A swim with the merfolk [Fantasy] [Pansexual] [Orgy] [Light CNC] [First Person]

*This is a first person fantasy involving my take on some particularly raunchy merfolk. I tried to write it with a strong focus on sensations, and I think it helps if you listen to some ambient water sounds, or perhaps look up some sort of siren song, while you read.*

*Enjoy! :)*

# 9PM

The salt permeates my senses as I drift around aimlessly in my boat. I finished my fishing for the day hours ago, but the sea called back to me, so I went back out for a float. It’s a warm night, a new moon, and my town, nothing but distant lights on the dark shore, is quiet.

So here I sit, breathing in the summer air from the comfort of my craft, in the dark, like an astronaut alone among the void. Everything is quiet except the gentle licks of water on the side of the boat, and the cool breeze passing by me, teasing the hairs on my neck. I listen meditatively to the wind as it hoos and hums. Sometimes, on these lonely nights, it’s as if I hear a song. I come out here and try to pick out the notes, but I can never quite key in to the melody.

But tonight, it’s extra strong. I could almost sing along to it. I hear the wind now, cool and crisp, like a choir of hundreds singing in perfect unison a cold, clear melody.

To my surprise, it gets stronger and stronger. Am I crazy, or am I in the flow state? It swells like a tsunami, until I feel I can hear true voices, voices with personality, voices with laughter, love, and the ennui of the sea embedded in their otherworldly lyrics.

*And then I see her.*

A stony, yet soft face, just under the surface of the water. Androgynous and beautiful, feminine in a way, but not in a human sense. Just elegant, like the crest of a wave. Staring up at me. I feel as though I should be afraid, or skeptical, or pinch myself to end the hallucination, but my mind hasn’t quite caught up with itself, and I just sit there, staring back at her. Slowly, I take my lantern in my hand, and with a shaking movement, I turn it on.

Four more faces appear behind her with the illumination. Like the morning sun shining through an open window onto the faces of sleeping beauties, they show themselves to me. More androgynous lips, eyes, and noses stare at me. Expressionless, yet tantalizing. All four are stark naked under the water, with bodies chiseled to the desire of Poseidon’s deepest fantasy. Through the distortion, I’m not sure what is what, I just see a kaleidoscope of breasts, chests, hands, and cocks. But the eyes draw me back in, and I find mine flitting quickly between each pair, not breaking eye contact.

As my heart rate goes up, I realize now the fear setting in. And as if they sense it too, they begin to sing again. My fear, just as soon as it’s rounded the corner, turns to excitement and tingling as four lovely voices reverberate through the water and meet my ears like warm flames, inviting themselves into my mind, filling my bones with warmth and relaxation. My eyelids are heavy, and I see myself setting my lantern down and turning it off. Everything goes dark.


I see nothing, but hear distant voices. I feel like I’m covered in a pile of clothes just out of the dryer, warm and soft, blocking everything out. I can hear four clear voices talking excitedly amongst themselves. Two are deeper and smoother, and two are higher and airy.

*he’s burly!*

*just look at his hands… the veins, the hair.*

*what a specimen…*

*we need to be quiet! we shouldn’t have taken him.*

*what else should we have done? this was your idea.*

*yes, but… i didn’t think he’d see me.*

*i’m… glad he did. i like him right here, with us, ha ha…*

*well, what now?*

I notice that I can feel my chest, and slowly, my feeling spreads into my limbs. I start to see a gentle pale green light, but no shapes, no movement, no faces.

*i don’t know about the rest of you, but.. i can’t help myself.*

*oh, you pervert!*

*i’m with pervert… let’s take this garb off of him.*

*why DO they wear those things? so restricting… so garish!*

Now I can feel more, as my heavy boots are pulled off my feet, and my socks follow. My arms are lifted above my head, and my jacket and shirt come off next.

*wow… humans really are something else…*

I feel a cold touch on my chest, and a tickling sensation.

*don’t put your tongue on it, you don’t know where it’s been!*

The other voices giggle. I feel several more sets of hands begin to caress and massage me all over. They touch and feel and press and squeeze, like a baker inspecting his dough. My belt is unbuckled, and my pants slide slowly off of my legs. I feel a little less groggy in the senses. I can vaguely see the room around me, and the four figures hovering over me like kites.

The walls are rough and textured, colorful, with green ribbons drifting around them. The room is round, but organic in structure. There are shelves with various items of mystery, nothing human. The four people around me look human, but seem to flow with the water, and I know they are not human. I can’t quite concentrate on any distinct features. Every time I try, I lose focus.

The.. water. I’m not in the open air. I’m underwater? Why do I not drown?! Oh my lord! My heart slams against my ribcage, as if trying to burst out and fly to the surface.

*i… i think he’s waking up!*

*good. i can’t wait to see his pretty eyes…*

*i can’t wait to hear his pretty voice!*

*i can’t wait to feel how strong he is when he moves.*

*he DOES have some muscles, hmm…*

I feel eight hands touching my pecs, my biceps, my quadriceps, anything they can reach. They seem fascinated, hungry.

I should feel violated in some way, but… I don’t. Whatever song they were singing seems to still be bouncing around my head. It calms me, and somehow I feel like I’m breathing the song itself in lieu of air. I wonder what time it is, or where I am. Will these people let me go? What are their plans with me? How am I breathing? *How* am I breathing?

The question of their motive is answered suddenly, as I feel lips touch the head of my penis. I feel myself grow stiff right away, and I hear bubbly giggles again. I can see much more now, and I look down to see long flowing golden hair around my midriff. I gasp as she licks and caresses my cock with her mouth. I look up to see the others grinning shyly at me while they drift around. My heart races, and my chest feels warm and tingly. I’ve spent most of my life on the water, and haven’t felt often the touch of women… or men, either.

From my right, another one floats up over me. He swims with such elegance, such grace, like a flying ballet, and positions his cock over my visage. I suddenly find myself hungry for it. I open my mouth.

*he… he likes it!*

*look! he’s ready for you!*

More giggles as he gently descends and I close my lips around his shaft. I taste the salt of the water, and his skin is sweet. My own cock is throbbing, as the other one sucks and draws it into her mouth. She is slow and sensual, almost not moving at all, and yet swirling around me with the haste and grace of the wind. I’m still uneasy, and afraid, but… I like this. Thoughts of resistance and escape drift in and out of my mind with the gentle rise and fall of the waves. I feel my body lifting and dropping, and rolling slowly around. My counterparts drift along with me with ease, reacting quickly to my movements as I push my head up and down on the dick in my mouth, and thrust my hips against the lips on mine. My eyes are closed in ecstasy now, and I feel two hands take hold of my hips from behind.

The person behind me is gentle yet fierce. I feel breasts press against my back, nipples hard as rock, as another cock teases my ass. I bend my legs some, and lean back into this. I feel the head rub against my hole, and slowly push against it. The song comes up again in my mind, and though this sensation is strange and my physical impulse is to resist, the song commands my body to relax and accept, and the one behind me enters me boldly. I feel a rush of dope and excitement.

*you guys are hogging him… am i expected to simply float here and watch?*

*well, get in here then, silly!*

The one on my cock lets go and backs off, and I feel another body straddle me. This one is shy, yet eager. Their thighs rub against mine as I feel a pussy meet my penis and rub it slowly. They press into me, pushing me up inside of them. I can feel how tight they are, but they don’t give in, they thrust down onto me, and I thrust back.

We’re locked into a living knot of limbs and organs, and I feel long hair graze my body as they thrust and swerve and spin around me. The cock in my mouth throbs. He moves harder and harder, and I keep him inside my mouth while the two others continue to penetrate me, and be penetrated by me. I lick him furiously as he suddenly unloads into my mouth, filling me with salty cum. I hear his clear, sing-song moans as he empties his balls into my throat, while he quivers, and I quickly swallow the whole load. As he relaxes and pulls away from my face, I look around. The other three of these creatures are humping and touching everything they can with a desperate thirst I would never expect of beings who live in the water.

I feel my whole body now, and I’m more awake than ever. My eyes widen. I flow with the current of the sea. I grab onto the one I’m fucking, and feel their strong body and broad flat chest as I look into the excited, starving eyes. The one inside me thrusts faster and faster, and I feel my own orgasm swelling. The eyes in front of me say the same thing. As we slosh the water around us faster and faster, the song comes slowly back, high and clear, and I lock eyes with the creature as all three of us cum in unison, moaning and crying together.

*he’s too much! i can’t believe it…*

*i can’t believe we’re doing this, you guys!*

*fuuuuuck me…*

*Neptune forgiiiiive ussss..*

All four of them close in on me, in a tight, sensual embrace. Someone kisses my lips, and someone sucks me dry. Well… wet, not dry, I suppose. The song maintains in the air, bouncing off the coral walls and permeating my skin. I feel their heartbeats slowing down with mine, and hear their quiet moans and whimpers as we hold each other. I drift slowly to sleep once more.


I wake. The song has stopped. I don’t know how long it’s been, but we are floating next to one another, the mer people all fast asleep. I realize that as the song stops, my chest begins to feel hot and my ears begin to feel pressure. *I need air*. Suddenly, as if the ocean agrees, I am thrust upward, buoyant as a helium balloon, and I drift through a gap in the coral above me. I hear the others cry out, and I watch them swim through the hole after me as I rise, rise, rise.

Below me is their city, hidden in the reef. You would never know it from above, but now I can see the avenues, houses, markets, and meetinghouses that are expertly woven into the coral. I rise, rise, and feel the pressure lower around me. The beings follow me with vicious lust, crying after me with shrill dismay, but the buoyancy is faster, and just as their beautiful faces disappear into the darkness below, I break the surface of the water and launch a meter or two into the air before clumsily splashing back down. The sun is blinding; it must be mid-morning.

I hear familiar voices shout

*it’s him!*

*man overboard!*

*over there!*

And I see the boats searching throughout the bay. They surround me, and pull me aboard, drying me off and giving me a cloak. I’m immediately pelted with questions, but all I can muster is a half-assed story of hitting my head, and something about amnesia.

…I’d never let them in on this little secret!

The next time I go out for some late night boating, I’ll have to be sure to keep better track of the time…


*Thanks for reading!*

*Dizzy ♥*

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/kkzca0/a_swim_with_the_merfolk_fantasy_pansexual_orgy