The Rabbit Hole Part 14 [FF] [FFF] [FFM] [Orgy] [Mind Control] [Free Use]

**Chapter 14: Bullies**


The sommelier finished explaining the wine pairing, poured, and slipped away from their table while smiling. Penny grabbed her glass, and Nadia did the same. They both raised them, and Penny smiled.

“To new beginnings and happy endings,” she said.

Nadia smiled, lifting her drink slightly. “Hopefully a very happy ending tonight,” she said. They both clinked glasses and drank.

Penny warmed from the wine and Nadia’s intense gaze. After a few simple weeks in The Rabbit Hole each night, Nadia was more attentive, loving, and romantic than ever. When she told Penny she loved her, it didn’t sound robotic. These were no longer the forced actualizations of a doll or drone. Nadia was actually in love with Penny.

And Penny was undoubtedly in love with her. She was sure of it. She couldn’t imagine life without Nadia now. She had never been happier. Her stage career had taken a back seat to more interesting, challenging, and lucrative efforts. She no longer travelled across the country using cheap tricks to wow people that wanted her to get volunteers to act like chickens. She was working on a movie, a book, a software program, and a series of online classes for hypnotists and subjects alike. Nadia was her secretary, maid, best friend, counselor, confidant, and lover. She was a wonderful partner in every sense of the word.

All Penny had to do was create her. She was still tinkering with things. Nadia’s behavior was good, but some of her instincts were wrong. She could say the right thing at the wrong time, misreading the scene or Penny’s emotional state. She was clumsy, but any girlfriend would be clumsy, right? No one was perfect, but Nadia was as close as anyone could be to meeting each of Penny’s desires and preferences. Besides, no one could be edited like Nadia. Every day she came closer to absolute perfection, closer to an adoring bride for Penny for the rest of their lives.

Tonight was another one of those steps. Tonight was going to be the happiest moment of Penny’s life because she wanted it to be. She had orchestrated it so. She would feel happy and fulfilled at the end of it. Nadia would glow and thank her at the end of it. Everyone was going to be perfectly happy, and it was all going to be thanks to Penny. Everything was a product of Penny’s hard work and power.

The waiter brought them their first course, and they both began eating. Nadia looked nervous as she poked at the gourmet food, but Penny smiled, consoled her, and walked her through it. Sometimes Nadia could act like a child. Whenever she encountered something new, she would look to Penny for answers and explanations. It was a convenient setting to make Nadia open for more instruction and correction. It was impossible to prepare Nadia for all possible stimuli, but to create a failsafe of helplessness meant Nadia would always ask Penny to think for her rather than think for herself.

This was just one of the many measures Penny had taken to make sure Nadia didn’t run away again. She knew that her power waned unexpectedly. Ever since her injury, she discovered unexpected results from controlling people. Some people needed multiple commands. Some would hesitate. Some would make the command extreme. She lost her precision, and, as such, she had to be careful with Nadia. That was why she was eager to spend Nadia’s savings when she rescued her from Joanna; she needed Nadia financially dependent on her. On top of that, Penny had created the learned helplessness, given Nadia a bracelet with a GPS tracker hidden in it, and had even considered building a body of blackmail on Nadia. She wasn’t going to let her slip through. Not again.

“This place is beautiful,” whispered Nadia. “I feel ridiculous here.”

“Don’t be silly,” whispered back Penny. “As long as you’re with me, you belong here.” Penny looked around at the restaurant. They were in a secluded section set off for couples. Around them were a series of small tables with men in tuxedos and women in elegant dresses. They were the only gay couple in the room. “Besides,” added Penny, “you’re easily the most beautiful thing here.”

Nadia blushed. “Really?”


“Thank you.” Nadia relaxed and smiled. “I love you, Penny Lane.”

“I love you too, Nadia MacQuarrie.”

They fell into an easy silence when the second course and wine pairing came. Before the waiter left, Nadia raised her hand. “Waiter, there is too much pepper on my paprikash,” she said in a strange accent. The waiter turned from Nadia to Penny in confusion.

“Paprikash?” he asked.

Realization and embarrassment struck Penny simultaneously. “It’s a line from a movie,” said Penny. “She’s making a joke.” Penny leaned forward. “Aren’t you, Nadia?”

Nadia blinked, confused.

“Laugh,” whispered Penny.

The waiter and Nadia both erupted in laughter. They shook the table with it, and Penny smiled awkwardly, leaning back in her chair as the waiter disappeared into the kitchen.

“What was that?” asked Penny.

“What was what?”

“Never mind,” said Penny. They fell into a quiet rhythm after that. Penny had taken Nadia out on many trial runs, but a slip up like this happened occasionally. She was still perfecting it. She wanted Nadia to obey, to be the person she created, but without a tight leash. That meant Nadia could wander and make mistakes. It meant she was imperfect, but she was more herself. She wasn’t a drone echoing empty words of love.

As the meal was winding down, Penny got nervous. This was it. She had wondered for years if this day, the big day, would even come, and now it was. Everything needed to be perfect. Jess would obey flawlessly, as would the staff, but what about Nadia? She was such a risk factor when she wasn’t Dolly. The dessert came along with the accompanying wine. They were close. Minutes away.

“I was thinking about how men and women can’t be friends.” said Nadia as the waiter walked away.

“What?” Penny examined Nadia’s face, looking for any trace of humor. She had to be joking again, right? But there was no hint of a smile. Nadia spoke with absolute sincerity.

“Men and women can’t be friends because the sex part always gets in the way.” Nadia took a bite of her dessert and closed her eyes, purring to herself as she let the words hang in the air, as though she’d said something profound. It was another movie quote, but it had no context. What was wrong with her?

“Which makes me wonder about women now,” added Nadia, some of her natural cadence returning. “I mean, can I be friends with women or will sex come between us?”

“Well … I mean.” Penny took a sip of her wine. “You would still be dating me, so that shouldn’t happen.”

“Fair point. But won’t the sexual tension be there? I mean I had some jealous boyfriends back in the day. And, no offense, but you can be possessive in a sexy dominatrix way. What if all my female friends become irresistibly sexy to me. What do I do?”

Penny shrugged. “Whatever I tell you to do.”

Nadia bit her lip and winked at Penny. Then her face lit up. “Okay, but one of the lawyers helping us with the book, Jenny. She’s cute, right? And I’ve been hanging out with her a lot. Not just during meeting, where she explains a lot of the lawyer-y stuff to me, but we’ll like pick up coffee on our way to or from a meeting. And -”


“She’s cute. Not like diva-with-a-killer-body cute or approaching-a-lingerie-model-career cute, but like, when she laughs, it’s adorable. And -”


“The question is this: now that I’m noticing her, how can I stop noticing her? I mean, hasn’t the proverbial sex now come in the way? Are we two steps away from stripping in a Starbucks and fucking on the counter? And -”


“Now I have to wonder if she’s open to girls too. I guess that’s what makes the whole thing weird. Men and women can’t be friends because sex will more than likely get in the way unless one of them gay. But women and women can be friends because the chances of one of them being gay is small, even smaller for both of them to be gay and -”


Nadia’s lips kept moving, as though the momentum was taking them away, but no words came out. Finally, her lips settled, and Nadia look chastened.

“Would you like some champagne?” asked Penny nervously.

“Of course!” beamed Nadia. It was childlike, and despite her anxiety, Penny found herself smiling along.

As Penny raised a hand a beautiful woman with light brown hair in a ponytail came over. “Yes, ma’am?” she asked.

“Jess?” asked Nadia.

Jess turned, and when she saw Nadia, her smile broadened sheepishly. “Hey, Nadia,” she muttered.

“You work here?” asked Nadia. “In Memphis? Holy shit, what are you doing in Memphis?”

“I can’t right now,” muttered Jess. “Later, okay?”

“You two know each other?” pretended Penny. Her amusement, however, was real.

“This is, like, literally my best friend,” said Nadia. “Back from Richmond.”

“Really?” said Penny. “When did you last see each other?”

“Years.” Nadia turned to Jess. “Years?”

“Something like that,” said Jess as she brushed a strand of hair out of her face.

“Something like years,” said Nadia. She grabbed Jess’ hands. “It’s so good to see you. When do you get off work? We should get drinks or something.”

“I’d like that,” said Jess with a half-smile. The poor thing was nervous to death. She turned to Penny. “What do you need, ma’am?”

“We’d love two glasses of champagne,” said Penny.

“Right away, ma’am,” said Jess. She turned and walked briskly away. Penny watched her go, her heart thumping hard inside her chest.

“I can’t believe it,” said Nadia. “She’s been here long enough to get a job, and she didn’t tell me?”

“How long have you known each other?” asked Penny, trying to act calmly.

“Middle school? God, it feels like forever.”

“You were close?”

“Yeah,” said Nadia. “She lived down the street from me. We were totally inseparable until I moved out here. We’ve been a bit out of touch, but she’s like, one of my all-time favorite people.”

“Does it upset you that you lost contact?”

“Confuses me.” Nadia drained the rest of her wine glass. “I wish she’d told me she was waitressing. I would have tried to find her a better job.”

“Like what?”

“She was a certified RN back in Richmond. She should be at a hospital, not a restaurant.”

“I could ask around,” said Penny. “See if they can help her out.”

“It’s just weird, you know?” asked Nadia. “It doesn’t quite add up.”

“Relax. Don’t worry about it.”

The silverware at their table rattled as the look of confusion melted off of Nadia’s face. She smiled and finished her dessert as their waiter brought two glasses of champagne. Penny watched carefully to make sure the right one sat in front of Nadia. It did. Things were going according to plan. She just needed to calm herself down. If only her powers worked that way.

“Nadia,” said Penny, reaching out her hand and putting it on the redhead’s. Nadia looked up, surprised at Penny’s soft tone and sudden intimacy.

“Penny,” she said seriously, and then smirked.

Penny smiled. She felt like her stomach was about to explode. She shouldn’t have had so much wine. That was foolish. She thought it would make her brave, but she’d never felt more nervous in her life.

“These past six months have been some of the craziest of my life,” said Penny.

“God, it’s been that long?”

“Yes,” said Penny. She smirked. “It’s hard to believe that six months ago I was a stage hypnotist with a cruelty streak when it came to hecklers and bullies.”

“And I was a teacher,” said Nadia. Her eyes widen as though she was realizing it for the first time. “Wow.”

“Yes,” said Penny. “Wow.”

“I was also dating Joe, formerly male, and heterosexual. Wow.”

“Wow indeed.” Nadia’s amazement made Penny more nervous. Would she accept? Or was this all too much too fast? “It’s been such a short amount of time, but we’ve been through things other couples don’t experience in a lifetime.”

“You don’t say.” Nadia smirked wryly.

“But our time apart made one thing clear to both of us: we need each other.”

Nadia blushed and looked down into her lap. She looked up around the restaurant, her eyes searching for Jess. “Yes,” she muttered and looked back down at her lap.

“I need you,” whispered Penny. She stroked Nadia’s hand. “And you need me.” Penny used her free to hand to brace the table as it shook and shuddered from her power. Around her, at other tables, glasses fell over and silverware rattled. Nadia raised her gaze, locking eyes with Penny and holding it. She blinked several times. This programming was nothing new, but Penny was going deep. She wanted it to last.

She had wrestled for days over this. Part of her wanted tonight to happen without any power. She wanted a true answer from Nadia, one that was pure and totally unaltered. But the other part of her couldn’t escape the memory of Nadia’s disappearance. Was that the women beneath the spell? Was she struggling at her bonds, waiting for any moment to disappear and run for her life from her captor? That part of Penny could never let Nadia do this entirely freely. She wouldn’t force an answer on Nadia, but she wouldn’t risk rejection either.

“The truth is that this is longer than six months,” said Penny. “It won’t be over tonight or tomorrow or anytime in the foreseeable future. There is no one like you, Nadia. There is no one that sees me as you see me. There is no one that understands me or my pain. There is no one that respects and desires my power as you do. In that regard, you are entirely unique. I could search the world and never find someone like you.”

Penny smiled nervously, but Nadia was still holding her gaze, blinking occasionally several times in a row. “And let’s be honest,” added Penny with a shrug. “You won’t find someone else like me in the world.” She gave a small chuckle, but Nadia’s face was impassive. “You need my power. You need to rest in my trance. You need the ability to turn off your mind. You need freedom under my control.” Nadia blinked several times and the table wobbled as the commands took hold. “If you searched the whole world, you would never find someone like me.”

Penny took a deep breath. This was it.

“So let’s stop searching.” She squeezed Nadia’s hand. “Let’s call off the possibility of someone else being out there for us. I don’t want someone else. I want you. I want you for the rest of my life, and no one else.” Penny took a deep breath. “And you want me for the rest of your life, and no one else.”

Penny let go of Nadia’s hands to grab the table. It shook, and Penny locked her eyes on the two glasses of champagne, making sure they didn’t fall over. Other tables shook and wine glasses tipped over. People around them jumped up or gasped. Waiters hurried in with napkins and apologies. The walls of the room shuddered. Penny put everything she had in it, everything she was. There was no turning back. There was no hesitation. This may taint it, but she knew Nadia would never stay otherwise. She had no other choice, as terrible as this option was.

The room calmed down, and Penny waited. She watched Nadia. The short redhead had her eyes closed; the lids fluttered as she gripped the table. At the core of a person are their most basic desires: safety, food, water, affection, etc. Penny added a new one to Nadia’s list. Nadia would want Penny as badly as she wanted shelter in a storm. It was an unshakeable need of her existence. She would never run away. Never again.

Around them, waiters came and cleaned up. Someone asked about an earthquake. There were a dozen questions and no answers, but when they discovered that no one was hurt and nothing was broken, they all went back to their dates. It was as though a lack of consequences meant the whole thing never happened. That was fine for Penny. She wanted this moment to be perfect, and a moment of disaster relief would ruin what was coming next.

Jess came out of the kitchen and hurried to their table, just as planned. “Excuse me,” she said to Penny, “but could I borrow Nadia for a minute?”

Nadia blinked several times, then turned to face her former best friend in a daze. “Huh?”

“I need to talk to you in private,” said Jess. “It’ll just take a second.”

“Oh, alright.” Nadia looked to Penny. “Is that okay?”

“Absolutely,” said Penny. She put on her best smile despite her nerves. “Take your time.”

Jess pulled Nadia up and out of the room. They had gone over the lines plenty of time. She would plant the idea and encourage Nadia to follow through. It was going to be perfect. Penny did her best to not look at the glasses of champagne. She wasn’t a very good actress, and it wasn’t going to be a true surprise, but she wanted some dash of authenticity.

Nadia came back and sat back down. Jess hung around nervously. Nadia smiled, then lifted her glass of champagne. “Let’s have a toast, then,” she said. Penny raised her own glass but didn’t look at it. “To forever,” said Nadia.

“Forever,” said Penny. They clinked glasses and both drained them. As Penny drank, something struck her lips. Her heart fluttered. She closed her mouth and put down the glass. There, sitting at the bottom, was a beautiful diamond ring. It had an architecture to it like lattice or lace that surrounded the setting.

Penny gasped.

Nadia rose from the table and took the glass. She turned it over and caught the ring.

Penny put her hand to her chest.

Nadia smiled and sank to one knee beside Penny.

Jess took out her phone.

“Right here?” asked Penny. “In front of all these people?”

“I only have eyes for you,” said Nadia.

“But they’ll all watch,” said Penny. The tables in the room shook as each couple stopped what they were doing and turned to watch them.

“Let them,” said Nadia. She was so sure of herself, so poised. Penny covered her mouth with her hand and nodded, giving Nadia permission to continue.

“Penny Lane,” said Nadia. “I love that you get cold when it’s seventy one degrees out, I love that it takes you an hour and a half to order a sandwich, I love that you get a little crinkle above your nose when you’re looking at me like I’m nuts, I love that after I spend a day with you I can still smell your perfume on my clothes and I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night. And it’s not because I’m lonely, and it’s not because it’s New Year’s Eve.”

“It’s not New Year’s Eve,” muttered Penny.

Nadia blinked several times, confused. There were murmurs throughout the room.

“Say our anniversary,” said Penny. “Say ‘it’s not because it’s our anniversary.”

Nadia blinked and nodded. “And not because I’m lonely, and it’s not because it’s our anniversary.” Penny nodded, and Nadia continued. “I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.”

Nadia and Penny took a deep breath at the same time. “Penny Lane, will you make me the happiest person in the world? Will you marry me?”

Penny gasped, bit her lip, and nodded. She stuck out her hand, and Nadia slipped on the ring. Around them, people looked on uncomfortably. One woman laughed, but two more giggled. Penny blushed, looking up at Jess and the camera. She bent down and kissed Nadia, pulling her off her knees and up into a heavier kiss. There was more scattered applause, but it was empty. It was all so empty.

Penny broke the kiss and looked around the room. “We’re getting married!” she squealed, but she was not an actress. Everyone looked uncomfortably at them. Penny felt foolish. She was foolish. They could see what she had tried so hard to willingly conceal from herself.

“Everyone should clap,” she said. More people looked from Penny to their date across the table. All of them had happy little dates. Everyone had someone that had shown up willingly, that wanted them, that wanted to be there. All of them were living their happy little lives, and Penny was holding Nadia, her toy doll. Her hollow girlfriend.

Penny looked back at the camera and made a waving motion. Jess didn’t take the hint. “Put it away,” she commanded, and Jess tucked her phone into her pocket. “Go away,” said Penny, and Jess left without a word.

Penny looked down at Nadia in her arms. She was pressed up against her, holding on for dear life, but Penny couldn’t see her face. Was it a mask? Of course it was. It was always a mask.

The room was filled with the weak clapping of those around them. Penny felt a familiar stinging, an old burn, building in her chest. She was back on stage, being heckled. She was surrounded by skeptics, but now they didn’t doubt her power. They doubted Nadia. They doubted their love. They doubted Penny’s value. They were a joke. The whole proposal was a joke. Penny was a joke.

Penny bounced between shame and rage. They were laughing at them. All of them. Even the ones that clapped didn’t mean it. Their hearts weren’t in it.

“Clap like you mean it,” snapped Penny to the room. “Everyone clap.” The room burst into scattered applause. “Like you mean it,” reinforced Penny. The room shook with power and applause. “This is the love of my life. Celebrate me, dammit.”

The room thundered. Some people whistled and hollered. Penny wished Jess was here, recording this. She smiled and pulled back Nadia. She was crying. Penny’s eyes started to water. Nadia was so beautiful, and she could see in her eyes that all Nadia wanted in the entire world was her. Penny was the sun and the moon. She was heaven and earth.

“I love you,” she whispered.

“I loved you first,” said Nadia. She kissed Penny again with all her might, and the crowd around them cheered again.

Penny broke the kiss and stood. Nadia stood with her. She bent down and kissed her fiancé again to more cheers. She lifted Nadia up and twirled her around. Nadia cheered. They were both crying. It was all beautiful, so beautiful. The lights in the room danced around them like starlight. There was only Penny and only Nadia. They were going to be together forever. Nadia had asked, and Penny didn’t make her do it. Jess encouraged it, but Nadia made that decision on her own.

Penny spun with her Nadia, her fiancé, her bride to be, and felt full for the first time in a long time. It was so pure and simple. All anyone wants is to be chosen, and now Penny was. Nadia had picked her out of all the people in the world and chosen her forever. She would never go back on that choice, never run away again. For the rest of time, Nadia would have Penny and Penny would have Nadia. That was how it ought to be.

Some part of Penny, the little girl locked away in institutions and sent through tortuous therapy and cruel treatments, stepped out into the sunshine for the first time in decades. She had been hidden behind power, behind manipulation, behind control, and behind fear. She was safe in that institution, like her parents wanted her to be. But now she was free.

It was Nadia. Simple and marvelous Nadia. She had taken the wounded girl of Penny by the hand and led her out of the institution. That little girl who would never be accepted, never received as she was, never loved unconditionally, never good enough until she fixed herself, was finally free in Nadia’s embrace. Nadia wanted that little girl, and she wanted her forever. She wanted the heart Penny had locked away, and she wanted it forever.

Penny put down Nadia and swayed a little as the room kept spinning. Nadia helped catch her, and there was more laughter around the room. Penny did her best stage smile and looked around at her audience. They were all clapping, but Penny could see their faces now. Some looked bored. Others looked frustrated. Some look amused, like it was all a joke to them, like Penny was a joke. As Penny watched them, their clapping turned from celebration to mockery. They weren’t celebrating her. They were obeying, but they took no joy in it. There was no joy for them in seeing Penny happy.

The little girl went back inside.

“Stop it,” whispered Penny. No one heard over the roar.

Their faces became cruel masks. They all hated her. They wanted her to sit down and shut up. They wanted to stop clapping. They wanted to go home. No one was here for Penny. No one cared about Penny. They were all hecklers, mocking with sarcasm and ire. They were all abusers, making a joke out of Penny’s one moment of freedom, of true happiness. She could see what they were thinking. She could see the words in their minds. Words like dyke, fake, stuck-up, bitch, vain. She could see the words on their foreheads, and each time they clapped, they celebrated the words burning in their minds.

“Stop it.”

They were bullies. Each of them. No one would accept Penny. Maybe Nadia. Maybe Nadia was her true love, the one that authentically wanted her heart.

*How can a puppet want you?*

Penny turned around, looking for where the voice came from. She saw nothing but more applause, more mockery.

“What?” asked Penny.

There was no reply.

“I can’t hear,” said Penny. “What did you say?” Penny spun around the room, ignoring the look of concern on Nadia’s face. “Stop it,” she commanded the room. “I can’t hear. Stop it.”

The room fell eerily silent, each person sitting like a doll, awaiting their next command.

“Who said that?” asked Penny.

There was no reply.

“Who said that? Which one of you said that?”

Penny spun and spun. There were only voices, only the faces of those that mocked her, those that judged her, those that wanted to see her fail, those that thought she was fake, that she was dirty, that she was broken, that she was unloved and deserved to be unloved.

Her bullies. Each of them.

“Fuck … all of you,” whispered Penny. Nadia looked up at Penny, confused. Penny brought her close and held her. She closed her eyes, but the faces of her attackers followed her. They became the faces of her abusers, of her aunt and her nurse.

“Fuck,” commanded Penny. The room shook. “All of you.” Wine glasses fell over and some whined, harmonizing in pitch, approaching a breaking point. The table Nadia and Penny sat at fell over. Waiters in the room froze. The couples around the room froze. All eyes were on Penny. She had their perfect attention. No one would miss this. Penny looked into each of their faces. She saw their pupils dilate. She saw their breathing go ragged. They were eager, each one of them.

“Now,” commanded Penny.

The room erupted into a bedlam. Nadia tried to break free of Penny’s hold, but Penny bent down and whispered, “not you.” Nadia fell still. The room exploded with energy and heat as couples rose from the tables, immediately stripping off their clothes. Penny took no joy in watching men rush to unbuckle their pants or women shimmy out of their dresses. It wasn’t about enjoying it. She had tried that before with Dr. Tuminaro, and it cost her Nadia. Now she simply wanted to punish and to empower them to punish themselves.

Penny walked to the edge of the room and leaned out. A hostess was looking confused, approaching the roar of flipped tables and panting. “Let no one in here,” commanded Penny. The hostess nodded, and Penny closed the door to the couple’s room.

She made her way to the other side of the room where the staff entered. Some waiters and waitresses were already naked. One man’s cock was out and hard. Two other men were both fighting to suck it. Penny smirked. She hadn’t commanded them to do that. She enjoyed walking through the chaos and seeing how many couples had decided not to fuck their date. One woman, objectively the most stereotypically attractive, was surrounded by four men and one woman, all trying to fuck her, to obey Penny’s command.

Penny reached the back of the room, the kitchen, and saw Jess. She was watching in horror at the orgy behind Penny. “Come with me,” commanded Penny. Jess’ fear washed away, and she obeyed.

Penny looked at one of the cooks and waiters standing by. “Ignore what’s happening here,” said Penny. “Let no one in.” They both nodded, and Penny closed the door behind her.

Penny joined Nadia back in the center of the room with Jess behind her. “Oh my god,” said Nadia. “Jess … um … I don’t know what happened here. Don’t think -”

“Don’t worry about her,” commanded Penny. Nadia relaxed. “Don’t worry at all.” Nadia smiled. She gestured at the room, and shrugged as though to say, “what are you going to do about it?”

“Jess,” said Penny. “Film this. When people are spent, they will be allowed to leave after they give you their name, address, phone number, and email address. Write that down. Record everyone except me and Nadia. Is that understood?”

“Yes,” droned Jess as she took out her phone and walked around the room, recording.

“She’ll be fine,” whispered Penny to Nadia. “Don’t worry about her.”

Nadia nodded weakly.

Penny grabbed one of the waiters making out with an older woman while fingering her. “Set my table,” she commanded. He did his best to obey, setting their table upright and setting it, but the older woman was all over him, stroking his cock from behind as he worked. He stopped occasionally to arch his back or moan, but he finally finished the task and pulled back a chair for Nadia to sit in. Penny gestured, Nadia sat, and the man tucked in her chair. He did the same for Penny, all while having a cougar play with his nipples.

Penny grabbed another waitress that had her legs spread as two women tried to eat her out simultaneously. “I’d like more champagne,” said Penny. “Get it for me.”

The waitress got up, and the two women clawed after her desperately, kissing her thighs and legs and feet as she walked away. They whimpered as she escaped.

“It’s okay,” said Penny to the poor women. Her tone was gentle. She was punishing them, but she pitied them in a strange way. Their true punishment would come later, when they were contacted by Jess. “Fuck each other,” whispered Penny, and both women turned on each other, eager to obey.

Penny turned to Nadia and smiled. She could feel it’s inauthenticity. Her jaws were tight. She wanted to enjoy herself, to savor the humiliation of her tormentors. She watched Jess as she went around the room, filming people. It gave her no joy. She knew that some part of her should feel vindicated or at least amused with the revel exploding around her, but it didn’t.

She looked at Nadia, her bride to be. Her face was relaxed in a dreamy smile. Her eyes were glazed over. She looked high. She wasn’t Dolly, that expectant emptiness they had both come to love. She was floating in her mind, accepting the reality around her as though it was normal.

“Do you like what I’ve done?” asked Penny.

“Sure,” said Nadia with a shrug.

Penny frowned. “I want you to like what I’ve done.”

“I will if you tell me to.”

“I …” Penny hesitated. This was it wasn’t it? Was Penny’s command good enough for Penny? She could have whatever she wanted if she asked, but nothing she wanted would be given freely. One does not take a gift.

And that was all Penny did, wasn’t it? She took. No one was offering her anything, so she had to get it herself. She had to force their hands. Penny looked around the room. The smell of sweat and sex filled the room, mingled with moans and gasps. Furniture was flipped over. People fucked on the floor or created makeshift beds out of tables to fuck on. None of them wanted this. She took it from them. If they had their way, they would be eating their meal, ignoring Penny’s big night. Some would even prefer to laugh at her, make a sport of it, and go home and tell their friends about the ridiculous lesbian proposal at the restaurant.

Penny looked at the ring on Nadia’s finger. She didn’t want that either. Penny took it from her. Took her freedom and her will. Took her body and her future. She took her happiness and her love. She took it, and she would keep taking. That’s the future for Nadia, endless taking, because no one was going to give Penny what she wanted.

“Enjoy yourself,” commanded Penny. She sat back in her chair, letting her shoulders relax. Her mind was made up. This, at least, was better than loneliness. It was better than exile and nothingness.

Nadia’s smile widened, her eyes cleared, and some of her true self returned. She rose from the table went to another woman in the corner of the room. The woman wasn’t naked, but her legs were spread, and her hand was up the skirt of her dress and tucked in her panties. She was mousy with thick glasses, kinky brown hair, a crooked nose, and small brown eyes. When commanded to fuck, she chose herself. Or perhaps no one had chosen her, leaving her alone in the corner, masturbating.

“Hey, hun,” said Nadia. She spoke gently, as though to a scared cat. “You okay?”

“So, hot,” whimpered the girl. Her hand moved faster.

Nadia turned around, looking at the bacchanalian orgy behind her. She smiled at Penny and turned back to the girl. “You like to watch?”

“Mhmm,” said the girl through a bit lip.

Penny rose from her seat and moved closer, wanting to watch Nadia play. If she couldn’t enjoy herself, at least she could enjoy this through Nadia’s eyes.

“What’s your name?” asked Nadia.

“A-A-Amber,” moaned the girl.

“I’m Nadia.” She offered to shake Amber’s hand, but it was occupied. Nadia giggled to herself and sat next to her. “Tell me what you see? What’s caught your eye?”

“That couple,” whispered Amber. Penny had to lean in close to hear her. “They grabbed that waitress as soon as everything started. It was like an abduction. They both ripped her clothes off, and she …. Uhhhn … she let them.”

“Would you like someone to do that to you?” asked Nadia.

“Hnnnuh, yes,” moaned Amber.

Nadia ripped Amber’s dress off without hesitation. It must have cost a few thousand dollars, but at the sound of the fabric ripping, Amber’s back arched, and she howled with pleasure. Nadia then grabbed Amber’s thin and soaked white panties. With one quick tug, they ripped away from the girl’s body, exposing her unshaved pussy and busy hand.

“Better?” asked Nadia.


Nadia joined the girl in the booth, sitting next to her. “What else has you so turned on?”

“My husband,” whispered Amber. With her free hand, she pointed to good looking young man in his late twenties. He could be an underwear model. He was plowing away at a younger woman, someone who looked barely twenty, while her eyes rolled back in her head and she added her shrieks to the revel.

“What about him?”

“As soon as it hit us, he got up and went to her. He was looking at her all night, and now he’s fu …. Nnnnhn … fucking her.”

“You don’t mind?” asked Nadia.

“Look at her tight body,” whimpered Amber. “She’s gorgeous. She’s so fucking hot, and …. Oh god … oh god … he’s fucking her. My husband is fucking her. Oh god. It’s so hot. So hot.”

“You like to watch your husband fuck hotter women?”

“If he lets me watch … unh … god yes. She’s so hot. Fuck. I know he … mmmmm … I know he looks around … I know he wants my … wants my … wants my … holy shit … my money. God she’s so hot.”

Nadia looked back at Amber’s husband and the hot young blonde. She was gorgeous. She looked like every popular girl from high school, every celebrity, every social media icon. She looked like she was made to arouse lust and infidelity.

Nadia leaned in closer to Amber and whispered in her ear. “You like to watch your husband cheat on you with hotter young women?”


“You like to know that he wants other women?”


“Younger woman?”


“Hotter women?”

“Oh god, yes.”

“You like feeling pathetic?”

“Mmmm … yes. Yes. Oh god.”

“You want to feel more pathetic?” asked Nadia.

“Yes. God. Please.”

Nadia stood up and moved into Amber’s line of sight. She peeled off her maroon dress, then quickly unhooked her bra, shrugged it off, and slipped off her panties.

“Do you think I’m hot?” asked Nadia.


“Hotter than you?”


“Younger than you?”


“Better than you?” asked Nadia. Her tone was firm, almost cruel. Penny felt the sting of arousal to see Nadia in such a dominating position.

“Yes. Oh god, yes,” whimpered the cuckquean.

“Good,” said Nadia. She bent down and whispered to Amber. “Remember, my name is Nadia. I want to hear you call my name when you cum.”

Without another word, Nadia walked away from Penny and Amber. She moved across the room to Amber’s husband and the hot blonde. He was still fucking her hard, probably close to cumming. She had her back on a table, one leg down, the other up and resting on his shoulder while he stood. Nadia went behind him, turned, and arched an eyebrow at Amber. Then, she slowly began to kiss his back, running his hands over his chest, enjoying his body while his wife watched.

Penny turned and watched Amber as she touched herself. The poor girl stopped looking at her husband entirely. She only had eyes for Nadia, and as she came, she called out the redhead’s name, as promised.

If you want more, and you know you do, you can find the complete series on Amazon, Patreon, or on Twitter
