Meeting Caitlyn For Lunch (Part 1) (MF) (Wholesome)

Please keep in mind that this is my first time ever attempting to write something like this, I’m not even any type of writer to begin with. All feedback is greatly appreciated, you can be brutally honest!

# Meeting Caitlyn For Lunch (Part 1)

I made plans with Caitlyn the night before, I was going to pick her up to go to lunch at noon. We haven’t seen each other since high school, she graduated earlier this year and I graduated last year. She and I were really good friends in High School, and we had kept very good contact since we each went our separate ways. She had gone away to college in the fall, and I had been at home working and going to community college. Despite this, we text almost every day and had the occasional FaceTime call. I think we both had stupid crushes on each other at some point in school, but the timing was never right for either of us.

The best way of describing Caitlyn is by using the term “The Girl Next Door”, she is your classic good-humored, extremely smart, shy, Christian girl. She had some body image issues while in school but when she was feeling good about herself, she was an absolute head turner. However, she isn’t one in the typical sense of a tiny bodied blonde with wide hips, large breasts, and an hourglass figure. She’s about 5′ 10″, ~180 pounds, and has beautiful straight brunette hair that falls just past her lower shoulder blades. A lot of the negativity towards her own body comes from the fact that she is larger, not fat by any means, quite the opposite. She has a body type that could be described close to an “Amazon” but even I’m not sure if that’s the correct term. Even to me, her body type isn’t usually attractive on other women, but it suits her, she just wouldn’t be as attractive with another body type.

She has long pale legs that lead to a gorgeous set of thighs, she tries to go on runs at least two or three times a week and it shows. Her thighs are slightly on the larger side, they just barely rub together when she walks, but they are strikingly toned. She has a small, tight, perky ass. Because of her thicker thighs, it seems bigger at first but it’s a perfect handful. I’m a small ass guy so there’s nothing better than hers. Much like her thighs, her stomach is pale, milky skin, and it’s beautifully toned, it has a little bump to it but I’d say it’s about 80% muscle. Her boobs are a large B-Cup, maybe a small C-Cup, very perky, and as soft as a pillow. She’s got small nipples that are begging to poke through any top she wears. If I were to compare her body to someone it would be Erin Ashford, their bodies are very similar minus the size of her ass and boobs.

I pulled up to her house around 11:45 and texted her to let her know I was there. I was nervous, we hadn’t seen each other in over a year. Her door opened and I saw her slowly step outside, my jaw dropped instantly as I saw her walking towards me, she was wearing jeans and a pure black hoodie. It was nothing spectacular, but to me, it was the most beautiful she’s ever been. Something was different than in the past, I looked at her in a way I never really have, she was radiant, glowing even. I felt a flutter in my heart and instantly knew that this girl was going to be trouble.

I hopped out of my truck to go out and meet her, she ran up to me and hugged me. For a moment the feeling was strange to me, she has never been a touchy-feely type of friend. The thought left my mind as quickly as it entered, electricity pulsed through my body as soon as she touched me, my body hopelessly melted into her arms. As I regained my thoughts, I noticed her hair, she was wearing it down, which was something she usually did for special occasions. Most of the time she had it up in a ponytail or bun, but with it down you could see her cowlick right where her hair parts on the front. “It’s so nice to see you, I’ve missed you so much.” She said while pulling away from the hug.

I opened the door for her, and she hopped on up into my truck, I was waiting for her to get settled before shutting the door, but she told me to hurry up and to quit taking so long, she always did have a bit of sass to her. Our plan for the day was to drive over to our local town center which has various stores, bakeries, restaurants, etc.

On the drive over she occasionally placed her hand on my shoulder or lightly punched me if one of us said something funny. It was a little weird because again, she has never been very touchy-feely and has never done anything like this, but I just quickly dismissed it. The next time she did it I couldn’t, we were talking about a High School field trip we took, and naturally, a few funny stories came up. After one of them, she placed her hand on my arm like she had a few times before, except this time she gently squeezed and let her fingers linger for a few seconds. I looked over to her and she realized what she was doing, as my eyes met hers, she apologized while her face grew redder by the second. I said, “You’re fine you big weirdo.” and we quickly got back to our normal conversation.

Once we arrived, our rough plan was to get some lunch and do some general shopping, we were probably going to end up going into every store. The town center is laid out like a small city, it’s maybe four blocks by four blocks filled with various stores and restaurants. As we started walking around, Caitlyn suddenly wrapped her arm around mine and squeezed with her hand, I didn’t pull away but neither did she, this was something I couldn’t ignore. I looked at her just as I had done on the drive over, she already turned her head, waiting for me to do the same, all she did was look me in the eyes, smile, and squeeze my arm just a little bit harder. At this point I was just wondering what she was getting at, everything that she did up to this point was so unlike her. The last thing I wanted to do was read the situation incorrectly and ruin our day, or much worse, ruin our friendship. I decided the best thing to do was to roll with whatever she chose to do, I wasn’t uncomfortable with what was happening, it made me happy, but it was just that she had never done anything like it before.

We stopped into a couple of stores to buy some stuff and eventually found a good place to eat lunch at. The only time she let go of me was when we sat down to eat. Most of our time was spent just catching up on what we had done since we last saw each other. Eventually, our conversation turned to past relationships. I had been in a long-distance relationship for about 6 months that ended up not working out for various reasons, it ended mutually. She confided in me that she still hasn’t had a “real relationship” with anyone. There were a few dates with a couple of guys, but they never turned into something serious. She briefly mentioned that she’s only held hands with someone once and hasn’t kissed anyone yet. I, of course, told her that it was perfectly fine, especially if you’re waiting for the right person to share that with. Shortly after that, we got our check and the relationship conversation slowly died out.

About an hour or so later we wrapped up what we were doing and I took her home, nothing eventful happened on the way back, just casual conversation, she didn’t make any more attempts at affection either. I walked her to the door and let her know that I loved spending the day with her and that we should plan on doing it again soon. While returning the sentiment she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me in for a good-bye hug. I could feel her heartbeat quicken as I wrapped my arms around her and laid my open hands on her mid-back and the small of her back. I pulled away and turned around to leave, her door closed, and I felt a rush of air flow past me, I assumed she had gone inside and shut the door. Instead, I heard her walk quickly to catch up to me, she gently grabbed my hand and pulled me to turn around, she asked if I wanted to come inside for a minute to have a cup of coffee while nonchalantly adding that nobody would be home for the rest of the day. There was no waiting for an answer, she squeezed my hand tighter and led me back to the door, I wasn’t going to put up a fight, she already knew I was going to say yes.


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