The night train

Why not spend some of your holiday writing a erotic story in your dressing gown? That’s what I’m gonna do. Merry Christmas!

This is a made up story. Enjoy.


Christmas holidays were coming to an end. I had spend it in my parents house together with some relatives. I was busy folding my clothes and packing my travelling bag as I was heading back to my home. I am currently single and live in a city 10 hours away.

Usually I would take the flight but due to corona I had to compromise. To avoid people I decided to book a night train ticket. I hadn’t tried it before. Basically you hop on a train in the evening and when you wake up you are at your final destination. There were different tiers to pick from. You could pick first class where you had your own shower and single bed or a more affordable option where you shared with three other people. I went for the latter.

My bag was finally packed. I did my farewells and headed down to the central station.

It was dark outside and the station had an eerie feeling to it. Only a few people occupied the big square. The train had already arrived to its terminal. I got my ticket checked by a staff member and hopped on.

It was a rather crammed corridor to get through until I got to my cabin. The room was quite small. Two beds stacked on each other on the right side and a single bed on the left. A little sink next to the entrance and a window filled with street lights flashing by.

I was alone. It did surprise me a bit because it was only a few minutes until departure. At the same time I had nothing against having the cabin all for myself.

I pushed my bag under the single bed. Hopped on top and got really comfortable. I stacked a few pillows under my head and watched the scenery through the window. I could get used to this way of travelling.

The train started rolling and there was only one more stop before the long night journey. I decided to stay awake until then. You never knew if another person would occupy the space. Me being a bit paranoid it just felt safer to at least greet them first.

The train slowed down. I heard some noises in the corridor. The trained started rolling again. I sighed a bit from relief. No other passengers. Yes!

I was just getting comfortable in my bed when I heard noises in the corridor again. It got louder and louder. Eventually my cabin door opened.

In the doorway stood a woman. My initial guess would be that she was in her thirties, possibly early forties.

“Hey! I accidentally got in the wrong cabin. This is 22, right?”, she said.

“Yes, you’re right.”, I said.

She sighed.

“Finally. I’ve had a really shitty day. Dropped stuff, forgotten stuff and now this.”, she said with a relief in her voice.

“Ah, one of those days.”, I said while giving her a polite smile.

She put her travelling case on the opposite bed of mine.

“It is okey I take this one? I have never been fond of the bed on top in case I would fall down one day”, she said while starting to unpack some items from her case.

“Sure, no problem.”, I said.

While she was busy and facing away from me I decided to get a sneak peek of her.

She was a bit on the heavier side. Not by any means overweight but rather curvy. She reminded me of a typical teacher. Her tight jeans hugged her thighs and butt. She wore a dark brown blouse and I could just see the contours of her bra.

Me being me I could not help feeling attracted to her. For the record I am in my twenties and might not be the most sensible to these things. Her presence definitely kept me awake for multiple reasons.

The travelling case closed with a snap and she stove it under her bed. She hopped onto it and looked at me.

“Have you tried this train thing before?”, she asked.

“Nope, this is my first time. Usually I take the flight but I was out of options. What about you?”, I said.

“Oh okey. This is my sixth time trying this. I guess it is a half arsed attempt to be more eco friendly, you know.”, she said with a sarcastic smile.

“That is true. Plus you can sleep through the whole thing.”, I said.

“Exactly!”, she said out loud.

“And you might meet some new friends along the way.”, she said with a warm smile.

We kept on chatting for a while. She lived in the same town as me. Her name was Jennie. My assumption about her looking like a teacher happened to be true as well. She was a kindergarten teacher. We touched briefly on relationships and I got to know she had been single for half a year.

She was curious about my romances as well. I had been single for quite some time and mostly been through shallow hookups.

As it got later she started to get more frisky with her questions. She asked about my latest hookup. What the girl looked like and details surrounding it.

She was being very flirty. She inspected me with her blue eyes as I word by word described my latest hookup. How we had undressed in the hallway, how she had stood on her knees in front of me in the warm shower. I tried to keep it tasteful. My cheeks were flushed.

“Was the blowjob any good?”, she asked with a flirty smile.

“I think so, it felt really good.”, I said shyly.

I felt embarrassed but at the same time I felt how blood rushed down my pants.

“It does sound really hot. I haven’t had any intimacy since my last relationship. Some kisses and cuddles would be so nice.”, she said while looking out through the window.

“And a hard cock for that matter.”, she said while slowly locking her eyes with mine.

A warm surge of energy pulsed through my body and my cock grew a bit more.
I looked away and was too embarrassed to reply.

She laughed.

“Don’t worry, I’m just joking with you. I am ten years older than you. I doubt you find a woman of my age attractive. Besides we just met.”, she said.

“Oh you are definitely attractive.”, I said with my newfound confidence.

I think the answer surprised her a bit.

“Oh, is that the case?”, she said.

“I mean, I could have guessed it. That bulge has been visible for the last twenty minutes.”, she said with sly smile.

I tried to cover my bulge with my hands.

“Oh, don’t hide it. I don’t mind it at all.”, she said.

“Maybe you would like to see what I’m hiding under my blouse?”, she said as she started to unbutton it.

We were past any kind of formality by now. I went over to her bed and sat next to her.

I looked into her eyes as she undressed. First her dark brown blouse. Next her black bra. Her breasts were a handful. They felt amazing in my hands. Her nipples were hard and looked very inviting. As a massaged her breasts my lips were exploring her exposed neck and smooth lips. Our tongues intertwined.

“Could you stand up for me?”, she said.

I did. My crotch was a few inches from her face. Without hesitation she pulled down my chinos. She began to stroke my bulge inch by inch through the fabric of my underwear.

She pulled down my underwear.

“Now that’s a thick cock.”, she said flirtingly.

I am average when it comes to my member. However it is rather thick. The compliment made me even harder.

She licked the precum from my cock before embracing it with her warm mouth. My shaft disappeared and appeared as she went up and down my glistening shaft. She grabbed my butt for extra support and forced herself to take all of me. She breathed heavily as she let go.

I was mesmerised by the situation. Her loud breathing. The sounds from her blowing me. Me moaning.

I could feel how my orgasm slowly built up. My legs shaking as she kept sucking my member.

She looked up at me with horny eyes.

“Come in my mouth. I want to taste all of you. Show me you own me.”, she said.

That was it. I placed my hands gently on her head. I shook as bursts of semen filled her throat. I stood there shocked. Still with my cock in her mouth. I could not believe what had just happened.

“Now it’s my turn.”, she said.

— To be continued.
