[MF] Turning Up The Heat With My Redheaded Neighbor

[Part 1 For those who missed it]([https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/aeerpb/mf_i_fucked_my_next_door_redheaded_neighbor_while/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/aeerpb/mf_i_fucked_my_next_door_redheaded_neighbor_while/))

[Part 2]([https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ai6klg/mf_the_plot_thickens_with_my_redheaded/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ai6klg/mf_the_plot_thickens_with_my_redheaded/))

[Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/bs7b1z/mf_things_take_a_turn_with_my_redheaded_neighbor/)

It’s been a little over one year since I shared an update with everyone in this community. Since then, a whole lot has transpired, and I’ve received somewhat regular inquiries wondering just when Part 4 might arrive.

I’ll admit that writing has fallen off my plate in that time. It’s been difficult to balance school, life, and of course, Claire. While it is impossible for me to summarize all that has come to pass, I’ll do my best to get you up to speed before diving into the precursor to what has easily been the greatest sexual encounter in my young life thus far.

First and Foremost, Scott and Claire are getting a divource. It has been coming for some time, but I had no idea just how difficult things would become before Claire’s patience ran out. The last straw came just a few months after Part 3 was written:

I was sitting at my kitchen table on a late summer night getting some school work done. My windows were open, and the smell of fresh cut grass and cool evening air was seeping inside. I heard the sound of a car engine in the distance, growing louder, and I assumed it was Scott returning home from another late night at the bar. It was not.

A police cruiser came to an abrupt stop outside of Claire’s house. I saw the porch light turn on and heard the front door open. The officer got out of the car and walked briskly to the base of the porch. While I couldn’t hear the conversation, something was clearly very wrong.

Moments later, there was a knock on my front door. Standing outside was Claire. She had hurriedly changed clothes. There were tears welling up in her eyes, and she looked almost grey.

“What’s going on?” I said, peering outside. The officer was walking back to his patrol car.

“It’s Scott,” She said, a mixture of pain and anger visible on her face, “He got in an accident on his way home. I’m sure he was wasted.”

“Oh my gosh! Is he okay?” I said, shocked, but not surprised.

“Sounds like he’ll be fine. He’s at the hospital right now. I’ve got to go. Do you mind staying over and keeping an eye on Jeremy, he’s asleep?” The tears were rolling down her cheeks now.

“Of course, let me grab a couple things and I’ll be right over.”

I ran back inside, grabbed my computer, some school work, and headed over to her place next door.

“You really are a lifesaver.” Claire said before giving me a hug and getting into her car.

I sat inside on the couch and studied for a few hours before I heard a car pull into the driveway. A minute or two later Claire made her way inside and sat down. She was pale. Her eyes were bloodshot, and her expression was torn between exhaustion, anger, and sadness.

I watched her quietly, having decided that it would be better to let her do the talking. After staring at the ground for what seemed like an eternity she finally broke down in tears and sunk down onto the floor.

“I am so over his shit.” Claire said through her sobs.

I ended up sitting there with Claire for a couple of hours before finally going back to my place sometime around 3 or 4 AM. She did a lot of talking and a lot of crying, but the whole time she never wavered from her decision, it was over.

Scott came home from the hospital later the next day with his arm in a cast and a walking boot on one of his legs. The argument that followed was one of the saddest things I’ve ever had to listen to, and unlike many of the arguments that I was used to hearing next door, in this one it was Claire that did most of the yelling. It ended with Scott and a suitcase on the front porch and a door slammed in his face. Claire had had the wherewithal to leave Jeremy at a friend’s house, so he didn’t have to hear it.

I didn’t see or hear much of Claire in the week or two that followed. School kept up its usual pace, and I was also in the midst of training for a marathon that was just a few weeks away. Even so, I kept checking my phone waiting for her to reach out, and she never did. Of course I had no idea what all might have transpired between Claire and Scott in the meantime. I could only hope that we hadn’t been discovered.

Scott came over to try to talk to Claire a few different times that I saw. One time he brought flowers. The next time he brought a friend to carry some things out of the garage. The last time he was drunk. He stood pleading and knocking on the front door for a good fifteen minutes before finally driving off into the night.

A couple days later it was the weekend, maybe two weeks after Scott’s trip to the hospital, I was watching a soccer match on TV when I finally got a text message from Claire.

It read something like this, ‘Sorry for dropping off the face of the earth. I needed time to process everything and focus my attention on Jeremy. Can I come over sometime soon?’

I replied right away, ‘No need to apologize. Jeremy should be your priority. You can come over anytime, no need to knock. I’m home all weekend.’

She replied with a ‘Thumbs Up’ Emoji.

Maybe twenty minutes later I heard the back door open and close followed by the ever familiar footsteps up the stairs and through the kitchen. Claire was wearing jeans and a tank top. Her hair was down which was unusual for her. Her eyes were red and lacking their normal energy and excitement. She looked absolutely exhausted, but she still managed a smile as she held up a plastic bag.

“I brought some sushi.’ She said, “Mind if I join you? Jeremy is over at a friend’s house for the afternoon.”

“Not at all,” I replied as I moved a few textbooks onto the floor.

During the couple of hours that ensued Claire told me everything that had transpired in the time since Scott’s accident. It turned out that she had been very cautious and had been meeting with a lawyer in the months leading up to the accident, and had a very strong case against Scott, who apparently had decided to not put up a fight so far. Scott had moved into an apartment near the law firm and had apparently already tried and failed to quit drinking at least twice.

Claire had definitely brightened up a bit by the time that she left to go pick up Jeremy, and I couldn’t stop myself from wondering just where things between Claire and I might lead now that she was moving forward with the divorce.

Fast forward a month or two. It was now fall and I had moved into the intern/hands-on phase of my schooling which actually opened up my schedule a bit. Claire and I had slowly and gently fallen back into our pattern of love-making, only now we both felt noticeably more free, and I’d even spent the night at her house a couple times.

The sex was exhillarating as ever and Claire was as insatiable as always in the best possible way. On the days that Jeremy was at daycare, we’d have sex at least twice (usually). She was always wanting to try different positions and her more dominant nature (as described in part 3) often came out to play in both subtle and not-so-subtle ways. As you might imagine, I considered myself to be one of the luckiest men alive given my relationship with Claire. But little did I know that my idea of sex was about to be blown off it’s hinges.

It was a late October evening and I was keeping an eye on Jeremy for Claire while she ran a few errands and had dinner with a friend. I had put Jeremy to bed and was sitting in the living room reading when I heard Claire’s Jeep pull into the driveway. Almost instinctively my mind went to sex and I felt a growing hardness in my pants. It might sound crazy, but this was the sort of normal effect that she had on me in situations where we were likely to end up alone.

Claire came in and shut the door behind her, but not before I felt the cold night breeze brush over my face. She was wearing jeans, a long sleeve shirt, and a down jacket. She looked beautiful as ever with her fire-orange hair up in a tight ponytail.

“Hey you.” She said as she took off the jacket and hung it on the coat rack beside the door.

I closed my book. The shirt she was wearing was tight and it showed off the curvature of her breasts, leaving enough to my well-educated imagination. “Hey,” I said, “How was Dinner?”

“It was really nice. It’s nice just to have girl time you know? I feel so bad for Dani though.” Claire said as she sat down on the couch next to me.

I put my arm around her. “What’s going on with Dani?”

“Oh she just had another breakup. She has this way of dating the worst guys, this last one cheated on her after they’d been dating for just a few weeks.” Claire scooted closer into me.

“Geeze, that’s rough,” I said, “Maybe she needs to adjust her screening criteria.”

Claire laughed

“What?!” I said, jokingly.

“Screening Criteria? That’s just such a scientific way to put it, but you’re right and we talked about that. It’s just that she’s a lot me, she’s constantly craving sex and so she ends up in these relationships.” Claire said as she turned and looked at me with that ‘I think we should fuck’ look.

“Well,” I said jokingly as I lowered my arm slightly, just brushing the outside of her breast, “I guess she needs to find a healthier outlet then.”

“Oh yeah?”

Claire laid into me, pushing me onto my back while she somehow ended up on my lap. I stared up at her grinning as she took her shirt off and threw it onto my face, filling my nose with her intoxicating lavender scent. By the time I removed it, she had her bra off and she flung it onto my chest for good measure. Her breasts were perky as ever and her nipples seemed to harden as I watched.

Claire bent down and kissed me slowly, I felt her tongue push into my mouth and her fingers undoing my belt and feeling my hardened manhood.

“Is this a good outlet?” She asked softly before kissing my neck and then sliding down to my abdomen just above my waistline.

In what seemed like a single, swift motion, she lifted herself and removed my pants and underwear. My cock sprung up to attention for her.

“I love how you’re always ready for me.” She smiled and bent back down, kissing the tip of my penis ever so softly and wrapping her fingers around the shaft.

I watched as she licked around the head in circles before wrapping her mouth around it. The heat combined with the wetness was overwhelming, but I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. She worked into more of a rhythm, her head bobbing up and down while one hand gently fondled my balls.

I grabbed her ponytail (Which she loves) and forced her head down a little harder before taking control of her movements. Within a minute I could feel the edge building, and somehow Claire seemed to always be able to sense it building so she slowed and then stopped. She looked up at me and stood up beside the couch before turning around and bending over as she stepped out of her jeans to reveal a pair of black Calvin Klien panties. She turned back to me and then stepped out of those as well.

She had started growing out a little bit more of a bush above her pussy, and the orange hairs seemed to catch the light from the room. I could see her labia were swollen and probably very wet from where I was lying on the couch and I half expected (And hoped) that she would bring herself over to my lips, but she positioned herself over my cock instead.

She pushed my penis flat against my chest and then lowered her pussy directly onto it. I could see the tip positioned directly between her labia. Something about that view just totally blew me away.

“I just want to rub up against you for a minute.” She said teasingly before she started gently rocking her hips back and forth.

I watched as the tip of my penis would disappear, engulfed in her labia, only to reappear as she rocked backwards. I could feel the wetness and heat coming from her. It was completely entrancing and I could feel the pleasure building as I took the sight of Claire in.

After another moment it became clear that this wasn’t enough for Claire, and she hastily raised herself and positioned my manhood at the entrance of her pussy. Keeping eye contact with me, she lowered herself until my entire length was inside of her. She was wet and warm as ever, and I felt that encapsulating sensation of exhaustive pleasure wrapping around my loins.

I tried to push myself deeper into her, yearning for more, but she put her hand down hard on my chest as if telling me to leave it to her. Then she slowly started rocking her hips back and forth and up and down. As she raised her hips I could see her juices clinging to my shaft. She started slowly until she found a rhythm that hit her just right and then she removed her hand from my chest and began quickly circling her clit.

I joined in slowly. Adding a little extra thrust at the focal point of her hip movement. I could see her pleasure building by the increasing speed of her breathing and the little moans that escaped her lips when I hit the right spot inside of her. Watching her helped to distract me a little from my own pleasure but not for long. Soon we were both on the cusp of orgasm, and I found myself trying to slow down so that we could cum together.

She wasn’t having it though, and she picked up the gyrating and the circling on her clit until I couldn’t hold my load back any more. As soon as she felt my cum filling her up it pushed her right over the edge as well. She put both of her hands on my chest, lowered herself fully onto my cock and squirmed back and forth as the orgasm worked through her body.

Moments later she collapsed onto me. My penis was still inside of her, still flexing up and down trying to squeeze out every last drop of cum into her wetness. We laid together like that, as we so often did, for a long time, just basking in the afterglow of orgasm and our mutual satisfaction.

“I have a question for you,” Claire whispered in my ear without moving, “Would you ever consider having a threesome with me and another woman?”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/knjaaz/mf_turning_up_the_heat_with_my_redheaded_neighbor


  1. I’m new to Reddit, but I have thoroughly enjoyed all 4 parts of your adventures with a Claire. Can’t wait for the next part!

  2. I had a little insomnia tonight and found your story. I read all four parts and really enjoyed them. Thank you!

  3. I’ve often wondered what happened – so very glad you updated us.

    Now about that tiresome… updates needed!

  4. That is some fantastic love making and very well written. Haha I like how she sprung the 3some idea during your post orgasm high

  5. Not gonna lie, I was so, so worried you’d been murdered and am glad that’s not the case.

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