[29F] I helped make a miracle happen on New Year’s Eve (a true story)

Happy New Year everyone! What I’m about to tell you is a true story, about something that I actually did on New Years Eve, that I pretty much cannot believe I did, and it’s still all so surreal. But it’s a fun story, I’m actually kinda proud of it, and I thought, why not share and chat to some folks about it? So that’s what I’m going to do!

Most of the story, or at least the build-up, doesn’t actually involve me, but I thought I’d tell it all anyway, beacuse it sets the stage for what eventually happened. Don’t have time to read or get your head around stuff? Well, that’s a shame, because you’re going to need to here. So let’s get started.

I’m a woman, in my late 20s, and I consider myself, well, pretty normal. I’m not some wild party-girl. I’ve never known anyone who is. I have a professional career, and all the friends I’ve ever made are normal, intelligent people with professional careers. I’ve been privileged in my life, never really struggled, and I’ve had the freedom to be whoever I want to be. Just a note: one of the things I happen to be is bisexual, with much more of a preference for women.

Therefore it will be no surprises that not very long ago, I had a girlfriend, and we’ll call her K. I’m not going to say anything about our relationship other than that it ended not too long ago, but that we remained on very good terms. Nothing bad happened! No drama! Sorry!

Because of that, we actually have remained very good friends, and there’s another reason we’ve remained very good friends: because we have close mutual friends.

I became very good friends with K’s best friend, who I’ll call S, and their mutual close friend, who I’ll call L. For a lot of the time, the four of us were basically a solid group, and we still are to this day. All four of us are women, if that’s not clear.

But something happened last month (see I resisted making a joke about “last decade”), and it’s going to require a bit more background, so bear with me.

We’re not S’s only group of friends. In fact, she has a much older, more established group of friends that go way, way back. That group includes both guys and girls, and was kinda the nerdy group all through high school.

L is also close friends with this group, to the point of almost being a part of it, but K and I are more on the outside, though we do know them pretty well, and they know us!

In that group, there’s an especially shy, nerdy guy called James. James is every stereotype in the book. While the rest of the group is very successful, James is very socially awkward, never had a girlfriend, wouldn’t have friends were it not for him, and still lives with his parents and spends a lot of his time playing video games, all that good stuff.

To cut a long story short (because I’m so good at that, aren’t I?), there was an incident recently where James was hanging out at S’s place, with a couple of other people, and she caught him looking at her panties, that she’d left in a kind of open place.

He wasn’t doing anything weird with them. He wasn’t smelling them. He was just looking, though admittedly, touching them. She freaked out, and got extremely upset at him, and he was totally mortified. He was really upset, incredibly apologetic, but she was mostly just creeped out and things were very awkward in the following weeks.

To be honest, L, K and myself felt pretty sorry for him, especially because of what happened afterwards.

S was going to host a gathering on New Years Eve for her group of friends, and also invite us, but because of what happened with James, she didn’t want to invite him. L, who felt most sorry for James, pleaded his case with her, and we all kind of told her she should try and move past it and invite him, because he has no other group of friends, and it seemed quite mean to leave him out.

She wouldn’t budge.

Fast forward to New Years Eve, and James got a call from L. She told him that she felt sorry for him over everything that had happened, and had successfully convinced S to move her New Years Eve gathering to L’s place, and that he was now totally welcome.

Later that night, James showed up at L’s place, probably incredibly nervous given everything that happened. When he got inside her apartment, he found only her, myself, and K. Nobody else. None of the rest of his group, and no S.

He was *very* confused, to put it mildly.

We told him that it was okay, and we’d explain what was going on. We said we had some bad news, and some good news, and that he should probably sit down in the middle of the living room couch to hear it. He did what we suggested.

L told him that the bad news was that she’d lied to him, and that actually, S hadn’t changed her mind, her New Years Eve gathering was still going ahead, and he still wasn’t invited. The good news, though, was that the three of us had ditched her gathering, we were having our own right here, and he was invited.

Not only was he invited, but, we told him, something was about to happen to him that would make the guys at S’s New Years Eve gathering “so fucking jealous they’d want to throw themselves off a bridge.”

Next thing he knew, Myself, K & L walked over to him, and knelt down on the floor in front of him. We undid his pants, slid them off, and all three of us began licking and sucking all over his cock together, at the same time. Literally all three lips and tongues on his cock simultaneously.


Yes, we actually did this, and yes, I want to chat about it!

If you’ve read the whole thing, fully understood it, and would like to chat with me about it, please send me a message with your initial reaction! This isn’t a race, and you don’t have to be the first to message me. Priority will probably go to those who are mind blown by the whole thing, rather than just sort of impressed. So the more thoughtful/excited the message, the more likely you are to get a response. It’s not how fast you respond! So if you just skim read, it’s fine, go back, take your time.

Can’t wait to hear from you!

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/kosf92/29f_i_helped_make_a_miracle_happen_on_new_years