Katherine’s Dark Desires (part 2)

This story’s dedicated to the real Katherine who will be reading this sopping wet and squirming in her panties.

It’s been a couple of days since you left the hotel. You can’t stop thinking about what was done and what was said. You have been continuously excited since I let Jerome finger fuck you. The wait until our next encounter has been excruciating. You’ve already begun thinking about yourself as my property.

When you got home that night Bruce was waiting for you. You didn’t say a word to him. You walked past him like he didn’t exist, took a nice long bath to smooth your stretched pussy, dressed in a pair of comfortable pajamas, and laid in bed.

You tried to ignore your husband as he stared at you from the bedroom doorway. “Did he fuck you?” He finally asked quietly.

“No Bruce, he did not fuck me, yet.” You replied cruelly.

“But he did something didn’t he? He let that ape Jerome fuck you!” He cried, incriminatingly.

“You really are a racist bastard you know that don’t you? For your information nobody fucked me tonight. This was just he and I getting to know each other.” You said, skipping the part about getting finger fucked by the large black man.

“But Understand this, Jeff is going to fuck me. And you know what? There is not a god damned thing you can do about it. You got us in to this and it’s up to me to get us back out. I don’t care if I have to fuck every guy Jeff knows. Oh and he has a message for you. You are not allowed to fuck me until further notice. My pussy, ass, and mouth are off limits. You have lost the right to fuck me unless my owner gives you authorization. Because that’s what you’ve done. You’ve turned your own wife into another man’s whore, his fucking personal property. Four months Bruce! Four fucking months! I have to whore myself for FOUR MONTHS because your a weak bastard!”

“Four months? But I thought he was just going to fuck you once and we’d be done!”

“You thought wrong! And I know he wasn’t going to kill you. You would rather turn me into another man’s fuck toy than take an ass beating. You call yourself a man.”

“What about our plans to have a baby.” Asked Eddie. “I thought you wanted to get pregnant?” “Well Eddie, you should have thought about that. Besides we’ve been trying for months to get pregnant. I don’t think a month break while I’m being fucked by other men will change that.”

After, as your husband lay sleeping beside you, your mind wandered. You couldn’t help but wonder what I had in store for you. The memory of Jerome’s giant fingers made your pussy wet. Again. “Fuck. Why am I such a fucking slut?” You asked yourself. You couldn’t help but wonder how big Jerome’s black cock really was. You had seen black guys in porno with huge monster cocks. You got the feeling that Jerome may dwarf them all.

Slipping your fingers inside the waistband of your now soaked panties you began to finger fuck yourself. Slipping one, then two, then three fingers inside yourself. With your orgasm building you began to moan. “Please. Please fuck me, fuck me, fuuuuuuccccccckkkkklk meeeeeeeeeeeeee!” You cry out through clenched teeth as your hips buck uncontrollably. Afterwards you wondered if Bruce had heard you. You didn’t care. Actually you hoped that he did.

The next few days were agony. As much as you detest what is happening to you, the primal woman in you is screaming to be fucked. You fingered yourself until you’re sore but it just doesn’t help. You can’t get the image of Jerome forcefully yet calmly leaning you back against the elevator doors as his giant black fingers violate your married pussy. You’re constantly wet and quivering. Fucking Richardson. Why won’t he call. You need to get fucked so bad.

You had just returned home from your workout at the gym when your phone rang. You didn’t recognize the number. Your pulse raced. You answered expecting my voice. But it was a woman on the other end.

“Mrs. Smith, this is Heather from Jeff Richardson’s office. We’re sending a driver to pick you up. Mr. Richardson has use of your ummmm services.” She chuckles knowingly.

“Oh. Ok,” you stammer. “When do I need to be ready?” Your pulse racing, breathing so fast you feel like you might hyperventilate.

“Right now Mrs. Smith. And I suggest you hurry.”

“But but but I’m not ready,” you reply. “I’m sweaty. I need to take a shower.”

“Mrs. Smith, Katherine,” Heather replies, “Mr. Richardson is not the type of man who you want to keep waiting. Besides we’ll make sure you are cleaned up and prepared for your ….. I believe performance is the right word. Now hurry the fuck up and get outside.”

The limousine was waiting outside as promised. You hoped I would be waiting for you inside the car but instead it’s just the driver. As the car winds it’s way through an affluent neighborhood in the hills a feeling of fear combined with immense anticipation threatens to overwhelm you.

You finally arrive at your destination, a beautiful mansion behind wrought iron gates in the hills overlooking the city. Waiting to greet you in front of the main house is a professionally dressed, gorgeous, blond woman. “Hello Katherine. I’m Heather. We spoke on the phone.”

“Oh yes, hello Heather. Is Jeff meeting us later?” You ask, unsure of the situation.

“I need you to refer to him as Mr. Richardson. He is your employer, not your friend. He will not be joining us tonight. Please come inside.”

“But I don’t get it. I, I, I thought……”

“You thought he was going to fuck you?” Heather finishes your sentence. “You have no idea what’s about to happen do you? Do you think this whole thing is some kind of romance? You are going to get fucked tonight. Trust me. Please come inside so I can explain the situation properly.” Heather insists.

The house is sparsely yet tastefully furnished. Heather leads you into the great room with the spectacular view of the city. The room is empty except for a low, wide bed and camera equipment focused in on a large mattress. As the realization hits you, you lose your nerve. “Oh no no no no no. I’m NOT doing porn.” You exclaim. “What the fuck is going on?”

Heather slaps you hard across the face, suddenly furious, her calm professional demeanor gone. “You obviously don’t remember the situation you’re in. You agreed to follow Mr. Richardson’s directions and here you are fucking playing games like some school girl tease.”

“No… It’s not that. I just don’t want people to know I’m being unfaithful to my husband. I-I don’t want them to see me get fucked” You gasp. “Katherine, you’re not being unfaithful to your husband.” Heather says, her tone softening.

“If you forget the situation your husband has turned you into another man’s property because he couldn’t keep away from a card table. You are being completely faithful by paying his debts. So why don’t you relax. Not only is this going to happen, but I can tell that you want it to happen.”

Heather was right. As soon as you saw the recording equipment your breath quickened and your pulse started to race. All the time Heather was talking to you you where squeezing your thighs together, your pussy muscles clenching involuntarily. “Ok,” you agree breathlessly. “So what’s the movie, is the pool boy going to seduce me or will it be the plumber this time.”

“Katherine you really are innocent aren’t you.” Exclaims Heather. “If this were 1975 then you would probably be right. But the production company that Mr. Richardson owns produces ummmm specialty films.”

“What do you mean, specialty?” You ask hesitantly.

“Well the company is called Dark Desires. We specialize in interracial pornography. Not just any kind of interracial porn either. We film white girls getting their first black cocks. Mostly they are married. Sometimes their husbands know. Sometimes they are cheating. But they all crave the release of being fucked by big black cock. The fact that they are doing it on film just confirms their status as black cock sluts to the world.”

With this news your pussy starts to twitch. You remember the helpless feeling you had when you were being finger fucked to completion by Jerome. You knew then that you would have done anything to serve him. You have been trying to deny it to yourself for days. But the truth is that you want to be fucked by black men. You want them to use you for their pleasure. You want to feel their athletic masculine bodies controlling you while their massive cocks plunged in and out of your married pussy.

Without being touched you begin to cum. Your hips buck uncontrollably while your knees buckle. You almost lose your footing as the orgasm washes over you. As it subsides you notice Heather watching you. A smirk on her face. You look away embarrassed.

“It’s ok Katherine.” Heather tells you. “That happens more time than you would think. Just try not to cum like that too many more times before the shoot. You’re going to need you strength. We have a special surprise planned for you. If you’re done I want you to get undressed and follow me. I need to get you cleaned up and ready for tonight.”

After the waves subside Heather leads you to a beautiful bathroom with a rainfall shower that seems like it would fit five people. She lets you sit down on a bench outside the shower because your legs are so weak from the intense spontaneous orgasm. She turns the shower on nice and warm.

Heather starts to take her clothes off as well. “Wait.” You say. “I don’t know if I’m bi. Is this part of it”. “Don’t flatter yourself Katherine.” Heather replies. “I need to make sure you are nice and clean for tonight. If you’re nasty your costars might complain and Mr. Richardson would be upset with me. I can’t let that happen.”

She takes you by the hand, pulls you to your feet and leads you into the shower. If you were into women this is the woman you would want to fuck. She’s tall and athletic. A little bit masculine with a lithe femininity. Her hair in a matronly bun that adds to the effect. She has decent sized, natural tits and a hairy blond pussy. Huh. Natural. Her skin is free from blemish except for a small Queen of Spades tattoo on her right shoulder. Even though you have no desire for this woman her touch sends shivers up and down your spine.

Heather leads you under the shower head. The warm water feels soothing. The water pressure massages you and relaxes your muscles. Heather washes your hair with a jasmine shampoo. She tenderly washes you with body soap and a soft washcloth. She washes up and down your legs. As she moves the washcloth between your legs she whispers in your ear, “your pussy needs to be nice and clean tonight for those big black cocks.”

Ohhhh shit that does it! Not again….. fuuucccckkkkk. You’re cu-u-mmmming!!!!!! OH FUCK!!!!!

After the shower Heather dries you with a soft, humongous towel. Looking at her tattoo you can’t help but ask her. “What’s with the Queen of Spades? Are you a poker player? Did Mr. Richardson win you in a card game or something?”

“No silly,” Heather laughs gently. “It means I am exclusive property of black men. If a black man sees my tattoo he knows that I am obligated to let him fuck me. That’s one reason Mr. Richardson put me in charge of his interracial film division.”

“That’s crazy.” You tell her. “What about your husband,” you say, gesturing towards her expensive wedding ring. “There’s nothing he can really say. He knows he can’t satisfy me. He knows if he has a problem with me fucking black men then I’ll leave him and take everything he has. And he has a lot to lose. And to tell you the truth he loves the fact that I’m a black cock slut. That’s why Mr. Richardson came to me. He knows your husband is a racist, and he could tell you really needed to be fucked. You were perfect for our program,” Heather explained to you as she’s fixing your hair and dressing you in a skimpy white nighty.

“There you go. It looks exactly like what a white wife might wear for her husband on their wedding night.” Oh fuck. Her comment snaps you back into the moment. The reality of the situation hits you like a sledge hammer. Your pussy is so sopping wet. They’re going to fuck you and video the whole thing. You’re still not
Sure you can go through with it.

As Heather leads you back downstairs your anticipations is growing. You can’t believe that you’ll soon be letting a black man (men?) fuck you. Thinking about a big black cock in your mouth makes you feel like you’re going to faint.

Instead of taking you back to the great room Heather diverts you to a side room furnished with two chairs facing each other. One of the chairs is facing several cameras. “What is this?” You ask. “Well Katherine, this is your interview. We’re going to talk a little about how this makes you feel and a little about what’s going to happen. Please sit down.”

After turning on the cameras and pushing record Heather sits down a across from you. “Welcome, why don’t you tell our viewers your name please.”

“My my full name?” You stammer.

“No, your first name’s fine” Heather replies. “Katherine.” You murmur.

“Well Katherine. Can you tell us why you’re here?”

“Y-y-yyes, I’m here to make a video.”

“Really, what kind of video?”

“I-I-I’m going to get fucked by a black man. Or men I’m not sure.”

“Oh trust me, it’s men. Have you ever been fucked by a black man before?”

“No. I was on a business trip once and I had a drink in a bar with a black coworker. When we were done he wanted to take me back to his room. I didn’t though.”

“Why not?” “Well because of my husband”.

“Oh you’re married? Does your husband know you’re here?”

“No.” You reply.

“Well he’ll know now. Won’t he be surprised. We’ll make sure he gets a copy of this video.”

All during the interview your pussy is getting wetter and wetter. You’re starting to imagine getting fucked and you can barely keep your mind on the questions.

“So, you’ve never had any other sexual contact with a black man before?”

“Well, I did get finger fucked by a very, very large black guy.” Oh fuck. It’s like you could feel Jerome’s fingers inside you now.

“Oh, was that before you were married.”


“Oh really…. you little whore. When did this happen?”

“It happens last week.”

“Really? What did you think?”

“His fingers were bigger than my husband’s cock. He made me cum so hard!”

“I bet. So Katherine, do you have any children?”

“No, my husband and I have been trying for months now. The Doctor says he has a low sperm count. I’m on fertility drugs but so far nothing’s happened, why do you ask?”

“Fertility drugs! Oh Katherine that’s perfect. You see the surprise I told you about earlier is that this is your breeding party. We are going to have multiple black men fuck you. They are all going to cum in your unprotected, fertile white pussy. You see Katherine, tonight you are going to get bred by black cock!”

No. This can’t be true. Fuck. You can’t go through with this. You have to leave now. You don’t care what happens. You can’t. You try to stand. But when you think of these dominant black men filling your pussy up with their cum until it’s overflowing you start to cum. Again.

Your knees buckle and you fall to
The floor. Your stomach clenches and your pussy contracts. Your back arches and a guttural, animalistic sounds escapes you. Your pussy clenches completely as you , your pussy gushes and you squirt! For the first time ever!

Your pussy juices soak your lace white panties. You feel the wetness run down your legs. As your orgasm subsides you notice Heather smiling at you.

“I-I-I’m sorry Heather,” you tell her. “I know you told me not to cum like this anymore.”

“It’s ok. That is going to make an excellent introduction to your video.” She says, consoling you. “Now, if you can walk then it’s time to introduce you to your companions for the evening

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/kou9ss/katherines_dark_desires_part_2

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