A Slice Of Christmas Heaven ([Lesbian], [Trans], [FF, FF, and FFF], [oral], [voyeur]

“Yes, we are about half way there…. well we weren’t going to buy plane tickets to save 6 hours of driving…. Because we don’t have an extra…. Ugh, don’t make it about that again…No I didn’t know he was going to be there, Jenny will not be happy… yeah, yeah, I know, keep the peace…. Alright, love you too Mom. Bye.” She hangs up the phone and I glance over to her.

Her head is leaning back against the seat, and her face is in a deep set frown. She brings a hand to her forehead and starts massaging her temples, fighting off the tension headache I am sure is forming. I hate seeing her like this, and how her family gets under her skin. She is amazing, and deserves so much better than this world is giving her.

I look back to the road and my hand slips from the steering wheel to her thigh, “I’m sorry baby, do you want to talk about it?”

“I just don’t get why they can’t get along for one day a year.” She takes a breath and her jaw unclenches, “one of these years I’m going to say no and not drive all the way out to this fucking nightmare.” She pauses for a moment, and continues in a weaker voice, “I can’t keep dealing with this.”

I nod in agreement, for the last few years Christmas has been a marathon, and I am tired too. I am tired of the fights, of the gossip, and of her mom’s incessant phone calls. But most of all, I am sick of the way they all treat her. After nearly 3 years of dating, I still can’t fathom how one family can be so exhausting. But she doesn’t need another person complaining in her ear, she needs me to be strong for both of us. This weekend, the task is daunting. But after how many times she has been strong for me, I know I can do it. She makes me feel like I can do anything. This weekend, anything will be biting my tongue and helping put out as many fires as possible.

“Whatever you decide, I love you, and I will be with you all the way. Not going next year, turning around now, leaving early… however it ends up, I am with you.” I blush before I even finish the sentence, knowing the way she would look at me after.

I feel her eyes on me and my cheeks burn. She lifts my hand to her lips and kisses it softly, “You really are the sweetest. I love you too.” She squeezes my hand as she says the last word before setting our hands back on her lap.

We drive in a comfortable silence for a few minutes before her voice graces me once more, “want to pull off at the next exit? I just can’t stop thinking about everything and could use driving as a distraction.”

“Of course baby girl.”

A few miles later, we exit the highway at the edge of a small festive town. Each street light has a green wreath with a red bow on it, and every shop we pass has a holiday themed window display. Among the snowmen and reindeer I spot what will be our switching point; a small gas station that looks like it hasn’t been renovated since the 60s. I pull up to one of the pumps and stare at it with slight shock, it doesn’t even have a card reader and a small sign states ‘Pay inside’. With my jacket zipped and hood up I start to fill our vehicle with gas while my love heads inside.

I watch the numbers slowly tick up and absently toy with the small velvet box hiding in my pocket. I look into the timeworn store and spot my love browsing the different isles. I lean back onto the car with a sigh and pull out my prize. This treasure had been on my person non stop for the last three weeks while I waited for the perfect moment. At this point it was nearly comical, but it never felt like “the moment”. I open it and look at the silver band sitting snugly inside. The pink topaz glitters in the evening light. It isn’t much, but I know she will love it. Through the windows, I watch her check out with our snacks and snap the box closed before shoving it back into my pocket.

It amazes me how something fairly small could feel incredibly heavy. I had come close to asking her numerous times, but it never feels perfect and she deserves the perfect proposal. I know she has always dreamed of being asked like those girls in the movies. She deserves that kind of romance, and I will not let her settle for anything less. Besides, if I was going to ask a woman this beautiful to marry me, I was going to do it right. The pump handle clicks and I am brought back to reality. By the time I’m closing the gas cap, she is back and adjusting the driver’s seat. I get in and start looking through our new treasure trove of snacks.

“Fuck.” I look over as she turns the key again, and the car remains completely silent, “Why can’t things ever just go right?” she slumps back against her seat and lets out a heavy sigh.

Without saying much to each other we both get out of the car. I unlatch the hood and prop it open.

We both stare at it for a long moment, “Well, it’s still there.” I offer with a shrug.

“Thank you honey, I had no idea.” I can tell the moment she hears her own voice, “Shit no, that came out meaner than I meant. I’m sorry. Ugh, I shouldn’t be taking out my an-” her voice fails as I pull her into a gentle hug.

“Hey, it’s okay, today has been a lot.” I squeeze her in my arms, “we will get through this princess. I’ll start looking at what I know to check, why don’t you go in and see if there is a repair shop around here we can get towed to.”

I can see the tears welling in her eyes as she gives me a nod and heads back inside the store.

After 3 hours and just as many phone calls our car finds its way to a mechanic and we find ours’ to a small motel on the other side of town. The room is nice enough, with a single queen size bed and a small kitchenette. My baby walks in ahead of me, setting her bag on the floor before falling back on the mattress.

“Fuck this day.” she tangles a hand in her auburn hair, “First my mom had to call and bitch again and now the car is broken, and we weren’t planning to spend this much money…”

Her voice breaks and I crawl onto the bed with her. I grab her shoulders and pull her against me as she curls into my side. My hand finds a resting place between her shoulders and I start rubbing small circles into her back. She rests her head on my chest and I start humming soft nothingness. My fingers tenderly massage along her spine as a mindless melody drifts through the air. We lay like that for a long time, but I don’t mind, I know she needs this. My shirt dampens and my arms tighten around her as I hold my princess securely against me.

My grip doesn’t weaken until I feel her start to pull out of my arms, “I have to take my shot still.” she murmurs, rubbing the tears from her eyes.

I sit up next to her and gently kiss her shoulder, “here, come to the edge of the bed, I’ll do it for you.”

I get up and go to her suitcase, fetching a syringe, an alcohol wipe, a band aid and a small clear vial labeled “estrogen.” When I turn back she is sitting on the edge of the bed with her pants in a pile next to her.

“Which leg?” I ask as I kneel down in front of her.


I open the alcohol wipe and start rubbing it against her outer thigh, “do you want to talk about it more?”

“No… yes. I don’t know,” I wipe the top of the vial as I listen, “I’m just tired. I mean sure I am upset,” I poke the needle through the rubber membrane and start drawing up the fluid, “but most of all I am tired of being upset.” I set down the vial, nodding as I flick out some bubbles, “just, first we left late, and my brother is already starting fights, and then the car had to break…” her voice trails off as I place a hand on her thigh, pulling the skin taught as I press the needle in.

“Do you want to know what I think?” I don’t wait for a response as I push the needle through, “I think that you are an amazing and strong woman,” the hub of the syringe meets her thigh “and your family should treat you like the goddess you are.” I slowly push the plunger down, “But even if they don’t, that doesn’t change what kind of woman you are,” I slowly remove the needle from her before lifting my hand and allow the skin to relax, “and that’s is a woman who can do anything she sets her mind to, even making it through a shitty Christmas party.” I cap the needle and set it on the bedside table.

As I finish applying the band-aid, I feel her soft hand go to the back of my neck and another go to my chin. As my head tilts up, she leans down and our lips come together. I let out a squeal of surprise that fades to a happy sigh.

Her lips linger against mine for a moment longer before she pulls away, “I’m really the luckiest woman on earth, aren’t I?”

I grin up at her, “I am afraid not baby, that title is already mine. But the prettiest and cutest are still up for grabs.”

She leans down to kiss me again, and I place my hands on her thighs as I rise up to meet her lips. Her fingers tighten in my hair, as the kiss deepens, our lips moving in soft harmony. I reluctantly break away, taking in a breath as her eyes meet mine. We stare at each other while her thumb traces the back of my ear. I close my eyes, allowing myself to melt in her delicate touch. When she starts pulling me into the bed, I offer no resistance. We snuggle close and I soon find my back pressed to her as her lips dance across my neck.

Her hand wraps around my waist and sneaks up the front of my shirt. Her finger tips dance across my torso before coming up to tenderly cup my breast. She lovingly massages it and I grind myself back against her. Soft sighs of pleasure turn to slightly audible moans as her fingers tease my nipple. Her hand slips down to my hips, starting to sneak forward to my thigh.

I quickly place my hand over hers, mere inches from the ring box hiding in my pocket, “here, let me get those for you.”

The desire I feel for her makes hiding my panic easy as I quickly slide off my pants. They have barely hit the floor when I feel her warm hand back on me, tenderly massaging my inner thigh. I lean back into her and let out a soft sigh, parting my legs. Her kisses grow hotter on my neck at the same time her hand works upwards. My breathy sighs break to soft moans as she teases me through my panties. I grind against her needingly and one of my hands tangles into her hair.

I feel her once soft bulge harden and her touch grows firmer through my panties. My hips involuntarily buck against her and I let out a gasping moan. My body craves the sensation again, and I am soon rocking my hips against her hand. Soft sighs tickle my ear before her teeth dig into my neck and at the same time I feel my underwear sliding down my legs. I eagerly help kick them off and bring my own hand down to hers. I loop my fingers through the waistband and quickly tug them down. I close my eyes in pleasant anticipation, turning more onto my side and spreading my legs for her.

She pushes her womanhood inside of me causing my breath to catch as she lets out her own shuddering moan against my neck. I let out a gasp once her hips push to mine and squirm around her, my body adjusting to the familiar presence. As she starts thrusting, my breathing picks up and my hips rock with hers.

“Good girl, that’s right princess…” I moan out happily as her hand drifts around my hips and back down my front to my clit.

As her hand moves in tight circles in pace with her hips, my soft moans of praise soon turn to unintelligible sounds of pleasure. Her own gasping moans grow more intense as each thrust becomes slicker and her divinity is covered by a mix of our wetness. I tense myself around her with each thrust, creating more resistance any time her body tries to leave mine. What starts as controlled muscle contractions soon devolve into wild spasms and I reach back to grab her hip. I pull her hard into me, holding her full length inside me as I orgasm.

“Oh princess, fuck, good girl, oh baby,” I moan anything and everything I can think of, as pleasure courses through my body.

I desperately try to draw her into me and my efforts are soon rewarded as I feel the familiar gushing of girlseed inside of me.

She holds me close, her body still firmly in mine and kisses me neck tenderly, “I love you so much.”

Her breath tickles my ear as she speaks, and I use my remaining energy to whisper the same to her before I fall into blissful sleep.

*Ring, ring… Ring, ring… Ring Ri-* I roll over to the edge of the bed and groggily pick up the phone, “Hello?”

“Good morning miss, I am very sorry to wake you. This is Gary calling from Miller Auto, we have your vehicle here.”

I suddenly sit up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes, “Oh yes, hello, it’s no problem, what is the news?”

“Well Ma’am, your starter switch has gone bad. The part itself is only about 50 dollars, but the labor will be another 200. Would you like me to order the part, miss?”

“Yes, that would be amazing. When can you have it fixed by?”

“Now that’s the rough part of this miss, the part can get here today, but we close early tonight for Christmas and are closed tomorrow. There is just no way this can get done before the 26th. But I heard you say something about heading to Lucy’s over on Pine Street, if you explain the situation to her, and say I sent you she is likely to give you a discount on the room.”

“Oh thank you, that would be amazing.” I let out an audible sigh of relief.

“No problem, miss. You just try to enjoy your holiday and I’ll call you if I have any problems or when the work is done.”

With not much else to say the phone call comes to an end. I take a deep breath and look over to my sleeping love. In the time the short phone call took, she has grabbed my pillow and now cuddles it close as she sleeps. I gingerly kiss her forehead before getting up and heading to the bathroom.

I let out a sigh as hot water pounds against my back and I lean against the shower wall. Steam billows up from my body as the room grows foggy. As I clean myself, I contemplate how to tell the beautiful woman sleeping in my bed that yet another part of this trip has gone wrong. But really has it? The prospect of hiding away in a small motel room with barely any cell service for the holidays sounded like a dream come true to me. Maybe she would see it that way too. Or maybe she will see it as just another fuck up her mom can throw at us later.

“Hey, mind if I join you?” I jump, her sleepy voice pulling me from my thoughts.

“Not at all princess.”

I hear fabric fall to the floor and she pulls back the curtain, stepping in behind me. Her soft hands are soon around my waist and she pulls me into a close hug from behind. I lean back into her with a happy sigh.

“So, I heard you on the phone with the mechanic, what did he have to say?” She reaches back as she talks, pumping some body wash into her hand.

“Well, I have good news and bad news,” her soapy hands start caressing my back, “We may be able to get a discount on the room, and the repair is only 250 dollars,” her hands slip forward across my stomach as she takes a step closer to me, “but it can’t get done to the 26th…. So we won’t be able to make your families Christmas party.”

Her hands stop moving, resting directly below my breast, “… we can’t make it to my family’s Christmas party.” she says the words slowly, as if making sure they are correct.

Her grip suddenly tightens around me as she squeezes me in a hug, “That is amazing. I was going to talk to you about just going home, but this is even better.”

I turn around and kiss her with a smile, my arms wrapping around her shoulders, “I was thinking this could become a fun little vacation for us. You know, make some of our own happy Christmas memories.”

She kisses me again with a giggle, “I would love nothing more than to make new memories with you.”

I press myself against her as I pull her into a loving kiss, “Well, I know a fun memory we can start with.”

Without giving her time to respond I fall to my knees in front of her. I feel her fingers tangle into my damp hair as I bring my lips to her beautiful girldick. I slowly cover her in hot open mouth kisses and she presses my head to her encouragingly. Her grip in my hair tightens as her hips thrust forward involuntarily. She rubs her member across my lips, and I part them slightly, occasionally sucking on her satin skin. Our feminine moans intertwine into a ballad of our love. I close my eyes, succumbing to her womanly touch as she covers my cheeks in pre-cum.

Once she starts to stiffen against my face, I bring my mouth to her tip and close my lips around her. I suck in light pulsations and my tongue swipes along her ridge. Her sleepy moans grow higher in pitch as she pushes herself half way into my mouth before pulling back, stopping with her tip at my lips. As she repeats the process I grab her hips, sucking hard on her. When I feel her pause about half way in, I pull her hips forward letting out an indulgent moan that turns to a soft gag as I work more of her length in.

The gasping moan she gifts me with serves as encouragement and I hold her there as I breathe around her, fighting through my gag reflex. After a few moments I start bobbing my head around her. She gently thrust her hips in time with me as I continue faster. I soon lose myself in the amazing sensation of her divinity against my tongue and plunging down into my throat. Her sounds of pleasure bellow through the bathroom but soon fade to silent screams of ecstasy.

She pulls my hair tight and wraps her free hand around my throat. I know what is coming next, and I press into her grip excitedly. I reach down and bring two fingers to my clit, rubbing it slowly as my anticipation builds. When she suddenly thrust her hips against me I let out an excited squeal around her, my whole body quivering.

My fingers slip down and I start teasing my entrance, sucking hard on her as she pulls back out of my mouth. Her feminine grip tightens around my throat and I slip two fingers inside myself with a muffled moan. I start to go light headed as her thrust quicken. I pump my fingers in and out of myself at her pace. She suddenly releases, causing blood and euphoria to rush to my head.

I spasm around my fingers, suddenly clinging to her hip as I try not to fall forward and pleasure rocks through me. She isn’t far behind and with a hard thrust into my mouth I feel the warm gush of girlseed down my throat. I suck and swallow around her in tandem as I try to drain every drop. Her grip on my hair loosens as she slowly pulls out of me. I look up at her with a smile and she gently caresses my cheek. She helps me back to my feet and holds me in her arms for a long moment.

We stay in the shower together for over an hour, washing each other’s hair, shaving and other such care. But mostly we hold each other close, exchanging long tender kisses while our sud covered hands aimlessly wander across each other’s bodies.

A few hours, a taxing phone call to my future in-law, and a lovely breakfast (courtesy of the motel) later we found ourselves walking hand and hand down a small road lined with shops. Most of the businesses are closed and decorated with Christmas themed signs saying when they reopen. We finally came upon an open shop called “Rhia Revolutionary Resale.” The small store smells of stale dust and old memories. Walking inside was like being hit in the face by my grandmother’s attic.

“Oh, I have a fun idea,” I turn as I am walking and grab my princess’s other hand, playfully pulling her with me, “let’s pick outfits for each other.”

Her girlish giggle nearly sends me to my knees, “last time I let you do this, you picked a sexy cop costume and I had nothing to wear to my own Halloween party.”

Now it’s my turn to giggle and I give her a coy smile, “Seeing you in that costume was well worth it.”

She suddenly turns bright red, “yeah!… well… I guess it’s time I got payback!”

I kiss her hand before dropping it and running across the store to a tall rack of dresses. I take my time looking at each one, trying to picture her in them. Finally, I find a dark red one with black lace across the bust. The moment I see it I can picture her in it. The way the red will bring out the warm tones of her eyes, going from fiery brown to searing amber. I bite my lips as I imagine the way the lace would hug her breast, and the fabric cling to her hips. This was the one. I grab the dress and return to my love. She clutches a small pile of fabric to her chest with a devious grin and we head to the changing rooms.

We exchange outfits and I head into one of the small chambers, closing a light wooden door behind me. I lay out my new outfit on the bench and start stripping. One green mini skirt, and a much too tight black crop top later I give myself a twirl in front of the mirror. The outfit covered no more than a bathing suit and holyshit did it give me cleavage.

“Alright, I am not leaving the changing room like this, so you have to come in here.” I turn again to look at my ass as I talk, the small skirt barely doing anything to cover it.

With a soft click the door opens and my love steps in. I turn as she is closing it behind her and my mouth hangs ajar. I knew she would look good in the dress, but no mental image could do the goddess before me justice. The dress clung to her breast, adding more definition to their curvaceous shape. It billowed out from her waist, accenting her already voluptuous hips. She was drop dead gorgeous. I can feel her eyes traveling down my body, and she is about to say something but my lips are already against hers. I push her back against the door and my hands go to her hips.

Fingers simultaneously tangle in my hair and grip my ass, sending a small squeal from my lips. I pull her back farther into the closet sized changing room, only letting my lips leave hers when I push her back onto the bench. She opens her mouth to say something, but I am already climbing onto her lap. My hands tangle in her hair as I kiss her passionately, and I feel hers slip under my skirt. She squeezes my ass firmly and I let out a soft sigh against her lips as I grind on her.

At this moment I was sure of one thing, it doesn’t matter where we are or who is around, I need her. I break the kiss, pulling her head down into my cleavage. Her hands come up, cupping my breast and pushing them more together as she covers my bust in hot open mouth kisses. She gropes and massages them, forcing me to stifle moans with every tender touch. Her hands slip down and grab the hem of my shirt. She pulls it up over my breast, exposing my nipples, which grow hard as they meet the cold air. I lean my head back as her lips close around one of them, and my grinding grows more desperate. I put a hand over my mouth, muffling another moan as I feel her harden, and I move more deliberately against her feminine bulge.

I sit up onto my knees and pull the dress fabric out from between us, desperately needing less fabric between our throbbing bodies. My love uses the moment to slide her panties down, and her divinity pops up to greet me. I grind against her more vigorously, my panties growing damp against her girldick. Barely held back moans escape her throat, and I have trouble caring. My hand tightens in her hair and I pull her head back up to mine, kissing her hard on the lips as I reach down and move my own panties to the side.I lock eyes with her as I grab her womanhood and slowly push the tip into my soaking entrance. She starts to let out a moan and my hand quickly moves to cover her mouth.

“Shhh,” I hush her softly as I push more of her into me, “that’s right princess. Nice and quiet.” my hips settle against hers and my body grips her tightly as I adjust.

Her whimpering moan is muffled by my hand, and I kiss her ear before huskily whispering, “Now, you are going to be a good girl and stay quiet?”

She nods but my hand stays firmly pressed to her mouth as I start to bounce on her precious girlcock. I bite my lip as I hold back my own moans, my body clenching her tightly every time I pull up. Would-be moans come out as soft whimpers as she does her best to muffle her sounds of pleasure. I slowly speed up, my hips and core working in tandem as I draw her into me. She lets out a loud squeal and I stop, pausing with her womanhood half inside me.

“Shhh, princess, we can’t get caught.” I lean my head back down and breathily whisper in her ear, “now are you going to be a good girl, or do we need to stop?”

I lift my hand from her mouth, “I’ll be a good girl.”

I bring my hand back to her lips and start riding her once more. I intended to start slow, to painstakingly work her up to nirvana before allowing her sweet release. But that’s not what happens next. My careful movements become rough and erratic, perfectly timed muscle contractions devolve into sporadic spasms as I hit little peak after little peak. She slowly works me up as her moans grow louder, my hand doing little to muffle them. But I can’t bring myself to stop. She looks so hot in that dress, and feels so amazing inside of me. I accelerate further, my own soft sounds of pleasure coming out at regular intervals. Her moans soon grow higher in pitch until they come to a peak as I feel hot girlseed gush into me. The sudden sensation sends me over the edge and I let my own loud cry of ecstasy. I fall forward against her, resting my head on her shoulder as I catch my breath, my whole body throbbing around her.

“Well, now we *have* to buy these outfits.” she says breathily, kissing my ear.

We untangle from each other and she quickly runs back to her dressing room. We change out of our more than slightly used outfits, and sheepishly head back to the front of the store. I hope there is some way the cashier didn’t hear us, but the raw feeling in my throat says otherwise.

I look out over the store, and it appears that we are the only ones inside other than the cashier, a cute brunette who looks to be in her mid twenties. I do not allow my gaze to linger on her long, in fact I keep my eyes downcast as we make the walk of shame up to the register. I lay our new purchases on the counter and watch the small register screen as the price ticks up.

The cute girl quietly scans our items and the whole time I stare at the counter, hoping the burning in my cheeks isn’t obvious, “30.50… or I could let you have them for free if either of you is up for a second round…”

Before I can answer I feel a hand on my ass and hear my love’s husky voice, “I would need some more time to recover, but what do you say baby?”

I look up from the counter, my blush fading as I come to understand that situation better. I take a closer look at the cashier, a cute brunette with stunning sapphire eyes. Her V-neck is pulled down, barely showing the edges of her bra. Her hair is slightly messy, and her face is flush in a way that tells me that we weren’t the only ones getting off a few minutes ago.

I bite my lip and lean forward on the counter, letting her get a good view down my shirt, “and what round would you be on sweetheart?”

She blushes hard as her eyes drift downward, “three…” she bites her lip, not even trying to avoid staring.

“Oh my, well how could I say no to someone who clearly enjoys our work so much?” I reach out with a single finger and caress her cheek, running it under her chin and gently coaxing her face towards mine.

As our lips meet she lets out a soft sigh, melting into my hand as our kiss deepens. I bite her lip, pulling it back slightly as I break away.

“Now, sit up on the counter like the good girl you are.” I coo to her, my lips still inches from hers.

“Y-yes Ma’am.” Her voice quavers slightly as she obediently hops up and swings her legs around to me.

I pull her legs around my waist and our lips meet as her hands wrap around my shoulders. I grind against her kissing her hungrily while running my hands along the back of her thighs. Her fingers tangle in my hair and my hand slips down to give her something to grind on.

I let out a surprised gasp as my fingers brush against bare skin, “Oh what a naughty girl, not even taking the time to put her panties back on.”

The blush that spreads across her face is priceless, and she opens her mouth to say something but is cut off by two of my fingers slipping into her entrance.

She squirms with a soft squeal as her body adjusts to my sudden presence and after a long moment she manages, “I-I had to get away… before you came out…”

I slowly thrusts my fingers in and out of her, a coy smile on my lips, “oh don’t worry baby, there is no need to explain yourself, I know how to fuck a little slut just as well as a good girl.”

Her body shudders around me as I curl my fingers upward, doing a ‘come here’ motion inside of her. As the pad of my finger rubs against her g-spot, my lips go to her neck. I roughly bite down onto her neck and suck her soft skin into my mouth. Her intense moans of pleasure barely register as I rapidly finger fuck her.

Her hips enthusiastically buck into my hand as her breathy moans tickle my ear. She pulls away from me and I open my eyes to see my princess gently guiding the Cashier onto her back. She lays across the counter with her head hanging off the edge. I reach my free hand down and start rubbing my clit as I enjoy the show before me. My queen pulls down the front of her pants and the cashier feverlently grabs her hips.

“What an eager girl…” My love moans with the last word as the young woman suckles on her divinity.

My love’s hands slowly drift down her body, stopping at her luscious breast and massaging them firmly. Moans erupt from the cashier’s throat with each one of our motions. My princess’s hips involuntarily buck forward and I feel the grip around my fingers tighten as the cashier lets out a high pitched moan. She reaches up and grabs my baby’s hips slowly working her girldick deeper.

I slip two fingers into myself as the cashier gets the rest of her womanhood in, holding her inside and switching between sucking and breathing. She slowly starts moving my love’s hips, fucking her own face with my princess. She lightly thrust into the cashier’s mouth, the two eagerly working up the pace and roughness. My fingers and her hips move together as our moans mix like an erotic choir. I look down at the young lady under my touch, and how her sweet fluids drip out around my fingers. I lick my lips as I stare lasting only a moment longer before the urge grows too strong and I press my lips to her throbbing body. My tongue seeks out her clit, swirling in tight circles as my fingers continue their relentless pursuit inside her.

I feel a hand tangle in my hair, pulling me more against the neediness before me, “That’s right… good girl. Eat her all up for your goddess.”

Her moans grow louder as I push my fingers into her. As I curl my fingers upwards I start pumping my fingers quickly inside her. My tongue and hand move at the same pace as I work her through different levels of ecstasy. As our moans reach a crescendo, my knees go weak and I collapse against the counter. I continue thrusting quickly, forcing us both to ride out our orgasms as she is blessed with my love’s heavenly girlseed.

I slowly remove my fingers from both myself and her, sitting back against the counter while I catch my breath. After a few more moments, my love comes around the counter and helps me to my feet. I offer the cashier my hands and slowly pull her to a sitting position. It takes her a moment to climb back down, grabbing our clothes from where they fell behind the register and bagging them up.

“Thank you, and merry Christmas.” she says with a smile as I take the bag from her and with little more fanfare we head back into the cold.

It’s starting to get dark now, but we decide to walk further hand in hand with fingers intertwined. A few blocks down the road we come to an empty park with a single bench and pond covered in ice.

“Come on! Ice skating on Christmas Eve sounds so romantic!” My love grabs both of my hands and playfully pulls me out onto the ice.

I giggle as I try to walk with her, slipping and sliding as I cling to her hands for stability. As we reach the center of the small pond, she gives me a twirl and I loudly start humming “The NutCracker Suite”. We dance around the pond until I nearly take a fall, doing a small break dance as I catch myself. This sends my Goddess into a fit of laughter and onto her ass. Her laughing stops and she looks up at me, jutting her bottom lip out in the most adorable pout I have ever seen. My giggles become uncontainable and I soon feel my feet coming out from under me. I crash down next to her.

We both lay on the ground uncontrollably laughing until our sides hurt and we are gasping for breath. I sit up and look at her, face flush, tears running down her eyes, she is perfect, this is all so perfect. I want to stay in this moment with her for the rest of our lives, in our own little slice of Christmas heaven. I want us to remember this moment forever, and I know just how. I help my love to her feet and grab both of her hands in mine.

“Baby, I love you so much.” I reach into my pocket and get down on one knee, “and today has been absolutely perfect,” her hands go to her mouth as I present the small box, “and I want to have a lifetime more of perfect days with you,” I open it carefully, “so, will you make me the happiest woman on earth and be my wife?”

“Yes! Absolutely yes!” she grabs at my shirt and pulls me up into her arms, kissing me repeatedly anywhere she can reach, “yes, yes, a million times yes!”

I giggle and pull away just enough to speak, “well! Let me put it on you!”

She holds out her hand to me and I slide on the silver band. The pink stone manages to make her already satin hands look even softer.

“It is so pretty, I love it so much!” She holds her hand out, tilting it this way and that to see how the moonlight bounces off.

I bring her hand to my cheek, kissing it affectionately. She steps towards me, sliding slightly as her mouth finds mine. Fiery passion, tender love, and excitement mix in a chaotic harmony between our lips.

She lovingly caresses my cheek as she pulls away and says with a giggle, “I call dibs on being the luckiest *wife* on earth.”

I smile and deeply kiss her once more, “and I’ll spend everyday making sure you deserve that title.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/kk3te0/a_slice_of_christmas_heaven_lesbian_trans_ff_ff