Bdsm/waterboarding/piss play/consensual abuse (true story) ???

My piss waterboarding story ? ??(long read and some babbling for background depth)

I remember this session so vividly as it was one of my all time favorite sessions.

My (ex)Daddy and I would plan our sessions once every week or so.
The weekend we had scheduled previous, I’d let him know the afternoon of, that I was canceling last minute.
Unbeknownst to me, Daddy used PTO to make time for me, so you can imagine how LIVID he was at me.

I knew this next session I owed Daddy big.
I KNEW he was not going to go easy on me.
I was terrified.
But to be frank, I was always terrified of my Daddy. And I’ll explain why….

A little background on Daddy, he is a cop, in EXTREMELY good shape… I used to tell him he reminded me of a Greek god statue.
He practiced BJJ. He was disciplined, and educated so not only was he physically intimidating, he was very emotionally intimidating …Every thing about him terrified me. But in all the ways I loved to be terrified.

He could look up my whole life in seconds if he’d wanted to.
He could end my life and cover it up if he’d wanted to with help from police friends.
He’d often use his BJJ skills and police self defense skills to choke, or subdue me… I always knew I was no match to this man.

Any way back to the story.
I’d spent all morning cleaning my tiny one bedroom apartment. Nervously reorganizing drawers and cleaning the fridge. Why? He’d never look in those areas… I would have so much anxiety before he came. I’d spend hours preparing. (I’d never told him how in depth I prepared for him to come over, as it was more of an emotional routine for me to help me get into sub role)

I’d do loads of extra make up, thick dark black non waterproof mascara…Heavy dark eye shadows. And perfectly curled hair.
I wanted to be beautiful when his eyes met me again.
I wanted Daddy to think his sub baby was perfect. I wanted him to wipe that perfection that took me hours to create away from me, because that was his super power.

I wanted to be beautifully broken for my Daddy.
I wanted him to know he takes my fake created beauty and turns it into the form I truly felt beautiful in… STRIPPED AND DESTROYED.

He texted me about 2:50 pm.
“Just got off, be there around 3:15 depending on traffic.”
My brain : “please let there be traffic…. please let there be traffic… fuck I’m gonna puke … this anxiety makes me want to cancel on him again”
My text response: “ufffff I’m so nervous/excited.”

After forcing myself to sit on my bed and read over our rules and sub positions to be in so I didn’t look dumb in front of him, I hear a gentle knock at my door.
For being such a strong,rough man, he was always so soft before sessions, soft spoken, he walked softly, his eyes always had a soft glimmer of kindness.

My stomach still dropped at the sound of his knock. My house was completely silent so I feared he could hear me breathing heavy as I tried to control my heart as well as my breath.

I open the door with my head slightly down, but forcing eye contact.
He looked different today. I felt it. I could see all over him. He was going to show me how badly I fucked up by canceling our last session last minute….

his eyes didn’t look soft. They looked dark. (They were always dark brown) but it couldn’t differentiate the pupil from his eye color.
He was clutching white shopping bag, with a tiny duffle bag. I could see the trap muscle in his back flexing through his athletic gear (Daddy always showed up to sessions in nice athletic gear … nice T-shirt, nice comfortable looking athletic shorts , and a hat)
causing his neck vein to bulge… this only happened when we were already in session normally or when he’d get passionate about something.
fuck fuck fuccccck.

He looks downward at me as I say “hi…”
I begin to ramble an apology “I’m soo sorry about renigg-“ he stops me mid sentence and grabs my chin and pulls my face up, and says
“Don’t look down when you talk… you’re not weak. Look at me with confidence.“ and softly pushes the door all the way open and lets himself in.
Sets his belongings on my couch, kisses my forehead , smiles, and says “serve position now…. I’m going to set up. Wait for me in that position, right here. I’ll grab you when I’m done.”

He picks up his bags and lets himself into my room. Fuck, I loved his confidence of just coming into my home, and navigating himself around it like he owned the place.

I drop down into serve position.
Down, sitting on my feet, chest up, back straight looking up, hands behind my back…
(We had a few practiced sub positions but we had different names positions for different purposes) …

I’m facing toward him as he’s in the other room. But I can’t see exactly what he’s unpacking, just the motions of his arms reaching into bags and organizing his things on my stand next to my bed. This continues for probably 2 minutes and he turns around … and says,

“Now crawl to me.” And points down sternly right in front of him.
I do as I’m told and crawl to him.
And I look down at his feet … drops down to my level, one elbow resting on one crouched knee as his other hand reached for the collar of my harness which goes around my back, breasts, and neck.

He swiftly, and roughly pulls my up to standing position with him. And says “what did I say about looking down?”

I’m trembling… I can feel my whole body shaking. My Daddy has full consent to do whatever he pleases. But I still have no idea what he wants to do to me.
I know he can feel me shaking.
I almost feel like I’m cold, but I’m not… my whole body is tightened as I’m trying to control the shaking… but I can’t.

I know somethings coming soon.

I respond to his question. “Daddy said not to look down… looking it down is for the weak.”
(Something he always said because he knew he intimidated me, and I’d always look down even when we weren’t in role mind you, I’m a confident person. I have no trouble engaging or keeping eye contact. But for some reason I did with him)

He pulls my up by the collar of my harness, not lifting me but making me slightlyyyy put pressure on my toes and feet for support.

He uses his left hand to grab from the night stand, he has one fuzzy die(dice) in his hand and puts it in my hand.
And then says,
“And what did I say about wasting my time?”
I know he’s referring to me canceling our last session…..
“To never waste your time….” I responded as I feel the saliva building in my throat, and I want to shut my eyes because I know….
I know I’m about to be punished.

He says “Now drop the die.”
I drop it. He releases the hold on my harness so now my feet are flat on the floor.

He then grabs my hair and navigates to my view downward at the die.

“What does it say?” He asks, but he already knows.

“6.” I say.
I know I’m getting six… six of what.
6 minutes?
6 spankings?
6 slappings?
6 punches??? Fuckkkkkkkkk.
“Well…” I think to myself “at least 6 isn’t that high if I can’t handle what’s about to happen, but also what if I want more?? Should I smirk right now and piss him off?”

With no words, no warning, while I’m in mid panic over a fucking number, he uses his free hand to serve a strong, swift blow to my tummy.

I feel my whole body react. I cry out a “ufffffff noise with forced heavy breathing.” My back arches and and I feel myself instinctively pull away, but he still has a firm grip on my hair.
There it is…. I’m getting 6 tummy punches.
Shaking way more violently now, trying to catch my breath. My eyes are watering, and he fixes my position by pulling me up again by my hair.

He says. “Now count.”
“One.” I say… I know another ones coming and I know I’m not prepared for it.
Although bruises are my favorite, my bodies natural reaction to this is never kind during the process.

I clench my tummy in preparation for two. And as I see his arm move I accidentally pull away from it.
He is not happy and tells me we will do them over if I fail to take punishment correctly, until I get all 6 right.

Again, swift, hard blow to my stomach with the same natural reaction.
Ok not so bad now (we’re technically three in but I can handle this)


I cough the word four rather than say it… and feel pressure building in my throat, I almost feel like I want to puke and now tears are streaming down my face.
The puke feeling subsides quickly
But Still with the same reactions from every previous hit.
He gives me a few seconds to recover.
He fixes my posture again,
He’s smiling, this dark close lipped grin.

I lock eyes with him, I hadn’t since the first hit.
God He’s beautiful …. as we lock eyes I see his softness appear. The soft glisten that he’d get.
It’s like as soon as I see that, the pain just leaves me.
All I can think about is him, and how beautiful he looks holding me up, and how I can see all his muscles flexing as I fail to keep my posture and he supports my body….

I can see how beautiful it makes him feel. And it should, he looks beautiful and strong as he does this. His eyes are radiantly lit up, and his smile is alluring, and confident… he looks so perfect to me, and I, in that moment feel so lucky to have this beautiful man turn me into his canvas.

Two more strikes now sound pleasurable rather than torture, and I can do this.
I lean myself up and confidently look at him, and I am ready for two more blows,
I smile softly at him letting him know, I’m engaged and ready. And he fixes his posture and His arm goes back to repeat the action.

I’ve got this. I’m a strong sub.

His arm goes back again and I prepare for the final blow.
“Six.” I cry out again in a winded,cough yell.
Of course he made sure the last one was the hardest one yet.
With final hit, he releases my hair.
And I fall to the floor. And he leans down and grabs my face by my cheeks with one hand.

“Don’t waste Daddies time, and I won’t waste yours.”

He quickly says “up”, but rather than letting me get up he grabs my hair again and begins to drag me toward my bathroom, which is about ten steps from my bedroom area.

I’m halfway between being up, and down on the ground so I’m being dragged and trying to keep Up with his fast paced drag.
So I feel like a baby deer learning to walk.
Feeling my knees weak, and my ankle hit the hard wood floor.

In the bathroom, he says , “get in the bath, lay on your back”
I have no idea again what’s about to happen. Still trembling but not as hard as before.

I lay in the bath. It’s cold … I’m uncomfortable.
He grabs a rag that he had in his back pocket and places it over my face.

Losing my ability to see, is terrifying since idk what’s about to happen next. I have no way to prepare for this next action…

He says “ive saved this all day for you. Say thank you Daddy, because it actually hurt a bit.” (He chuckled and broke his serious demeanor.

Uff there’s my soft sweet Daddy. I love when he cracks little jokes during our sessions. Hes so funny with his dad, ass “I help with the pta and carve pumpkins with the neighborhood kids and wear my kids purple back pack through sea world when she’s tired” ass, dad jokes.

“Thank you Daddyyy. I love when Daddy saves treats for me” I giggle, muffled under the rag. Still not aware of what may happen next.

Warm moisture begins to hit the rag placed over my face.
Warm water? No, couldn’t be, he didn’t get any warm water from the kitchen or bathroom sink, didn’t have a thermos… piss.
Daddy is waterboarding me with piss.

I try to prepare for waterboarding by breathing in but his piss is filling up the rag quicker than I could get those breathes in to prepare to hold my breath.
I cough as the moisture of the piss goes into my mouth, putting pressure on the rag covering my nose …
I can’t breath… after only about 10 seconds or so I begin to panic. And rip the rag from my face and sit up…. and take deep breaths.

He says, “do you feel good about the effort you put in right now? I have my watch timer on and youve only done ten seconds. Remember you wanted this. So would you like to tap out now? Because I’d like to continue “

I say “one second, I was unprepared.” looking down again, I’m disappointed in myself. I BEGGED FOR WATERBOARDING. Why was this so hard for me?

I lay back down and he says “I know you’re capable, remember how far you’ve come. You’ve never been weak, but let me know if we need to stop.”

I say “no I’m ready now… I just wasn’t prepared… and you saved it all day for baby. I need it”

I take a few deep breaths He covers my face again, and proceeds.
I’m holding out longer… but I’m needing to take a breath again I couldn’t have been longer than 25 seconds and feeling the moisture going in my mouth and nose is intensifying the need to breathe. I try to hold out a bit longer and my body is reacting, violently shaking…
Holding out I don’t want to tap out I want dadddy to be proud…
Fighting a few more seconds…
I begin coughing under the rag trying to breathe through it but it’s nearly impossible and I’m choking on piss rather than getting air, making it worse.

I rip the rag from my face again, Daddy stops.
“Bee, are you ok….? “

“Just one second please just give me one second. I’m sorry Daddy”

he says “that 50 seconds this time.”

I close my eyes as I’m laying in the bath and I start sobbing, I don’t know why. Ugly sobbing I can feel it. The rag is laying on my chests and breasts now and is losing its warmth. I don’t even want to look at him.
I’m ashamed.
My eyes are tightly closed and I still can’t stop the tears. My arms are down at my side abd I feel my nails digging into my palms as I grip my fists…
I wanted this, why am I crying?

I feel him crouch down again and grab my my hand and force his fingers in between my clenched fist. Opening it up forcing his fingers to intertwine with mine…
I’m sobbing… eyes closed still, and hes holding my hand ….
I think I cried for about 60 seconds. Breathing heavily . Trying to calm myself…. after I could calm myself …

he says
“we can be done. Are we done?”

I tell him, “again…. I’m ready… I’m sorry… I don’t know why I’m crying…”

He smiles sweetly, and replies “youre beautiful when you cry…. my cock is so hard right now… I’m fighting the urge to stroke while you’re sobbing.”
He’s chuckling and I laugh a little..
he says “no I’m totally serious…look, feel…”
Still laughing through his smile, he grabs my hand and places it on his cock.

Uffffff . He’s not lying. He’s rock hard.
Fuck I adore him.

“If I finish can I be rewarded by sucking Daddies cock?” I ask feeling calmed again ..

“Of course, if we finish I will give my little girl anything she needs.”

I lay back down, breathe deep and he places the rag over my face one more time.
And I feel the rag filling up once more, but this time I’m completely confident. Holding my breath. And not attempting to breathe through the rag even though I love the taste of Daddies piss in my mouth.
No more panicking.

I feel the stream get soft.
Daddy says, “35 more seconds. That was a lot …. I held in over a gallon of water all day for my urinal … that whole piss lasted a minute and 43 seconds. I’m so proud of my Baby, you took it all.”
He lifted me up by my harness and licks my face, then kisses my nose. And let’s put a soft chuckle and a smile of approval…

I melt… and smile back. His approval always means so much to me…. I look upto him in every way. Not even just in the bedroom…

“Let’s get Baby all cleaned up”

Turns me around. Unbuttons my harness straps, kisses my all down my back as he removes the harness. turns me back around and tells me to take off his shirt.

His face is serious again, but not hard, his eyes are locked on me and engaging with my eyes, causing me to keep locking eyes with him for approval as I undress him… and I feel beautiful as he looks at me with his soft brown eyes and stern face. He gets into the bath tub with me and turns oh the shower and reaches for my silk body wash and motions for me to turn again and begins washing my body….
I could just melt…. his hands all over me. Sends shivers I feel him go from my back, to my neck, to my upper arms then to my hips on Hanson each side. Then I feel his right hand push two fingers inside into my pussy.

He whispers in my ear, “for a little girl who sobs like a baby, your pussy tells me you were actually quite excited. My sick little girl …”

I look over my right shoulder at him and embarrassedly smile back with my lips tightened… I feel myself blushing. He can read me like a fucking book and I can feel him reading me…

He turns me facing him again, washing my hair and my breasts clean from his urine… and tells me he’s so proud of me and that I look beautiful with my face smeared from tears and urine. He starts wiping the Mascara and make up from under my eyes, and tells me
“you have the most intense eyes I have ever seen, and I love the way they look at me, they’re a beautiful bright green, mixed with blue closer to the pupil, with traces of hazel, almost like a straw color next to the pupil. I love your eyes.”

I ask if I can hold him, and he lets me hug him as he hugs me tightly back just stroking my head and I’m leaned Austin’s his chest, we stay under the warm running water for a few minutes.
I try to soak in this moment,
I smell his skin and kiss his chest, and rub his back.

tells me to rinse off and not to wash my cunt.
“Leave yourself dripping for me. When you dry don’t use the towel to wipe either. Pat around your pussy to dry it off” kisses my forehead and steps out of the shower to let me rinse.
