A Mother’s Diary – Entry 01 – How I Wished My Son a Happy New Year – [FM][M/s][incest]

This is a work of fiction, a fantasy. Author and all characters are 18+ and this story is written for an adult audience. It is incest themed. If this offends you, it may not be for you.

Let me know what you think, feedback is always welcome.

Happy New Year

Due to Covid, we didn’t really have anyone over to celebrate the New Year. It was just myself and my son Ryan living here. My daughter Sharon came over with her boyfriend. I didn’t mind much – his parents moved to the countryside when all this started so he would have spent tonight alone.

Anyway, we were watching some upbeat TV, primarily using it as background noise, had some food out on the table and every so often, we’d play a game of something, like charades. Things were going great.

It’s tradition in our house to watch a music show before the countdown, so we stopped the games and focussed on the great music that was being played. I noticed Sharon and her boyfriend were sitting rather close to each other, which was lovely to see, they were great for each other.

But as I was getting another drink and also getting the champagne ready, I noticed that Ryan had a lonely look in his face. I felt so sorry for him. He was alone again this year and having his sister cuddling up against her boyfriend probably didn’t help. So, I brought him over a drink and sat right next to him, hoping to cheer him up.

I took my hand and started to rub his leg in support. But kinda held off as he edged backwards for some reason, so instead I gave him a hug. I kinda let the hug linger for a bit, it’s rare he lets me do it, you see. But even then, he pulled back after a while. I could feel his chest depart from mine. Was I pressing into him too hard?

I gave him a sympathetic look as he asked me if we can just get on with watching the show. I mean, it must be so hard for him being alone and seeing his younger sister being all lovey-dovey with her boyfriend on the other couch. Needless to say, I sat beside him, but touched and held onto his arm which he didn’t seem to have a problem with.

I looked towards Sharon as the countdown began, they were preparing for their kiss. I thought to myself. It was only a kiss, surely Ryan won’t mind them doing that. It’s just a kiss.

I shifted my attention back to my son, Ryan. As the countdown neared its end, I placed my hand on his leg again and he kind of looked at me in confusion. I started to slowly rub his leg as I looked at him and realised – it was only a kiss.

3… 2… 1 is what I could hear on the TV. I intended to wish everyone a happy new year, but Sharon and her boyfriend were already kissing.

His eyes met mine and I licked my luscious red lips and smiled at him before wishing him a happy near year. I bit my lip as I leaned into him and pressed my lips against his, I could feel his dick get harder. Why did this feel so good? Did I make my son get hard? What? How? I’m his Mom, and it’s only a kiss. Well, I knew he was enjoying it anyway as it took a moment for him to kiss me back.

It felt wrong, but also felt good to make my son feel so happy when he was just moments ago, miserable being alone on New Year’s. Anyway, we continued to kiss. He was a surprisingly good kisser; I wonder how he learned. The cheering died down on TV and that was a cue to end the kiss.

I could see the look of amazement in his eyes as he sat there, speechless. I noticed my hand was still over his hard cock. I brought it up to caress his face and once again wish him a happy new year.

I got up to get the champagne ready, and was spooked to see my daughter staring at me in horror and confusion. I rolled my eyes, reassuring them it was just a little kiss… I guess I didn’t think too much about the consequences. Why did it feel so good for me too? It did feel good though that I could still get such a young guy aroused, I’m not as young as I used to be.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/knvegm/a_mothers_diary_entry_01_how_i_wished_my_son_a

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