The Naughty List [NonCon, Training, Supernatural]

‘Twas the night before Christmas, and Allison lay curled up in her warm bed, covered with Egyptian Cotton sheets and thick, expensive comforters, cuddling in against the cold as she basked in warmth and thought about how nice it was to be home for the holidays. Nineteen years old and very ready to live her own life, Allison normally would have thought going home from college with her twin sister would be a drag. It took her away from her friends, but luckily, Daddy was happy to spoil his two beautiful daughters rotten… she had it on good authority that he had bought them new cars for Christmas. She hoped they had all the newest features… if they didn’t, she was fully prepared to throw a fit to correct that mistake. Some of the people she went to school with called Allison a bitch but that wasn’t true… she just knew what she wanted and how to get it. It wasn’t **her** fault that the world was happy to bend its will to make a beautiful girl happy. Why shouldn’t she have everything she wanted?

Like, for example, that parking spot.

Just thinking about it annoyed her. During the day, both girls went to visit their daddy’s business on Christmas Eve. As they were driving to the factory, a car pulled into the parking spot ahead of them. It was a damned outrage… didn’t he know who they were? Didn’t he know his **place?** A smirk crossed Allison’s face as she thought about it… he certainly understood it now. The moment they got inside, they went straight to their dad and told him what happened. At first, he hadn’t taken it too seriously, but when Larissa started crying her crocodile tears and Allison made clear how angry and disrespected she felt, how he had given them the finger and thrust his crotch at them, he began to come around. After all, what if they had been customers? He couldn’t have an employee acting like that…

In the end, that was what mattered. The girls wanted their daddy to fire the man… and Daddy, being a person who wanted to keep his girls happy and satisfied, listened to them without reservation. He called him, Jason or Jeff or James or Jim or… well, some dumb fucking thing with a J… into his office and fired him in front of the girls. They were smirking wickedly as the man left the office in tears. Allison knew that her dad would do anything to make her and Larissa happy.

Allison was dragged out of her reverie by the heavy, thumbing sounds of footsteps on the stairs. She hadn’t realized it, but the house had grown quiet… really quiet. The thick blanket of snow outside made the world go absolutely silent, muffling all sound. A cold shiver raced down Allison’s spine… one that the warm blankets did nothing about. At first, she assumed it was her dad… but despite the reason and obviousness of that thought it didn’t feel right. “Hello?” she called.

No one answered.

Slowly, the door to her room slid open, soundlessly… and Allison’s eyes widened. That wasn’t her dad. It was a monster.

The creature was at least seven feet tall, humanoid, and its face was capped by a pair of strong, dangerous looking horns with a savage curl. The hulking thing had blue-grey skin and black grey fur that crawled down from his shoulders and up from his cloven hooves. It looked at her with a wicked grin on its face, showing lines of sharp, shark-like teeth. One hand held something slung over a shoulder… and the other carried a heavy, heavy cleaver as long as she was tall, caked with something thick, dark… and red.

Allison screamed in fear. “HEEEELP!” She hollered. “DADDY! CALL THE POLICE! HELP!” She continued to scream loudly as the monster walked towards her bed. Her cries choked off as she noticed the shape slung over the monster’s shoulder… her sister. Larissa was her perfect twin… beautiful, shapely, long haired, and blonde. She was just as lively and demanding and bitchy as Allison herself was… but right now none of that was on display. The beautiful teenager was naked save for the Christmas ribbons that were wrapped around her ankles and wrists and over her mouth, holding her still with her ass slung over his shoulder, her face looking back at Allison from between his arm and hip. As the monster stepped closer, she saw her sister’s exposed pussy and ass were gaping, red, and leaking something disgusting and white. Allison covered her mouth with her hands, terrified, and began to scream and scream and scream all over again…

But no one came to help her. Daddy didn’t come. She didn’t hear a sound from downstairs, from outside, even from just outside her door. She sprang to her feet, planning to try to run around the creature and out from the room. Before she could even begin though, the monster tossed her tied sister at her. Larissa hit her like a weight, pushing her back down to the bed as she struggled to get free.

Allison felt the weight on the bed shift as the monster’s heavy bulk was on it. She struggled frantically, desperately, but her sister’s form held her down. “Larissa, move! Damnit Lorri, you have to move! He’s gunna kill us!” Larissa just gave a soft, pathetic whimper through the ribbon over her mouth. Allison tried to get free, but she couldn’t disentangle herself from her twin. She could, however, keep screaming for help, and did so as she felt the monster’s hands on her…

As it ripped her yoga pants right off her.

The cold air of Christmas Eve chilled her suddenly exposed pussy, but she could feel the heat from somewhere… the monster’s dick. Her eyes were wide as she caught sight of it… it was enormous! A huge, serpentine weapon emerging from his coat of fur, thick and dangerous and scorching hot. He held it at her pussy for a second for her to feel it, grinning down at her with a shark-toothed smile. NO… NOOO! Let me go… Please… PLEASE!” Allison was screaming.

The monster never said a word. Instead, he growled loud enough to shake the bed as he thrust forward.

Allison wasn’t a virgin, but her experience with sex had been as much to her advantage as everything else. A lure to keep someone on the hook. An enticement to get all the best boys with all the money, the positions, the popularity to give her what she wanted. It was a bargaining chip, a lure, a trap, and it had never been about the sex itself. Now, that didn’t matter as the monster shoved his entire monstrous length into her with a single devastating thrust, making her high-pitched shriek go loud enough to wake the dead. How could she have not heard it when he raped her sister? How could she not have known to run?

The monster started to fuck her brains out, pulling back and pounding forward like he wanted to drive the whole thing through her. Allison screamed and struggled but there was no use. With her sister on the top of her body, Allison couldn’t move even if one of its heavy hands wasn’t pinning her to the bed. Why wasn’t anyone coming? Where was her father? Where were the police? Why wasn’t anyone helping her!?!?!

The monster kept raping her pussy until he had had enough. When he pulled out, Allison hoped it was a mercy… but that thought evaporated as soon as she felt the head of him rest hot and bulbous against the entrance to her asshole. “You can’t you can’t you ca- AIIIIIIIIIIEeeee!” The huge dick didn’t so much as fuck her as it did rip her ass open, transforming it from a dainty, soft rosebud one second to a brutalized fuckhole the next. Allison was shrieking but the monster didn’t stop. He thrust his full length into her hole with each thrust as he raped her, his balls slapping against her ass cheeks hard enough to feel like hammer blows. Her whole body burned with pain. Allison just laid beneath him, feeling so pathetic. Then she felt hot cum flooding into her bowels and she sobbed… but not half as hard as she did when he started moving inside her again, fucking her for the second round already.

The monster continued to rape her holes for about an hour, swapping whenever he got bored. Allison was already weak and exhausted. She had never stopped screaming, but at this point even someone on the other side of the door to her room would be hard pressed to hear them over the creaking of her bed and the meaty thud of impact as his cock crashed into her, their bodies colliding. Both her holes were leaking cum now, and still her sister wouldn’t do anything but whimper. Finally, after what felt like years to Allison, the monster pulled out of her and didn’t immediately shove his way back in.

The heavy, crushing hands of the hulking creature came down on her ass a few times, making her whimper. Then he dragged her towards him, out from under her twin… holding her upside down and dangling from her ankles as he ripped off her remaining clothing piece by piece, leaving them littering the floor. From where she hung, her eyes initially focused on the bloody cleaver at his feet… but eventually she noticed the huge wooden barrel. The monster reached into it as she dangled and came out with additional bright red ribbons like the one her twin wore, and he began to deftly wrap them around her arms and legs and mouth, silencing her, keeping her from so much as squirming as he restrained just as he had her twin. Allison could not scream or move anymore as he lifted her over that large, dark barrel. She tried to scream as he dropped her… but no sound came out as she hit the bottom of the barrel heavily. A moment later, her sister was dropped right on top of her… and then the light vanished as the monster closed the lid once again, sealing the twin sisters inside as he lifted it back over his shoulder and began to leave.

Allison felt it in silence as the monster walked around, carrying her off into the night for God knew how long. Everything hurt… her muscles ached from the strain and the cramped confines, and her holes specifically felt like they were hollowed out. Her tears soaked the ribbon over her mouth, making her feel waterlogged and miserable. She wasn’t sure how long she was in this barrel for, but the next thing Allison knew, she was turned upside down and she and her sister were dumped out onto a snow-covered cave floor and…

And there was Christmas music playing.

And there was also the sound of a hundred throats humming along.

Her naked body hit the floor hard, shocked by the cold, instantly shivering. Shocked, her eyes popped open, stunned into full awareness as she looked around. Her sister was lying on the floor next to her, looking around just as she was. They were in some kind of cave… the room was dark other than the flickering light of thousands of candles, covering the room in flickering, uncertain shadows that made it hard to see anything but the closest things. In the area that she could see, there were fifty or sixty girls in the cave… kneeling or lying in the snow. Some of them were unresponsive, staring off at nowhere. Some of them had their eyes closed. Some of them were looking at her… but far, far more of them were staring with horror at the hulking monster who had just dumped them on the ground. They were completely naked just like she was, except for the ribbons tying them up. About half of them wore one of the festive, stocking caps that she associated with Christmas elves. They were humming around to the tune of Silent Night that was playing loud through the cavern… but not one of them sung along.

Their lips had all been sewn shut.

Allison stared in horror at woman after beautiful woman after beautiful woman with obvious black thread holding their lips shut. Silenced… but they hummed along anyway, clearly putting their whole body’s worth of effort into it, enough that their bodies shook and their tits swayed… making the scars on them difficult to read. Every single woman had the same scars, though… some of them red and angry and bloody. Some of them were vicious and stark white and old… but all of them stood out. “I am a naughty girl,” they said.

Allison felt like she was hyperventilating in her terror… this was so impossibly surreal. She had been pulled out of her bed and raped by a monster, and no one had come to help her. Then she was tossed into the cold snow, bare naked, and there were dozens and dozens of other naked, raped women humming Christmas carols. It was so… otherworldly. She felt like she might be sick just from the confusion, much less the fear, so when two girls stepped into view in front of her she eagerly fixated on them.

The two girls wore elf hats… but somehow, strangely, their ears were elongated like she would have expected to see on an actual elf rather than the cutesy, fake elves that the other captives were dressed as. Their bodies were covered by reddened whip welts, and they had the same carved scars on their tits and stomach spelling out the same words, but unlike the other girls their lips weren’t sewn shut and they weren’t bound with ribbons… they were walking around freely. One of them had hair the color of fresh blood, and she grabbed onto Allison by one of her ankles and began dragging her through the snow towards one of the walls. The second elf, with hair white as a blizzard on a dark night, took Larissa’s legs the same way and followed right after.

The moment the elf let Allison down, she kicked against the floor, shoving herself up against the wall and trying to curl up as she stared at the elf in fear. A moment later her twin sister joined her, the two of them huddling together against the cold and terror. “Merry Christmas, fresh meat,” the red haired girl said as she leaned down over them. I’m Ruby. She’s Snow. Pleased to meetcha.” She smiled widely. “I’m sure you have many questions. What you haven’t realized yet…”

Ruby kicked Allison viciously in the side and she whimpered, right before a second kick from the girl caught Larissa between her legs. “…is that your questions don’t matter. None of the thoughts or opinions or ideas that come from your old life matter anymore. Here’s what does.” She pointed back at the monster who was slowly, deliberately, scrubbing the caked blood off his cleaver into the snow in the center of the cave… snow that was already painted crimson. “That’s Krampus. He decides what happens to you. We assist him. You’re here because you were a pair of cruel, vain, evil, irredeemable, utterly worthless cunts. You do what we say, when we say, until the Master has decided that, against all odds, he’s managed to redeem the irredeemable and you’ve learned how not to be a cruel, vain, evil, worthless cunt anymore. Clear?”

She grabbed onto Larissa and pulled her to the ground on her back, sitting on her chest while Snow approached and did the same to Allison. Up close, the scars forming words on her breasts and stomach looked really, really old… almost like ice crystals frozen onto her skin. She undid the ribbon gagging Allison, her fingers gentle while she worked. “Please… let me go. I won’t tell anyo-”

Allison cut off as Snow savagely slapped her across the face, hard enough to set her ears ringing. “Naughty girls,” Snow said, her voice cold as her namesake, “should be seen and not heard.” She reached up under her hat and came down with a spool of black thread and a needle, smiling wickedly at the blonde twin. Then, moving with the almost casual precision of long, long practice, she began to sew Allison’s lips shut while the song turned to an upbeat rendition of “Rudolph the Red-nosed Raindeer.”

The college girl blubbered and tried to struggle, but the weight of Snow sitting on her chest held her down and her hand was firm on the girl’s jaw, keeping it shut. “Shhh now,” Snow said calmly as she worked. “You don’t need this mouth. It can only get you in trouble. From now on, these lips only part when a cock wants to use them. And if you don’t stop struggling…” Snow deliberately drove the needle into the meat of her lip, making Allison give a muffled shriek as she tasted blood on her tongue. “…I might really make a mess.”

While Snow worked, Ruby did Larissa’s lips the same way while both sisters cried. Then, once they were done and the twin girls were rendered silent and the song had changed to “Here Comes Santa Claus,” the two elf girls moved to sit on their hips instead. They replaced the needle and thread with a scalpel from under their hats… and working meticulously, they worked to cut the words into their chests in scarlet letters – “I am a Naughty Girl.” Allison was moaning in pain and so was Larissa, but neither Snow nor Ruby showed any mercy or pity towards either of them… they were just doing their job the way Krampus wanted it done. One cut at a time, Snow carved the letters into her skin.

Once the two helpers were done carving the scar in the chests of the girls, they picked up a handful of freezing snow and began wiping the blood away. “You are going to be here,” Ruby said from nearby, “until you have learned, by some miracle, not to be such a bitch. Personally, I have my doubts… but we’ll see.” Allison never could have imagined that something like this would ever happen to her or her sister Larissa… they could only weep helpless tears and beg silently for mercy.

As Ruby and Snow were finishing up, the ground shook, displacing snow and kicking it up in tiny flurries as Krampus walked over. They watched as he looked around the room, looking over one girl after the other. Then he pointed at one young, pretty dark haired beauty.

Snow patted Allison’s cheek sharply three times. “Be back with you soon, slut,” she said. Then she and Ruby both stood, walked over to the girl Krampus indicated, and dragged her into the middle of the room. Krampus stood over her as they dropped here there, pulling his bulbous dick into his huge hands and stroking it as he tilted his head, just looking at his elves… somehow making it clear to them what she wanted without saying a word. Ruby, still holding the scalpel in one hand, cut the thread holding the girl’s lips closed, grabbed onto the back of her head, and pushed her towards that dick. She gathered up the girl’s long dark hair it one hand and stuck the other into her mouth, prying her lips open. Then she thrust the girl’s head between Krampus’s thighs making her take his dick. Ruby held the head and thrust it back and forth on Krampus’s shaft, making the poor girl suck it in as rough and gagging of a method as possible while Christmas music continued to play. She continued it at a rapid pace, forcing the dark haired girl to serve her master. As Ruby continued to bob the girl’s head, Snow had dropped to her own knees between the demonic monster’s legs, suckling at his balls and pleasing him as the captive was facefucked on his length.

Sometimes, Ruby let Krampus’s slowly slide down into the back of the girl’s throat and held her there for long minutes to make her choke on the monstrous prick. Sometimes, she slammed her back and forth quickly, Either way, she only pulled back when she had judged it was enough… and the whole time, she was whispering into her ear. Advising her. Telling her what to do… how to please him with her lips and tongue and throat, always a serpent in her ear, until her gagging throat had made Krampus cum inside of her, the cum flooding out in her pathetic attempt to swallow it. Ruby held her there, gagging on the shaft, until she had swallowed everything that hadn’t already leaked down onto the ground. Only then did Krampus throw the girl away.

Snow, rising from where she had been licking, stalked towards the ribbon-bound girl and knelt on top of her, beginning to reseal her lips the same way she had just finished doing to Allison. Ruby, meanwhile, took the discarded girl’s place before her lord, licking along his spit-soaked length and massaging him back to full hardness. Sooner rather than later, Krampus indicated another girl, pointing at a blonde, and Snow dragged the brunette back before collecting the new girl and bringing her to her master.

The reclining demon grinned, baring his sharp teeth, as the girl was grabbed and thrown onto his thick cock. Holding her firmly down by the hair with one hand, Snow swung her other arm toward her exposed cheeks, starting with little stinging slaps across both rounded halves of her ass. The blonde gasped, letting out a little moan every few blows. She could not speak with her lips sewn shut, but even as she rode him she was humming along to the tune of “Frosty the Snowman” playing in the cavern. Ruby stepped away for several seconds before she returned with an evergreen switch still covered with needles and began to use that to whip her back, the needles leaving a thousand stinging marks on each strike with the promise of much more to come. A perfect beginning to a whipping. The blonde wiggled a bit, but she was becoming wet from her pussy being rubbed on Krampus’s bulbous dick. Her ass was growing pink with the slaps given by Snow and Ruby, her face pink with embarrassment, when suddenly she stopped. She opened her eyes, getting ready for the next assault. Before Krampus started fucking her, Snow had taken the switch and was slapping it across the backs of both of her thighs, up and down. Thwap, thwap, thwap, thwap, harder each time. Each blow brought out a soundless yelp now, particularly when the switch played over the line between her bare thighs. Her legs were reddened by now, and her pussy was starting to get truly soaked. Then Snow stroked Krampus’s dick into the girl’s pussy with no warning. She wasn’t expecting it this soon, and she gasped in pain. Then Ruby and Snow held the girl by her shoulders and waist and started to make her fuck Krampus’s dick with hard, strong thrusts. With her lips sewn, the girl could not even moan as her body was used to please the demon.

Snow whispered into her ear as they stayed on either side of her, like the angel and devil on her shoulder. Ruby, however, was louder. “Fuck your master by yourself,” the redhead commanded, loudly enough that Allison could hear her over the humming. Maybe she was finally growing rebellious, or maybe she was just overwhelmed by being so suddenly and violently sheathed with his dick, but the blonde didn’t move. Ruby looked at Snow and Snow nodded. She walked around the pile in the middle and came back with a second switch of evergreen. “RIDE HIM!” she said, cracking the branch across her back time and time again. “Know your place! Ride that glorious dick or I will make you wish you had never been born!” Snow whispered for a few more seconds into her ear before she rose and began to lash her back along with Ruby, holding her hair in her fist, and still there was no movement.

Something had to give… and did before long. There was a whistling in the air, the sharp snap of the impact, and then a loud crack filled the room as Ruby hit her hard enough to break the branch. The nameless blonde gasped on the monster’s body as the blow landed, squeezing her eyes tightly shut against the stinging pain. Ruby stepped away to replace the broken branch while Snow continued to make her gasp and whimper with every blow of the switch against her back… the individual blows increasingly lost amid the lingering sting of their predecessors.

Ruby returned with a new evergreen switch and the blonde braced herself to be beaten by the both of them again, but instead the blows suddenly stopped. The girl let out a final, long sigh at reaching the end of her torture… and then both elves grabbed her by the arms and twisted her around to face them so that they could begin whipping her breasts instead.

The blonde arched her back and gasped again, her pent up tears now rolling down her cheeks as Krampus watched her being tortured by his elves. Allison looked on in terror and horror as she realized just how cruel they were capable of being. The evergreen needles raked trails of fire across her sensitive breasts again and again, the branches whistling back and forth to torture her tits endlessly… the blonde’s tears dripping down onto them doing nothing to soothe the pain. With a sob, she gave in and finally began shakily moving her hips like they wanted, and her submission didn’t even make the elves slow down. “You can do better than that, slut!” Snow scolded. “Fuck him like you mean it!” They continued tormenting her until she managed to get her hips moving properly, up and down on the entire length of Krampus’ cock.

Only once she was riding him was her punishment done… the girl was still crying painful tears as the pain was allowed to fade at last. She moved her body up on his dick and started to move up and down thrusting it in and out of her pussy. “There you go!” Snow placed one last slap on her ass, with her hand this time, as the girl started to ride the monster’s dick. He grunted loud as the girl continued to ride his fat cock. Allison looked on with wide eyes, certain that she should be bleeding, certain that he was tearing that girl’s helpless pussy apart. The blonde was gasping at every thrust, wondering when will this monster finish. “Harder,” Ruby commanded, striking her back again with the branch. “Faster.” She obeyed and moved her hips up and down on the dick, serving her master, pleasing the demon beneath her body. Then, without warning, Snow grabbed onto both of her shoulders and shoved her down onto Krampus’s dick using all her weight as a level, painfully forcing the monster’s entirely length into her in a second. The girl screaming in agony but Snow held her down as Krampus grabbed onto her hips, bodily raising and slowing her as he masturbated himself with her cunt until he came inside of her. Only then did he finally stop.

Snow let go of her grip. The girl was panting, her hole dripping with his cum as the elf threw the bound girl to the side while Ruby stomped over to the cavern’s wall… right towards Allison!

Please no please no please no please no please no…

Ruby’s arm came down… and Larissa shrieked as the elf grabbed onto her hair and began dragging her towards the center of the room even as Snow brought the raped blonde back to where she had come from. Larissa struggled against Ruby as she dragged her back to Snow, then the two of them brought her back to Krampus. She was still struggling, right up until Snow bent down to whisper something in her ear. Larissa hesitated, then went still as the scalpel came out again and slit the stitches in her lips that had just been put in. As soon as her mouth was opened again, her head was thrust towards Krampus’s dick.

She was supposed to make him hard again, get him ready to fuck the next girl… that much Allison could tell. Snow cradled the back of her twin’s head as she thrust it onto the monster’s dick, and even over the sound of the music Allison could hear her sister gagging and gagging and gagging as the dick slid down her throat. Ruby took over, forcing her head up and down through the rough blowjob until Krampus was hard enough to satisfy him… not that Allison could see any sign of it. The monster never said a word… just occasionally growled, made gestures, or met eyes. Ruby and Snow just seemed to know what they were supposed to do according to his will.

Soon as her sister had sucked his dick hard, Snow returned to the cavern wall… and grabbed onto Allison, bringing her over towards Krampus. “He wants to fuck an ass,” Snow whispered into her ear. “So he’ll take yours. Relax on the way in. Clench on the way out. Learn to do it well and it won’t hurt so much, and you’ll make him cum quickly.”

Ruby was sewing her twin’s mouth shut again as Snow pushed Allison down before Krampus. “Or you can just resist the whole time. That will hurt a lot more… but he’ll enjoy it just the same. Your choice, wicked whore.” She cut the thread and Allison’s mouth opened wide again. She wasn’t sure if she just planned on breathing deep or if she would have screamed bloody murder, but it didn’t matter… a second later, Ruby pushed her pussy down onto Allison’s open mouth, silencing her again.

“No talking, slut,” Ruby growled. “You try to do anything that you are not allowed to, you will have to undergo severe consequences. So the best thing you can do is to obey and submit… and to start licking.” Allison was trembling in fear, but she obviously had no choice. She didn’t want to be tortured, so she obeyed and started to suck Ruby’s pussy.

Meanwhile, Snow crawled beneath Allison. “It’ll be better for everyone if you learn to get wet whenever the Master is around,” she said as she began eating Allison’s pussy. “Makes it a little easier for you, and gives him a wet slutty cunt to enjoy. If the Master knows you’ve got a nice soaked pussy ready for him whenever he wants, maybe he’ll even…” Allison howled as the monster’s huge cock began stretching out her asshole. “Do that to you less,” Snow finished.

She continued eating Allison’s pussy while Krampus thrust the rest of his dick into Allison’s ass and “Jingle Bells” played loudly in her ears. Allison was violated in all three holes, screaming into Ruby’s cunt as she was assfucked, but she did not fight… what was the point? She was too tied up to succeed… and, if she was being honest, she was terrified of being punished. Allison had never known hardship in her life, and watching the blonde be whipped for her disobedience and then raped anyway had made her decide that she was just going to do whatever they said for as long as she had to get out of here… So she obeyed and submitted to the orders given by the elves, licking and sucking as Krampus destroyed her asshole. Then he came, her lips were stitched shut yet again, and she was returned to the wall.

Then Krampus took another. And another. And another… Then at last he left, carrying his barrel and cleaver and leaving them alone with the music and the two elves.


The pain was not easy to bear. But they all had to bear it anyway. Days passed and the fucking routine continued without interruption. Krampus would come and go, and each time he came into the room Snow and Ruby seemed to know what he wanted and brought a collection of holes over to please him. Allison couldn’t sleep… none of the girls ever slept… but she did manage to drift a little sometimes. She drifted until something caught her eye and she remembered where shew was and cried some more, and drifted and woke and cried until she decided it was better to force herself to stay conscious and not lose track of where she was and how she suffered and have the false mercy of thinking it had all been a nightmare for even a passing second. She shivered with the freezing cold, snow on her skin stealing what warmth she could manage, but she never froze, never went numb. The girls were never fed anything except for what that monster ejaculated into her mouth but while they felt hungry they never starved either… and the whole time the damned Christmas music never stopped playing. There were only sixty songs or so, and each of them had played a hundred times or more by now. The girls were so humiliated and they were painfully tortured if they protested and then they had to please the monster anyway… there was no escape. Even though Allison was the newest girl to have been brought into this hell hole, it felt like that was weeks ago, and she had already been raped by this monster dozens of times… and almost every time, Snow and Ruby were there giving advice, making sure she did it properly.

The only thing that all the girls got to do was to please the monster on their turn… and almost as bad, stressfully wait for their turn to come. It was the same routine every day, over and over again, until finally, Krampus came into the room but didn’t gesture for a girl. Instead, he growled as if to signal something, but no girl was dragged towards him. Ruby stood, stepping up in front of him and facing the assembled woman while Krampus stood tall, waiting, observing.

“Well well,” Ruby declared. “We’ve reached another house. Lucky you… one of you naughty, naughty sluts is going to get to escape. When we leave, one of you will have been left behind here.”

Allison perked up. Escape? She felt like she would do anything to get out of this place, but… what did he mean by another house? She’d been here for at least a month or two… he was still moving between houses? Little did Allison know, in the real world, it had been barely moments since she and her sister had vanished from her father’s house, even though in this cave it felt like dozens and dozens of days had passed. It was a mystery to Allison… but one thing wasn’t. She was already feeling that being anywhere else would be better than being trapped in this hellhole for another minute being fucked and raped by that demon. She wanted to be the one who was left behind. She glanced over at her twin, trying not to be noticed. Larissa would just have to understand.

“The man in this house loves his dogs,” Ruby continued her explanation, a wicked smile on her face. “No, I mean… he really, really loves his dogs like they were his children. He has no time to spare for a woman… which makes a bitch like one of you just about perfect. This man will treat you like an animal every day of your life… during the times that he isn’t giving you to one of his dogs to fuck or use as a chewtoy, anyway.” Ruby grinned wider. “So… who is going to be his perfect new puppy?”

Krampus seemed to consider for a moment… Allison saw him looking at her. No… looking **through** her. Her bare skin was exposed to the cold and the abuse and his gaze but he seemed to look through even that, stripping her down even further. She hoped that, whatever he was looking for, he didn’t find it. Staying here… that sounded horrible. A moment ago, she would have done anything to escape. Now… now she was beginning to wonder if there might be a better house. Maybe it was better to wait?

One by one, Krampus pointed at girls until he had indicated five of them… including Larissa. Her twin had always hated dogs. Once, when she was twelve, the neighbors dog had refused to shut up, so she had lied and told the police it bit her. Allison had sworn she saw it, of course… it was the two of them against the world. Their neighbor had had to put it down.

“Now that our Master Krampus has selected five of you, you will have to compete for the position. Only one of you is getting to leave, so… let’s just see which of you will be the best little puppy slut to please him!” Ruby said, moving to grab one of them as Snow did the same.

One at a time, the five girls were dragged into the middle and the elves redid their bonds… tying their hands together to their upper arms, their ankles to their thighs so they needed to crawl like a bitch on elbows and knees as they tried to get Krampus to choose them. They were on all fours and whimpering in low voices even though their mouths were sewn shut, wiggling their asses like they were swinging a tail and bouncing their breasts, doing their best to be an appealing little puppy slut… or at least, three of the five were. Larissa and one of the others clearly didn’t have their heart in it. Allison didn’t blame them but… why were the other three trying so hard? Didn’t they hear how awful it was going to be?

One girl crawled towards Krampus and wiggled her ass to him showing a very submissive face. She then bent towards his feet and brushed them clean with her breasts. She also rubbed her pussy on his toes to please him. Finally, Krampus nodded, signaling that he picked this girl. He grabbed her and threw her in front of him to rape her one last time.

With a wild, animalistic smirk, Krampus pulled out his monster dick and pressed it against the girl’s doubtless well-trained pussy. He slapped her body a few times and straddled her. He first squeezed and pinched her nipples making the girl whimper even with her sewn lips. He then slapped her breasts as he thrust his dick into her pussy. He started moving his throbbing dick back and forth, raping her, fucking her faster and harder with each passing second. He held her legs tightly, grabbed her hips, and began slamming into the newborn puppy whore as if there were no tomorrow. And throughout all of it, she continued to squeeze her muscles around his dick whenever he pushed his dick into her, wearing a look that looked almost adoring and grateful. She whimpered and rolled her hips into him as he fucked her as hard as possible, trying to take more and more of him… and while he did, Snow took a metal stick and pushed it into one of the collections of candles.

Krampus took one hand and reached her clit and began to tap it with his thumb. He fucked her hard as he played with her little pussy, driving his dick again and again into her tight wet cunt. Suddenly, the demon lifted her up into his arms and he held her off the ground as he ramming his dick into her pussy hard and deep. He was moaning and groaning by this time, obviously so close. He thrust himself all the way into her, throbbing inside her violated pussy with the girl whimpering in a low voice even with her lips sewn shut. That was going to be the last time Krampus would ever take her. Then she came… and as she did, Snow pressed the heated brand against the sole of her foot.

The scream carried… but even as she screamed, two final strokes deep into the doggy girl’s cunt followed, and Krampus roared as he filled her insides with a huge load. Then he pulled out, slapped her face one last time… although not with any particular force in it by his standards. The still orgasming girl whimpered. Krampus ran his hand towards her abused pussy and slapped her several times making her gasp. Then he climbed off her and left her there.

Ruby and Snow walked towards the girl. She was dripping a river from her violated pussy as the two elves helped guide her down to her back. Gently, tenderly, they cut the thread holding her lips shut for the last time, then one by one pressed their lips to hers in a kiss, wishing her farewell. Each of them spoke into her ears, too quiet to hear over the never-ending Christmas melodies. Then she was presented to Krampus.

The demon growled one last time, seized a handful of the girl’s hair, and dragged her through the snow and out of the room.

She never returned.


Continued in Comments



  1. Loved it.

    Feel like you dropped the ball at the end though- what happened to forgetting she could talk?

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