Family Farm Fantasy Chapters 7-10

Hey y’all! Seemed like everyone enjoyed the first bit so I wrote some more to hold me over til I get some Christmas themed content in. Let me know if y’all have any particular fetishes you would like explored as well as I’m always open to write new stuff. Enjoy!



Ch 7

*“What the fuck just happened?”* I thought to myself as I watched Gabs’ fat ass bounce out the room. A little wet spot at the bottom of her white panties made it obvious she enjoyed it as much as I did. Well, maybe not *exactly* as much.

I’ve been in the middle of bumfuck nowhere for barely a few hours and I’ve already had one of the best experiences of my life. As I was gathering myself, I tried to think of how the hell I was supposed to have dinner with Charlotte knowing her daughter called me *“daddy”* a few moments ago.

*“Was she gonna make this weird? But SHE already made it weird. SHE barged into MY room and she came onto ME. I’m the victim in all this, right? The victor as well, but it’s definitely not my fault. Charlotte should know that…”*

The idea that Gabs own mother would take my side, essentially a stranger, was preposterous, but I couldn’t simply hop out the window and make a run for it. So I mustered whatever courage I had and exited my room.

It was a long hallway that was barely lit and each side had multiple doors, but no clear path to the stairs.

*“Fuck me.”*

I took my best first guess and opened one door. Seemed like one of the daughters’ bedrooms so I closed it as quietly as I could. The next door was a plain bathroom and the one after that another bedroom. Two doors left.

I tried the one on my left and it led to a narrower hallway. A few steps in and a dimmed light around the corner was giving me hope that I had finally found a way down. To my surprise, it was not the stairs. It was another bedroom.

The bed had four large oak posts at each corner which connected to a frame above it. On the bed’s red velvet comforter was a half open trunk filled with *goodies.* I didn’t want to pry, but one glance over and I already saw three dildos that would put any man to shame. Around the trunk itself were more toys. Plugs and beads and shit I didn’t even know existed. I wouldn’t even know how to use half of them. When I turned around to make a dash for an exit, I noticed a sex swing holstered up to the ceiling.

*“I thought they didn’t get much action around here?”*

I was in a hurry to get the fuck out of there because I knew if I was caught in a bedroom full of dildos, *something* would happen eventually. The door across from the last bedroom led to the much anticipated staircase down.

I took my time walking down the stairs, taking a few deep breaths to try to calm my own frazzled nerves along the way. When I finally made it to the dining room, all three women were there to greet me with wide open smiles. Actually, Sam didn’t smile. She kept her arms crossed the entire time which actually propped her breasts up.

*“Jesus Christ, I can’t even look at them without thinking of sex. It’s not my fault though, is it? I mean LOOK AT THEM FOR FUCK’S SAKE!”*

My mind was going a million miles an hour so I was sure the sweat from my forehead and the expression on my face told a consistent tale.

“Howdy!” Charlotte cheerfully called out. “I’m glad you can finally make it. The breasts were–”

“The *what*?” I stammered.

“The chicken breasts… were getting cold. Are you alright, kiddo?”

“I’m sure he’s fine!” Gabs said with a giggle.

“Oh, alright. You kids keep your *secrets.*”

Ch 8

The entire dinner was awkward as hell. Gabs kept smiling at me suspiciously. She would brush my arm by *“accident”* when passing the green beans. She even tried to grab my dick through my pants under the table.

I don’t know how Charlotte or Sam didn’t notice, but their cleavage wasn’t helping either. Every bite, they’d lean forward, giving me a full view of some of the fullest tits I’ve ever laid eyes on. Charlotte’s jacket was off now so I could see her chest straining against the thin white material of her shirt. She was either too well mannered or putting on a show, licking her lips more than necessary between forkfuls.

The blowjob from earlier left me parched and starving, so I did indulge in the meal. I thought, maybe the more I’d eat, the less I’d worry about the situation. The reverse seemed to happen.

The second I ran out of drink, Gabs got up and poured me another cup full except she spilled half of it on my lap.

*“Whoops,”* she said playfully with a finger in her mouth.

“Goddamn it, Gabs!” Charlotte began to reprimand as I stood up. “I’m sorry about that. She can be such a clutz! Sam, why don’t you bring him some spare clothes?”

“No, no, *no*. That won’t be necessary, I–.”

“Nonsense! We got you in that wet mess, so we gotta get ya out! It’s only common courtesy! *Southern hospitality,* if you will.”

Sam escorted me back up the steps, but instead of going to my bedroom, we went to hers. The one in the middle of the hall.

“Sit down,” she demanded sternly.

I complied. As I sat there, looking around, there was no box of dildos or erotic looking tools. It was pretty normal. White walls, hardwood floors, baby blue comforter and area rug. It was quaint.

She dug through her oak dresser, first checking the top drawer. Nothing apparently. The second drawer made her bend over just a bit. I didn’t want to stare her down and be *that guy* so I kinda just tried to float my eyes elsewhere. When she went to check the bottom drawer, she was bent all the way over and I couldn’t help myself. She was practically inviting me to look.

Her daisy dukes were short enough to show off her entire legs, the pockets just barely poking out over her thighs. They were long and smooth, despite a few bruises here and there. However, in her position, her legs were far from the main attraction.

The bottom of her tiny denim shorts rode right in the middle of her pussy lips. No panties. I could see her little folds peeking from each side. She looked freshly shaved and *moist*. I’m always open to going down on my partners, but if that was *all* she wanted from me, at that moment, I would have taken it as a steal.

As I was a split second away from drooling, she turned back around and threw me a pair of old basketball shorts. They probably fit her well, but I just knew they would be tight on me, especially if I was going to have a half-hard dick the entire time. I looked back up at her and her arms were crossed as usual. Her face imprinted its mean scowl on my soul and I felt the dread creep in.

“I know my sister sucked you off.”

Ch 9

“I know my sister sucked you off,” Sam said with a dark tone.

“No! It’s not– I mean, *what had happened was*–.”

“She crawled into your room and let you fuck her mouth?”

“No! I mean… Yes, actually. That’s *precisely* what happened. She came onto *ME!* That’s not my fault, is it?”

“This happens all…the…*goddamn…time.* We get a new farm hand, they fuck around with my sister, and then they leave her empty handed. Do you know much work and time and effort goes into this place? How much struggle we had to endure just to get *here,* nevertheless maintain what we have?”

“Well, no, quite honestly, I don’t–.”

“I *know* you don’t!” She yelled. “Because you’re just like everyone else. Here to get his fill and then leave the farm behind.”

“That’s not really fair. I don’t know what’s happened before, but it’s just a job…”

“To *you,* maybe. But to *me…* To Gabs… and to mama… It’s way more than that. We can’t have someone coming through to make a ruckus, fucking up all we built. You understand? Huh?”

“Yes ma’am…”

Her shouting at me kinda turned me on. Gabs was so submissive, but Sam was the exact opposite. She was demanding and a little uptight, but a good balance from her sister. I tried to shake off the sexual thoughts, but her looking down at me had the opposite effect.

“*Ma’am…* I like that. Keep calling me that,” Sam requested.

“Ye– yes, ma’am…”

“Are you getting hard?”

I looked down at my crotch to see the rigid silhouette of my member through my pants. I guess the spilled drink from before made it *really* obvious. When I looked back up at her, I was blushing, but she was not.

“*Ugh,* get the fuck out of here and go get changed you damn perv.”

So there I was, laying down in my new king sized bed in super tight shorts that revealed my dick more than the wets pants did. This time, I was sure to lock the door. Zoned out, I stared out the one window.

The night sky was bright. Unlike the city, I could see the stars. The cosmos was right there, as if within my grasp.

I began to think about the day. Charlotte, Sam, and Gabs. The whole farm gig. Could I really stay here long term? Was I just thinking with my dick? Was I really just gonna stay for the sex?

*“Fine women aside… they’re nice people. The farm is quaint… and quiet. They pay well and the food is free. What is there not to like? Maybe I’m overthinking it all. Maybe Sam really intimidated me.”*

All the thinking was keeping me up more than putting me to bed so I figured I would stretch my legs. Now finally memorizing the hallway, I tiptoed down the stairs, through the kitchen, and onto the porch.

Leaning against one of the structural columns was Charlotte in a night robe. It was made of a light teal and silky material that ended right above her knees. From behind, I could see her round ass’ shadow and the front laces tied up so I made no hesitation to go out there with her. Exiting the front of the house made her notice me.

“Good evening, sweetie!” She said cheerfully. “What’s gotcha up so late?”

As she turned around, I first noticed her breasts again. The robe was only tied up to her waist. The only thing she was wearing underneath was a matching set of black underwear. One arm kept her robe tied up and her breasts perked up. The other had a drink in it.

“Just… thinking.”

“Oh, I know the feeling… Want a drink?” She offered.

“Sure. What is it?”

“Hennessy and coke.”

“You’re a Hennessy drinker, Charlotte?”

“I drink a lot of different things… That makes me sound like an alcoholic, doesn’t it?” She let out a chuckle.

She passed me her glass and I took a few sips.

“So I’ve seen you and Gabs are getting along great,” she said with a slight smirk.

“Yeah… she’s real nice.”

“Don’t get all wrapped up in her mouth, though!”

“Excuse me?” I almost choked on the drink.

“She’s a sweet talker. Don’t let that fool you, though. She’s independent enough.”

“Right… of course.”

“Alright… well, I think it’s time I head back in for the eve… But before I do, can I be blunt with you, kiddo?” Her face looked sincere.

“Yes, please… do.”

“It’s been years since I’ve been dicked down by anyone, much less someone as*… firm* as you.”


“Why don’t you come up stairs with me and fuck my brains out? Gabs doesn’t need to know. Just a one time thing… I swear.”

Ch 10

“Why don’t you come up stairs with me and fuck my brains out? Gabs doesn’t need to know. Just a one time thing… I swear,” Charlotte said while biting her lip seductively.

Instead of answering, all I could do was stammer. She looked down and saw my dick getting hard through the shorts which triggered a little giggle from her.

“I’ll take that as a *yes*,” she whispered into my ear while grabbing my cock the outline of my cock.

Her tongue trailed the outside of my ear as her hands snuck into my basketball shorts. Before I knew it, she was slowly reverse stroking my cock with one and cupping my sack with the other. Her lips moved down to my neck, kissing and sucking at my skin.

Her grip on my cock was unlike any handjob I’ve ever had or probably ever will have. It was soft and gentle, yet firm and demanding. It was like she was working up the cum to be milked out of my balls.

“Follow me,” she whispered.

She led me through the house with one hand still on my hard dick. Right across from the stairs, we went into her bedroom. The trunk of sex toys must have been put away, but the sex swing was still operational.

Immediately as she closed the door, pouncing on me and kissing my lips with animalistic passion. While making out, we slowly scooted over to the bed where she pulled my shirt off for me. Charlotte took a step back to take me in.

She bit her bottom lip as she looked me up and down. I felt like meat at an auction. I loved it.

When she moved back in, her kisses trailed from neck down to my chest and over my ribs. Her hands trailed each muscle, like she was tracing her favorite parts. From one pec to the other, her fingers explored more, but her tongue flicked my hard nipples in the time being. I was never one to get turned on by *my* nipples being played with, but she did it with an unrivaled expertise.

She moved her lips and fingers down to my abs. Years of running and planks prepared me for moments like this one. Her tongue rubbed and licked along my skin until she reached my pelvis.

My shorts were already dropped to the floor and my cock was now staring her in the face. Charlotte’s eyes widened while taking in the sight of it from different angles. As it pulsed with anticipation, her mouth got watery with anticipation.

“It’s so… so… *big.* And *hard,*” she whispered, her warm breath only teasing me more.

Without any further hesitation, she spit on my cock and wrapped her lips around it, sucking aggressively. No more foreplay, just straight to the action. Her hair got in the way, but that didn’t stop her or even slow her down. Instantly, her spit was flowing down my ball sack and dripping onto her floors. Charlotte had no problem deepthroating all of me, making my dick disappear to only reappear over her face like a magic trick.

She took my dick and smacked it against her cheeks, bubbling the spit from her mouth as she did it. Her next target was my balls. She put both in her mouth, tugging them with her mouth while sucking with her lips. Her hands kept stroking my tip in a twisting motion. I was so close, but she could tell and stopped before I could explode.

Without saying any words, she motioned me onto the bed. I laid there on my back, dick up to the sky, bouncing around like a bobble head. She began to strip for me.

First, she turned around, lifting up her robe enough to see her ass poke out. Slowly, she took off the robe completely, revealing a few tattoos along her back. Then Charlotte bent all the way over. Her pussy lips were traced by her black panties. With one finger on each end, she leisurely pulled them down over hips and off her legs. Her pussy was puffy and glistening. Each cheek of her ass was perfectly round and plump. She was so thick that I was unsure as to whether I could fuck her doggy. It might be too much ass to fuck through. I wanted to dive right in, but the show continued.

She turned to face me, now with only her bra on. Just like Gabs, Charlotte crawled onto the bed on all fours until she was on top of me. Although she was a mother, her stomach was still pretty tight. There was some baby fat on the sides, but it gave me more to grip and ultimately, more ass to pound into. My hands gripped her fat ass as her flesh squeezed through my fingers and spilled over my palms. Her bra covered tits looked me in the face as she slowly descended on my cock. Without grabbing it, it slid perfectly into her tight, dripping pussy.

When I was fully inside of Charlotte, she took her bra off and pushed her hair back. Each areola was beautifully round and pink. Her nipples were harder than mine, begging for attention. Leaning forward slightly, she began to ride my dick up and down.

I sucked on one breast and squeezed the other comfortably. Up and down, up and down, her vaginal canal squished my cock between her walls. Every centimeter of friction multiplied after each thrust. We were both so wet, but she was so tight and I was just big enough to feel it all.

“You like these titties? You like when they’re in your face and your cock is in me? You’re so bad. You’re so *baaaaad*,” she began to moan as her pussy constricted more and more.

I’ve never been ridden like that. It was so aggressive, but my cock fit into her pussy like a jigsaw puzzle so that it was seamless. The entire bed rocked back and forth in rhythm, but she must’ve not cared about the noise. I didn’t either, to be fair. Despite her immense stamina, I could tell she was getting tired.

Without any permission, I pushed her onto her back. While still inside of her, I began fucking her missionary. Each thrust made her tits spin and flop in each direction until she grabbed them and started to lick her own nipples. One of my hands dug into her hips for grip and the other rubbed her clit. A cute strip of hair pointed straight to it. Her pussy leaked and leaked, but I kept going. Before long, her hips began to shake and twitch.

“*Keep… going… I’m… about… to… cummmmmmmm*,” she could barely make out.

Seconds later, she squirted on my dick and onto her bed. For good measure, I kept rubbing her clit slowly, alternating between clockwise and counterclockwise. Her body spasmed as her eyes remained sealed shut. Eventually, the room quieted down. My dick was still inside her, hard and pulsing, ready to cum. But I didn’t say anything before she had the chance to first.

“That was amazing,” she said with the most delightful smile on her face. “But you didn’t cum yet, did you?”

I shook my head ‘no’ as her body ached in the aftershocks of pleasure.

“I want you to cum deep in my ass. Can you do that for me, sweetie?”

I nodded ‘yes’ as she turned over on her stomach for me. One of my hands grabbed her right butt cheek firmly, spreading her ass apart. My other hand gripped my cock as I approached her aching holes. Teasing her slightly, it rubbed my tip against her pussy lips which gave us both shivers.

I’m proud of my seven, sometimes, eight inch dick. I’ve never had any complaints and I wouldn’t change it for the world. However, if I wanted to cum in her ass, I would have to get through a few inches of Charlotte’s round behind to even reach her asshole. And if her pussy had any correlation to the rest of her body, her asshole would be even tighter. So in preparation, I leaned in and licked her pussy with one long tongue full. The next lick went from one end of her pussy to the asshole. From there, it was an all out buffet.

I stuck my tongue in her asshole and my fingers in her pussy. Everything tasted sweet and sticky. As her pussy lips began to swell up more, I moved both of my hands to spread her ass as wide as possible. Then curling my tongue, I fucked her ass with my mouth. She could only moan and mumble in pleasure.

That was my cue to upgrade to my fingers. My pointer finger went into her asshole slowly. First it could barely envelop the end of it, but soon enough, I was able to get half a finger in. I kept working her ass, spitting onto my fingers to get lubricated. Back and forth my finger entered and almost exited her tight, tight hole. Then it was two fingers. Quickly after that, I could shove two- almost three fingers into her ass and all the way down to the knuckle.

Pulling my fingers now all the way out of her ass, I spit directly into her asshole and sunk my cock in head first. She gasped and grunted as I entered her. Each square inch of her ass surrounded my cock and squeezed it tight. I thought I was going to bust in one stroke, but I snapped out of it. A few pumps got her used to my size, her palms now clawing at the bed for something to hold onto.

In just a minute or two, I was thrusting normally into her tight ass. I leaned over her more, putting my weight on the grip of her hips, and pumped into her harder. I reached out with one hand and grabbed her neck from behind. Her body was mine and I was fucking Charlotte like she was her slutty daughter.

Each thrust was pure euphoria as the grip on her neck and hips grew tighter. Her body tensed up and so did mine. She was practically shouting as I dove my full length into her at a rapid speed.

“***FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCKKKKKKK!!!!***” She screamed out as I unloaded my cum into her.

My cock stayed inside of her as I saw my cum ooze out of her tight, pink and brown asshole.

“I know I said, it would only be one time, but… do you mind if we go again?”


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