The Summer of Sucking Dick and Eating Pussy [MF]

Kami was my first long-term girlfriend. We kissed for the first time in the back row of a movie theater, and progressed to hands in pants and shirts. New England winters are cold, so we could get busy only in the theater or her car. We made each other cum with our hands and experimented clumsily with our mouths. She had two ironclad rules. First, no dick-to-pussy action whatsoever. Second, I had to tell her when I was going to cum so she wouldn’t get it somewhere she didn’t want it, like her mouth or hair or favorite blouse.

One afternoon, when the weather was better, she said we were going on a picnic the next day. I pedaled my bike over to her house. She had a blanket in her bike basket. We walked our bikes off a road a couple hundred yards to a small clearing at the edge of some woods.

Kami spread the blanket. Let’s take our clothes off, she said. Our clothes vanished and I was naked with a girl for the first time. My dick was so hard it was purple and almost hurt. We laid down. She stroked my dick and I fingered her pussy while we tried to make out at the same time. I came quickly. She came a bit later. We continued our awkward oral experiments, unsure of what we were doing. It was fun but weird. I think we made each other cum again, then packed up the blanket and left. We had another “picnic” a couple days later, again fun but tentative, though we were getting the basic idea.

Our third or fourth picnic started the same, stroking, fingering, and then a timid 69. Suddenly, out of nowhere, we found ourselves in a way past beginner level 69. We went training wheels to a 150mph racing bike in seconds. It was incredible–she was on top, sucking my dick with long, deep strokes while I had both hands on her ass pulling her into my face, licking her clit and tonguing her pussy. Both of us were thrusting into the other’s face. She made me cum, letting it spurt onto my stomach, then riding my mouth until she came. I got hard again and she started the unbelievable long, deep, sucking again as I thrust up into her mouth. She made me shoot cum on myself again. I think she came again, too. We rolled apart and stared amazed at each other, cum on both our chests and stomachs, my face wet from her pussy. We started kissing, then she asked if I wanted to do it again. Yeah, I did. As I’d cum twice already, this lasted a bit longer, but it was spectacular. She massaged my dick with her spit and sucked it with long, deep, moaning strokes. What I REALLY liked was her riding my face–she didn’t completely smash herself into it, but ground on my mouth firmly while I licked and sucked and tongued her. She sat up, grunted deeply, came, then started sucking my dick again. I said I was going to cum. She kept riding my face and, amazingly, sucked my dick down deep. I came in her mouth while she sucked me slow and hard and I stuck my tongue in her. She swallowed it all and gradually stopped sucking. When we recovered a little, I said I’d told her I was going to cum. I heard you, she said, then kissed me hard and deep. She asked if I wanted to do it again tomorrow. I nodded so hard I’m surprised I didn’t break my neck.

We 69ed several afternoons. Then I asked if we could try taking turns. We went down on each other a couple times, and alternated this with 69ing the next few picnics. While 69 worked great, I told her at one point, eating pussy/sucking dick on the flat ground could get uncomfortable. She agreed. The next day she brought the seat cushion her father took to football games. What’s that for? I said. She put it on a large flat rock at the edge of the clearing, sat on the cushion, spread her legs wide, and looked at me. I got on my knees and licked her clit and tongued her hole while she pushed her pussy into me. We locked eyes during much of this, which was incredibly hot. Then I sat on the cushion and she got on her knees and started sucking my dick. After sucking and stroking me for a while, she rested one hand on each of my thighs, looked me right in the eyes (whenever my eyes weren’t rolling back in my head), sucked long and deep till I came hard, and sucked every drop of cum out of me. Then she got up and kissed me hard. Many, many years and adventures later, this is still one of the best sexual experiences I’ve ever had.

We did this 3 or 4 weekdays all summer. For 4 or 5 weeks in mid-summer, it was every weekday. We got really, really good at oral sex, learning what worked and felt good. She soon told me she liked my cum and warning her was unnecessary. (Dick/pussy action remained strictly forbidden, though.) What made this really great is that she knew I loved eating her pussy and making her moan and squirm and cum and I knew she loved sucking my dick and swallowing my cum. We experimented sometimes. She asked if I could stop myself from cumming–not for long, we found out. We discovered that she’d often have a big orgasm if I massaged her abs just above her hipbones and pubic bone as she got close. Sometimes I’d suck her nipples or she’d suck mine while I fingered her and she stroked my dick. One day she asked me if I jacked off. Uh, sometimes. Can I watch you? she asked. So I stood in this clearing and stroked my dick while she watched. I loved her watching me. Seeing her pant a little and lick her lips was a huge turn-on and I kinda took my time at it, another super-hot memorable experience. The next time she sucked my dick, she asked me if she should squeeze and twist my balls hard like I did. So I showed her how to do that without hurting me. I also masturbated for her whenever she asked.

Summer, of course, came to an end. The last time we did this was, I think, the Friday before Labor Day. When school started, we no longer had the opportunity. Going back to the theater and car interested neither of us. She soon broke up with me–I was upset, but we really didn’t have much other than oral sex in common, it turned out. I didn’t have anything approaching this sex for 3 or 4 more years. But this had been a great experience. Kami was open, clear about what she wanted, interested in what I wanted, smart to stick to her main rule, and enjoyed me as much as I did her. It was healthy, super hot, and super fun.

A strange postscript: I ran into Kami a few yrs later. She was with her fiancĂ©, an official with the state liquor commission, a nice enough guy, I thought. They invited me to their house for a beer. We sat chatting for a bit. He had to step out for a few minutes for some reason. She and I continued to chat. In the middle of some unrelated topic, she said I don’t do those things anymore. We looked at each other, then she said again I don’t do those things anymore, this time with a small but firm shake of her head. I knew exactly what she meant, but had no idea what to make of this, so I didn’t say anything. Then her guy came back and we all went on as if nothing had been said. Thinking about it later, I thought this kinda sad. She enjoyed that summer as much as I did. Seemed something happened later to make her regret it. Hope she’s gotten over it since and remembers it as happily as I do.


1 comment

  1. tis reminds me of the song that goes “we had joy we had fun but the seasons of the sun, but its joy that we had, now the season is all done.”
    gather ye rosebuds guys..

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