My [F] favorite road-trip with my boyfriend [M]

English is not my first language, so forgive me for any possible mistakes.

A few years ago, I [19F] and my boyfriend [19M] went on a backpack trip around Europe for a couple of weeks. We did not have a lot of money, so we mainly stayed at hostels and only traveled via plane or bus.

We had a very tight schedule, with several cities to visit in the span of fourteen days, moving from the South of Europe to the North. We usually slept in big rooms, with about 10 other people and bunk beds. This is all to say that we did not have much sexy time, and we spent most of our time running around.

However, we were nonetheless very horny teenagers, and we teased each other quite a lot throughout the journey. In particular, during the second week of the trip, we had a particularly challenging couple of days, where none of us had the chance to come (but indeed, we had the time to tease each other quite a bit).

One day we were on a bus, at around 1PM, driving us to our next destination. That night we did not have a chance to sleep, since we traveled on a very packed train and we had to stand the whole time: needless to say, we were exhausted, but also pretty worked up from all the teasing of the previous days.

The bus, exactly as the train before, was absolutely packed. Our two seats are positioned in the middle of the bus and, on our side, there was the middle exit of the bus, so no one was sitting there. Despite the very hot summer, the bus was freezing cold, and I put on me and my boyfriend a couple of sweaters, covering as a sort of blanket.

My boyfriend was sitting on the window’s side, while I was close to the buss hallway; I lean my head on his shoulder and, half-way asleep, I started touching his crotch, as I did many times in the past few days. But, as I said, the bus was *really” crowded, and I knew we couldn’t go beyond teasing each other without being noticed. I wondered how much teasing both me and him could get before exploding, but I was too tired to really think about it and starting to touch him. I feel him getting hard in no time, and the harder he got, the wetter I got. Still under our “blanket”, he started touching my pussy, too.

You see, my boyfriend usually makes sure that I come two or three times before he comes to, and has a great deal of self-control (as opposed to me); but, as I would find out, not that time.

After a few second of touching each other over our trousers, he looked at me with a very desperate look on his face, something completely unusual for him, and asked me if I could touch him below the trousers. He specified that he just wanted to feel my hand directly, and not over the multiple layers of our travel robe. Nothing more, he said. This go me even wetter: I had no idea, until that moment, how much I craved for him to lose a tiny bit of control.

I did as he asked, unzipped his pants and had him help me lower his underwear. I gently took his rock-hard cock in my hand, and he left out a silent moan. Up until that point, I was pretty sure that what we were doing wasn’t really noticeable, but things were now becoming more intense, so I had a look around. As I said, luckily, no one was sitting on our side; however, I was pretty sure that there were a few people who could notice something; in particular, the ones sitting on the opposite side, one seat back, and a man who was **very tall** and glanced at me as I looked around. I pretended to linger my eyes towards something undefined out of the window, not to give rise to any suspects. My hand was still lingering over my boyfriend’s cock.

He asked me again to please start touching him again and, despite my nervousness, I was too horny to refuse such a request. I touched him gently and slowly, carefully avoiding his sensitive head. For the first minutes he was slowly rubbing my clit, too, his eyes closed, but as his breath quickened, I felt his hand trembling a bit and eventually sit still on my pulsing clit. But I was too busy enjoying his complete state of bliss and desperation to care.

He probably hadn’t come for four days, which was a lot for him, and for me, and I could see he was having a really hard time trying to keep calm. He would sometimes shoot me desperate looks, as if I could do something to release him from that torture.

Finally, since I could not resist anymore, I put two fingers around his head and started slowly moving it up and down; I’m sure now that he was not expecting that, as he left out a not-so-subtle groan; I looked around, but no one seemed to notice. I expected him to tell me to stop, that that was that, as it happened many times during our trip when we were getting too caught up in the moment and we knew we could not finish. Instead, he kept his eyes closed and his hands in a fist, and he started moving his hips slowly, up and down, as I still hadn’t found the courage to start stroking again.

I felt his cock clinching and tingling and I knew we were approaching a point of no return. I took the hardest decision to stop stroking and said that we should stop there, before making a mess.

With the most honest voice, he said that there was no way he could stop now. He was so desperate that I firmly believe that if I hadn’t resumed touching him, he would have done it by himself. At that point I stood up and took out of my backpack, laying over our heads, a few napkins, and I pretended I was blowing my nose. I sit back down and tried my best to put them around his cock. He trembled while I was doing this maneuver.

I started stroking slowly, again, and tried to keep him still, while he kept slightly thrusting his hips. I felt he was getting close, but he had his lips closed, as his eyes, and I believe he was trying his hardest not to moan. After a few, very few seconds, his cock started twitching more and more and he came in my hand, in the napkins and his pants, letting out a moan that he suddenly transformed in a cough (he is not a good actor, at all).

As he came, I tried to clean my hand with the remnants of the napkins; I was thrilled at what just happened more than at my moment of glory, but I knew it was coming, as my underwear were complete wet and my clit was pulsing no-stop.

So, I turned around, looked at him with expecting eyes, and saw… he felt asleep. In like thirty seconds, he felt absolutely, deeply asleep. I was astonished. Unfortunately, as I anticipated before, I am not known for my self-control, and I was well beyond the point of no return. I glanced over my shoulder and no one seemed to be looking at me. I slowly put my hand, still wet with his cum, over my clit, and started touching myself, biting my lips until I felt the taste of my own blood, trying not to moan. I rubbed myself for like ten seconds before I came harder than I’ve ever come before.

After I was done, I suddenly looked back and saw the tall man staring at me right in the eyes, with no expression at all on his face; to this day, I’m sure he witnessed to everything.

That night, luckily, we had a hotel room booked, and we had a very satisfying fuck, even though not as exciting; to this day, this is still one of my hottest memories.


1 comment

  1. Great story! Had a very similar experience in a shared van from southwestern Germany to Paris a number of years ago. Ah, young love!

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