anything?

I snapped out of my fantasy by the time we got back to the kitchen, our coffee had just finished brewing a few moments before. “Are you okay? You look a little out of it.” Caitlyn asked knowingly. “I’m fine, just a little tired.”. “Hopefully this can fix that!” She said enthusiastically as she handed me my cup of coffee. “Do you want to go back down to my room to watch some TV or something while we drink our coffee?”, I quickly accepted her offer, I could use a minute to relax and gather my thoughts, TV could help with that.

I was first down the stairs this time, making my way to the door but waiting for her to open it. She entered the room while I was right on her heels, she walked to her bed and set her coffee down on the bedside table. She sat in the middle of the bed with her back against the baseboard and her toes sticking straight in the air. “Can you go grab the remote from my desk? I’m already all comfortable over here.” She asked, “Yeah no problem.”. I walked to her desk and began scanning for the remote, I saw it almost immediately, I also saw what seemed to be a diary. It was wide open, the date was today’s, the title read “Lunch Date?”, it seemed like she was waiting to fill the page until after I left. This helped explain her behavior throughout the day, she was trying to act like it was a date, like I was her boyfriend, how far does she want this to go? I decided not to say anything to her, I was nervous but excited to see what else she wanted to do on our “date”.

I grabbed the remote and turned back to face the bed, she patted the spot next to her, motioning me to sit with her. It wasn’t a large bed, I guess it was a full-size because it definitely wasn’t a queen. I placed my coffee on the bedside table beside her cup and climbed into bed next to her, where she was sitting made for a tight squeeze for both of us, our sides were touching, all the

way from our shoulders down to our feet. Her body was radiating heat, I think she was as nervous as I was. She took the remote from my hand and turned on the tv, “Alright what do you want to watch?” she said, her voice shaking slightly, this helped to confirm my suspicion that she was nervous too. “It doesn’t matter to me, you can pick.” She put on *Brooklyn Nine-Nine*, I knew it was her favorite show and that’s fully what I expected we’d be watching.

Once the show started, she inched her hand towards mine every couple of seconds, I could see it out of the corner of my eye. She eventually grabbed my hand and hesitantly laced her fingers between mine, I squeezed gently to let her know I was okay with it, she replied by squeezing back. I didn’t have to look; I could feel how much she was smiling. It was silent for the next few minutes, there was a growing tension in the air, undeniably sexual.

As the silence wore on my mind started racing with worry, “Had she seen me looking at her diary? There was no way, I was only there for a few seconds.”. I glanced over to her, she was staring intently at the TV, my eyes landed on her chest. She was breathing loudly; her breaths were short and shallow. My gaze continued down to her bust, the shirt hiding the true size of her breasts. What it couldn’t hide was how hard her nipples were, there was no mistaking them for anything else. I watched for a minute, with each breath she took, they raised and lowered with the rest of her chest, and they weren’t getting any softer.

I felt her looking at me, I turned my head and met her eyes, she had caught me staring, there was no getting out of it. She didn’t say anything, all I could do was take in the beauty of her face. With how we were sitting, her face was mere inches from mine, I have never been this close to her before. Her hazel eyes stared into my soul, they were surrounded by long, luscious eyelashes, and there was hair falling around her glowing red cheeks.

I could feel her breath on me, even shallower than before and now very noticeably shaky. My eyes fell to her lips, they were full, pink, and looked heavenly soft, I knew she used lip balm at night and the results spoke for themselves. She gently bit her bottom lip, if there was one thing I couldn’t resist, it was that. I raised my hand to the side of her face, using my thumb to gently graze against her cheek before brushing a few stray hairs behind her ear.

She leaned forward, resting her hand on my chest directly over my heart, she could feel how fast my heart was racing, her breath grew shallower as she touched me. We were an inch apart at this point, I wanted to push her on the bed and pin her down, but I was waiting for her to make the first move, she needed to take the lead.

Finally, she pushed her lips firmly into mine, sighing gently when we met, I pressed my palm against her cheek to let her know I enjoyed it. Her hand tightened on my shirt, gently pulling my body closer to hers, I felt her hand move from my chest to my back, she searched for the bottom of my shirt and slowly slid her fingers up my back, gently dragging her nails across me.

Each finger she touched me with was like a jolt of electricity pulsing through my body, I lightly groaned, and she replied with a content hum. She pulled against my back, my body pushing into hers. I could feel her breasts barely squeezing against me, squishing more as she pulled me in further. Her nipples poked against me, they were so hard it felt like there wasn’t a stich of clothing between us, she took a sharp breath and her body tensed as her nipples rubbed against my chest.

She teased my lips with her tongue, she wanted more, and I wanted to give her everything. In response, I wrapped my arm around her body and pulled forcefully. I felt her boobs flatten against me as an intense pressure was put on her nipples. Breaking the kiss, she moaned intensely into my mouth as her entire body convulsed. She sank her nails deep into my back with as much force as possible, she needed a release. I groaned loudly, it hurt but the pleasure greatly outweighed the pain.

She laid her forehead against mine and I eased the pressure off her nipples from my chest, she slowly removed her nails from me, the air stung against where they were and my back was throbbing, I could tell she broke the skin. Our lips still lightly rested together but we were not embraced in a kiss, she was taking deep, shuddering breaths, still whimpering quietly with every breath out.


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