Fire Escape [MF] [Bondage] [CNC]

*I copied this from my old profile, so if you happen to have read it before; that’s why!*
#2.25 AM

It’s the dead of night. A powdery film of snow on the ground absorbs or muffles the sounds of the city. In the distance, the low rumble of cars can be heard, and closer, the gentle hum of a building’s HVAC.

I’m climbing a fire escape on a rustic apartment building, trying to be quiet on the sheer metal. Following up on a request made over the phone. We’ve been talking over text for a week or so, getting to know each other, sending a few cheeky photos here and there. Flirty pics, like one taken post workout in yoga pants and a sports bra, or one taken under a blanket, with bare shoulders peeking out, hinting at the naked body underneath. Lots of messages detailing what we wanted to do to each other, and upset at the pandemic. But it was too much to wait for. She wanted me in her bed, so here I am.

#2.30 AM

I reach her floor. I double check that I’m at the right apartment before reaching out and knocking on the window, as my breath fogs it up like an airbrush painting white.

A moment, and the window opens. A little mischievous smile, a shy greeting, and she pulls it open all the way. The cold air rushes in, and she urges me to hurry as her nipples harden through a baggy T shirt. Her hair is up, and a little wet, looking like she got out of the shower recently.

I hop down, and we move together. She flinches from my cold hand on her back, but I pull her closer with a kiss. She’s warm and soft from the shower.

#2.55 AM

The bedroom. A maroon bedspread, framed posters line the walls, a warm yellow light tries its best to fill the room from a lamp in the corner, but only accomplishes a dim glow to flirt with the wall opposite.

She’s on her bed, looking up at me. One of our shirts is on the floor, and the other is in my hand. I tell her to sit still. She does. I drape her shirt over her head, leaving her nose and mouth open, and tie it snug. She giggles and fidgets with her hands.

I ask, and she directs me to her rock climbing gear on the floor of the closet. From her seated and blindfolded position on the bed, she describes to me which rope is too old for safe climbing, but too nice for anything else. I take it, uncoil it, and walk back to her. She gasps as I push her backward onto her bed, watching her cute little tits bounce as she lands.

#3.20 AM

I’ve taken my time to bind her, carefully testing the taught lines of the colorful rope, and now I step back to admire my work. The rope begins tied to one foot of the bed, up onto the mattress, wrapped around a soft wrist, pulled to the other side and wrapped around the other wrist, down the next corner of the bed, and back up, making a deep crease in the mattress. It trails down her arm and forms a safe, but teasing, loop around her throat. Then it trickles down her chest and loops twice around the middle of her torso, pushing her bust together so her nipples point straight up at attention, then it continues sneakily down her midriff, where it slides down past her pussy and wraps tightly around her left thigh. It’s bound to her foot at the corner of the bed, then it leaps all the way under the bed to emerge next to her other foot, where it finally ties off and the excess sits coiled by her calf.

I watch her breathe for a moment, biting her lip and wiggling her toes lightly as her chest drifts up and down with her breath. Both of us totally naked, but she can only see the vague form of my body through her shirt. My eyes move to the candle on her bedside table.

#3.25 AM

I watch her move her head, trying to follow my movements as she stares into the vague orange glow over her eyes. I keep drifting around, straddling her naked body, delighted by her continued efforts to track my actions. She didn’t seem to hear me light the candle, and she can’t quite see me slowly tipping it over her bosom. No warning. How unfortunate! I count seven drops of hot wax descending in rapid succession down upon her left breast, and she gasps and pulls against the rope so hard that I’m almost knocked off balance. She yelps, and I watch little red marks grow about a centimeter in diameter around the wax as it drools down her body and hardens. After breathing heavily for a minute while I watch her, she smiles and bites her lip.

I get up and tell her that she should be quiet, because I’m opening the window a crack, and god forbid the neighbors hear her making her little sounds for me. She whispers an ‘okay sir’ back to me.

I draw close to her again, this time between her legs, and to reward her for accepting the wax like a good girl, I start to lick her wet, unshaven pussy.

#3.38 AM

I decide that my tongue is tired, and she’s had more than enough. Plus, she’s started to moan again, and needs to be reminded to stay quiet.

I walk to her kitchen, leaving her to be patient, and find a pair of clothespins in a drawer. I consider them for a moment, and grab a handful of rubber bands before walking slowly back to her bedroom, making sure she can hear my footsteps approach.

She flinches as I pinch the first clothespin onto her right nipple. It doesn’t quite take, so I flick her areola a few times, wait for the nipple to harden, and replace the clothespin. Just to make sure it’s tight, I add several rubber bands to the clothespin, closing its grip tighter on her little nipple, and she opens her mouth and lets out a little squeak. I do the same to the other one, then I grab her tits and massage them for a moment, leaning over to kiss her. She kisses back hungrily, and I bite a lip to remind her who’s in charge here.

I move down the bed and look at her wet pussy. The candle is still burning next to her, so I pick it up, position it high above her torso, and hold it there while I use my other hand to massage her clit with the tip of my cock, dripping precum down her pussy. She seems to like this, and grinds against me happily. Now, I tilt my hand and watch little stars of burning wax meteor down to her body, just as I slide myself into her pussy. She gasps audibly, grits her teeth, and curls her fingers. She squirms under me as I thrust inside of her, turning red on her belly, chest, and thighs, where the new wax hardens and drips into pretty little designs on her skin. She closes her mouth and moans, slowly cooling down along with the wax, while I fuck her more gently.

#4.05 AM

I’ve been making love to her pussy while she remains mostly immobile, lost in the ecstasy she’s sending me as she rocks as hard as she can against my hips as I fuck her deep. As I thrust, the clips on her tits sway back and forth with their movement, tugging a little more each time on her nipples. She’s been the victim of a few more surprise wax showers during this. You could probably add a wick to her and turn her into a whole separate sexy little candle at this point.

I pull out, cock wet and slick, and move over to her face. She quivers as I enter her mouth, and she closes her lips quickly around me and sucks. I let her play with it, feeling my orgasm build, and when I’m about to finish, I lift her blindfold so that I can look into her begging eyes while I pump hot cum down her throat. We both moan, and my dick twitches inside her mouth as it empties. Filled with ecstasy and a rush of pleasure, I lean down and instruct her not to swallow whatever is still in her mouth, although some of it has dripped down her left cheek. Her eyes look back and tell me ‘yes sir’.

#4.15 AM

I’ve covered her eyes again in her shirt, and I’m slowly putting my clothes back on. I watch her breathe through her nose as she lays on her bed, candle wax all over her naked body, cum in her mouth. I tell her she’s allowed to swallow, and she does. I leave the room, as she asks me if I’m going to untie her now. I open the front door, and she asks again, a little genuine worry in her voice, if I’m going to untie her. She’s sore all over and needs to get up! ‘Wait!’ she pleads, as I close the door.

#4.20 AM

Of course, I’ll only wait just outside her door for a few seconds, just to tease her and make her heart beat a little. Then it’s time for cuddles..


Dizzy ♥
