[MF] my married teacher coworker has been flirting with me and opened up about her dead bedroom

As I’ve mentioned in other posts, I’m a high school teacher. I’ve talked about how another married coworker of mine has flirted with me…but this is someone entirely different. What can I say? I guess I have a type? Or maybe I just attract a certain type.

This coworker works at my school with her husband. I met her husband on my first day, and instantly knew I didn’t like him. He’s fat, loud, obnoxious, and thinks he is hilarious. He’s the kind of guy that makes jokes during staff meetings and sends an unnecessary amount of all staff emails.

I met his wife a few days later (we are members of the same committee at our school), and she was not what I was expected. She’s petite and blonde, witty, sarcastic, and a bit intense. I’ll be honest, I was a little intimidated by her at first, especially because she has a reputation for not taking shit from anyone, but as we talked and joked around, we found that we had a natural ease to our conversations.

Since we teach different subjects, we don’t interact too much. That’s especially true now that we are fully remote. However, a few days ago she added me as a friend on Instagram. Then, last night, she responded to a teacher related meme I posted in my stories by sliding in to my DM’s.

We talked about our struggles with the semester, and our conversation quickly turned flirty. She told me that she’s heard wonderful things about me as a teacher, and then mentioned specifically that her female students talk about me all the time. She said that she “wished she had a teacher like me when she was my age,” because class would have been much more entertaining. I laughed and told her that I’m happy I didn’t have any teachers like her when I was a teenager, because I’d be far too distracted to learn a thing.

She acted very flattered, and we flirted lightly for another half an hour or so. During this time, she went thorough and liked a bunch of my old photos. I feel like she might have been indulging in some wine. The conversation ended naturally, and that was the end of it.

I hadn’t heard from her for a couple of days, which makes sense as the end of the semester is an especially stressful time.

Cut to the night after final grades were due. Every teacher I knew was celebrating with some drinks, and apparently she wasn’t the exception. Around 10 at night, she slid into my DM’s again.

“Congrats on finishing off the semester!” She said. I grinned as I replied.

“You too! I hope you and your hubby are celebrating tonight!”

The three dots appeared, then faded. Appeared, then faded. Finally, a response came through.

“I wish. He’s already asleep as usual. Is a little bit of attention too much to ask? I just want to celebrate properly…”

I knew she was giving me an in, and I pounced.

“I find that hard to believe. If I were with you now, I’d give you all the attention you wanted (and then some)”

As we continued to flirt back and forth, she opened up about how her husband hadn’t touched her all semester, about how needy she was for “attention” and “to feel something…anything.”

I told her that she deserved better…that all I wanted to do was to satisfy her needs right now. We danced around the subject as close as we could without being direct an open about what we were talking about.

Finally, she asked me if I was going to be going in to the building next semester, and if so, if we could maybe share a classroom. I told her that I would be happy to share with her anything she wanted.

She went to bed not long after that, and I’m just waiting for the next time she finds an excuse to message me, wondering how far our conversation will go that time.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kkrccy/mf_my_married_teacher_coworker_has_been_flirting


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