Broken Pt. 1

Susan and I married right out of college. I became an investment broker dealing primarily in Futures and Commodities, and the first few years were lean ones as I learned my trade. Our financial situation turned around after five tough years, and we’d been married for about eight years when we were able to buy our dream home in a gated, upper-income-level community. I drove a three-year old luxury SUV and Sue drove a small BMW. We were moving up in the world. Everything seemed to be falling into place and the future seemed rosy.

If I could pinpoint the exact day it all began to unravel, was the day about five years ago when I came home and Susan announced that we were invited to dinner. She said one of our neighbors, Carman, had visited during the day and they’d hit it off. She and her husband Raul owned the largest house in our development, a mansion really, a seriously wealthy couple. I’d driven past it several times on my way to the community golf course, and speculated what it must have cost.

Carman had told Susan that both she and her husband were plastic surgeons, mostly specializing in anti-aging practices. She said Carman had disclosed she was in her forties and her spouse was over fifty, but Carmen looked about half that age and was absolutely gorgeous. Since Susan is slender with small to average breasts, I knew she admired women who had firm propionate tits, and that she had toyed with the idea of having hers enlarged a little. It was something I hadn’t totally discouraged.

Wednesday evening finally arrived and we set off to the doctor’s residence only a few blocks away with a bottle of good wine in hand. The place was even grander than I’d thought. Anti-aging must be a gold mine! The meal was superb and while I found Carman bubbly and charming, her husband seemed somewhat standoffish, but pleasant. Raul was a large, very fit man, standing about six-four. He had a head of thick black hair and dark skin, appearing to be either from South America or maybe somewhere in Asia, like Indonesia. He had an accent but I couldn’t identify it and it didn’t seem polite to ask at that point.

Carman said she was thirty-five and came from Venezuela, but had lived most of her life in the U.S. She was without a trace of accent, small, beautiful and very well put together. She didn’t look a day over twenty-five and Raul at fifty-plus, looked twenty years younger. It was remarkable! After a few glasses of wine the conversation had turned to their profession.

“I have to confess, I had Raul do a little nip-and-tuck on my breasts a couple years past, and have been extremely happy with the results.” She smiled, looking cute. “We have both been very pleased with the result.”

We all laughed and then Carman said, “Have you ever thought of doing that, Susan?”

Susan blushed, but she answered truthfully. “I have. But . . . well . . . is it painful?”

“Not at all. No after-affects and you should heal in just a matter of a few days. You have nice breasts. All you need is a small lift and I could do it for you in an hour. Raul, don’t you think she has nice breasts and the results would be spectacular?”

Raul looked appraisingly at her tits for so long I began to grow uncomfortable. “She’s already exquisite, my dear. How does one improve upon perfection? However, it would be very easy for us to do.” He smiled, flashing white teeth. It was easy to see how he’d won such a beautiful lady for his wife.

“What would such a thing cost?” Susan asked Carman.

“For you? Not a penny. I have a feeling we will be very good friends, Susan, and this will be my contribution toward that friendship. Because of legal billing, the IRS and partnership agreements, however, I’d need to do it on my own time, away from the office.”
We finished the wine and for another hour discussed the operation Susan had always wanted. Susan is already gorgeous and I love her tits, but add another inch or two and she’d be the perfect woman. Shoulder length blond hair, large blue eyes and perfect legs, she drew stares where ever we went. Her best point, being her butt! I felt proud having her on my arm, and loved her unconditionally. Even though I’d put on a couple of extra pounds lately, I knew she felt the same about me.

We decided we’d all take a week off between Thanksgiving and Christmas. We’d all travel to the couple’s country home in Maine where Carman would do the operation and have time to observe Susan’s recovery for a couple of days, making sure she healed properly. As a bonus our two new doctor friends would balance our testosterone and other values, and give us the same regiment of supplements and herbs that they used to appear so youthful.

We were very excited about Susan’s operation and it would be the much-needed long-delayed vacation we’d planned for the past few years. We met at least once a week during the following month for dinner or a night out, or simply to discuss and plan the upcoming trip. Our friendship grew as well.

Finally the big day arrived. We caught a plane ride to Maine and were met at the airport by the couple’s driver Darius, who looked like a mountain. He was even larger than Raul, maybe six-six and close to three hundred pounds. His dark almost flat face gleamed like a piece of coal, and when he spoke, which was rarely, he did so politely in a deep soft voice, with a heavy accent.

The ride to their country estate was nearly three hours, the last one through a scantly populated area of mostly hills and trees. We pulled off the main road onto what was obviously a narrow graveled driveway, and drove for another mile. Suddenly, a tall rock wall rose right out of the forest to our front. Darius stopped at the gate and spoke a few words to he guard, and we drove through.

Through flickering Christmas lights lining the driveway, I saw two large dogs sitting in the trees. Guard dogs? They looked to be over a hundred pounds each, with short ears and alert eyes. They made no sound or movement as we drove past – just watching our vehicle with total alertness. I’m scared of dogs and was glad to be inside the vehicle. It was fully dark by the time we arrived at the circle drive, but holiday lights in front lit-up a lodge-like structure that was nearly as large as the other one the couple owned back home. Though rustic, it was beautiful.

Susan hugged my arm, smiling up at me. “We made the right decision, Darling. It’ll be like a vacation.” That night we dined on quale in wine sauce and other exotic dishes too delicious to describe.

Our rooms were large and luxurious, beds made with high-count Egyptian cotton, a large flat-screen TV, and mini-bar. French doors opened right out onto the patio and pool area. We made love and slept like babies. The next day Darius served us breakfast on the veranda, after which Raul gave me instruction on fly-fishing, something I’d always wanted to try, while Carman measured Susan’s breasts and made little marks on her tits with a water marker.

The operation would be in two days and until then, Carman said we should just enjoy ourselves. That evening Darius delivered what appeared to be another wonderful meal. I took a sip of a green liquid that appeared to be some kind of iced-tea, finding it unique and delicious.

“Ummm. What is this?” I asked, indicating the drink.

“It comes from Uganda, made from a root it’s a type of their local tea,” she told us. “It has a mild narcotic affect sort of like drinking a glass of wine, but otherwise, it’s harmless. Darius has it brought in for us. Most people love it. I’ll give you some to take back home with you before you leave, if you’d like.”

Susan agreed that it was uniquely grand, but I secretly felt it a little too sweet for my taste. So, after the first glass I stuck to wine. Susan obviously loved the stuff and I saw Carman refilling her glass several times throughout dinner. After coffee and desert, Carman said, “I know you’re probably still a little tired after your long trip, so why don’t we retire to someplace more comfortable for a night-cap?”

We all stood and I saw Susan reach out a steadying hand to grasp the table’s edge. From past experience I knew she couldn’t drink more than two glasses of anything before she started talking funny. Once, after a friend brought over some Columbian Gold, she’d been so high after just a half a toke that she’d literally zoned-out.

Watching Raul take her elbow and lead her toward the living room I hid my smile, knowing she wouldn’t be awake much longer. Carman took my arm as we lagged behind them, Susan wobbling slightly, Raul steadying her gait.

Walking through the study toward the living room, Carman led me to a mantle where several photos of thoroughbred horses formed a grouping. An oil painting of a large black stallion adorned the place of honor. I craned my neck trying to keep tabs on Susan because I knew she might soon pass out. They had already walked through the study into the living room out of direct sight, but I could still see them through a reflection in a large mirror on the far wall. Raul had seated Susan on the sofa and sat beside her. Carman was speaking to me again, so I tried to focus on what she was saying. It seemed that she was speaking from inside a barrel.

“Do you like horses, Brad? That’s Storm, my pride and joy. He’s won a ton of ribbons! Maybe we can go for a ride tomorrow, if you like.”

“Yes . . . uh, yes . . . uh, I do like . . . horse . . . ssss.” My tongue felt swollen, my mouth dry as cotton.

“Come. You don’t look so good. You better sit down for a minute.”

Carman led me to a loveseat in the study and once sitting down again, I felt fine. She took one of the two scrapbooks from an end table and laid it across my lap, opening it.

“This is the last show we did in London,” she said, obviously proud of her animal. I could see Raul and Susan’s reflection in the mirror and she seemed to be all right, so I forced myself to pay attention to Carman. When I looked up again I saw Susan’s head resting on Raul’s shoulder. Although I knew neither of them could see us in the Study, her face was turned away from Raul, toward me, her drowsy eyes half-closed. Raul’s hands rested on his lap but as I watched he moved his right hand to her knee, and reaching across his body with the other, placed his open palm flat against her stomach.

I attempted to stand and protest but found my legs didn’t seem to work. Neither did my vocal cords. Confused by this, I silently watched as in slow-motion, the hand on her belly slid upward until it grasped a nipple between thumb and forefinger, rolling it gently between them. The puckered nipple looked small and frightened through her cotton shirt, when compared to his large fingers. Susan didn’t respond. She was still staring into space and taking shallow breaths through a half-opened mouth. My mind was clear as a bell but everything happening around me seemed sluggish, and my body didn’t seem to be working properly either.

I was suddenly shaken out of my fog as I realized that through the fabric of my trousers, Carman’s hand was squeezing my soft penis under the scrapbook. I turned my head to tell her to knock it off, but my mouth would not even form that one simple word. It came out sounding like a caveman’s grunt.

What was worse, I felt my cock reacting to her touch. Thrill after thrill shot through me as it grew firmer in her fingers, until my own pleasure was fighting with any alarm I might have felt for Susan’s welfare. By then Raul was alternating between rolling her nipple between his fingers and forcibly tugging on it. The hand on her knee moved higher between her thighs, the short dress pushed up to her waist, her black silk panties visible. My body felt sluggish, drugged, but oddly enough my mind was still clear. It was as though the world was moving through a molasses-thick environment and all movement had slowed to a crawl.
Then I remembered the “Uganda tea” we’d drank during dinner. Carman had said it had a “small” narcotic affect. Flashing back, I recalled that neither Raul nor his wife had touched their glasses, but I had consumed nearly a full glass of the stuff. Susan had downed several. These fuckers had drugged us!

Growing increasingly angry, I fought to say something, to move, to do anything to stop the madness. It was useless. I was effectively immobilized. The only thing that didn’t seem too numb to work was my cock, and it was now throbbing painfully. My genitals felt super-charged and overly sensitive as Carman slowly stroked and kneaded them like play-dough. Maybe the drink they gave us had something to do with that. Shocked, I realized that her hand was now on my bare dick. Somehow I hadn’t even noticed when she’d extracted it from my trousers, but she gripped my penis firmly, almost painfully, squeezing and stroking slowly — maddeningly.

Her beautiful face suddenly blocked my view of Susan and Raul, her pouty lips mere inches from mine. Flicking out a pink tongue she licked my bottom lip, nibbling on it for a while, and then stuck her sweet little tongue inside my mouth – all the while stroking my aching cock. I felt my balls surge and knew it was only a matter of time before I blew my load all over the place. My own tongue felt thick and heavy but she somehow coached it into her mouth, sucking it for a long time.

I had long-passed the point of caring about anything except the hand stroking my cock and her warm tongue, all my feeling now centered in that one sensitive area of my groin. If I could’ve moved I would have pushed her back on the loveseat and fucked her as hard as I could before she even knew what happened!

When she removed her face from my line of vision I could see the mirror on the far wall once more, suddenly stunned to my core! Susan’s black panties were on the floor near her feet and Raul’s hand was between her long tan legs, which were sprawled outward, her nether-region entirely open to his assault. Raul was slowly sliding a finger up the damp passageway of her vagina, pausing to rub her clit in a slow circular motion. Even as I watched, he slid another finger inside her – and then a third. Susan didn’t move or make a sound.

With her face turned toward me, I could see that her eyes appeared distant and empty. I momentarily wondered if she was paralyzed from the drug, but like me, was still conscious of what was happening to her. Could she feel, rationalize, think? Was her sex organs overly stimulated as mine were, or had she completely passed-out?

I had my answer soon enough. I saw a faint movement from her as almost imperceptivity, she pressed her bare feet flat against the carpet and subtly lifted her hips a millimeter off the sofa — and then she did it again. I also noticed that her red nails were digging into the soft fabric of the sofa seat, spasmodically clutching and releasing with a slow cadence. Her toes began curling sensually with each stroke of his finger.

I could see the finger was wet and slippery from her juices. I glanced up at Raul’s face, and found him staring back at me. The bastard was smiling! I fought to curse at him but my tongue felt too thick to say anything. I silently swore I’d kill him if I got the chance!
Rage was fighting to overcome the pleasure building in my own loins, caused by Carman’s expert manipulations. Pleasure won out in the end as I started trembling uncontrollably, my orgasm ready to burst forth. I knew it would be a huge one. I’d never felt hornier in my life, or my cock so sensitive. A spider walked across my mind as Susan’s face floated before me, but then quickly disappeared. That damned tea must have also been a stimulant!
Carman suddenly stopped what she was doing and I groaned aloud in frustration, trying to form the word ‘please.’

“Ah, poor baby,” she cooed wetly in my ear. “Want to cum for mama? I simply love it when young guys cum for me. They have so much of it stored up.”

I grunted unintelligibly and she smiled sweetly as she observed my aching cock for a moment. Then she did the unexpected. She viciously flicked her forefinger against the head of my cock, pain instantly enveloping my entire groin. Electric shock waves rolled over me as the pain finally registered in my lizard brain, but oddly enough my erection remained hard as ever, even though the impending orgasm resided drastically.

“What do I see here?” she muttered, leaning closer to inspect my throbbing cock. I rolled my eyes downward to see what she meant and found a clear drop of pre-cum had formed at the tip of my dick.

“Oh, you’ve been a bad boy, Chucky.” She suddenly leaned down and licked the nectar off, her tongue so hot it burned. “You are such a naughty little cuckold, aren’t you, darling?” She licked around the crown a few more times and my nuts began churning again with their irritated load. Laughing with glee, she sat up beside me again.

My eyes flew back to Raul and Susan, wanting to scream at what I saw! The nipple he was tugging on was bare now, and he’d taken his penis out of his pants. It looked like a horses’ cock! Enraged, I saw he was using Susan’s small hand to jerk himself off!

Her head still rested on his shoulder but she now faced away from me and I couldn’t see her face anymore. Had he turned her head that way, or had she? He was still finger-fucking her with his other hand, and her hip movements weren’t so subtle any longer. In fact, she was now lifting several inches off the sofa to meet his thrusting fingers. I could faintly make out small sounds of obvious enjoyment emitting from her parted lips, each ripping through me like a knife.

“Your wife seems to like my Raul, Cucky-boy,” Carman cooed. I felt her wet tongue touch the inside of my ear, her breath scaling hot. “Want to cum now?”

I tried nodding my head but nothing happened, justifying it by telling myself that I was in pain and needed to get off quickly so I could help Susan. Carman seemed to understand anyway. “If Susan gets a nice climax, I’ll let you cum,” she whispered wetly inside my ear, sliding her finger-tips around my sticky cock-head, keeping me right on the verge of shooting my load. I could feel it churning inside my aching balls, ready to explode! I needed release before I died!

“. . . please . . . please!” I realized I hadn’t uttered the word aloud so I tried again with the same effect. It came out as, “Uggg!” I still couldn’t speak.

Carman laughed with understanding, softly sliding her tongue over the head of my jerking cock — but only for an instant. This bitch was driving me crazy! Shit! I suddenly realized that in my own agony, I’d completely forgotten Susan’s predicament, lifting my eyes to observe her once more.

I was just in time to see Raul slide a hand behind Susan’s head, cupping the back of her neck and pulling her unresistingly into his lap. The spongy head of his cock was pressing against her pouty lips before he paused for a second, speaking so low to her I couldn’t hear his words. I don’t know what he told her but finally, with eyes that were empty and unfocused, she opened her mouth and slid it over his huge cockhead. I heard him groan softly.

“Ooooh,” Carman whispered against my ear. “It looks like wifey isn’t going to get to cum for a while, Chucky-boy. I didn’t promise you anything if Raul came instead.”

Why did she insist on calling me that name? I wasn’t a Cuckold! From what I understood a Cuckold was a husband who got off watching another man fuck his wife! I wasn’t enjoying this! I just wanted to leave here with my wife, have things back the way they were before! She squeezed my cock and I felt my nuts draw up again, ready to pump semen and relieve the painful pressure in them. Okay, I needed to cum too, but then I could think more clearly.

Sick by what I was seeing, none-the-less my raging libido was completely in charge of my actions now. Susan had about half of Raul’s awesome cock inside her pretty throat and it appeared that was as much as she’d be able to handle. I could see her throat muscles working to get more of it inside but the huge lump his crown created under the skin of her soft throat, told the story. It would go no farther.

I struggled with my own discomfort of aching balls, and the building rage of seeing my innocent wife defiled right before my eyes! I stared in disbelief as I suddenly realized the lump I’d seen in her throat was gone! Raul’s belly was now flat against her chin, Susan’s eyes as large as saucers! It seemed impossible, but his cock was buried to the base inside her gullet!

He withdrew slowly, his dark cock glistening with her saliva, Susan’s lips clinging to it as if reluctant to let go. Sliding from her clasping mouth it seemed endless, but finally he paused with the crown locked behind her lips, obviously savoring the feeling of her warm wet mouth. Then he was fucking my pretty wife’s face like it was a pussy — and she was complying — unresisting! One of his hands was entangled in her blond hair and the other was sliding in and out of her wet vagina, his thumb teasing her engorged clit with each pass.

I watched as her red nails that had been digging into the sofa seat, reached up and clutched Raul’s hairy ass cheeks, pulling him deeper as she grunted around the dark thickness of his organ. She was gagging and choking with effort as she fought to swallow the large lump that was his crown, each time he slammed it down her throat. It was obvious by the redness of her face that she was strangling with the lack of sufficient air to breathe, but that didn’t seem to deter her. She clearly wanted this!

It was also clear he was using his fingers to induce her sucking, for each time she slowed, his fingers stopped moving also. Pavlov’s Dog! Reward for desired behavior. Just as Carman was doing to me, he was using my wife as a lab-rat!

Anger nearly consumed me, but quickly disappeared as Carman slid her lips over the head of my cock again. I felt my balls drawing up, ready to release, but an instant before relief arrived she stopped sucking and plunked the head of my dick with her forefinger again. I made that caveman sound once more and heard her giggle with joy. I’d kill this bitch right along with Raul as soon as I could move! Raul made a loud guttural noise and I jerked my head up to see what had happened.

He clutched Susan’s head with both hands, his cock buried deep in her soft throat and his ass-cheeks clinching as he poured load-after-load down her working throat. Far from being distressed now, Susan’s painted nails were digging into his hairy cheeks in an effort to pull him even deeper, her throat working frantically to swallow his reward.

The guy had an enviable amount of sperm, unloading for a long time, creamy fluid finally forcing itself from around the tight seal of her lips and running down his meaty tower, to drip from Susan’s chin. It was a scene I never could’ve imagined in my wildest dreams. I felt sick. My loving wife sucking off another man right in front of me, while I sat nursing a forced erection. It was a script from Hell!

It was as though someone had driven a knife right through my heart. The pain of seeing Susan gulping down this stranger’s sperm was almost more than I could bear. Then Carman touched my sensitive cock with her warm mouth and my eyes rolled up in their sockets, as I once more lost sight of the spectacle before me. I attempted to fool her this time by giving no indication how close I was to the end, but the evil bitch somehow knew, stopping just short of my release again. I groaned my caveman sound with growing anger and frustration.

Finally defeated, I gazed across the room as Susan continued working on Raul’s deflating penis with her mouth and tongue, a dreamy expression on her face. Eyes heavily-lidded, she looked like a kitten with a belly-full of warm cream, licking up the final drops of something too delicious to leave behind. He slowly withdrew about a foot of meat that now had the consistency of play-dough, leaving an unnoticed trail of clear fluid across her pretty cheek.

Raul smiled at me again and then slid off the sofa to kneel between her long out-stretched legs, lowering his head until his mouth engulfed her swollen pussy-lips. She made the first intelligible sound I’d heard her make all evening, moaning with what sounded like pure delight.

“Y . . . y . . . yessssss . . .” she hissed between her clinched teeth. “. . . yes . . . YES!”

Soon, her thighs were pressing against the sides of his shaggy head, her hands tangling themselves in his thick hair as she squirmed and thrust against his relentless tongue. It didn’t take long. When she came she screamed so loud that if we’d been home, the neighbors might’ve called the cops! I’d never seen her cum so hard or for so long as she did this time. I watched her thighs quivering, body quacking violently as she clutched his head between her legs, whimpering, sobbing, and making pure animal sounds as she rode his mouth.

When she finally calmed down, Raul pulled her to her feet and laid down with his back on the sofa, his huge cock sticking straight up. Susan just stared down at it for a moment and then straddled him, letting the thick crown brush against her hairy opening. Placing both hands on his broad chest she locked her elbows and laid her head backward. With half-closed eyes, she began rotating around on his thick cock-head, making little mewing sounds. After a few minutes she flexed her elbows and pushed down on it farther, her face filled with the effort. The thick cock-head popped inside her sloppy vagina, accompanied by a tiny groan from her.

Once she had the head inside, she didn’t let up. Her face twisting with concentration and maybe a little discomfort, she allowed her arms to relax enough to sink down another three inches before she rested again. Locking her elbows once more she stared down at him with heavily-lidded eyes, in a way that up to now she’d only looked at me. Then she lowered her body, taking in more than half his cock before she cried out and froze again. I watched as she sucked air through her open mouth, her face twisted with pain and effort. Then she simply collapsed her arms and fell, her body weight impaling her on his fencepost-sized cock.

Her screech of pain and pleasure cut through me like a knife! She didn’t move for a long time, and mercifully neither did the giant cock. I could clearly see her vagina lips painfully stretched around the thickness of his cock, contracting as though to expel it from her body — or maybe just to get it deeper. It appeared unnatural to have something that large inside another person, almost like torture. Raul was the first to move. He grasped both her nipples, rolling them between his fingers and then tugging on them until she began making tiny circles with her cute butt. He took one nipple between his teeth, sucking and nibbling on it until the rotation of her circles grew larger.

I could hear the small noises she made as she quickly grew accustomed to his size, rising off it for a couple inches and then lowering herself back down. Each time she did this his cock appeared wetter, slipperier, going deeper inside her stretched vagina. After about a dozen times of this, each one longer than the last, she was frantically slamming her ass downward on his cock as he thrust upward, jarring her entire body.

Soon they were fucking mindlessly like two animals in heat, grunting, moaning, and gasping with each newly discovered thrill. The wet slapping of their flesh was terribly erotic. I saw his dark cock glistening with her body fluids whenever she lifted off him, a white froth growing at the base of his cock as she worked her groin against his hardness. What had happened to the demure innocent housewife I’d married as a virgin? I had the sense that I was dreaming all this, that it wasn’t real!

She suddenly cried out lustfully and I knew I was wrong. This was Susan, my wife. In just a few scant hours she had become a slut, eagerly riding another man’s cock right in front of me. Was it the drug, or did she know what she was doing? I didn’t blame her too much. If Carman mounted me at that moment I’d be fucking her just as hard. These two newcomers in our life were clearly monsters!

As she lifted off him, he placed his hands on her hips, holding her motionless so that she was only half-impaled on his cock. She moaned and kept rotating her ass, desperately trying to capture more of what was giving her so much pleasure. Evidence of her straining was reflected in her face. Her inter-thighs quivering from effort, I heard her whimpering with an overpowering need to be impaled. For the tenth time I asked myself, was it the narcotic tea they’d feed us, or was it simply this giant dick that had caused such arousal?

I’d showered with enough guys in the army to know that most men are an average five or six inches. I was a little better that that, at seven, and Susan had often told me I felt too big for her. So, what the fuck? What was going on here? Carman breathed against my throbbing cock and I immediately ceased such speculation as my semen began to boil once more. If she’d only let me cum maybe I could think straight again.

“Do you like that cock?” I heard Raul rasp. Susan’s soft groan sounded like a yes to me.

He held her aloft, his cock half-buried inside her as she squirmed and pushed down frantically to capture more of it. Raul smirked, watching her gyrations with amusement. Ten feet away, I saw everything clearly; a clear drop of her body fluids breaking free to run down his thick pulsating member; more followed that one until small rivers coated her thighs, and Raul’s hairy balls; turning into white froth forming around the base of his cock.

I could see everything clearly. It was as if I were watching her debasement happening through a telescope, at slow motion. I saw her vagina lips glistening wet as his thick cock pulled them out; saw the folds of her pussy clasping his meat hungrily, as if to hold it inside longer; her puckered anus gasping like a dying fish out of water; her painted toes curling with pleasure.

“Susan, Susan, please don’t do this,” my mind silently pleaded. I was losing her and there wasn’t anything I could do to prevent it from happening.

I saw Raul clench his teeth with an effort to keep from cumming. I heard him hiss, “Fuck me you little cunt! Fuck me!”

He dropped her onto his dick — and she went wild! She rode his cock like a crazed cowgirl, rotating her ass, sliding all the way up it until the crown almost pulled free and then free-falling back down. Her face was twisted, ugly with lust, a deep animal hunger I’d never seen reflected there, until tonight. In my heart I knew that if I could stand and walk over right in front of her, it wouldn’t matter. She couldn’t stop what she was doing, even if she wanted to — not until it was over.

When her orgasm hit, it was clearly evident! She stiffened for an instant, and then shuddered so hard I feared she might come apart. Groaning, sobbing, and whimpering with pure joy, it seemed to last forever. My cock involuntarily jerked each time I saw her body convulse with such pleasure.

When she finally fell forward onto Raul’s sweaty chest, limp and no longer responding to his thrusts, I dimly realized that Raul had not cum with her. Instead, he stood up, lifting her as he did, turning to drop her back on the sofa – her pussy gaping open, wet and pink, her clit engorged and extending more than an inch from its shield.

Then he knelt, positioning his glistening cock-head at her soggy opening once more. Gasping and attempting to recover her breath, I saw that her thighs still trembled from the exertions, her soft belly ripping in the latent pleasure of post-coitus. He pushed inside and she half-heatedly groaned in protest, drawing a short laugh from Raul as he pushed inside her swollen vagina lips.

Moving forward on his knees Raul shoved his monster cock all the way inside her with a single thrust, as she cried out sharply. Then she was helping him again, rising up to meet his savage thrusts, wrapping her arms around his neck, swallowing his offered tongue, devouring it. Her kissing him back like that hurt nearly as much as watching her fuck someone else. Fucking was primarily for the physical pleasure it provided, but kissing was personal. You should save kissing for the person you love.

Susan locked her long legs around Raul’s back, her thighs hugging him tightly, nails clawing his back, leaving marks in his dark flesh. For the next ten minutes, I don’t think my wife stopped cumming once! It was just one long continuous climax as she sucked his tongue and offered her body for his pleasure. When Raul finally stiffened, pouring another load inside her swollen vagina, she fell back and closed her eyes, totally spent. It seemed she’d passed out from the sheer intensity of her passion. He finally caught his breath and picked her up in his thick arms. Then he kissed her lips softly and then carried her through the hallway door, out of sight.

“Don’t worry about her, Chucky-boy. She’ll stay with Raul tonight. He’ll take good care of her. Now, I promised you a good cum, didn’t I?”

I felt her breath on my cock, the image of Susan being carried away in another man’s arms quickly evaporating from my consciousness as all feeling become centered in the area of my groin. Her lips were addictively sweet as they gently tugged and pulled at my swollen cock head. She swallowed it to the base and slid her tongue back up the thick vein on the bottom. That’s all it took.

Just as I started to shoot she pulled back, jerking me off as a tremendous amount of semen rolled out of the tiny slit in the tip of my cock. My initial ejaculation shot four feet in the air, the pressure had built so much! Most of it landed on my belly and chest, and her hands. As I struggled to catch my breath afterward, I watched as she stared me in the eyes, slowly licking my juice off her hands.

“You will never get inside my pussy, Chucky-boy. That belongs to Raul. Your cock wouldn’t do anything for me after having his. Your little thing is too small.” She smiled wickedly. “I imagine your wifey will feel the same way after tonight.”

I watched her walk away, still unable to command my legs to move. She stopped at the doorway, looking back. “At midnight the cyber locks kick in. Five minutes before that, there will be a soft chime to warn you. That’s almost three hours from now, so you should be moving by then. That means all the bedroom doors lock automatically and won’t unlock until 6:00 AM. It also means that the doggy- entrance at the front door un-locks so the dogs can roam freely throughout the house. It’s a security thing. Make sure you’re in your bedroom before that. If you’re outside your room after midnight, they will probably eat you.” She walked away.

I was alone at last. With my nuts emptied I could finally think. I just couldn’t move yet. Then I heard the sounds coming from Raul’s bedroom. Susan! She cried out sharply, and then continued grunting, moaning and sobbing almost non-stop for the next three hours. I didn’t fool myself. I knew they weren’t cries of pain or distress. What I was hearing was passion, joy, pure animal lust! Raul was fucking my wife out of her mind while I lay helplessly listening! Sometime later I noticed my cock was aching again.
