Have I ever mentioned I hate feeling hopeless?
Right now I feel like I’m stuck in between a rock and a hard place.
The rock being the material my mysterious blackmailer has on me.
The hard place being my blackmailer.
If only I had a cleaner past I wouldn’t be in this situation but life comes at you.
Shortly after high school and before college I got myself into the wrong crowd which led me into stripping which helped pay for a lot of my schooling when I decided to go to college and teach.
That led me into getting noticed by people who introduced me into doing porn and making more money.
Though they tried to get me addicting to drugs so I’d be more dependent on their ‘generosity’ but it didn’t work.
Drugs were never my vice.
But tattoos…..oh god. That’s a vice in itself. Once I got talked into my first tattoo I got the itch to get more and more.
That and sex.
Between the large amounts of money between stripping and porn I was able to answer two of my vices. Sex and tattoos.
My obsession with tattoos almost got out of hand when one of my payments in college bounced. That was when I woke up and started thinking correctly and started managing my budget better.
That was also when I started protecting myself and building my career.
Soon I got a name in the industry as the mysterious girl who took on the biggest dicks and loved all forms of male cream. And god did I love the attention.
While I was in college I split my time between studying and stripping/porn. Shortly after a year in the porn industry I received 5 awards and got merchandise in my pseudonym that I used……Mary Tasty.
I know the name sounds stupid but it has paid for my house, my car, and a lot of my habits.
Then after college I got lucky being a teacher.
I tried giving up all the stripping and porn being completely clean but after my first year and measly check a teacher receives a year I fell right back into my habit and even started my own online store with me doing videos.
That was 2 years ago.
And up until yesterday I thought I had been so fucking careful.
Yet someone had connected the dots and started texting me using a mysterious number.
Last night I used the little bit of connections I had to back track the unknown number to no avail.
I had to play by his/her game until I found who my mysterious assailant was.
Through our texting yesterday my mysterious texter made a command that I had to obey or the photos and links that he/she had would go to my boss, the faculty, the district, and the superintendent pretty much guaranteeing that I’ll never be able to teach ever again.
And I like teaching.
The command…..streaming a private show to my mysterious admirer.
So here I sat teaching my students from my chair with my current dress hiked up my panties missing, a wireless vibrator, a light under my desk, a webcam, and my personal laptop open so my admirer can see both my hole and my face as they send me wireless vibrations and I try to teach my class without giving away to the entire class what was happening beneath their noses.
I’m just lucky my desk is one of those old fashion metal desks to where the only gap my students could see where my heels.
Though I will admit the tape I used for the light and webcam was a little shoddy.
Sue me I’m teacher not an engineer ok.
But as my daddy as told me with enough duct tape anything will be held.
So here I sat in my second class and I was on my ninth. Count them ninth orgasm.
The only thing keeping me from passing out from the pleasure and possibly a raw pussy from all the teasing was trying to teach.
I’m sure the students looked at me weird as I flubbed a pronunciation and had to correct myself each time I wanted to roll my eyes back from the orgasm and just say fuck it.
Finally after the eleventh orgasm I looked over at my computer and the message read: ‘That was fun’ from my mysterious admirer.
I waited until 4th period when I had a free period to type on my laptop ‘So what’s next?’
My secret admirer long ago stopped sending me vibes as if they sensed I was ready to rip out my toy and say fuck your damn blackmail.
I looked at my laptop waiting for my answer which I got roughly 5 minutes before my free period was over and I had to actually teach again.
The last thing I read was ‘Now we see how far you will go’.
How far will I go?
This person just made me put my job on the line by making me have a fucking private teasing session in front of a bunch of students.
And to top it off I didn’t make a fucking penny off all this teasing.
How much further is this person going to make me go?
I typed the only thing I could think of ‘Fuck you!!!’
Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/kkwsk1/blackmail_02_an_unlikely_scenario_f_blackmail