[MF] Enjoying the look on people’s faces when they realize my (47M) girlfriend (22F) is not my daughter and is, in fact, fucking me

We’ve been together for two years now. At first, I felt uncomfortable with the attention—sometimes curious, sometimes envious, sometimes even hostile—but then one time while we were waiting to be seated at a restaurant and a couple my age was openly staring, she slipped her arm around me, leaned in, and whispered into my ear, “Enjoy it, daddy.” And now I do :)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kldmzk/mf_enjoying_the_look_on_peoples_faces_when_they


  1. this makes me feel way less insecure about my (22f) boyfriend (34m), love him and we are hot together but sometimes the judgement people give is uncomfortable.

  2. I regularly see mixed age couples and wonder if the older guy is the dad or some lucky bastard plowing a young girl.

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